Exemple #1
        public Sprite TileSprite(TileReference<ushort, byte> r)
            Sprite[] template;
            if (!templates.TryGetValue(r.Type, out template))
                return missingTile;

            if (r.Index >= template.Length)
                return missingTile;

            return template[r.Index];
Exemple #2
                public BaseObject Create()
                    TileReference emptyInstance = new TileReference(CreatedWhenConstruct.CWC_NotToCreate);

Exemple #3
 void Start()
     tr  = GetComponent <TileReference>();
     map = new int[width, height];
        public static string FileName(this TileReference reference)
            var fileName = $@"{reference.TileConfig.Naam}_{reference.Rij}_{reference.Kolom}";

            return(ValidateFileNameRegEx.Replace(fileName, "_") + reference.TileConfig.Extensie);
Exemple #5
        public TileReference<ushort, byte>[,] LoadMapTiles()
            var tiles = new TileReference<ushort, byte>[MapSize.X, MapSize.Y];
            using (var dataStream = Container.GetContent("map.bin"))
                if (dataStream.ReadUInt8() != 1)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown binary map format");

                // Load header info
                var width = dataStream.ReadUInt16();
                var height = dataStream.ReadUInt16();

                if (width != MapSize.X || height != MapSize.Y)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid tile data");

                // Load tile data
                for (int i = 0; i < MapSize.X; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < MapSize.Y; j++)
                        var tile = dataStream.ReadUInt16();
                        var index = dataStream.ReadUInt8();
                        if (index == byte.MaxValue)
                            index = (byte)(i % 4 + (j % 4) * 4);

                        tiles[i, j] = new TileReference<ushort, byte>(tile, index);

            return tiles;
Exemple #6
        public TileReference<byte, byte>[,] LoadResourceTiles()
            var resources = new TileReference<byte, byte>[MapSize.X, MapSize.Y];

            using (var dataStream = Container.GetContent("map.bin"))
                if (dataStream.ReadUInt8() != 1)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown binary map format");

                // Load header info
                var width = dataStream.ReadUInt16();
                var height = dataStream.ReadUInt16();

                if (width != MapSize.X || height != MapSize.Y)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid tile data");

                // Skip past tile data
                dataStream.Seek(3 * MapSize.X * MapSize.Y, SeekOrigin.Current);

                // Load resource data
                for (var i = 0; i < MapSize.X; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < MapSize.Y; j++)
                    var type = dataStream.ReadUInt8();
                    var index = dataStream.ReadUInt8();
                    resources[i, j] = new TileReference<byte, byte>(type, index);

            return resources;
Exemple #7
            public override void Construct()
                AutoLayout      = AutoLayout.DockFill;
                Background      = new TileReference("basic", 1);
                BackgroundColor = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);

                var imageSize     = new Point(Root.RenderData.Texture.Width, Root.RenderData.Texture.Height);
                var availableArea = new Point(Root.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Width, Root.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Height - 32);

                if (imageSize.X > availableArea.X)
                    var ratio = (float)availableArea.X / (float)imageSize.X;
                    imageSize.X = availableArea.X;
                    imageSize.Y = (int)(imageSize.Y * ratio);

                if (imageSize.Y > availableArea.Y)
                    var ratio = (float)availableArea.Y / (float)imageSize.Y;
                    imageSize.Y = availableArea.Y;
                    imageSize.X = (int)(imageSize.X * ratio);

                ImagePosition = new Rectangle((Root.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Width / 2) - (imageSize.X / 2),
                                              ((Root.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Height - 32) / 2) - (imageSize.Y / 2),
                                              imageSize.X, imageSize.Y);

                var bottomBar = AddChild(new Widget
                    MinimumSize = new Point(0, 32),
                    AutoLayout  = Gui.AutoLayout.DockBottom,
                    Padding     = new Margin(2, 2, 2, 2)

                bottomBar.AddChild(new Widget
                    Text = "CLOSE",
                    TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                    TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center,
                    Border     = "border-thin",
                    Font       = "font18-outline",
                    OnClick    = (sender, args) => this.Close(),
                    AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockRight

                bottomBar.AddChild(new Widget
                    Border = "border-thin",
                    Font   = "font18-outline",
                    TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                    TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center,
                    TextColor           = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1),
                    Text       = "WHITE",
                    AutoLayout = Gui.AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                    OnClick    = (sender, args) =>
                        this.BackgroundColor = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);

                bottomBar.AddChild(new Widget
                    Border = "border-thin",
                    Font   = "font18-outline",
                    TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                    TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center,
                    TextColor           = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),
                    Text       = "BLACK",
                    AutoLayout = Gui.AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                    OnClick    = (sender, args) =>
                        this.BackgroundColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1);

                bottomBar.AddChild(new Widget
                    Font = "font18-outline",
                    TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                    TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center,
                    TextColor           = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1),
                    Text       = String.Format("{0} x {1}", Root.RenderData.Texture.Width, Root.RenderData.Texture.Height),
                    AutoLayout = Gui.AutoLayout.DockLeft,
Exemple #8
        public static Map FromTileset(TileSet tileset)
            var tile = tileset.Templates.First();
            var tileRef = new TileReference<ushort, byte> { Type = tile.Key, Index = (byte)0 };

