public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SavingRasterImageToTIFFWithCompression
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Create an instance of TiffOptions and set its various properties
            TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

            options.BitsPerSample       = new ushort[] { 8, 8, 8 };
            options.Photometric         = TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;
            options.Xresolution         = new TiffRational(72);
            options.Yresolution         = new TiffRational(72);
            options.ResolutionUnit      = TiffResolutionUnits.Inch;
            options.PlanarConfiguration = TiffPlanarConfigs.Contiguous;

            // Set the Compression to AdobeDeflate
            options.Compression = TiffCompressions.AdobeDeflate;
            // Or Deflate
            // Options.Compression = TiffCompressions.Deflate;

            // Load an existing image in an instance of RasterImage
            using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "SampleTiff1.tiff"))
                // Create a new TiffImage from the RasterImage and Save the resultant image while passing the instance of TiffOptions
                using (TiffImage tiffImage = new TiffImage(new TiffFrame(image)))
                    tiffImage.Save(dataDir + "SavingRasterImage_out.tiff", options);
            // ExEnd:SavingRasterImageToTIFFWithCompression
Exemple #2
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:CreatingTIFFImageWithCompression
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages() + "SavingRasterImageToTIFFWithCompression_out.tiff";

            // Create an instance of TiffOptions and set its various properties
            TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

            options.BitsPerSample       = new ushort[] { 8, 8, 8 };
            options.Photometric         = TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;
            options.Xresolution         = new TiffRational(72);
            options.Yresolution         = new TiffRational(72);
            options.ResolutionUnit      = TiffResolutionUnits.Inch;
            options.PlanarConfiguration = TiffPlanarConfigs.Contiguous;

            // Set the Compression to AdobeDeflate
            options.Compression = TiffCompressions.AdobeDeflate;

            // Or Deflate
            // Options.Compression = TiffCompressions.Deflate;

            // Create a new TiffImage with specific size and TiffOptions settings
            using (TiffImage tiffImage = new TiffImage(new TiffFrame(options, 100, 100)))
                // Loop over the pixels to set the color to red
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    tiffImage.ActiveFrame.SetPixel(i, i, Color.Red);
                // Save resultant image
            // ExEnd:CreatingTIFFImageWithCompression
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Conversion();

            // Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a Presentation file
            using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation(dataDir + "DemoFile.pptx"))
                TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions();
                options.PixelFormat = ImagePixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed;

                 * ImagePixelFormat contains the following values (as could be seen from documentation):
                 * Format1bppIndexed; // 1 bits per pixel, indexed.
                 * Format4bppIndexed; // 4 bits per pixel, indexed.
                 * Format8bppIndexed; // 8 bits per pixel, indexed.
                 * Format24bppRgb; // 24 bits per pixel, RGB.
                 * Format32bppArgb; // 32 bits per pixel, ARGB.

                // Save the presentation to TIFF with specified image size
                presentation.Save(dataDir + "Tiff_With_Custom_Image_Pixel_Format_out.tiff", SaveFormat.Tiff, options);
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();


            string sourceFile = dataDir + @"sample.psd";
            string destName   = dataDir + @"AdjustGamma_out.tiff";

            // Load an existing image into an instance of RasterImage class
            using (var image = Image.Load(sourceFile))
                // Cast object of Image to RasterImage
                RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)image;

                // Check if RasterImage is cached and Cache RasterImage for better performance
                if (!rasterImage.IsCached)

                // Adjust the gamma
                rasterImage.AdjustGamma(2.2f, 2.2f, 2.2f);

                // Create an instance of TiffOptions for the resultant image,  Set various properties for the object of TiffOptions and Save the resultant image to TIFF format
                TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
                tiffOptions.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 8, 8, 8 };
                tiffOptions.Photometric   = TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;
                rasterImage.Save(destName, tiffOptions);

        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();


            String sourceFile = dataDir + @"sample.psd";
            string destName   = dataDir + @"output";

            // Load a PSD image and Convert the image's layers to Tiff images.
            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
                // Iterate through array of PSD layers
                for (int i = 0; i < image.Layers.Length; i++)
                    // Get PSD layer.
                    Layer layer = image.Layers[i];

