public void AttributeSetShouldBeMakeANameTileMappping()
     var firstTile = new TileAttribute("first", new StringTile("1"));
     var secondTile = new TileAttribute("second", new StringTile("2"));
     var set = new AttributeSet("TILE", new List<TileAttribute> { firstTile, secondTile });
     Assert.That(set.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
 public void ContainsOnTileAttributesShouldReturnTrueForExistingName()
     var firstTile = new TileAttribute("first", new StringTile("1"));
     var secondTile = new TileAttribute("second", new StringTile("2"));
     var set = new AttributeSet("TILE", new List<TileAttribute> { firstTile, secondTile });
        public List <TileAttribute> GetTileAttribute()
            double MapResolution = CommonUtil.QueryMapResolution(this.Level, "..\\..\\..\\MapTileSupport\\Data\\MapResolution.xml");

            int maxRow    = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((180.0 + this.TopRight.Lng) / MapResolution * 256.0) - 1);
            int maxColumn = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((90 - this.TopRight.Lat) / MapResolution * 256) - 1);

            int minRow    = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((180.0 + this.BottomLeft.Lng) / MapResolution * 256.0) - 1);
            int minColumn = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((90 - this.BottomLeft.Lat) / MapResolution * 256) - 1);

            for (int i = minRow; i <= maxRow; i++)
                for (int j = minColumn; j <= maxColumn; j++)
                    TileAttribute tileAttribute = new TileAttribute(i, j, this.Level, "TianMap");
Exemple #4
    public void Copy(TileAttribute tileToCopy)
        transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 0);
        transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);

        mainTileColour = tileToCopy.mainTileColour;
        thisAttributeRenderer.color = mainTileColour.colour;

        thisAttributeRenderer.sprite = tileToCopy.thisAttributeRenderer.sprite;

        //stuff for edge tiles:
        if (tileToCopy.edgeTileArrow)
            edgeTileArrow.transform.rotation = tileToCopy.edgeTileArrow.transform.rotation;

        //stuff for game tiles:
        if (tileToCopy.leftRectangleWithArrow && tileToCopy.topRectangleWithArrow && tileToCopy.rightRectangleWithArrow && tileToCopy.bottomRectangleWithArrow)

            //for the rainbow sprite on the bottom rectangle
            bottomRectangleWithArrow.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = tileToCopy.bottomRectangleWithArrow.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite;

        type             = tileToCopy.type;
        rotation         = tileToCopy.rotation;
        colorArrayNumber = tileToCopy.colorArrayNumber;
        isLocked         = tileToCopy.isLocked;

        if (lockedImage)
Exemple #5
    //Adds scripts by Type, and then sets/initializes their parameters with TileAttribute.setParameters()
    public void addAttribute(string[] args)
        //args[0] and [1] are the tile loc

        //args[2] is the script type
        int scriptType = 0;

        if (int.TryParse(args[2], out scriptType))
            TileAttribute attrib = addAttributeScript(scriptType);

            //If the script was added, set parameters
            if (attrib)


                //TBD : Inform Board.cs of this attribute so it can track them
                // TBD : So that we can find attributes later more easily, like EnemySpawns or OrePatches without having to loop all tiles, etc
Exemple #6
 internal static void SerializeToToken(Microsoft.Phone.Shell.StandardTileData data /*Due static extracted this is here*/, IToken token)
     foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo info in data.GetType().GetProperties())
         foreach (Attribute attribute in info.GetCustomAttributes(true))
             TileAttribute attribute2 = attribute as TileAttribute;
             //if ((attribute2 != null) && data.TemplateTypeProperties.Contains<TOKEN_PROPERTY_TYPE>(attribute2.PropertyId))
             //    object obj2 = info.GetValue(data, null);
             //    string defaultValue = attribute2.DefaultValue;
             //    if (obj2 != null)
             //    {
             //        if (attribute2.ValueConverter == null)
             //        {
             //            defaultValue = string.Format("{0}", obj2);
             //        }
             //        else
             //        {
             //            var converter = (System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(attribute2.ValueConverter));
             //            defaultValue = (string)converter.Convert(obj2, typeof(string), null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
             //        }
             //    }
             //    if (defaultValue != null)
             //    {
             //        uint num = (uint)(5 /*5 = default*//*data.TemplateType*/ << 0x10);
             //        uint propertyId = (uint)(((TOKEN_PROPERTY_TYPE)num) | attribute2.PropertyId);
             //        if (defaultValue.Length > 0x200)
             //        {
             //            throw new ArgumentException("The serialized property " + info.Name + " is too long");
             //        }
             //        token.set_Property(propertyId, defaultValue);
             //    }
 public TileAttributeArgs(TileAttribute attribute, Tile tile)
     this.Attribute = attribute;
     this.Tile      = tile;
        public override MapDescriptor <LayerDescriptor <TileDescriptor <SpriteInfo> > > Load(IDataManagerArguments arguments)
            MapDescriptor <LayerDescriptor <TileDescriptor <SpriteInfo> > > map = null;