            Map map = new Map()
                Title = "Name your map here",
                Description = "Describe your map here",
                Author = "Your name here",
                MapSize = new int2(1, 1),
                Tileset = tileset.Id,
                Options = new MapOptions(),
                MapResources = Exts.Lazy(() => new TileReference<byte, byte>[1, 1]),
                MapTiles = Exts.Lazy(() => new TileReference<ushort, byte>[1, 1] { { tileRef } }),
                Actors = Exts.Lazy(() => new Dictionary<string, ActorReference>()),
                Smudges = Exts.Lazy(() => new List<SmudgeReference>())

            return map;
        public override void Construct()
            ItemSize = new Point(32, 64);
            Background      = new TileReference("basic", 0);
            BackgroundColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
            OnUpdate        = (sender, time) =>
                var existingResourceEntries = new List <Widget>(Children);
                var aggregated =
                        Master.Faction.ListResourcesInStockpilesPlusMinions().Where(p => p.Value.First.NumResources > 0 || p.Value.Second.NumResources > 0));
                foreach (var resource in aggregated)
                    var resourceTemplate = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(resource.Amount.First.ResourceType);

                    // Don't display resources with no value (a hack, yes!). This is to prevent "special" resources from getting traded.
                    if (resourceTemplate.MoneyValue == 0.0m)

                    var icon = existingResourceEntries.FirstOrDefault(w => w is ResourceIcon && (w as ResourceIcon).EqualsLayers(resourceTemplate.GuiLayers));

                    StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var aggregates in resource.Members)

                    if (icon == null)
                        icon = AddChild(new ResourceIcon()
                            Layers  = resourceTemplate.GuiLayers,
                            Tooltip = label.ToString(),
                        icon.Tooltip = label.ToString();
                        if (!Children.Contains(icon))

                    string text = "S" + resource.Amount.First.NumResources.ToString();
                    text += "\n";
                    if (resource.Amount.Second.NumResources > 0)
                        text += "I" + resource.Amount.Second.NumResources.ToString();
                    icon.Text = text;

                var width         = Root.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Width - ItemSpacing.X;
                var itemsThatFit  = width / (ItemSize.X + ItemSpacing.X);
                var sensibleWidth = (Math.Min(Children.Count, itemsThatFit) * (ItemSize.X + ItemSpacing.X)) + ItemSpacing.X;
                Rect = new Rectangle((Root.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Width - sensibleWidth) / 2, 0, sensibleWidth, 0);
Exemple #10
        public override void Construct()
            EnableScrolling = false;
            OverflowBottom  = true;

            Transparent = true;


            ItemSize = new Point(32, 64);
            Background      = new TileReference("basic", 0);
            BackgroundColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);

            OnUpdate = (sender, time) =>
                var existingResourceEntries = new List <Widget>(Children);

                var aggregated = AggregateResources();

                foreach (var resource in aggregated)
                    var label = String.Join("\n", resource.StockpileMembers.Select(r => MakeDescriptionString(r)));

                    var icon = existingResourceEntries.FirstOrDefault(w => w is Play.ResourceIcon && w.Tag.ToString() == resource.Category);

                    if (icon == null)
                        icon = AddChild(new Play.ResourceIcon()
                            Resource        = resource.Sample.Sample,
                            Tooltip         = label,
                            Tag             = resource.Category,
                            OverrideTooltip = false
                        icon.Tooltip = label;
                        if (!Children.Contains(icon))

                    var text = "S" + resource.InStockpile + "\n";
                    if (resource.InBackpacks > 0)
                        text += "I" + resource.InBackpacks;

                    icon.Text = text;

                var width         = Root.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Width - ItemSpacing.X;
                var itemsThatFit  = width / (ItemSize.X + ItemSpacing.X);
                var sensibleWidth = (Math.Min(Children.Count, itemsThatFit) * (ItemSize.X + ItemSpacing.X)) + ItemSpacing.X;
                Rect = new Rectangle((Root.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Width / 2 - sensibleWidth / 2), 0, sensibleWidth, 0);
Exemple #11
        public string GetTerrainType(TileReference<ushort, byte> r)
            var tt = Templates[r.Type].Tiles;
            string ret;
            if (!tt.TryGetValue(r.Index, out ret))
                return "Clear"; // Default walkable

            return ret;
Exemple #12
		void ClearSelection()
			SelectionStart = CPos.Zero;
			SelectionEnd = CPos.Zero;
			TileSelection = null;
			ResourceSelection = null;
Exemple #13
		public void CopySelection()
			// Grab tiles and resources within selection (doesn't do actors)
			var start = SelectionStart;
			var end = SelectionEnd;

			if (start == end) return;

			int width = Math.Abs((start - end).X);
			int height = Math.Abs((start - end).Y);

			TileSelection = new TileReference<ushort, byte>[width, height];
			ResourceSelection = new TileReference<byte, byte>[width, height];

			for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
				for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
					// TODO: crash prevention
					TileSelection[x, y] = Map.MapTiles.Value[start.X + x, start.Y + y];
					ResourceSelection[x, y] = Map.MapResources.Value[start.X + x, start.Y + y];