                    // Create an instance of TIFF Option class and Save the PSD layer as TIFF image
                    TiffOptions objTiff = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb);
                    layer.Save("output" + i + "_out.tif", objTiff);

Exemple #6
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image in an instance of Image
            using (Image image__1 = Image.Load(dataDir + Convert.ToString("aspose-logo.jpg")))
                // Cast object of Image to RasterImage
                RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)image__1;

                // Check if RasterImage is cached and Cache RasterImage for better performance
                if (!rasterImage.IsCached)

                // Adjust the brightness

                // Create an instance of TiffOptions for the resultant image, Set various properties for the object of TiffOptions and Save the resultant image
                TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
                tiffOptions.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 8, 8, 8 };
                tiffOptions.Photometric   = TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;
                rasterImage.Save(dataDir + Convert.ToString("AdjustBrightness_out.tiff"), tiffOptions);
Exemple #7
        public static void Run()
            // To get proper output please apply a valid Aspose.Imaging License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http://");
            // ExStart:AdjustBrightness
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image in an instance of Image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg"))
                // Cast object of Image to RasterImage
                RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)image;

                // Check if RasterImage is cached and Cache RasterImage for better performance
                if (!rasterImage.IsCached)

                // Adjust the contrast

                // Create an instance of TiffOptions for the resultant image, Set various properties for the object of TiffOptions and Save the resultant image to TIFF format
                TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
                tiffOptions.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 8, 8, 8 };
                tiffOptions.Photometric   = TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;
                rasterImage.Save(dataDir + "AdjustContrast_out.tiff", tiffOptions);
            // ExEnd:TiffOptionsConfiguration
        public static void Run()
            //string dir = @"c:\\IMAGINGNET\2990\";
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();

            string sourcePath = dataDir + "gray-d15.psd";
            string outputPath = dataDir + "gray-d15.psd.apply-icc.tif";

            // Save to grayscale TIFF
            TiffOptions saveOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

            saveOptions.Photometric   = TiffPhotometrics.MinIsBlack;
            saveOptions.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 8 };

            // If the image contains a built-in Gray ICC profile, it is not be applied by default in contrast of the CMYK profile.
            // Enable ICC conversion explicitly.
            LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();

            loadOptions.UseIccProfileConversion = true;

            using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourcePath, loadOptions))
                // Embed the gray ICC profile to the output TIFF.
                // The built-in Gray Profile can be read via the PsdImage.GrayColorProfile property.
                saveOptions.IccProfile = ToMemoryStream(psdImage.GrayColorProfile);
                psdImage.Save(outputPath, saveOptions);
Exemple #9
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AI();

            string[] sourcesFiles = new string[]

            for (int i = 0; i < sourcesFiles.Length; i++)
                string name           = sourcesFiles[i];
                string sourceFileName = dataDir + name + ".ai";
                string outFileName    = dataDir + name + ".tif";

                using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
                    ImageOptionsBase options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgba);
                    image.Save(outFileName, options);

        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:CreatingTIFFImageWithCompression
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages() + "SavingRasterImageToTIFFWithCompression_out.tiff";

            // Create an instance of TiffOptions and set its various properties
            TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
            options.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 8, 8, 8 };
            options.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;
            options.Xresolution = new TiffRational(72);
            options.Yresolution = new TiffRational(72);
            options.ResolutionUnit = TiffResolutionUnits.Inch;
            options.PlanarConfiguration = TiffPlanarConfigs.Contiguous;

            // Set the Compression to AdobeDeflate
            options.Compression = TiffCompressions.AdobeDeflate;
            // Or Deflate                        
            // Options.Compression = TiffCompressions.Deflate;

            // Create a new TiffImage with specific size and TiffOptions settings
            using (TiffImage tiffImage = new TiffImage(new TiffFrame(options, 100, 100)))
                // Loop over the pixels to set the color to red
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    tiffImage.ActiveFrame.SetPixel(i, i, Color.Red);
                // Save resultant image
            // ExEnd:CreatingTIFFImageWithCompression
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SavingRasterImageToTIFFWithCompression
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();
            // Create an instance of TiffOptions and set its various properties
            TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
            options.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 8, 8, 8 };
            options.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;
            options.Xresolution = new TiffRational(72);
            options.Yresolution = new TiffRational(72);
            options.ResolutionUnit = TiffResolutionUnits.Inch;
            options.PlanarConfiguration = TiffPlanarConfigs.Contiguous;