            var mapArguments = (arguments as ContentFileDataLoaderArguments);

            using (var fileStream = new FileStream(this.RootPath + mapArguments.FileName + EngineConstants.MAP_FILE_EXT, FileMode.Open))
                using (var bR = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
                    // Load the tileset information
                    int           tilesetCount = bR.ReadInt32();
                    List <string> tilesetPaths = new List <string>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < tilesetCount; i++)
                        // We can throw this information away as it is used only in the editor suite.
                        string tilesetPath = bR.ReadString();

                    string name       = bR.ReadString();
                    var    dimensions = new Vector(bR.ReadInt32(), bR.ReadInt32());

                    map = new MapDescriptor <LayerDescriptor <TileDescriptor <SpriteInfo> > >(dimensions, name)
                        Dark = bR.ReadBoolean()

                    map.Bounds = new Rect(0, 0, (int)map.Dimensions.X, (int)map.Dimensions.Y);

                    int layerCount = bR.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
                        string layerName = bR.ReadString();
                        int    lIndex    = bR.ReadInt32();

                        var layer = new LayerDescriptor <TileDescriptor <SpriteInfo> >(map.Dimensions, layerName, lIndex);

                        for (int x = 0; x < layer.Tiles.GetLength(0); x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y < layer.Tiles.GetLength(1); y++)
                                if (bR.ReadBoolean())
                                    layer.Tiles[x, y] = new TileDescriptor <SpriteInfo>(new Vector(x * EngineConstants.TILE_SIZE, y * EngineConstants.TILE_SIZE));

                                    if (bR.ReadBoolean()) // Is there a valid attribute saved for this tile?
                                        int    attributeDataLength = bR.ReadInt32();
                                        byte[] attributeData       = bR.ReadBytes(attributeDataLength);
                                        layer.Tiles[x, y].Attribute = TileAttribute.Deserialize(attributeData);

                                    if (bR.ReadBoolean())
                                        layer.Tiles[x, y].Animated    = bR.ReadBoolean();
                                        layer.Tiles[x, y].LightSource = bR.ReadBoolean();

                                        string spriteName = bR.ReadString();
                                        float  zIndex     = bR.ReadSingle(); // We can throw this away

                                        layer.Tiles[x, y].Sprite = new SpriteInfo(spriteName)
                                            Transform =
                                                Position   = new Vector(x * EngineConstants.TILE_SIZE, y * EngineConstants.TILE_SIZE),
                                                Color      = new Color(bR.ReadByte(),                  bR.ReadByte(),                 bR.ReadByte(),   bR.ReadByte()),
                                                Rect       = new Rect(bR.ReadInt32(),                  bR.ReadInt32(),                bR.ReadInt32(),  bR.ReadInt32()),
                                                LayerDepth = zIndex

                                        layer.Tiles[x, y].FrameCount = bR.ReadInt32();

                        //int mapObjectCount = bR.ReadInt32();
                        //for (int mI = 0; mI < mapObjectCount; mI++)
                        //    var mapObject = new MapObjectDescriptor()
                        //    {
                        //        Position = new Vector(bR.ReadSingle(), bR.ReadSingle())
                        //    };

                        //    if (bR.ReadBoolean())
                        //    {
                        //        string texturePath = bR.ReadString();
                        //        mapObject.Sprite = new SpriteInfo(texturePath)
                        //        {
                        //            Transform =
                        //            {
                        //                Rect = new Rect(bR.ReadInt32(), bR.ReadInt32(), bR.ReadInt32(), bR.ReadInt32())
                        //            }
                        //        };
                        //    }

                        //    mapObject.Animated = bR.ReadBoolean();

                        //    mapObject.FrameTime = bR.ReadInt32();

                        //    string scriptPath = bR.ReadString();

                        //    var lightSource = bR.ReadBoolean();
                        //    var lightRadius = bR.ReadSingle();
                        //    var lightColor = new Color(bR.ReadByte(), bR.ReadByte(), bR.ReadByte(), bR.ReadByte());

                        //    if (lightSource)
                        //    {
                        //        mapObject.LightInformation = new LightInformation()
                        //        {
                        //            Radius = lightRadius,
                        //            Color = lightColor
                        //        };
                        //    }


                        map.AddLayer(layerName, layer);

Exemple #9
 public void addTileAttribute(TileAttribute tileAttribute)
Exemple #10
        private void ConvertTMX(TmxMap map)
            // Set general properties.
            this.Width  = map.Width;
            this.Height = map.Height;

            var tilesets = map.Tileset;

