public void GetGapTest()
            DateTime now = ClockProxy.Clock.Now;
            SchoolDay schoolDay = new SchoolDay( now );
            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            excludePeriods.AddAll( schoolDay );

            Assert.AreEqual( gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods ).Count, 0 );
            Assert.AreEqual( gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods, schoolDay ).Count, 0 );

            excludePeriods.Add( schoolDay.Lesson1 );
            excludePeriods.Add( schoolDay.Lesson2 );
            excludePeriods.Add( schoolDay.Lesson3 );
            excludePeriods.Add( schoolDay.Lesson4 );

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps2 = gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps2.Count, 3 );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps2[ 0 ].IsSamePeriod( schoolDay.Break1 ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps2[ 1 ].IsSamePeriod( schoolDay.Break2 ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps2[ 2 ].IsSamePeriod( schoolDay.Break3 ) );

            TimeRange testRange3 = new TimeRange( schoolDay.Lesson1.Start, schoolDay.Lesson4.End );
            ITimePeriodCollection gaps3 = gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods, testRange3 );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps3.Count, 3 );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps3[ 0 ].IsSamePeriod( schoolDay.Break1 ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps3[ 1 ].IsSamePeriod( schoolDay.Break2 ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps3[ 2 ].IsSamePeriod( schoolDay.Break3 ) );

            TimeRange testRange4 = new TimeRange( schoolDay.Start.AddHours( -1 ), schoolDay.End.AddHours( 1 ) );
            ITimePeriodCollection gaps4 = gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods, testRange4 );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps4.Count, 5 );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps4[ 0 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( testRange4.Start, schoolDay.Start ) ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps4[ 1 ].IsSamePeriod( schoolDay.Break1 ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps4[ 2 ].IsSamePeriod( schoolDay.Break2 ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps4[ 3 ].IsSamePeriod( schoolDay.Break3 ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps4[ 4 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( testRange4.End, testRange3.End ) ) );

            excludePeriods.Add( schoolDay.Lesson1 );
            ITimePeriodCollection gaps8 = gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods, schoolDay.Lesson1 );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps8.Count, 0 );

            TimeRange testRange9 = new TimeRange( schoolDay.Lesson1.Start.Subtract( new TimeSpan( 1 ) ), schoolDay.Lesson1.End.Add( new TimeSpan( 1 ) ) );
            ITimePeriodCollection gaps9 = gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods, testRange9 );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps9.Count, 2 );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps9[ 0 ].Duration, new TimeSpan( 1 ) );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps9[ 1 ].Duration, new TimeSpan( 1 ) );
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IList <MyTimePeriod> GetGaps(IEnumerable <MyTimePeriod> periods)
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection calcPeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            foreach (MyTimePeriod period in periods)
                calcPeriods.Add(new TimeRange(period.Start, period.End));

            List <MyTimePeriod> gaps = new List <MyTimePeriod>();

            if (calcPeriods.Count == 0)

            ITimePeriodCollection calcCaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(calcPeriods);

            foreach (TimeRange calcCap in calcCaps)
                gaps.Add(new MyTimePeriod {
                    Start = calcCap.Start, End = calcCap.End

        } // GetGaps
        public void CalendarGetGapTest()
            // simmulation of some reservations
            TimePeriodCollection periods = new TimePeriodCollection();
            periods.Add( new Days( 2011, 3, 7, 2 ) );
            periods.Add( new Days( 2011, 3, 16, 2 ) );

            // the overall search range
            CalendarTimeRange limits = new CalendarTimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 4 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 21 ) );
            Days days = new Days( limits.Start, limits.Duration.Days + 1 );
            ITimePeriodCollection dayList = days.GetDays();
            foreach ( Day day in dayList )
                if ( !limits.HasInside( day ) )
                    continue; // outside of the search scope
                if ( day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday )
                    periods.Add( day ); // // exclude weekend day

            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>( new TimeCalendar() );
            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps( periods, limits );

            Assert.AreEqual( gaps.Count, 4 );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps[ 0 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 4 ), Duration.Days( 1 ) ) ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps[ 1 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 9 ), Duration.Days( 3 ) ) ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps[ 2 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 14 ), Duration.Days( 2 ) ) ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps[ 3 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 18 ), Duration.Days( 1 ) ) ) );
Exemple #4
        public void CalendarGetGapTest()
            // simmulation of some reservations
            TimePeriodCollection periods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            periods.Add(new Days(2011, 3, 7, 2));
            periods.Add(new Days(2011, 3, 16, 2));

            // the overall search range
            CalendarTimeRange limits = new CalendarTimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 4), new DateTime(2011, 3, 21));
            Days days = new Days(limits.Start, limits.Duration.Days + 1);
            ITimePeriodCollection dayList = days.GetDays();

            foreach (Day day in dayList)
                if (!limits.HasInside(day))
                    continue;                     // outside of the search scope
                if (day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                    periods.Add(day);                       // // exclude weekend day

            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>(new TimeCalendar());
            ITimePeriodCollection         gaps          = gapCalculator.GetGaps(periods, limits);

            Assert.Equal(4, gaps.Count);
            Assert.True(gaps[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 4), Duration.Days(1))));
            Assert.True(gaps[1].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 9), Duration.Days(3))));
            Assert.True(gaps[2].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 14), Duration.Days(2))));
            Assert.True(gaps[3].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 18), Duration.Days(1))));
        } // CalendarGetGapTest
        /// <summary>
        /// <paramref name="current"/> 기준으로 예외 기간 등을 고려한 후행의 가장 근접한 WeekRange를 구합니다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private WeekRange FindNextWeek(WeekRange current)
            if (IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("현 Week [{0}]의 다음 Week 기간을  구합니다...", current);