            // Set the Compression to AdobeDeflate
            options.Compression = TiffCompressions.AdobeDeflate;            
            // Or Deflate         
            // Options.Compression = TiffCompressions.Deflate;

            // Load an existing image in an instance of RasterImage
            using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "SampleTiff1.tiff"))
                // Create a new TiffImage from the RasterImage and Save the resultant image while passing the instance of TiffOptions
                using (TiffImage tiffImage = new TiffImage(new TiffFrame(image)))
                    tiffImage.Save(dataDir + "SavingRasterImage_out.tiff", options);
            // ExEnd:SavingRasterImageToTIFFWithCompression
Exemple #12
        public static void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Running example ConvertGIFImageLayersToTIFF");
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load a GIF image and Convert the image to GIF image
            Image objImage = Image.Load(dataDir + "asposelogo.gif");

            using (GifImage gif = (GifImage)objImage)
                // Iterate through arry of blocks in the GIF image
                for (int i = 0; i < gif.Blocks.Length; i++)
                    // Convert block to GifFrameBlock class instance
                    GifFrameBlock gifBlock = gif.Blocks[i] as GifFrameBlock;

                    // Check if gif block is then ignore it
                    if (gifBlock == null)

                    // Create an instance of TIFF Option class and Save the GIFF block as TIFF image
                    TiffOptions objTiff = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
                    gifBlock.Save(dataDir + "asposelogo" + i + "_out.tif", objTiff);

            Console.WriteLine("Finished example ConvertGIFImageLayersToTIFF");
Exemple #13
        public static void Run()
            // To get proper output please apply a valid Aspose.Imaging License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http://");

            // ExStart:ConvertGIFImageLayersToTIFF
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load a GIF image
            Image objImage = Image.Load(dataDir + "asposelogo.gif");

            // Convert the image to GIF image
            using (GifImage gif = (GifImage)objImage)
                // iterate through arry of blocks in the GIF image
                for (int i = 0; i < gif.Blocks.Length; i++)
                    // convert block to GifFrameBlock class instance
                    GifFrameBlock gifBlock = gif.Blocks[i] as GifFrameBlock;

                    // Check if gif block is then ignore it
                    if (gifBlock == null)

                    // Create an instance of TIFF Option class
                    TiffOptions objTiff = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

                    // Save the GIFF block as TIFF image
                    gifBlock.Save(dataDir + "asposelogo" + i + "_out.tif", objTiff);
            // ExEnd:ConvertGIFImageLayersToTIFF
        public static void Run()
            // To get proper output please apply a valid Aspose.Imaging License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http://");
            // ExStart:AdjustBrightness
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image in an instance of Image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg"))
                // Cast object of Image to RasterImage
                RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)image;

                // Check if RasterImage is cached and Cache RasterImage for better performance
                if (!rasterImage.IsCached)

                // Adjust the contrast

                // Create an instance of TiffOptions for the resultant image, Set various properties for the object of TiffOptions and Save the resultant image to TIFF format
                TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
                tiffOptions.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 8, 8, 8 };
                tiffOptions.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;
                rasterImage.Save(dataDir + "AdjustContrast_out.tiff", tiffOptions);
            // ExEnd:TiffOptionsConfiguration
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:AdjustBrightness
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image in an instance of Image
            using (Image image__1 = Image.Load(dataDir + Convert.ToString("aspose-logo.jpg")))
                // Cast object of Image to RasterImage
                RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)image__1;

                // Check if RasterImage is cached and Cache RasterImage for better performance
                if (!rasterImage.IsCached)

                // Adjust the brightness

                // Create an instance of TiffOptions for the resultant image, Set various properties for the object of TiffOptions and Save the resultant image
                TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
                tiffOptions.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] {8,8,8};
                tiffOptions.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;
                rasterImage.Save(dataDir + Convert.ToString("AdjustBrightness_out.tiff"), tiffOptions);
            // ExEnd:TiffOptionsConfiguration
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();


