public void TimeHistogram2D() { var hist = new TimeHistogram <bool>("2D Time Histogram", dim1Name: "Latency", dimension2: new Dimension <bool>( name: "Sex", partCount: 2, partitionFunc: (x, v) => v ? 0 : 1, partitionNameFunc: (i) => i == 0 ? "Male" : "Female" ) ); for (int n = 0; n < 100000; n += 1000) { using (hist.TimeFrame((n / 1000) % 2 == 0 /* Bool value of the 1st dimension */)) for (int i = 0; i < n + 100; i++) { ; } } string output = hist.ToStringReport(); Debug.Write(output); }
public void TimeHistogram1D() { var hist = new TimeHistogram(title: "1D Time Histogram", dim1Name: "ValBucket", dim1PartCount: 8, dim1PartitionFunc: (x, v) => { if (v < 0.000010) { return(0); } if (v <= 0.000025) { return(Convert.ToInt32(System.Math.Round((v - 0.000010) * 1000000.0) / 5) + 0); } if (v <= 0.000100) { return(Convert.ToInt32(System.Math.Round((v - 0.000025) * 1000000.0) / 25) + 3); } return(7); }, dim1PartitionNameFunc: (i) => { switch (i) { case 0: return("<10us"); case 1: return("<15us"); case 2: return("<20us"); case 3: return("<25us"); case 4: return("<50us"); case 5: return("<75us"); case 6: return("<100us"); case 7: return(">100us"); default: throw new ArgumentException(); // impossible } } ); for (int n = 100; n < 100000; n += 1000) { using (hist.TimeFrame) for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ; } } string output = hist.ToStringReport(); Debug.Write(output); }
public AggregateStatistics() { HeartRateHistogram = new TimeHistogram<double>(); PaceHistogram = new TimeHistogram<TimeSpan>(); Routes = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, IList<GpxTrackPoint>>(); MinLatitude = double.MaxValue; MaxLatitude = double.MinValue; MinLongitude = double.MaxValue; MaxLongitude = double.MinValue; }
public RunStatistics() { HeartRateHistogram = new TimeHistogram<double>(); PaceHistogram = new TimeHistogram<TimeSpan>(); TotalDistance = 0.0D; TotalTime = TimeSpan.Zero; TotalHeartbeats = 0.0D; MaxHeartRate = 0.0D; TotalSteps = 0.0D; TotalClimb = 0.0D; Pauses = new List<PauseInfo>(); _lastPoint = null; Route = new SortedDictionary<DateTime,GpxTrackPoint>(); MinLatitude = double.MaxValue; MaxLatitude = double.MinValue; MinLongitude = double.MaxValue; MaxLongitude = double.MinValue; _lastIntervals = new PointIntervalData[Settings.AveragingPeriod]; FastestPace = Settings.SlowestDisplayedPace; SlowestPace = new TimeSpan(); }