Exemple #1
    private Vector2 GetFaceDirection(TileFace tileFace)
        Vector2 direction;

        switch (tileFace)
        case TileFace.Right:
            direction = this.rayCastRight.transform.position - this.rayCastStart.transform.position;

        case TileFace.Left:
            direction = this.rayCastLeft.transform.position - this.rayCastStart.transform.position;

        case TileFace.Bottom:
            direction = this.rayCastBottom.transform.position - this.rayCastStart.transform.position;

            direction = new Vector2();

        direction = direction.normalized;
Exemple #2
    //public HitDirection ReturnDirection(GameObject other, GameObject objectHit)
    //    HitDirection hitDirection = HitDirection.None;
    //    RaycastHit MyRayHit;
    //    Vector3 direction = (other.transform.position - objectHit.transform.position).normalized;
    //    Ray MyRay = new Ray(objectHit.transform.position, direction);

    //    if (Physics.Raycast(MyRay, out MyRayHit))
    //    {
    //        if (MyRayHit.collider != null)
    //        {
    //            Vector3 MyNormal = MyRayHit.normal;
    //            Debug.Log("WorldNormal: " + MyNormal);
    //            MyNormal = MyRayHit.transform.TransformDirection(MyNormal);
    //            Debug.Log("LocalNormal: " + MyNormal);
    //        }
    //    }

    //    return hitDirection;

    public TileFace ReturnDirection(GameObject other, GameObject objectHit, Color rayColor)
        TileFace hitDirection = TileFace.None;
        //Vector2 direction = (other.transform.position - objectHit.transform.position).normalized;
        Vector2 direction  = (other.transform.position - objectHit.transform.position).normalized;
        Vector2 direction2 = (objectHit.transform.localPosition - objectHit.transform.InverseTransformPoint(other.transform.position)).normalized;

        Debug.Log("Direction world: " + direction);
        Debug.Log("Direction local: " + direction2);
        Debug.Log("Direction local: " + objectHit.transform.InverseTransformDirection(direction));
        //Ray MyRay = new Ray(objectHit.transform.position, direction);

        //RaycastHit2D MyRayHit = Physics2D.Raycast(objectHit.transform.TransformPoint(other.transform.position), objectHit.transform.TransformDirection(direction));
        //RaycastHit2D MyRayHit = Physics2D.Raycast(objectHit.transform.position, objectHit.transform.InverseTransformDirection(direction));
        RaycastHit2D MyRayHit = Physics2D.Raycast(objectHit.transform.position, direction);

        if (MyRayHit.collider != null)
            Vector2 MyNormal = MyRayHit.normal;
            Debug.Log("WorldNormal: " + MyNormal);
            //MyNormal = objectHit.transform.InverseTransformDirection(MyNormal);
            //MyNormal = objectHit.transform.TransformDirection(MyNormal);
            //MyNormal = MyRayHit.transform.InverseTransformDirection(MyNormal);
            //MyNormal = MyRayHit.transform.TransformDirection(MyNormal);

            //Debug.DrawRay(objectHit.transform.position, direction * 100, rayColor, 100);
            Debug.DrawRay(objectHit.transform.position, MyNormal * 100, rayColor, 1000);
            MyNormal = objectHit.transform.TransformDirection(MyNormal);
            Debug.Log("LocalNormal: " + MyNormal);

Exemple #3
    private string GetValueFromTileFace(TileFace face)
        string[] parts = this.gameObject.name.Split('-');
        if (parts.Length != 3)
            throw new ArgumentException($"Tile name ('{name}') does not contain three numbers.");

        string faceValue = string.Empty;

        switch (face)
        case TileFace.Right:
            faceValue = parts[0] + "-" + parts[1];

        case TileFace.Bottom:
            faceValue = parts[1] + "-" + parts[2];

        case TileFace.Left:
            faceValue = parts[2] + "-" + parts[0];


Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines a TriominoTile-Faces value for one tile name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">the tiles name.</param>
        /// <param name="face">the face whose value is requested.</param>
        /// <returns>the faces value.</returns>
        public static string[] GetValuesForFace(this string name, TileFace face)
            string[] parts = name.GetTriominoTileNumbersFromName();
            switch (face)
            case TileFace.Right:
                return(new List <string>()
                    parts[0], parts[1]

            case TileFace.Bottom:
                return(new List <string>()
                    parts[1], parts[2]

            case TileFace.Left:
                return(new List <string>()
                    parts[2], parts[0]

                throw new ArgumentException("Face couldn't be recognized.");
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Instance of this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edge">the starting tile of this hexagon.</param>
        /// <param name="tileFace">the face of the starting tile for the next tile.</param>
        public Hexagon(HyperEdge edge, TileFace tileFace, HyperEdge outgoingConnector)
            if (!edge.IsThreeSidedEdge())
                throw new ArgumentException($"Edge '{edge}' has to be threesided.");

            if (!outgoingConnector.IsTwoSidedEdge())
                throw new ArgumentException($"Edge '{outgoingConnector}' has to be twosided.");

            if (!outgoingConnector.ContainsVertexOnValueBasis(edge.GetVertexOnSpecificSide(tileFace)))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Connector '{outgoingConnector}' has no vertex with edge '{edge}' in common.");

            this.Triominos = new List <HyperEdge>(6);
            this.Triominos.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(default(HyperEdge), 6));

            this.outgoingConnectors = new List <HyperEdge>(6);
            this.outgoingConnectors.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(default(HyperEdge), 6));

            this.TriominoOutgoingFaces = new List <TileFace>(6);
            this.TriominoOutgoingFaces.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(default(TileFace), 6));

            this.Pointer = this.DetermineHexagonPosition(edge.Orientation, tileFace);
            this.Triominos[this.Pointer]             = edge;
            this.TriominoOutgoingFaces[this.Pointer] = tileFace;
            this.outgoingConnectors[this.Pointer]    = outgoingConnector;
            this.IsComplete = false;
        private void SetGhostFaceAtFace(WorldObject target, TileFace resultFace)
            var bb    = target.ObjectType.TileData.GetBoundingBox();
            var range = (bb.Max - bb.Min) * 0.5f;

            Vector3 right;
            Vector3 normal;
            Vector3 up;

            normal = TileSnapInformationBuilder.getFaceNormal(resultFace);
            up     = TileSnapInformationBuilder.getFaceUp(resultFace);
            right  = Vector3.Cross(up, normal);
            range *= 2f;
            Vector3 dim        = new Vector3();
            var     ghostWidth = 0.01f;

            dim += normal * ghostWidth;
            dim += up * Vector3.Dot(up, range);
            dim += right * Vector3.Dot(right, range);

            dim.X = Math.Abs(dim.X);
            dim.Y = Math.Abs(dim.Y);
            dim.Z = Math.Abs(dim.Z);

            ghostFace.Dimensions  = dim;
            ghostFace.PivotPoint  = Vector3.One * 0.5f;
            ghostFace.WorldMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(normal * (Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(normal, range * 0.5f)) + 0.01f)) * target.WorldMatrix;
Exemple #7
    public bool CanPlaceTileOnGameBoard(Action <bool, GameObject> modifyAdjacentTile = null)
        Dictionary <TileFace, GameObject> adjacentTiles = this.GetAllAdjacentTiles();

        if (UnityGameManager.instance.GameManager.TurnCount > 0 && !adjacentTiles.Any())

        foreach (KeyValuePair <TileFace, GameObject> kv in adjacentTiles)
            TileFace otherFace = kv.Value.GetComponent <TileManager>().GetAdjacentFaceToOtherTile(this.gameObject);
            if (!UnityGameManager.instance.GameManager.GameBoard.CanPlaceTileOnGameBoard(this.gameObject.name, kv.Value.gameObject.name, kv.Key, otherFace, out TriominoTile placableTile))
                modifyAdjacentTile?.Invoke(false, kv.Value);

                if (modifyAdjacentTile == null)
                modifyAdjacentTile?.Invoke(true, kv.Value);

        // Examine if single tile corner is adjacent to another tiles corner (Bridge) and color this other tile accordingly.
        if (adjacentTiles.Count == 1 && !this.CheckIfNumberOppositeOfFaceMatches(adjacentTiles.First().Key, modifyAdjacentTile))