            WeekRange result;

            if (ExcludePeriods.Count == 0)
                result = current.GetNextWeek();
                var limits           = new TimeRange(current.End.AddTicks(1), DateTime.MaxValue);
                var gapCalculator    = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>(TimeCalendar);
                var remainingPeriods = gapCalculator.GetGaps(ExcludePeriods, limits);

                result = (remainingPeriods.Count > 0) ? new WeekRange(remainingPeriods[0].Start, TimeCalendar) : null;

            if (IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("현 Week의 다음 Week 기간을 구했습니다. current=[{0}], next=[{1}]", current, result);

        /// <summary>
        /// <paramref name="current"/> 기준으로 예외기간 등을 고려한 선행의 WeekRange를 구합니다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private WeekRange FindPreviousWeek(WeekRange current)
            if (IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("현 Week [{0}]의 이전 Week 기간을 구합니다...", current);

            WeekRange result;

            if (ExcludePeriods.Count == 0)
                result = current.GetPreviousWeek();
                var limits           = new TimeRange(DateTime.MinValue, current.Start.AddTicks(-1));
                var gapCalculator    = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>(TimeCalendar);
                var remainingPeriods = gapCalculator.GetGaps(ExcludePeriods, limits);

                result = (remainingPeriods.Count > 0)
                             ? new WeekRange(remainingPeriods[remainingPeriods.Count - 1].End, TimeCalendar)
                             : null;

            if (IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("현 Week의 이전 Week 기간을 구했습니다. current=[{0}], next=[{1}]", current, result);

Exemple #7
        }         // GapCalculator8

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void GapCalculator16(int count)
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 29), new DateTime(2011, 6, 1));
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 3, 31, 00, 00, 0)));
                excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 3, 31, 00, 00, 0)));
                excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 4, 01, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 4, 12, 00, 00, 0)));
                excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 4, 12, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 4, 18, 00, 00, 0)));
                excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 4, 29, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 4, 30, 00, 00, 0)));
                excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 4, 29, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 4, 30, 00, 00, 0)));
                excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 5, 01, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 5, 12, 00, 00, 0)));
                excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 5, 12, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 5, 18, 00, 00, 0)));

            Console.Write("GapCalculator 16 ({0:#,0}): ", count);
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);
            Console.WriteLine(" {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        }         // GapCalculator16
        public void NoPeriodsTest() {
            var limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 5));
            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            var gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(new TimePeriodCollection(), limits);

Exemple #9
        public void NoPeriodsTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 5));
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(new TimePeriodCollection(), limits);

            Assert.Equal(1, gaps.Count);
        }         // NoPeriodsTest
        public void PeriodEqualsLimitsTest() {
            var limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 5));
            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            var excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection { limits };

            var gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

Exemple #11
        public void GetGapTest()
            DateTime                      now            = ClockProxy.Clock.Now;
            SchoolDay                     schoolDay      = new SchoolDay(now);
            TimePeriodCollection          excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator  = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();


            Assert.Equal(0, gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods).Count);
            Assert.Equal(0, gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, schoolDay).Count);


            ITimePeriodCollection gaps2 = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods);

            Assert.Equal(3, gaps2.Count);

            TimeRange             testRange3 = new TimeRange(schoolDay.Lesson1.Start, schoolDay.Lesson4.End);
            ITimePeriodCollection gaps3      = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, testRange3);

            Assert.Equal(3, gaps3.Count);

            TimeRange             testRange4 = new TimeRange(schoolDay.Start.AddHours(-1), schoolDay.End.AddHours(1));
            ITimePeriodCollection gaps4      = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, testRange4);

            Assert.Equal(5, gaps4.Count);
            Assert.True(gaps4[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(testRange4.Start, schoolDay.Start)));
            Assert.True(gaps4[4].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(testRange4.End, testRange3.End)));

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps8 = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, schoolDay.Lesson1);

            Assert.Equal(0, gaps8.Count);

            TimeRange             testRange9 = new TimeRange(schoolDay.Lesson1.Start.Subtract(new TimeSpan(1)), schoolDay.Lesson1.End.Add(new TimeSpan(1)));
            ITimePeriodCollection gaps9      = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, testRange9);

            Assert.Equal(2, gaps9.Count);
            Assert.Equal <TimeSpan>(gaps9[0].Duration, new TimeSpan(1));
            Assert.Equal <TimeSpan>(gaps9[1].Duration, new TimeSpan(1));
        }         // GetGapsTest
        public void PeriodEqualsLimitsTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 5));
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();


            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            Assert.AreEqual(gaps.Count, 0);
        }         // PeriodEqualsLimitsTest
Exemple #13
        public void PeriodLargerThanLimitsTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 5));
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 2, 1), new DateTime(2011, 4, 1)));

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            Assert.Equal(0, gaps.Count);
        }         // PeriodLargerThanLimitsTest
Exemple #14
        public void MomentPeriodTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 20));
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 10), new DateTime(2011, 3, 10)));

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            Assert.Equal(1, gaps.Count);
        }         // MomentPeriodTest
        public void PeriodTouchingLimitsEndTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 20));
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 10), new DateTime(2011, 3, 20)));

