public string EditTicket(UpdateTicket model, string userId, string userName) { using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext()) { var currentTicket = db.Issues.Find(model.IssueId); currentTicket.IssueDesc = model.IssueDescription; currentTicket.IssueTypeId = model.IssueTypeId; var _issueId = model.IssueId; var _issueDesc = model.IssueDescription; _username = userName; _email = userName; EmailManager.SendEmailEditTicket(_email, _username, _issueId, _issueDesc); TimeLineLog tl = new TimeLineLog() { Description = "Issue Edited! Issue on: " + DateTime.Now + " User : "******" , Short Desc: " + model.IssueDescription, EntryType = "new", TimeHappened = DateTime.Now, Title = "Issue Edited!", UserName = userName }; db.TimeLineLogs.Add(tl); try { db.SaveChanges(); return("ok"); } catch (Exception ex) { return("An error occured while updating ticket. => " + ex.Message); } } }
public static void UserOperations(string UserFullName, string ByUser, Operations operation, string message = "") { TimeLineLog tl = new TimeLineLog() { Notes = "Notes : " + message == "" ? "No message" : message, TimeHappened = DateTime.Now, UserName = ByUser }; if (operation == Operations.New) { tl.Description = "New User has been created! Name : " + UserFullName; tl.Title = "New user has been created"; tl.EntryType = Operations.New.ToString(); } if (operation == Operations.Edit) { tl.Description = "User has been updated! Name : " + UserFullName; tl.EntryType = Operations.Edit.ToString(); tl.Title = "User has been updated"; } if (operation == Operations.Delete) { tl.Description = "User has been deleted! Name : " + UserFullName; tl.Title = "A user has been deleted"; tl.EntryType = Operations.Delete.ToString(); } var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <EchoHub>(); context.Clients.All.newEntryTimeLine(tl); _adapter.AddNewEntry(tl); }
internal static void ErrorOperations(string ByUser, Operations operations, string result, int entityId = 0) { TimeLineLog tl = new TimeLineLog() { TimeHappened = DateTime.Now, UserName = ByUser, Description = result, EntryId = entityId, EntryType = operations.ToString() }; if (operations == Operations.Delete) { tl.Title = "Error while deleting"; } if (operations == Operations.Edit) { tl.Title = "Error while Editing/Updating"; } if (operations == Operations.New) { tl.Title = "Error while Adding"; } var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <EchoHub>(); context.Clients.All.newEntryTimeLine(tl); _adapter.AddNewEntry(tl); }
public static void AssigmentOperations(string ByUser, Operations operation, int issue_id, string staff_name, string message = "") { TimeLineLog tl = new TimeLineLog() { Notes = "Notes : " + message == "" ? "No notes" : message, TimeHappened = DateTime.Now, UserName = ByUser }; if (operation == Operations.New) { tl.Description = "New Assigment has been created! By : " + ByUser + " , to issue :" + issue_id + " , Tech Name : " + staff_name; tl.Title = "Assigment has been created"; tl.EntryType = Operations.New.ToString(); } if (operation == Operations.Edit) { tl.Description = "An Assigment has been Updated! By : " + ByUser + " , issue :" + issue_id + " , Tech Name : " + staff_name; tl.Title = "A ticket has been updated"; tl.EntryType = Operations.Edit.ToString(); } if (operation == Operations.Delete) { tl.Description = "An Assigment has been deleted! By : " + ByUser + " , issue :" + issue_id + " , Tech Name : " + staff_name; tl.Title = "A user has been deleted"; tl.EntryType = Operations.Delete.ToString(); } var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <EchoHub>(); context.Clients.All.newEntryTimeLine(tl); _adapter.AddNewEntry(tl); }
public void NewEntryOnTimeLine(TimeLineLog tl) { var allAdmins = Clients.All; allAdmins.newEntryTimeLine(tl); // Trace.WriteLine("I'm here"); }
public void AddNewEntry(TimeLineLog t) { using (_db = new ApplicationDbContext()) { _db.TimeLineLogs.Add(t); _db.SaveChanges(); } }
public string AddTicket(CreateIssueViewModel model, string userId, string userName) { using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext()) { //create the res before the issue to stuff the id into the issue when it is made Resolution resolution = new Resolution() { IsResolved = false }; resolution = db.Resolutions.Add(resolution); db.SaveChanges(); int resolutionId = resolution.ResolutionId; //create the issue var added = db.Issues.Add(new Issue { DateReported = DateTime.Now, ResolutionId = resolutionId, IssueDesc = model.IssueDescription, UserId = userId, IssueTypeId = model.SelectedIssueTypeId }); var _issueDesc = model.IssueDescription; _username = GetUserDisplayName(userId); _email = userName; EmailManager.SendEmailNewTicket(_email, _username, _issueDesc); TimeLineLog tl = new TimeLineLog() { Description = "New issue created! Issue on: " + DateTime.Now + " User : "******" , Short Desc: " + model.IssueDescription, EntryType = "new", TimeHappened = DateTime.Now, Title = "New issue created!", UserName = userName }; db.TimeLineLogs.Add(tl); try { db.SaveChanges(); return(added.IssueId.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { return("Ann error occured while creating ticket . user : "******" => " + ex.Message); } } }
public ActionResult Contact(ContactIssueViewModel model) { ViewBag.Message = "Thanks, we got your message."; using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext()) { //create the res before the issue to stuff the id into the issue when it is made Resolution resolution = new Resolution() { IsResolved = false }; resolution = db.Resolutions.Add(resolution); db.SaveChanges(); int resolutionId = resolution.ResolutionId; //create the issue db.Issues.Add(new Issue { DateReported = DateTime.Now, ResolutionId = resolutionId, IssueDesc = model.IssueDescription, UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId(), IssueTypeId = 1 }); _username = User.Identity.Name; _email = User.Identity.GetUserId(); EmailManager.SendEmailNewTicket(_email, _username, model.IssueDescription); TimeLineLog tl = new TimeLineLog() { Description = "New issue created! Issue on: " + DateTime.Now + " User : "******" , Short Desc: " + model.IssueDescription, EntryType = "new", TimeHappened = DateTime.Now, Title = "New issue created!", UserName = User.Identity.Name }; db.TimeLineLogs.Add(tl); db.SaveChanges(); } return(View()); }
public static void TicketOperations(string ByUser, Operations operation, int ticket_id, string message = "") { TimeLineLog tl = new TimeLineLog() { Notes = "Notes : " + message == "" ? "No notes" : message, TimeHappened = DateTime.Now, UserName = ByUser }; if (operation == Operations.New) { tl.Description = "New Ticket has been created! By : " + ByUser; tl.Title = "New ticket has been created"; tl.EntryType = Operations.New.ToString(); } if (operation == Operations.Edit) { tl.Description = "Ticket (" + ticket_id + ") has been updated! By : " + ByUser; tl.Title = "A ticket has been updated"; tl.EntryType = Operations.Edit.ToString(); } if (operation == Operations.Delete) { tl.Description = "Ticket (" + ticket_id + ") has been deleted! By : " + ByUser; tl.Title = "A user has been deleted"; tl.EntryType = Operations.Delete.ToString(); } var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <EchoHub>(); context.Clients.All.newEntryTimeLine(tl); _adapter.AddNewEntry(tl); if (operation == Operations.New) { context.Clients.All.newTicketAdded(); } }