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a tile from the tileGrid starting from a given face of a specific tile (and it's position on the tileGrid).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tile">Tile to start from.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal TriominoTile GetAdjacentTileAtSpecificFace(TriominoTile tile, TileFace tileFace)
            ArrayTileOrientation orientation = tile.Orientation.ToArrayTileOrientation();

            if (orientation == ArrayTileOrientation.BottomUp && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom)
                return(this.tileGrid[tile.TileGridPosition.Y + 1, tile.TileGridPosition.X]);

            if (orientation == ArrayTileOrientation.TopDown && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom)
                return(this.tileGrid[tile.TileGridPosition.Y - 1, tile.TileGridPosition.X]);

            if (orientation == ArrayTileOrientation.BottomUp && tileFace == TileFace.Right ||
                orientation == ArrayTileOrientation.TopDown && tileFace == TileFace.Left)
                return(this.tileGrid[tile.TileGridPosition.Y, tile.TileGridPosition.X + 1]);

            if (orientation == ArrayTileOrientation.BottomUp && tileFace == TileFace.Left ||
                orientation == ArrayTileOrientation.TopDown && tileFace == TileFace.Right)
                return(this.tileGrid[tile.TileGridPosition.Y, tile.TileGridPosition.X - 1]);

Exemple #9
    private GameObject GetAdjacentTileInDirection(TileFace tileFace)
        Vector2      direction = this.GetFaceDirection(tileFace);
        RaycastHit2D objectHit = Physics2D.Raycast(this.transform.position, direction, rayCastDistance, layerMask: raycastFilter);

        if (objectHit.collider != null)
            Debug.Log("Side: " + tileFace + " Distance: " + objectHit.distance);

        // Make Raycast visible in Editor
        Color color = Color.black;

        switch (tileFace)
        case TileFace.Right:
            color = Color.red;

        case TileFace.Left:
            color = Color.blue;

        case TileFace.Bottom:
            color = Color.green;
        Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, direction * rayCastDistance, color);

Exemple #10
    public TileFace ReturnDirection(GameObject other, Color rayColor)
        TileFace hitDirection = TileFace.None;
        Vector2  direction    = (other.transform.position - this.transform.position).normalized;

        direction = new Vector2(-direction.x, -direction.y);
        Debug.Log("Direction local: " + this.transform.InverseTransformDirection(direction));
        Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, direction * 100, rayColor, 1000);
        public bool GetTotalWinding(TileFace face)
            if (GetFaceType(face) == null)
            var ret = GetLocalWinding(face) ^ GetFaceType(face).GetTotalWinding();

Exemple #12
    public TileFace GetAdjacentFaceToOtherTile(GameObject other)
        Vector2 direction = this.GetDirection(other);

        Debug.Log("Direction (locale): " + direction);
        TileFace hitDirection = this.GetHitDirection(direction);

        Debug.Log("HitDirection: " + hitDirection);
Exemple #13
    IEnumerator Thing(int i, int j)
        while (!GameGlobals.tilesLoaded)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.1f));

        this.renderer.material.mainTexture = GameGlobals.TileImages[i];
        tileType = (TileType)i;
        tileFace = (TileFace)j;
Exemple #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Places a Tile on the GameBoard next to another tile, based on both tiles
    /// gameobjects and the faces with which they should be placed towards each other.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="thisTile">The GameObject of the tile to be placed.</param>
    /// <param name="thisFace">The face of the tile to be placed.</param>
    /// <param name="otherTile">The other tiles GameObject.</param>
    /// <param name="otherFace">The others tile face.</param>
    private void PlaceTileNextToOther(GameObject thisTile, TileFace thisFace, GameObject otherTile, TileFace otherFace = TileFace.None)
        if (otherFace.Equals(TileFace.None))
            otherFace = otherTile.GetComponent <TileManager>().GetAdjacentFaceToOtherTile(thisTile);

        Vector3    thisTilePosition = this.GetNewTilePositionFromPlacedTile(otherFace, otherTile);
        Quaternion thisTileRotation = this.GetNewTileOrientationByOtherFaceAndThisFace(otherTile, thisTile, otherFace, thisFace);

        thisTile.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(thisTilePosition, thisTileRotation);
        public SnapPoint GetPoint(TileData data, TileFace tileFace, TileFaceType faceType, bool winding)
            var point = new SnapPoint();