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            Assert.AreEqual(gaps.Count, 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(gaps[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 10))));
        }         // PeriodTouchingLimitsEndTest
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// <paramref name="fromTime"/> ~ <paramref name="toTime"/> 기간의 WorkingTime 의 기간을 구합니다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromTime"></param>
        /// <param name="toTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TimeSpan Difference(DateTime fromTime, DateTime toTime)
            if (IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("fromTime[{0}] ~ toTime[{1}] 의 WorkingTime 기간을 구합니다.", fromTime, toTime);

            if (Equals(fromTime, toTime))

            var filterIsEmpty =
                _collectorFilter.WeekDays.Count == 0 &&
                _collectorFilter.CollectingHours.Count == 0 &&
                _collectorFilter.CollectingDayHours.Count == 0;

            if (filterIsEmpty)
                    (new DateDiff(fromTime,

            var differenceRange = new TimeRange(fromTime, toTime);

            var collector = new CalendarPeriodCollector(_collectorFilter,
                                                        new TimeRange(differenceRange.Start.Date,

            // Gap을 계산합니다.
            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>(_calendar);
            var gaps          = gapCalculator.GetGaps(collector.Periods, differenceRange);

            var difference = gaps.Aggregate(TimeSpan.Zero, (current, gap) => current.Add(gap.Duration));

            if (IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("fromTime[{0}] ~ toTime[{1}] 의 WorkingTime 기간은 [{2}] 입니다!!!", fromTime, toTime, difference);

            return((fromTime < toTime) ? difference : difference.Negate());
        public void PeriodOutsideTouchingLimitsTest() {
            var limits = new MonthRange(2011, 3); // new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 31));
            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            var excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection
                                     new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 2, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 5)),
                                     new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 20), new DateTime(2011, 4, 15))

            var gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            gaps[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 5), new DateTime(2011, 3, 20))).Should().Be.True();
Exemple #18
        public void PeriodOutsideTouchingLimitsTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 31));
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 2, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 5)));
            excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 20), new DateTime(2011, 4, 15)));

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            Assert.Equal(1, gaps.Count);
            Assert.True(gaps[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 5), new DateTime(2011, 3, 20))));
        }         // PeriodOutsideTouchingLimitsTest
Exemple #19
        public void OverlappingPeriods3Test()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 29), new DateTime(2011, 4, 1));
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 3, 31, 00, 00, 0)));
            excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 3, 31, 00, 00, 0)));

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            Assert.Equal(2, gaps.Count);
            Assert.True(gaps[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 29), new DateTime(2011, 3, 30))));
            Assert.True(gaps[1].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 31), new DateTime(2011, 4, 01))));
        }         // OverlappingPeriods3Test
        public void TouchingPeriodsTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 29), new DateTime(2011, 4, 1));
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 08, 30, 0)));
            excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 08, 30, 0), new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 12, 00, 0)));
            excludePeriods.Add(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 10, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 3, 31, 00, 00, 0)));

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            Assert.AreEqual(gaps.Count, 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(gaps[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 29), new DateTime(2011, 3, 30))));
            Assert.IsTrue(gaps[1].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 31), new DateTime(2011, 4, 01))));
        }         // TouchingPeriodsTest
Exemple #21
        public static bool NeedPause(this PlanItem dienst, out int pause)
            pause = 0;

            if (dienst.Zeitraum.Duration.NeedPause())
                pause = 30;

            //wenn keine Pause aber Großteam noch ist
            if (dienst.HatGrossteam)
                var tp = new TimePeriodCollection(new List <ITimePeriod>()
                    dienst.Zeitraum, dienst.Arbeitstag.Grossteam

                if (tp.HasGaps())
                    var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>(new TimeCalendar());
                    var gaps          = gapCalculator.GetGaps(tp);

                    var gap = (int)Math.Round(gaps.First().Duration.TotalMinutes, MidpointRounding.ToEven); //sollte nur eine geben, sind ja nur 2 Zeiten

                    if (gap < 30)
                        pause = 30 - gap;
                    var periodCombiner  = new TimePeriodCombiner <TimeRange>();
                    var combinedPeriods = periodCombiner.CombinePeriods(tp);

                    if (combinedPeriods.First().Duration.NeedPause())
                        pause = 30;

Exemple #22
        }         // TimeGapCalculator

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        private ICalendarTimeRange FindLargestFreeTimeBlock(IEnumerable <ITimePeriod> reservations,
                                                            ITimePeriod searchLimits = null, bool excludeWeekends = true)
            TimePeriodCollection bookedPeriods = new TimePeriodCollection(reservations);

            if (searchLimits == null)
                searchLimits = bookedPeriods;                 // use boundary of reservations

            if (excludeWeekends)
                Week currentWeek = new Week(searchLimits.Start);
                Week lastWeek    = new Week(searchLimits.End);
                    ITimePeriodCollection days = currentWeek.GetDays();
                    foreach (Day day in days)
                        if (!searchLimits.HasInside(day))
                            continue;                             // outside of the search scope
                        if (day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                            bookedPeriods.Add(day);                               // // exclude weekend day
                    currentWeek = currentWeek.GetNextWeek();
                } while (currentWeek.Start < lastWeek.Start);