            // Load the layers.
            int layerCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Layer.Length; i++)
                if (!map.Layer[i].Name.StartsWith("attribute"))
            this.Layers     = new Layer[layerCount];
            this.Attributes = new TileAttribute[this.Width * this.Height];

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Layer.Length; i++)
                this.Layers[i] = new Layer(this.Width, this.Height);
                var layer = this.Layers[i];

                // Get attributes.
                if (map.Layer[i].Name.StartsWith("attribute"))
                    for (int tileID = 0; tileID < map.Layer[i].Data.Length; tileID++)
                        int gid = map.Layer[i].Data[tileID].GID;

                        if (this.Attributes[i] == null)
                            this.Attributes[i] = new TileAttribute();

                        foreach (var tileset in tilesets)
                            if (tileset.Name == "mapattributes")
                                gid -= tileset.Image.Width * tileset.Image.Height;


                // Get tile information
                for (int tileID = 0; tileID < map.Layer[i].Data.Length; tileID++)
                    int gid = map.Layer[i].Data[tileID].GID;

                    foreach (var tileset in tilesets)
                        if (gid - tileset.Image.Width * tileset.Image.Height < 0)
                            layer.Tiles[tileID] = new Tile(tileset.Name, gid, tileset.Image.Width, tileset.Image.Height);
                            gid -= tileset.Image.Width * tileset.Image.Height;
 public TileAttributePlayerArgs(TileAttribute attribute, Tile tile, Player player)
     : base(attribute, tile)
     this.Player = player;
Exemple #12
 public bool HasFlag(TileAttribute flag)
Exemple #13
 public void TileAttributesShouldThrowExceptionWhenAddingTheSameName()
     var firstTile = new TileAttribute("first", new StringTile("1"));
     var secondTile = new TileAttribute("first", new StringTile("2"));
         new AttributeSet("TILE", new List<TileAttribute> { firstTile, secondTile });
         Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
     catch (TileException Te)
         Assert.That(Te.Message, Is.EqualTo(TileException.AttributeNameAlreadyUsed("first", "TILE").Message));
Exemple #14
 public void TileAttributesShouldThrowExceptionOnNonExistingName()
     var firstTile = new TileAttribute("first", new StringTile("1"));
     var secondTile = new TileAttribute("second", new StringTile("2"));
     var set = new AttributeSet("TILE", new List<TileAttribute> { firstTile, secondTile });
         Assert.That(set["nonexisting"], Is.Not.Null);
         Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
     } catch (TileException Te)
         Assert.That(Te.Message, Is.EqualTo(TileException.AttributeNotFound("nonexisting", "TILE").Message));
Exemple #15
 public void TileAttributesShouldBeRetrievableByName()
     var firstTile = new TileAttribute("first", new StringTile("1"));
     var secondTile = new TileAttribute("second", new StringTile("2"));
     var set = new AttributeSet("TILE", new List<TileAttribute> { firstTile, secondTile });
     Assert.That(set["first"], Is.Not.Null);
     Assert.That(set["first"], Is.SameAs(firstTile));
    public void TileAnimation(TileAttribute att, bool IsRoad)
        isRoad = IsRoad;

        if (att == TileAttribute.None)

        if (att == TileAttribute.Water)
            float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.12f, .14f);
            animationTime = rand;

        if (att == TileAttribute.Fire)
            float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.04f, .10f);
            animationTime = rand;

        if (att == TileAttribute.Magic)
            float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.08f, .11f);

            animationTime = rand;

        if (att == TileAttribute.Nature)
            float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.03f, .05f);
            animationTime = rand;

        if (att == TileAttribute.Poison)
            float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.01f, .20f);
            animationTime = rand;

        if (att == TileAttribute.Electric)
            float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.03f, .05f);
            animationTime = rand;

        if (att == TileAttribute.Ice)
            float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.01f, .20f);
            animationTime = rand;

        if (att == TileAttribute.Shadow)
            float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-.07f, .07f);
            animationTime = rand;

        if (att == TileAttribute.Mechanical)
            float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.01f, .1f);
            animationTime = rand;

        if (att == TileAttribute.Normal)
            float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.03f, .12f);
            animationTime = rand;
Exemple #17
 public override void SerializeImpl(SerializerObject s)
     TileIndex = s.Serialize <byte>(TileIndex, name: nameof(TileIndex));
     Attribute = s.SerializeObject <TileAttribute>(Attribute, name: nameof(Attribute));
 public TileAttributeUpdateArgs(TileAttribute attribute, GameTime gameTime, Tile tile)
     : base(attribute, tile)
     this.GameTime = gameTime;