            point.Position = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot((data.Dimensions * 0.5f), getFaceNormal(tileFace))) * getFaceNormal(tileFace);
            if (faceType != null)
                point.SnapType = getSnapType(faceType);
            point.Normal           = getFaceNormal(tileFace);
            point.Up               = getFaceUp(tileFace);
            point.ClockwiseWinding = winding;
Exemple #16
        private bool CheckAllFacesForNewTileOnOtherTileFace(string tileName, string otherTileName, TileFace otherTileFace, out TileFace matchingFace)
            TileFace[] facesToCheck = new TileFace[] { TileFace.Right, TileFace.Bottom, TileFace.Left };
            matchingFace = TileFace.None;

            foreach (TileFace faceToCheck in facesToCheck)
                if (this.GameManager.GameBoard.CanPlaceTileOnGameBoard(tileName, otherTileName, faceToCheck, otherTileFace, out TriominoTile placableTile))
                    matchingFace = faceToCheck;

Exemple #17
        public Vertex GetVertexOnSpecificSide(TileFace tileFace)
            switch (tileFace)
            case TileFace.Right:

            case TileFace.Bottom:

            case TileFace.Left:

            throw new ArgumentException($"No vertex for Side '{tileFace}'.");
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Determiens the possible position of a tile within a Hexagon, based
        /// on its orientation and the face on which the next tile can be placed
        /// to get a hexagon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orientation">Orientation of the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="tileFace">the face of the tile, on which the next tile can be placed, to get a hexagon.</param>
        /// <returns>The position in a possible hexagon.</returns>
        private int DetermineHexagonPosition(TileOrientation orientation, TileFace tileFace)
            if ((orientation == TileOrientation.Straight && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom))

            if ((orientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom))

            if ((orientation == TileOrientation.Straight && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && tileFace == TileFace.Right))

            if ((orientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && tileFace == TileFace.Right))

            if ((orientation == TileOrientation.Straight && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && tileFace == TileFace.Left))

            if ((orientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                (orientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && tileFace == TileFace.Left))

            throw new ArgumentException($"No HexagonPosition for Edge with Orientation '{orientation}' and TileFace '{tileFace}'");
Exemple #19
    /// <summary>
    /// Determines the position for a new Tile according to another tiles positions.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="placedTileFace">The face (which is adjacent to the new tile) of the tile on the gameboard.</param>
    /// <param name="placedTile">The GameObject of the tile on the gameboard.</param>
    /// <returns>The new Position</returns>
    private Vector3 GetNewTilePositionFromPlacedTile(TileFace placedTileFace, GameObject placedTile)
        int orientation = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(placedTile.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z));

        if (orientation > 180)
            orientation -= 360;

        Vector2 positionToAdd = this.NewTilePositionsByOtherOrientationAndTileFace[orientation][placedTileFace];

        Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3(placedTile.transform.position.x, placedTile.transform.position.y, this.BoardPositionZ);

        newPosition += new Vector3(positionToAdd.x, positionToAdd.y, 0);

Exemple #20
    public Dictionary <TileFace, GameObject> GetAllAdjacentTiles()
        TileFace[] facesToCheck = new TileFace[3] {
            TileFace.Left, TileFace.Right, TileFace.Bottom
        Dictionary <TileFace, GameObject> adjacentTiles = new Dictionary <TileFace, GameObject>();

        foreach (TileFace face in facesToCheck)
            GameObject adjacentTile = this.GetAdjacentTileInDirection(face);
            if (adjacentTile != null)
                adjacentTiles.Add(face, adjacentTile);

Exemple #21
    public bool CanPlaceNextToOtherTile(TileFace thisFace, GameObject other)
        if (!this.CheckIfOtherTileOrientationMatches(other))

        TileFace faceOther      = other.GetComponent <TileManager>().GetAdjacentFaceToOtherTile(this.gameObject);
        string   faceValueOther = other.gameObject.GetComponent <TileManager>().GetValueFromTileFace(faceOther);
        string   faceValueThis  = this.GetValueFromTileFace(thisFace);

        if (!UnityGameManager.instance.CheckFaceValues(faceValueOther, faceValueThis))

Exemple #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Places a tile on the GameBoard only if this tile can be placed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tile">The tile to be placed.</param>
    /// <returns>True if it was placed, false if not.</returns>
    public bool TryPlaceTile(GameObject tile)
        this.isReady = false;

        // if it's the first turn, tile hast to be placed in center with orientation straight
        if (UnityGameManager.instance.GameManager.TurnCount == 0)
            this.isReady = true;