            // calculate the gaps using the time calendar as period mapper
            TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>(new TimeCalendar());
            ITimePeriodCollection         freeTimes     = gapCalculator.GetGaps(bookedPeriods, searchLimits);

            if (freeTimes.Count == 0)

            freeTimes.SortByDuration(); // move the largest gap to the start
            return(new CalendarTimeRange(freeTimes[0]));
        }                               // FindLargestFreeTimeBlock
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Per Definition gilt das wenn mindestens eine Planzeit existiert das diese die KernzeitStart erfüllt
        /// Per Definition in der Planung können keine Lücken in der Kernzeit entstehen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arbeitstag"></param>
        /// <param name="gruppe"></param>
        /// <param name="startzeitNichtAbgedeckt"></param>
        /// <param name="ticksNichtAbgedeckt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool CheckKernzeitAbgedeckt(Arbeitstag arbeitstag, GruppenTyp gruppe, out DateTime startzeitNichtAbgedeckt, out short ticksNichtAbgedeckt)
            startzeitNichtAbgedeckt = arbeitstag.KernzeitGruppeStart;
            ticksNichtAbgedeckt     = (short)((arbeitstag.KernzeitGruppeEnde - arbeitstag.KernzeitGruppeStart).TotalMinutes / 15);

            if (!arbeitstag.CheckKernzeitAbgedeckt(gruppe))
                var planzeiten    = new TimePeriodCollection(arbeitstag.GetMitarbeiterArbeitszeiten(gruppe));
                var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>(new TimeCalendar());
                var gap           = gapCalculator.GetGaps(planzeiten, arbeitstag.KernzeitBasisRange).FirstOrDefault();

                if (gap == null)

                startzeitNichtAbgedeckt = gap.Start;
                ticksNichtAbgedeckt     = (short)(gap.Duration.TotalMinutes / 15);

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IList<MyTimePeriod> GetGaps( IEnumerable<MyTimePeriod> periods )
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection calcPeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();
            foreach ( MyTimePeriod period in periods )
                calcPeriods.Add( new TimeRange( period.Start, period.End ) );

            List<MyTimePeriod> gaps = new List<MyTimePeriod>();
            if ( calcPeriods.Count == 0 )
                return gaps;

            ITimePeriodCollection calcCaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps( calcPeriods );
            foreach ( TimeRange calcCap in calcCaps )
                gaps.Add( new MyTimePeriod { Start = calcCap.Start, End = calcCap.End } );

            return gaps;
        public void OverlappingPeriods3Test() {
            var limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 29), new DateTime(2011, 4, 1));
            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            var excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection
                                     new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 3, 31, 00, 00, 0)),
                                     new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 30, 00, 00, 0), new DateTime(2011, 3, 31, 00, 00, 0))

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            Assert.IsTrue(gaps[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 29), new DateTime(2011, 3, 30))));
            Assert.IsTrue(gaps[1].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 31), new DateTime(2011, 4, 01))));
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        public ICalendarTimeRange FindLargestFreeTimeBlock( IEnumerable<ITimePeriod> reservations,
            ITimePeriod searchLimits = null, bool excludeWeekends = true)
            TimePeriodCollection bookedPeriods = new TimePeriodCollection( reservations );

            if ( searchLimits == null )
                searchLimits = bookedPeriods; // use boundary of reservations

            if ( excludeWeekends )
                Week currentWeek = new Week( searchLimits.Start );
                Week lastWeek = new Week( searchLimits.End );
                    ITimePeriodCollection days = currentWeek.GetDays();
                    foreach ( Day day in days )
                        if ( !searchLimits.HasInside( day ) )
                            continue; // outside of the search scope
                        if ( day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday )
                            bookedPeriods.Add( day ); // // exclude weekend day
                    currentWeek = currentWeek.GetNextWeek();
                } while ( currentWeek.Start < lastWeek.Start );

            // calculate the gaps using the time calendar as period mapper
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>( new TimeCalendar() );
            ITimePeriodCollection freeTimes = gapCalculator.GetGaps( bookedPeriods, searchLimits );
            if ( freeTimes.Count == 0 )
                return null;

            freeTimes.SortByDuration(); // move the largest gap to the start
            return new CalendarTimeRange( freeTimes[ 0 ] );
        public void MomentPeriodTest() {
            var limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 20));
            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            var excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection
                                     new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 10), new DateTime(2011, 3, 10))

            //! Gap 검사 시에 Moment는 제외된다!!!

            var gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// <paramref name="start"/>시각으로부터 <paramref name="offset"/> 만큼 떨어진 시각을 구합니다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">기준 시각</param>
        /// <param name="offset">기간</param>
        /// <param name="seekDirection">검색 방향 (이전|이후)</param>
        /// <param name="seekBoundaryMode">검색 값 포함 여부</param>
        /// <param name="remaining">짜투리 기간</param>
        /// <returns>기준 시각으로터 오프셋만큼 떨어진 시각</returns>
        protected DateTime?CalculateEnd(DateTime start, TimeSpan offset, SeekDirection seekDirection, SeekBoundaryMode seekBoundaryMode,
                                        out TimeSpan?remaining)
            if (IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("기준시각으로부터 오프셋만큼 떨어진 시각을 구합니다... " +
                          @"start=[{0}], offset=[{1}], seekDirection=[{2}], seekBoundaryMode=[{3}]",
                          start, offset, seekDirection, seekBoundaryMode);

            Guard.Assert(offset >= TimeSpan.Zero, "offset 값은 항상 0 이상이어야 합니다. offset=[{0}]", offset);

            remaining = offset;

            // search periods
            ITimePeriodCollection searchPeriods = new TimePeriodCollection(IncludePeriods);

            if (searchPeriods.Count == 0)

            // available periods
            ITimePeriodCollection availablePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            if (ExcludePeriods.Count == 0)
                // 예외 기간을 제외합니다.
                var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator <TimeRange>();

                var query
                    = searchPeriods
                      .SelectMany(searchPeriod =>
                                        ? gapCalculator.GetGaps(ExcludePeriods, searchPeriod) // 예외 기간과 검색 기간에서 겹치지 않는 기간을 계산하여, 추려냅니다.
                                        : new TimePeriodCollection {
                }                                                                   // 예외 기간과 겹쳐진 부분이 없다면, 기간 전체를 추가합니다.