            // Load a PSD file as an image and cast it into PsdImage
            using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "layers.psd"))
                // Create an instance of TiffOptions for the resultant image
                TiffOptions outputSettings = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

                // Set BitsPerSample, Compression, Photometric mode and graycale palette
                outputSettings.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 4 };
                outputSettings.Compression   = TiffCompressions.Lzw;
                outputSettings.Photometric   = TiffPhotometrics.Palette;
                outputSettings.Palette       = ColorPaletteHelper.Create4BitGrayscale(true);

                psdImage.Save(dataDir + "SampleTiff_out.tiff", outputSettings);

        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:ConvertGIFImageLayersToTIFF
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load a GIF image and Convert the image to GIF image
            Image objImage = Image.Load(dataDir + "asposelogo.gif");
            using (GifImage gif = (GifImage)objImage)
                // Iterate through arry of blocks in the GIF image
                for (int i = 0; i < gif.Blocks.Length; i++)
                    // Convert block to GifFrameBlock class instance
                    GifFrameBlock gifBlock = gif.Blocks[i] as GifFrameBlock;

                    // Check if gif block is then ignore it
                    if (gifBlock == null)

                    // Create an instance of TIFF Option class and Save the GIFF block as TIFF image
                    TiffOptions objTiff = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
                    gifBlock.Save(dataDir + "asposelogo"  + i + "_out.tif", objTiff);
            // ExEnd:ConvertGIFImageLayersToTIFF
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            List<string> files = new List<string>(new[] { dataDir + "TestDemo.tiff", dataDir + "sample.tiff" });
            TiffOptions createOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
            createOptions.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 1 };
            createOptions.Orientation = TiffOrientations.TopLeft;
            createOptions.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.MinIsBlack;
            createOptions.Compression = TiffCompressions.CcittFax3;
            createOptions.FillOrder = TiffFillOrders.Lsb2Msb;

            // Create a new image by passing the TiffOptions and size of first frame, we will remove the first frame at the end, cause it will be empty
            TiffImage output = null;
                List<TiffImage> images = new List<TiffImage>();
                    foreach (var file in files)
                        // Create an instance of TiffImage and load the source image
                        TiffImage input = (TiffImage)Image.Load(file);
                        images.Add(input); // Do not dispose before data is fetched. Data is fetched on 'Save' later.
                        foreach (var frame in input.Frames)
                            if (output == null)
                                // Create a new tiff image with first frame defined.
                                output = new TiffImage(TiffFrame.CopyFrame(frame));
                                // Add copied frame to destination image

                    if (output != null)
                        // Save the result
                        output.Save(dataDir + "ConcatenateTiffImagesHavingSeveralFrames_out.tif", createOptions);
                    foreach (TiffImage image in images)
            catch (Exception ex)

Exemple #19
        void SaveDocument(SaveType type)
            if (!SBSDK.IsLicenseValid())

                var input  = adapter.GetDocumentUris().ToArray();
                var output = GetOutputUri(".pdf");

                if (type == SaveType.TIFF)
                    output = GetOutputUri(".tiff");
                    // Please note that some compression types are only compatible for 1-bit encoded images (binarized black & white images)!
                    var options = new TiffOptions {
                        OneBitEncoded = true, Compression = TiffCompressionOptions.CompressionCcittfax4, Dpi = 250
                    bool success = SBSDK.WriteTiff(input, output, options);
                else if (type == SaveType.OCR)
                    var languages = SBSDK.GetOcrConfigs().InstalledLanguages.ToArray();

                    if (languages.Length == 0)
                            Alert.Toast(this, "OCR languages blobs are not available");
                    SBSDK.PerformOCR(input, languages, output);
                    SBSDK.CreatePDF(input, output, ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.PDFPageSize.FixedA4);