        // if it's not the first turn, the tile hast to be placed adjacent to another tile, according to the others tile
        // orientation and the faces with which both tiles should be placed adjacent to each other.
        KeyValuePair <TileFace, GameObject> adjacentTile = tile.GetComponent <TileManager>().GetAllAdjacentTiles().First();
        TileFace otherFace = adjacentTile.Value.GetComponent <TileManager>().GetAdjacentFaceToOtherTile(tile);

        this.isReady = true;

        return(UnityGameManager.instance.GameManager.TryPlaceOnGameBoard(tile.name, adjacentTile.Value.name, adjacentTile.Key, otherFace));
Exemple #23
    public bool CheckIfNumberOppositeOfFaceMatches(TileFace matchingFace, Action <bool, GameObject> modifyAdjacentTile = null)
        GameObject opositeNumber = this.gameObject.transform.Find("Number3").gameObject;

        switch (matchingFace)
        case TileFace.Left:
            opositeNumber = this.gameObject.transform.Find("Number2").gameObject;

        case TileFace.Bottom:
            opositeNumber = this.gameObject.transform.Find("Number1").gameObject;

        Vector2 origin    = new Vector2(opositeNumber.transform.position.x, opositeNumber.transform.position.y);
        Vector3 direction = (opositeNumber.transform.position - this.gameObject.GetComponent <TileManager>().rayCastStart.transform.position).normalized;

        Debug.DrawRay(new Vector3(origin.x, origin.y, 0), direction * circleCastDistance, Color.white);

        RaycastHit2D[] numbersInRange = Physics2D.CircleCastAll(origin, cirlceCastRadius, new Vector2(direction.x, direction.y), circleCastDistance);
        numbersInRange = numbersInRange.Where(n => n.collider != null && n.collider.gameObject.CompareTag(TagManager.TILENUMBER)).ToArray();

        if (numbersInRange.Length > 0)
            foreach (RaycastHit2D number in numbersInRange)
                if (opositeNumber.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text != number.collider.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text)
                    modifyAdjacentTile?.Invoke(false, number.collider.transform.parent.gameObject);
                    modifyAdjacentTile?.Invoke(true, number.collider.transform.parent.gameObject);

Exemple #24
        private bool CheckMatchingAdjacentTiles(TriominoTile newTile)
            bool newTileMatchesAdjacentTiles = true;

            TileFace[] facesToCheck = new TileFace[] { TileFace.Bottom, TileFace.Right, TileFace.Left };

            foreach (TileFace faceToCheck in facesToCheck)
                TriominoTile adjacenTileAtFace = this.GetAdjacentTileAtSpecificFace(newTile, faceToCheck);

                if (adjacenTileAtFace != null)
                    newTileMatchesAdjacentTiles = newTileMatchesAdjacentTiles && this.CheckMatchingAdjacentTileFaces(newTile, adjacenTileAtFace);
                    newTileMatchesAdjacentTiles = newTileMatchesAdjacentTiles && this.CheckBridgeEdgesAtTileFace(newTile, faceToCheck);

Exemple #25
        private bool CheckAllFreeFacesOnGameBoard(string tile, out string matchingTile, out TileFace tileFace, out TileFace matchingTileFace)
            matchingTile     = null;
            tileFace         = TileFace.None;
            matchingTileFace = TileFace.None;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <TileFace> > kv in this.GameManager.GameBoard.tilesWithFreeFaces)
                foreach (TileFace freeFace in kv.Value)
                    if (this.CheckAllFacesForNewTileOnOtherTileFace(tile, kv.Key, freeFace, out tileFace))
                        matchingTile     = kv.Key;
                        matchingTileFace = freeFace;