            // 유효한 Period가 없다면 중단합니다.
            if (availablePeriods.Count == 0)

            // 기간중에 중복되는 부분의 없도록 유효한 기간을 결합합니다.
            if (availablePeriods.Count > 1)
                var periodCombiner = new TimePeriodCombiner <TimeRange>();
                availablePeriods = periodCombiner.CombinePeriods(availablePeriods);

            // 첫 시작 기간을 찾습니다.
            DateTime seekMoment;
            var      startPeriod = (seekDirection == SeekDirection.Forward)
                                  ? FindNextPeriod(start, availablePeriods, out seekMoment)
                                  : FindPreviousPeriod(start, availablePeriods, out seekMoment);

            // 첫 시작 기간이 없다면 중단합니다.
            if (startPeriod == null)

            // 오프셋 값이 0 이라면, 바로 다음 값이므로 seekMoment를 반환합니다.
            if (offset == TimeSpan.Zero)

            if (seekDirection == SeekDirection.Forward)
                for (var i = availablePeriods.IndexOf(startPeriod); i < availablePeriods.Count; i++)
                    var gap          = availablePeriods[i];
                    var gapRemaining = gap.End - seekMoment;

                    if (IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Seek Forward... gap=[{0}], gapRemaining=[{1}], remaining=[{2}], seekMoment=[{3}]", gap, gapRemaining,
                                  remaining, seekMoment);

                    var isTargetPeriod = (seekBoundaryMode == SeekBoundaryMode.Fill)
                                             ? gapRemaining >= remaining
                                             : gapRemaining > remaining;

                    if (isTargetPeriod)
                        var end = seekMoment + remaining.Value;
                        remaining = null;

                    remaining = remaining - gapRemaining;

                    if (i == availablePeriods.Count - 1)

                    seekMoment = availablePeriods[i + 1].Start; // next period
                for (var i = availablePeriods.IndexOf(startPeriod); i >= 0; i--)
                    var gap          = availablePeriods[i];
                    var gapRemaining = seekMoment - gap.Start;

                    if (IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Seek Backward... gap=[{0}], gapRemaining=[{1}], remaining=[{2}], seekMoment=[{3}]", gap, gapRemaining,
                                  remaining, seekMoment);

                    var isTargetPeriod = (seekBoundaryMode == SeekBoundaryMode.Fill)
                                             ? gapRemaining >= remaining
                                             : gapRemaining > remaining;

                    if (isTargetPeriod)
                        var end = seekMoment - remaining.Value;
                        remaining = null;
                    remaining = remaining - gapRemaining;

                    if (i == 0)

                    seekMoment = availablePeriods[i - 1].End; // previous period
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        private Week FindNextWeek( Week current )
            if ( ExcludePeriods.Count == 0 )
                return current.GetNextWeek();

            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange( current.End.AddTicks( 1 ), DateTime.MaxValue );
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>( calendar );
            ITimePeriodCollection remainingPeriods = gapCalculator.GetGaps( ExcludePeriods, limits );
            return remainingPeriods.Count > 0 ? new Week( remainingPeriods[ 0 ].Start ) : null;
        public void CalendarGetGapTest() {
            // simmulation of some reservations
            var periods = new TimePeriodCollection
                              new DayRangeCollection(2011, 3, 7, 2),
                              new DayRangeCollection(2011, 3, 16, 2)

            // the overall search range
            var limits = new CalendarTimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 4), new DateTime(2011, 3, 21));
            var days = new DayRangeCollection(limits.Start, limits.Duration.Days + 1);

            // limits의 내부이고, 주말인 DayRange를 추가합니다.
            var excludeDays = days.GetDays().Where(day => limits.HasInside(day) && day.DayOfWeek.IsWeekEnd());

            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>(new TimeCalendar());
            var gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(periods, limits);

            gaps[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 4), DurationUtil.Days(1))).Should().Be.True();
            gaps[1].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 9), DurationUtil.Days(3))).Should().Be.True();
            gaps[2].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 14), DurationUtil.Days(2))).Should().Be.True();
            gaps[3].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 18), DurationUtil.Days(1))).Should().Be.True();
        public void SimleGapsTest() {
            var limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 20));
            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            var excludeRange = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 10), new DateTime(2011, 3, 15));
            var excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection { excludeRange };

            var gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            gaps[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(limits.Start, excludeRange.Start)).Should().Be.True();
            gaps[1].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(excludeRange.End, limits.End)).Should().Be.True();
        public void NoPeriodsTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 1 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 5 ) );
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps( new TimePeriodCollection(), limits );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps.Count, 1 );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps[ 0 ].IsSamePeriod( limits ) );
Exemple #33
        /// <summary>
        /// <paramref name="start"/>시각으로부터 <paramref name="offset"/> 만큼 떨어진 시각을 구합니다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">기준 시각</param>
        /// <param name="offset">기간</param>
        /// <param name="seekDirection">검색 방향 (이전|이후)</param>
        /// <param name="seekBoundaryMode">검색 값 포함 여부</param>
        /// <param name="remaining">짜투리 기간</param>
        /// <returns>기준 시각으로터 오프셋만큼 떨어진 시각</returns>
        protected DateTime? CalculateEnd(DateTime start, TimeSpan offset, SeekDirection seekDirection, SeekBoundaryMode seekBoundaryMode,
                                         out TimeSpan? remaining) {
                log.Debug("기준시각으로부터 오프셋만큼 떨어진 시각을 구합니다... " +
                          @"start=[{0}], offset=[{1}], seekDirection=[{2}], seekBoundaryMode=[{3}]",
                          start, offset, seekDirection, seekBoundaryMode);