                Java.IO.File file = Copier.Copy(this, output);

                var intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView, output);

                var authority = ApplicationContext.PackageName + ".provider";
                var uri       = FileProvider.GetUriForFile(this, authority, file);

                intent.SetDataAndType(uri, MimeUtils.GetMimeByName(file.Name));
                intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.ClearWhenTaskReset | ActivityFlags.NewTask);
                intent.AddFlags(ActivityFlags.GrantReadUriPermission | ActivityFlags.GrantWriteUriPermission);

                    StartActivity(Intent.CreateChooser(intent, output.LastPathSegment));
                    Alert.Toast(this, "File saved to: " + output.Path);
        /// ConvertImageToTiff method to convert image to tiff
        public Response ConvertImageToTiff(string fileName, string folderName, string outputType)
            ImageOptionsBase optionsBase = new TiffOptions(Imaging.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRgb);

            return(ProcessTask(fileName, folderName, "." + outputType, false, false, delegate(string inFilePath, string outPath, string zipOutFolder)
                using (Image image = Image.Load(inFilePath))
                    image.Save(outPath, optionsBase);
Exemple #21
        /// ConvertPSDToTiff method to convert psd to tiff
        public Response ConvertPSDToTiff(string fileName, string folderName, string outputType)
            TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

            return(ProcessTask(fileName, folderName, ".tiff", false, false, delegate(string inFilePath, string outPath, string zipOutFolder)
                using (Image image = Image.Load(inFilePath))
                    image.Save(outPath, tiffOptions);
        public static void Run()
            string      dataDir        = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();
            string      sourceFilePath = "testTileDeflate.tif";
            string      outputFilePath = "testTileDeflate Cmyk Icc.tif";
            TiffOptions options        = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffLzwCmyk);

            using (Image image = Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
                image.Save(outputFilePath, options);
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:TiffOptionsConfiguration           
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image through file path location or stream
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "SampleTiff1.tiff"))
                // Create an instance of TiffOptions while specifying desired format Passsing TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRGB will set the compression to Jpeg and BitsPerPixel according to the RGB color space.
                TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRgb);
                image.Save(dataDir + "SampleTiff_out.tiff", options);
            // ExEnd:TiffOptionsConfiguration
Exemple #24
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image through file path location or stream
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "SampleTiff1.tiff"))
                // Create an instance of TiffOptions while specifying desired format Passsing TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRGB will set the compression to Jpeg and BitsPerPixel according to the RGB color space.
                TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRgb);
                image.Save(dataDir + "SampleTiff_out.tiff", options);
Exemple #25
        public static void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Running example SupportTiffDeflate");
            string dataDir        = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();
            string sourceFileName = "FromRasterImageEthalon.psd";
            string outputfile     = "result.tiff";

            //Export png with alpha channel to tiff
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "sample.png"))
                TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgba);
                image.Save(outputfile, options);

            Console.WriteLine("Finished example SupportTiffDeflate");
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_DjVu();

            // Load a DjVu image
            using (DjvuImage image = (DjvuImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "Sample.djvu"))
                // Create an instance of TiffOptions & use preset options for Black n While with Deflate compression
                TiffOptions exportOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateBw);
                // Initialize the DjvuMultiPageOptions
                exportOptions.MultiPageOptions = new DjvuMultiPageOptions();
                // Call Save method while passing instance of TiffOptions
                image.Save(dataDir + "ConvertDjVuToTIFFFormat_out.tiff", exportOptions);
        public static void Run()
            string dataDir        = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();
            string sourceFileName = "FromRasterImageEthalon.psd";
            string outputfile     = "result.tiff";

            //Export png with alpha channel to tiff
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "Alpha.png"))
                TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgba);
                image.Save(outputfile, options);

Exemple #28
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();

            // Load a PSD file as an image and cast it into PsdImage
            using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "layers.psd"))
                // Create an instance of TiffOptions while specifying desired format Passsing TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRGB will set the compression to Jpeg and BitsPerPixel according to the RGB color space.
                TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRgb);
                psdImage.Save(dataDir + "SampleTiff_out.tiff", options);

        public static void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Running example AddFramesToTIFFImage");
            // To get proper output please apply a valid Aspose.Imaging License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http://");

