public void Draw(Graphics g) { if (isDirty) { isDirty = false; if (cachImage != null) { cachImage.Dispose(); } cachImage = new Bitmap(stageWidth, stageHeight); Graphics cg = Graphics.FromImage(cachImage); foreach (var memMapPoint in Cells) { cg.DrawImage(TileBook.GetTileImage(memMapPoint.Tile, CardSize, CardSize), memMapPoint.X, memMapPoint.Y, CardSize, CardSize); var tileConfig = ConfigData.GetTileConfig(memMapPoint.Tile); if (tileConfig.ShowBorder) { Pen pen = new Pen(Brushes.DarkRed, 1); cg.DrawRectangle(pen, memMapPoint.X, memMapPoint.Y, CardSize - 1, CardSize); pen.Dispose(); } #if DEBUG Font font = new Font("Arial", 7 * 1.33f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); g.DrawString(memMapPoint.Owner.ToString(), font, Brushes.White, memMapPoint.X, memMapPoint.Y + 10); font.Dispose(); #endif } cg.Dispose(); } g.DrawImageUnscaled(cachImage, 0, 0, stageWidth, stageHeight); }
private void DetectClick() { // Get mouse position Vector3 clickPosition; clickPosition = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) + Vector3.forward * 10.0f; if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { // Get tile map index of mouse position Vector3Int mapIndex = new Vector3Int((int)clickPosition.x, (int)clickPosition.y, 0); float dstToClick = (clickPosition - transform.position).magnitude; // Check if mouse position is in range of player if (dstToClick <= clickReach && StaticMaps.worldMap.GetTile(mapIndex) != TileBook.GetTileByName("Space")) { breakTimer += Time.deltaTime; // Once break timer has exceeded value remove tile if (breakTimer >= 1.0f) { if (StaticMaps.objectMap.GetTile(mapIndex) != TileBook.GetTileByName("NullObject") && StaticMaps.objectMap.GetTile(mapIndex) != null) { StaticMaps.SetTile(StaticMaps.MapType.Object, mapIndex, TileBook.GetTileByName("NullObject")); } else { StaticMaps.SetTile(StaticMaps.MapType.World, mapIndex, TileBook.GetTileByName("Space")); } breakTimer = 0.0f; // Check for change in air seal DetectSeal.CheckSeal(); } } } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { // If click detected check if within place range float dstToClick = (clickPosition - transform.position).magnitude; if (dstToClick <= clickReach && canPlace && Toolbar.GetItemByIndex(Toolbar.currentIndex).itemTile != null) { // Set tile at index to current tile if (TileBook.GetTileDataByName(Toolbar.GetItemByIndex(Toolbar.currentIndex).itemName).GetTileType() == TileData.TileType.WorldTile) { Vector3Int mapIndex = new Vector3Int((int)clickPosition.x, (int)clickPosition.y, 0); StaticMaps.SetTile(StaticMaps.MapType.World, mapIndex, Toolbar.GetItemByIndex(Toolbar.currentIndex).itemTile); } else if (TileBook.GetTileDataByName(Toolbar.GetItemByIndex(Toolbar.currentIndex).itemName).GetTileType() == TileData.TileType.ObjectTile) { Vector3Int mapIndex = new Vector3Int((int)clickPosition.x, (int)clickPosition.y, 0); StaticMaps.SetTile(StaticMaps.MapType.Object, mapIndex, Toolbar.GetItemByIndex(Toolbar.currentIndex).itemTile); } DetectSeal.CheckSeal(); } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { breakTimer = 0.0f; } StaticMaps.breakTimer = breakTimer; }
void Start() { cam = Camera.main; Toolbar.InitToolBar(10); // Fill toolbar with debug items Toolbar.SetItemAtIndex(new InventoryItem(TileBook.GetTileByName("Floor"), 1), 0); Toolbar.SetItemAtIndex(new InventoryItem(TileBook.GetTileByName("Wall"), 1), 1); Toolbar.SetItemAtIndex(new InventoryItem(TileBook.GetTileByName("Object"), 1), 2); }
public void Init() { //50每格子 Width = Height = 30; tileArray = new TileInfo[Width, Height]; for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Height; j++) { if ((i + j) % 5 == 1) { tileArray[i, j] = new TileInfo { CId = 3 } } ; else { tileArray[i, j] = new TileInfo { CId = 4 } }; } } MapPixelWidth = CellSize * Width; MapPixelHeight = CellSize * Height; cachedMap = new Bitmap(MapPixelWidth, MapPixelHeight); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(cachedMap); for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Height; j++) { Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(CellSize * i, CellSize * j, CellSize, CellSize); var tileImg = TileBook.GetTileImage(tileArray[i, j].CId, CellSize, CellSize); g.DrawImage(tileImg, destRect, 0, 0, CellSize, CellSize, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } } Pen myPen = new Pen(Brushes.DarkGoldenrod, 6); //描一个金边 g.DrawRectangle(myPen, 0 + 3, 0 + 3, MapPixelWidth - 6, MapPixelHeight - 6); myPen.Dispose(); g.DrawRectangle(Pens.DarkRed, 0 + 5, 0 + 5, MapPixelWidth - 10, MapPixelHeight - 10); g.Dispose(); }