            Guard.Assert(offset >= TimeSpan.Zero, "offset 값은 항상 0 이상이어야 합니다. offset=[{0}]", offset);

            remaining = offset;

            // search periods
            ITimePeriodCollection searchPeriods = new TimePeriodCollection(IncludePeriods);
            if(searchPeriods.Count == 0)

            // available periods
            ITimePeriodCollection availablePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();
            if(ExcludePeriods.Count == 0) {
            else {
                // 예외 기간을 제외합니다.
                var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

                var query
                    = searchPeriods
                        .SelectMany(searchPeriod =>
                                        ? gapCalculator.GetGaps(ExcludePeriods, searchPeriod) // 예외 기간과 검색 기간에서 겹치지 않는 기간을 계산하여, 추려냅니다.
                                        : new TimePeriodCollection { searchPeriod } // 예외 기간과 겹쳐진 부분이 없다면, 기간 전체를 추가합니다.


            // 유효한 Period가 없다면 중단합니다.
            if(availablePeriods.Count == 0)
                return null;

            // 기간중에 중복되는 부분의 없도록 유효한 기간을 결합합니다.
            if(availablePeriods.Count > 1) {
                var periodCombiner = new TimePeriodCombiner<TimeRange>();
                availablePeriods = periodCombiner.CombinePeriods(availablePeriods);

            // 첫 시작 기간을 찾습니다.
            DateTime seekMoment;
            var startPeriod = (seekDirection == SeekDirection.Forward)
                                  ? FindNextPeriod(start, availablePeriods, out seekMoment)
                                  : FindPreviousPeriod(start, availablePeriods, out seekMoment);

            // 첫 시작 기간이 없다면 중단합니다.
            if(startPeriod == null)
                return null;

            // 오프셋 값이 0 이라면, 바로 다음 값이므로 seekMoment를 반환합니다.
            if(offset == TimeSpan.Zero)
                return seekMoment;

            if(seekDirection == SeekDirection.Forward) {
                for(var i = availablePeriods.IndexOf(startPeriod); i < availablePeriods.Count; i++) {
                    var gap = availablePeriods[i];
                    var gapRemaining = gap.End - seekMoment;

                        log.Debug("Seek Forward... gap=[{0}], gapRemaining=[{1}], remaining=[{2}], seekMoment=[{3}]", gap, gapRemaining,
                                  remaining, seekMoment);

                    var isTargetPeriod = (seekBoundaryMode == SeekBoundaryMode.Fill)
                                             ? gapRemaining >= remaining
                                             : gapRemaining > remaining;

                    if(isTargetPeriod) {
                        var end = seekMoment + remaining.Value;
                        remaining = null;
                        return end;

                    remaining = remaining - gapRemaining;

                    if(i == availablePeriods.Count - 1)
                        return null;

                    seekMoment = availablePeriods[i + 1].Start; // next period
            else {
                for(var i = availablePeriods.IndexOf(startPeriod); i >= 0; i--) {
                    var gap = availablePeriods[i];
                    var gapRemaining = seekMoment - gap.Start;

                        log.Debug("Seek Backward... gap=[{0}], gapRemaining=[{1}], remaining=[{2}], seekMoment=[{3}]", gap, gapRemaining,
                                  remaining, seekMoment);

                    var isTargetPeriod = (seekBoundaryMode == SeekBoundaryMode.Fill)
                                             ? gapRemaining >= remaining
                                             : gapRemaining > remaining;

                    if(isTargetPeriod) {
                        var end = seekMoment - remaining.Value;
                        remaining = null;
                        return end;
                    remaining = remaining - gapRemaining;

                    if(i == 0)
                        return null;

                    seekMoment = availablePeriods[i - 1].End; // previous period
            return null;
        public void PeriodOutsideTouchingLimitsTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 1 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 31 ) );
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();
            excludePeriods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 2, 1 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 5 ) ) );
            excludePeriods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 20 ), new DateTime( 2011, 4, 15 ) ) );

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods, limits );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps.Count, 1 );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps[ 0 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 5 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 20 ) ) ) );
        public void PeriodLargerThanLimitsTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 1 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 5 ) );
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();
            excludePeriods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 2, 1 ), new DateTime( 2011, 4, 1 ) ) );

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods, limits );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps.Count, 0 );
        public void SimleGapsTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 1 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 20 ) );
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();
            excludePeriods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 10 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 15 ) ) );

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods, limits );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps.Count, 2 );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps[ 0 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 1 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 10 ) ) ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps[ 1 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 15 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 20 ) ) ) );
        public void TouchingPeriodsTest()
            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 29 ), new DateTime( 2011, 4, 1 ) );
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            TimePeriodCollection excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();
            excludePeriods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 30, 00, 00, 0 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 30, 08, 30, 0 ) ) );
            excludePeriods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 30, 08, 30, 0 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 30, 12, 00, 0 ) ) );
            excludePeriods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 30, 10, 00, 0 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 31, 00, 00, 0 ) ) );

            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods, limits );
            Assert.AreEqual( gaps.Count, 2 );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps[ 0 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 29 ), new DateTime( 2011, 3, 30 ) ) ) );
            Assert.IsTrue( gaps[ 1 ].IsSamePeriod( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2011, 3, 31 ), new DateTime( 2011, 4, 01 ) ) ) );
        public void TimeGapPrecisionSample()
            TimePeriodCollection periods = new TimePeriodCollection();
            periods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2012, 3, 09, 0, 0, 00 ), new DateTime( 2012, 3, 09, 23, 59, 59 ) ) );
            periods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2012, 3, 10, 0, 0, 00 ), new DateTime( 2012, 3, 10, 23, 59, 59 ) ) );
            periods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2012, 3, 11, 0, 0, 10 ), new DateTime( 2012, 3, 11, 23, 59, 59 ) ) );
            periods.Add( new TimeRange( new DateTime( 2012, 3, 12, 0, 0, 00 ), new DateTime( 2012, 3, 12, 23, 59, 59 ) ) );