            // The path to the documents directory.
            string      dataDir        = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();
            TiffOptions outputSettings = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

            outputSettings.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 1 };
            outputSettings.Compression   = TiffCompressions.CcittFax3;
            outputSettings.Photometric   = TiffPhotometrics.MinIsWhite;
            outputSettings.Source        = new StreamSource(new MemoryStream());
            int    newWidth  = 500;
            int    newHeight = 500;
            string path      = dataDir + "AddFramesToTIFFImage_out.tif";

            using (TiffImage tiffImage = (TiffImage)Image.Create(outputSettings, newWidth, newHeight))
                int index = 0;
                foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(dataDir, "*.jpg"))
                    using (RasterImage ri = (RasterImage)Image.Load(file))
                        ri.Resize(newWidth, newHeight, ResizeType.NearestNeighbourResample);
                        TiffFrame frame = tiffImage.ActiveFrame;
                        if (index > 0)
                            frame = new TiffFrame(new TiffOptions(outputSettings) /*ensure options are cloned for each frame*/,
                                                  newWidth, newHeight);
                            // If there is a TIFF image loaded you need to enumerate the frames and perform the following
                            // Frame = TiffFrame.CreateFrameFrom(sourceFrame, outputSettings);

                        frame.SavePixels(frame.Bounds, ri.LoadPixels(ri.Bounds));
                        if (index > 0)

            Console.WriteLine("Finished example AddFramesToTIFFImage");
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Conversion();

            // Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a presentation file
            using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(dataDir + "ConvertWithNoteToTiff.pptx"))
                TiffOptions opts = new TiffOptions();
                INotesCommentsLayoutingOptions notesOptions = opts.NotesCommentsLayouting;
                notesOptions.NotesPosition = NotesPositions.BottomFull;
                // Saving the presentation to TIFF notes
                pres.Save(dataDir + "TestNotes_out.tiff", SaveFormat.Tiff, opts);
Exemple #31
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Aspose.Imaging.Examples.Utils.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

            TiffOptions outputSettings = new TiffOptions();

            outputSettings.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 1 };
            outputSettings.Compression   = TiffCompressions.CcittFax3;
            outputSettings.Photometric   = TiffPhotometrics.MinIsWhite;
            outputSettings.Source        = new StreamSource(new MemoryStream());
            int    newWidth  = 500;
            int    newHeight = 500;
            string path      = dataDir + "output.tif";

            using (TiffImage tiffImage = (TiffImage)Image.Create(outputSettings, newWidth, newHeight))
                int index = 0;
                foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(dataDir, "*.jpg"))
                    using (RasterImage ri = (RasterImage)Image.Load(file))
                        ri.Resize(newWidth, newHeight, ResizeType.NearestNeighbourResample);
                        TiffFrame frame = tiffImage.ActiveFrame;
                        if (index > 0)
                            frame = new TiffFrame(new TiffOptions(outputSettings) /*ensure options are cloned for each frame*/,
                                                  newWidth, newHeight);
                            // If there is a TIFF image loaded you need to enumerate the frames and perform the following
                            // frame = TiffFrame.CreateFrameFrom(sourceFrame, outputSettings);

                        frame.SavePixels(frame.Bounds, ri.LoadPixels(ri.Bounds));
                        if (index > 0)


        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();

            // Load a PSD file as an image and cast it into PsdImage
            using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "layers.psd"))
                // Create an instance of TiffOptions while specifying desired format and compression
                TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb);
                options.Compression = TiffCompressions.AdobeDeflate;
                psdImage.Save(dataDir + "TIFFwithDeflateCompression_out.tiff", options);

Exemple #33
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_DjVu();

            // Load a DjVu image
            using (DjvuImage image = (DjvuImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "Sample.djvu"))
                // Create an instance of TiffOptions with preset options
                TiffOptions exportOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateBw);
                // Create an instance of IntRange and initialize it with range of pages to be exported
                IntRange range = new IntRange(0, 2); //Export first 2 pages
                // Initialize an instance of DjvuMultiPageOptions while passing instance of IntRange
                exportOptions.MultiPageOptions = new DjvuMultiPageOptions(range);
                // Call Save method while passing instance of TiffOptions
                image.Save(dataDir + "ConvertRangeOfDjVuPages_out.djvu", exportOptions);
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:ConvertDjVuToTIFF
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_DjVu();