private void Start() { // Get world grid object and get stored size grid = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <WorldGrid>(); Vector3Int mapSize = new Vector3Int(grid.width, grid.height, 1); // Set tile map sizes to match world grid worldMap.size = mapSize; objectMap.size = mapSize; // Placement map will display a single tile preview therefore is of size 1 placementMap.size = new Vector3Int(1, 1, 1); // Initialise static tile maps StaticMaps.worldMap = worldMap; StaticMaps.objectMap = objectMap; StaticMaps.placementMap = placementMap; // Detect and initialise static tile map renderers StaticMaps.DetectMapRenderers(); // Set placement map transform for moving tile placement preview StaticMaps.placementTransform = placementMap.gameObject.transform; StaticMaps.worldTileData = new TileData[grid.width, grid.height]; for (int y = 0; y < grid.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++) { StaticMaps.worldTileData[x, y] = new TileData(); } } StaticMaps.objectTileData = new TileData[grid.width, grid.height]; for (int y = 0; y < grid.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++) { StaticMaps.objectTileData[x, y] = new TileData(); } } Debug.Log("Tile Count: " + TileBook.GetTileCount()); SetGridToSpace(); CreateStartRoom(); DetectSeal.CheckSeal(); }
public static void SetTile(MapType mapType, Vector3Int position, Tile tile) { switch (mapType) { case MapType.World: worldMap.SetTile(position, tile); worldTileData[position.x, position.y] = new TileData(TileBook.GetTileDataByName(; break; case MapType.Object: objectMap.SetTile(position, tile); objectTileData[position.x, position.y] = new TileData(TileBook.GetTileDataByName(; break; case MapType.Placement: placementMap.SetTile(position, tile); break; } }
// Create debug room private void CreateStartRoom() { for (int y = 4; y < 10; y++) { for (int x = 4; x < 10; x++) { StaticMaps.SetTile(StaticMaps.MapType.World, new Vector3Int(x, y, 0), TileBook.GetTileByName("Wall")); } } for (int y = 5; y < 9; y++) { for (int x = 5; x < 9; x++) { StaticMaps.SetTile(StaticMaps.MapType.World, new Vector3Int(x, y, 0), TileBook.GetTileByName("Floor")); } } }
// Initialise whole grid to space tiles public void SetGridToSpace() { for (int y = 0; y < grid.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++) { StaticMaps.SetTile(StaticMaps.MapType.World, new Vector3Int(x, y, 0), TileBook.GetTileByName("Space")); } } }
public void NextAction(float pastRound) { LeftCount = 0; RightCount = 0; List <int> removeMids = new List <int>(); foreach (var mon in monsters) { var rival = mon.Rival as Player; if (rival.DirectDamage > 0) { HitDamage damage = new HitDamage(rival.DirectDamage, rival.DirectDamage, 0, DamageTypes.Magic); mon.HpBar.OnDamage(damage); } if (!mon.IsAlive) { if (!mon.IsGhost) { mon.OnDie(); } else { if (mon.OwnerPlayer.SpikeManager.HasSpike("grave") || (mon.Rival as Player).SpikeManager.HasSpike("grave")) { mon.GhostTime += 0.005f; } else { mon.GhostTime += 0.01f; } if (mon.GhostTime >= 1) { removeMids.Add(mon.Id); } } } else { if (!mon.IsLeft) { RightCount = RightCount + 1; } else { LeftCount = LeftCount + 1; } } } BattleManager.Instance.PlayerManager.LeftPlayer.DirectDamage = 0;//伤害清除 BattleManager.Instance.PlayerManager.RightPlayer.DirectDamage = 0; foreach (int mid in removeMids) { Remove(mid); } foreach (var roundMonster in monsters) { if (roundMonster.IsGhost) { continue; } int tile = BattleManager.Instance.MemMap.GetMouseCell(roundMonster.Position.X, roundMonster.Position.Y).Tile; var match = TileBook.IsTileMatch(tile, roundMonster.Avatar.MonsterConfig.Attr); roundMonster.Next(pastRound, match); } foreach (var lm in toAdd)//添加延时怪 { Add(lm); } toAdd.Clear(); }