            // calculate the gaps using the time calendar as period mapper
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator =
                new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>( new TimeCalendar( new TimeCalendarConfig { EndOffset = TimeSpan.Zero } ) );
            ITimePeriodCollection freeTimes =
                gapCalculator.GetGaps( periods );

            foreach ( TimeRange freeTime in freeTimes )
                Console.WriteLine( "free time : " + freeTime );
Exemple #39
        /// <summary>
        /// <paramref name="current"/> 기준으로 예외기간 등을 고려한 선행의 WeekRange를 구합니다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private WeekRange FindPreviousWeek(WeekRange current) {
                log.Debug("현 Week [{0}]의 이전 Week 기간을 구합니다...", current);

            WeekRange result;

            if(ExcludePeriods.Count == 0) {
                result = current.GetPreviousWeek();
            else {
                var limits = new TimeRange(DateTime.MinValue, current.Start.AddTicks(-1));
                var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>(TimeCalendar);
                var remainingPeriods = gapCalculator.GetGaps(ExcludePeriods, limits);

                result = (remainingPeriods.Count > 0)
                             ? new WeekRange(remainingPeriods[remainingPeriods.Count - 1].End, TimeCalendar)
                             : null;

                log.Debug("현 Week의 이전 Week 기간을 구했습니다. current=[{0}], next=[{1}]", current, result);

            return result;
Exemple #40
        /// <summary>
        /// <paramref name="fromTime"/> ~ <paramref name="toTime"/> 기간의 WorkingTime 의 기간을 구합니다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromTime"></param>
        /// <param name="toTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TimeSpan Difference(DateTime fromTime, DateTime toTime) {
                log.Debug("fromTime[{0}] ~ toTime[{1}] 의 WorkingTime 기간을 구합니다.", fromTime, toTime);

            if(Equals(fromTime, toTime))
                return TimeSpan.Zero;

            var filterIsEmpty =
                _collectorFilter.WeekDays.Count == 0 &&
                _collectorFilter.CollectingHours.Count == 0 &&
                _collectorFilter.CollectingDayHours.Count == 0;

                    new DateDiff(fromTime,

            var differenceRange = new TimeRange(fromTime, toTime);

            var collector = new CalendarPeriodCollector(_collectorFilter,
                                                        new TimeRange(differenceRange.Start.Date,

            // Gap을 계산합니다.
            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>(_calendar);
            var gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(collector.Periods, differenceRange);

            var difference = gaps.Aggregate(TimeSpan.Zero, (current, gap) => current.Add(gap.Duration));

                log.Debug("fromTime[{0}] ~ toTime[{1}] 의 WorkingTime 기간은 [{2}] 입니다!!!", fromTime, toTime, difference);

            return (fromTime < toTime) ? difference : difference.Negate();
        public void GetGapTest() {
            var now = ClockProxy.Clock.Now;
            var schoolDay = new SchoolDay(now);

            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            var excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, schoolDay).Count.Should().Be(0);


            var gaps2 = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods);

            var testRange3 = new TimeRange(schoolDay.Lesson1.Start, schoolDay.Lesson4.End);
            var gaps3 = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, testRange3);

            var testRange4 = new TimeRange(schoolDay.Start.AddHours(-1), schoolDay.End.AddHours(1));
            var gaps4 = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, testRange4);

            gaps4[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(testRange4.Start, schoolDay.Start)).Should().Be.True();
            gaps4[4].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(testRange4.End, schoolDay.End)).Should().Be.True();

            var gaps8 = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, schoolDay.Lesson1);


            var testRange9 = new TimeRange(schoolDay.Lesson1.Start.Subtract(new TimeSpan(1)), schoolDay.Lesson1.End.Add(new TimeSpan(1)));
            var gaps9 = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, testRange9);

Exemple #42
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected DateTime? CalculateEnd( DateTime start, TimeSpan offset,
            SeekDirection seekDirection, SeekBoundaryMode seekBoundaryMode, out TimeSpan? remaining)
            if ( offset < TimeSpan.Zero )
                throw new InvalidOperationException( "time span must be positive" );

            remaining = offset;

            // search periods
            TimePeriodCollection searchPeriods = new TimePeriodCollection( includePeriods );

            // no search periods specified: search anytime
            if ( searchPeriods.Count == 0 )
                searchPeriods.Add( TimeRange.Anytime );

            // available periods
            ITimePeriodCollection availablePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection();

            // no exclude periods specified: use all search periods
            if ( excludePeriods.Count == 0 )
                availablePeriods.AddAll( searchPeriods );
            else // remove exclude periods
                TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();
                foreach ( ITimePeriod searchPeriod in searchPeriods )

                    // no overlaps: use the entire search range
                    if ( !excludePeriods.HasOverlapPeriods( searchPeriod ) )
                        availablePeriods.Add( searchPeriod );
                    else // add gaps of search period using the exclude periods
                        availablePeriods.AddAll( gapCalculator.GetGaps( excludePeriods, searchPeriod ) );

            // no periods available
            if ( availablePeriods.Count == 0 )
                return null;

