Exemple #1
    /*  This method gets created when a platform or individual tile gets generated for the first time
     *  It created a GameObject called "Map", which holds all platforms and individual tiles
    Platform CreatePlatform(string platformName)
        if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(platformName))                        // Check if the name is set, otherwise give it one
            platformName = "Platform" + tiles.GetNumberOfPlatforms();

        var platformObject = new GameObject();                        // new platform
        platformObject.name = platformName;                           // name it
        platformObject.transform.parent = tiles.transform;            // make the map to its parent
        platformObject.AddComponent<Platform>();                      // add the script to the platform        
        Platform platform = platformObject.GetComponent<Platform>();  // get the platform script
        platform.Setup();                                             // Tell the platform to setup itself
        tiles.AddPlatform(platform);                                  // add it to the tilesFolder        
        return platform;