 public bool GetLocalWinding(TileFace face)
     return(FaceLocalWinding[(int)face - 1]);
 public void SetLocalWinding(TileFace face, bool value)
     FaceLocalWinding[(int)face - 1] = value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the orientation of a Tile, which should be placed on the GameBoard, based on another 
        /// tiles orientation, and the faces with which both tiles should be aligned towards each other.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherOrientation">Other tiles orientation.</param>
        /// <param name="otherFace">Other tiles face.</param>
        /// <param name="tileFace">New tiles face.</param>
        /// <returns>the orientation of the new tile.</returns>
        private TileOrientation GetTileOrienationFromOtherTileOrientationAndFaces(TileOrientation otherOrientation, TileFace otherFace, TileFace tileFace)
            if ((otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Straight && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Straight && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Straight && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Left))
                return TileOrientation.Flipped;
            else if ((otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Straight && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Straight && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Straight && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Right))
                return TileOrientation.TiltRight;
            else if ((otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Straight && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Straight && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Straight && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom))
                return TileOrientation.TiltLeft;
            else if ((otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Left))
                return TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight;
            else if ((otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Right))
                return TileOrientation.Straight;
            else if((otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                    (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                    (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                    (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                    (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                    (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.Flipped && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                    (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Left && tileFace == TileFace.Left) ||
                    (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Right && tileFace == TileFace.Right) ||
                    (otherOrientation == TileOrientation.TiltRight && otherFace == TileFace.Bottom && tileFace == TileFace.Bottom))
                return TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft;

            throw new ArgumentException("The combination TileOrientation, TileFace, TileFace cannot be determined");
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines a place in the tileGrid for a tile according to anothers (other) tile 
        /// coordinates and its face on which the new tile should be placed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherTileTileGridCoords">The others tile coordinates of the tileGrid.</param>
        /// <param name="otherFace">The others tile face, on which the new tile should be placed.</param>
        /// <returns>The coordniates of the tile Grid, next to the other tile.</returns>
        private Point GetTileGridPositionFromOtherTilePositionAndFace(Point otherTileTileGridCoords, TileFace otherFace)
            Point thisTileGridPosition = new Point(-1, -1);

            Tuple<TileOrientation, TileFace> orientationFaceCombination = new Tuple<TileOrientation, TileFace>(
                this.tileGrid[otherTileTileGridCoords.Y, otherTileTileGridCoords.X].Orientation,

            if ((orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.Straight && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Left) ||
                (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Left) ||
                (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Right) ||
                (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.Flipped && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Right) ||
                (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.TiltRight && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Bottom))

                thisTileGridPosition.X = otherTileTileGridCoords.X - 1;
                thisTileGridPosition.Y = otherTileTileGridCoords.Y;
            else if ((orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.Straight && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.Flipped && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.TiltRight && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Right))
                thisTileGridPosition.X = otherTileTileGridCoords.X + 1;
                thisTileGridPosition.Y = otherTileTileGridCoords.Y;
            else if ((orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.Straight && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.Flipped && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Bottom) ||
                     (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.TiltRight && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Left))
                thisTileGridPosition.X = otherTileTileGridCoords.X;
                thisTileGridPosition.Y = otherTileTileGridCoords.Y - 1;
            else if ((orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.TiltLeft && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Right) ||
                     (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltLeft && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Left) ||
                     (orientationFaceCombination.Item1 == TileOrientation.DoubleTiltRight && orientationFaceCombination.Item2 == TileFace.Right))
                thisTileGridPosition.X = otherTileTileGridCoords.X;
                thisTileGridPosition.Y = otherTileTileGridCoords.Y + 1;

            //if (thisTileGridPosition.X == -1 || thisTileGridPosition.Y == -1)
            //    throw new InvalidCastException($"Cannot determine on which side of 'otherTile' ({otherName}) the actual tile ({tile.Name}) should be placed");

            return thisTileGridPosition;
Exemple #30
        private bool TryGetPlacableTileFromDrawBoard(out string placableTile, out string otherTile, out TileFace placableTileFace, out TileFace otherTileFace)
            placableTile     = null;
            otherTile        = null;
            placableTileFace = TileFace.None;
            otherTileFace    = TileFace.None;

            // if its the first turn return tile from drawboard with highest value.
            placableTile = null;
            if (this.GameManager.TurnCount == 0)
                placableTile = this.GameManager.GetActivePlayersDrawBoard().GetTriominoWithHighestValue();

            string[] drawBoardTiles = this.GameManager.GetActivePlayersDrawBoard().Tiles.ToArray();
            foreach (string tile in drawBoardTiles)
                if (this.CheckAllFreeFacesOnGameBoard(tile, out otherTile, out placableTileFace, out otherTileFace))
                    placableTile = tile;