            // combine the available periods, ensure no overlapping
            // used for FindNextPeriod/FindPreviousPeriod
            if ( availablePeriods.Count > 1 )
                TimePeriodCombiner<TimeRange> periodCombiner = new TimePeriodCombiner<TimeRange>();
                availablePeriods = periodCombiner.CombinePeriods( availablePeriods );

            // find the starting search period
            ITimePeriod startPeriod = null;
            DateTime seekMoment = start;
            switch ( seekDirection )
                case SeekDirection.Forward:
                    startPeriod = FindNextPeriod( start, availablePeriods, out seekMoment );
                case SeekDirection.Backward:
                    startPeriod = FindPreviousPeriod( start, availablePeriods, out seekMoment );

            // no starting period available
            if ( startPeriod == null )
                return null;

            // no offset: use the search staring position
            // maybe moved to the next available search period
            if ( offset == TimeSpan.Zero )
                return seekMoment;

            // setup destination search
            switch ( seekDirection )
                case SeekDirection.Forward:
                    for ( int i = availablePeriods.IndexOf( startPeriod ); i < availablePeriods.Count; i++ )
                        ITimePeriod gap = availablePeriods[ i ];
                        TimeSpan gapRemining = gap.End - seekMoment;

                        bool isTargetPeriod = false;
                        switch ( seekBoundaryMode )
                            case SeekBoundaryMode.Fill:
                                isTargetPeriod = gapRemining >= remaining;
                            case SeekBoundaryMode.Next:
                                isTargetPeriod = gapRemining > remaining;

                        if ( isTargetPeriod )
                            DateTime end = seekMoment + remaining.Value;
                            remaining = null;
                            return end;

                        remaining = remaining - gapRemining;
                        if ( i == availablePeriods.Count - 1 )
                            return null;
                        seekMoment = availablePeriods[ i + 1 ].Start; // next period
                case SeekDirection.Backward:
                    for ( int i = availablePeriods.IndexOf( startPeriod ); i >= 0; i-- )
                        ITimePeriod gap = availablePeriods[ i ];
                        TimeSpan gapRemining = seekMoment - gap.Start;

                        bool isTargetPeriod = false;
                        switch ( seekBoundaryMode )
                            case SeekBoundaryMode.Fill:
                                isTargetPeriod = gapRemining >= remaining;
                            case SeekBoundaryMode.Next:
                                isTargetPeriod = gapRemining > remaining;

                        if ( isTargetPeriod )
                            DateTime end = seekMoment - remaining.Value;
                            remaining = null;
                            return end;
                        remaining = remaining - gapRemining;
                        if ( i == 0 )
                            return null;
                        seekMoment = availablePeriods[ i - 1 ].End; // previous period

            return null;
Exemple #43
        /// <summary>
        /// <paramref name="current"/> 기준으로 예외 기간 등을 고려한 후행의 가장 근접한 WeekRange를 구합니다.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private WeekRange FindNextWeek(WeekRange current) {
                log.Debug("현 Week [{0}]의 다음 Week 기간을  구합니다...", current);

            WeekRange result;
            if(ExcludePeriods.Count == 0) {
                result = current.GetNextWeek();
            else {
                var limits = new TimeRange(current.End.AddTicks(1), DateTime.MaxValue);
                var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>(TimeCalendar);
                var remainingPeriods = gapCalculator.GetGaps(ExcludePeriods, limits);

                result = (remainingPeriods.Count > 0) ? new WeekRange(remainingPeriods[0].Start, TimeCalendar) : null;

                log.Debug("현 Week의 다음 Week 기간을 구했습니다. current=[{0}], next=[{1}]", current, result);

            return result;
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        private Week FindPreviousWeek( Week current )
            if ( ExcludePeriods.Count == 0 )
                return current.GetPreviousWeek();

            TimeRange limits = new TimeRange( DateTime.MinValue, current.Start.AddTicks( -1 ) );
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>( calendar );
            ITimePeriodCollection remainingPeriods = gapCalculator.GetGaps( ExcludePeriods, limits );
            return remainingPeriods.Count > 0 ? new Week( remainingPeriods[ remainingPeriods.Count - 1 ].End ) : null;
        public void PeriodTouchingLimitsStartTest() {
            var limits = new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 20));
            var gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>();

            var excludePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection
                                     new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 1), new DateTime(2011, 3, 10))

            var gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps(excludePeriods, limits);

            gaps[0].IsSamePeriod(new TimeRange(new DateTime(2011, 3, 10), new DateTime(2011, 3, 20))).Should().Be.True();
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        public TimeSpan Difference( DateTime date1, DateTime date2 )
            if ( date1.Equals( date2 ) )
                return TimeSpan.Zero;
            if ( collectorFilter.WeekDays.Count == 0 && collectorFilter.CollectingHours.Count == 0 && collectorFilter.CollectingDayHours.Count == 0 )
                return new DateDiff( date1, date2, calendar.Culture.Calendar, calendar.FirstDayOfWeek, calendar.YearBaseMonth ).Difference;

            TimeRange differenceRange = new TimeRange( date1, date2 );

            CalendarPeriodCollector collector = new CalendarPeriodCollector(
                collectorFilter, new TimeRange( differenceRange.Start.Date, differenceRange.End.Date.AddDays( 1 ) ), SeekDirection.Forward, calendar );

            // calculate gaps
            TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange> gapCalculator = new TimeGapCalculator<TimeRange>( calendar );
            ITimePeriodCollection gaps = gapCalculator.GetGaps( collector.Periods, differenceRange );

            // calculate difference (sum gap durations)
            TimeSpan difference = TimeSpan.Zero;
            foreach ( ITimePeriod gap in gaps )
                difference = difference.Add( gap.Duration );
            return date1 < date2 ? difference : difference.Negate();