            // Load a DjVu image
            using (DjvuImage image = (DjvuImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "Sample.djvu"))
                // Create an instance of TiffOptions & use preset options for Black n While with Deflate compression
                TiffOptions exportOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateBw);

                // Initialize the DjvuMultiPageOptions and Call Save method while passing instance of TiffOptions
                exportOptions.MultiPageOptions = new DjvuMultiPageOptions();
                image.Save(dataDir + "ConvertDjVuToTIFFFormat_out.tiff", exportOptions);
            // ExEnd:ConvertDjVuToTIFF
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:ConvertRangeOfDjVuPages
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_DjVu();

            // Load a DjVu image
            using (DjvuImage image = (DjvuImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "Sample.djvu"))
                // Create an instance of TiffOptions with preset options and IntRange and initialize it with range of pages to be exported
                TiffOptions exportOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateBw);
                IntRange range = new IntRange(0, 2);

                // Initialize an instance of DjvuMultiPageOptions while passing instance of IntRange and  Call Save method while passing instance of TiffOptions
                exportOptions.MultiPageOptions = new DjvuMultiPageOptions(range);
                image.Save(dataDir + "ConvertRangeOfDjVuPages_out.djvu", exportOptions);
            // ExEnd:ConvertRangeOfDjVuPages
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Aspose.Imaging.Examples.Utils.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

            TiffOptions outputSettings = new TiffOptions();
            outputSettings.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 1 };
            outputSettings.Compression = TiffCompressions.CcittFax3;
            outputSettings.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.MinIsWhite;
            outputSettings.Source = new StreamSource(new MemoryStream());
            int newWidth = 500;
            int newHeight = 500;
            string path = dataDir + "output.tif";
            using (TiffImage tiffImage = (TiffImage)Image.Create(outputSettings, newWidth, newHeight))
                int index = 0;
                foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(dataDir, "*.jpg"))
                    using (RasterImage ri = (RasterImage)Image.Load(file))
                        ri.Resize(newWidth, newHeight, ResizeType.NearestNeighbourResample);
                        TiffFrame frame = tiffImage.ActiveFrame;
                        if (index > 0)
                            frame = new TiffFrame(new TiffOptions(outputSettings) /*ensure options are cloned for each frame*/,
                                newWidth, newHeight);
                            // If there is a TIFF image loaded you need to enumerate the frames and perform the following
                            // frame = TiffFrame.CreateFrameFrom(sourceFrame, outputSettings);

                        frame.SavePixels(frame.Bounds, ri.LoadPixels(ri.Bounds));
                        if (index > 0)


        public static void Run()
            // To get proper output please apply a valid Aspose.Imaging License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http://");
            // ExStart:TiffOptionsConfiguration
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image through file path location or stream
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "SampleTiff1.tiff"))
                // Create an instance of TiffOptions while specifying desired format
                // Passsing TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRGB will set the compression to Jpeg
                // And BitsPerPixel according to the RGB color space
                TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRgb);
                // Save the result in Tiff format RGB with Jpeg compression
                image.Save(dataDir + "SampleTiff_out.tiff", options);
            // ExEnd:TiffOptionsConfiguration
Exemple #38
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();


            // Create an instance of TiffOptions and set its various properties
            TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

            options.BitsPerSample       = new ushort[] { 8, 8, 8 };
            options.Photometric         = TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;
            options.Xresolution         = new TiffRational(72);
            options.Yresolution         = new TiffRational(72);
            options.ResolutionUnit      = TiffResolutionUnits.Inch;
            options.PlanarConfiguration = TiffPlanarConfigs.Contiguous;

            // Set the Compression to AdobeDeflate
            options.Compression = TiffCompressions.AdobeDeflate;

            //Create a new image with specific size and TiffOptions settings
            using (PsdImage image = new PsdImage(100, 100))
                // Fill image data.
                int   count  = image.Width * image.Height;
                int[] pixels = new int[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    pixels[i] = Color.Red.ToArgb();

                // Save the newly created pixels.
                image.SaveArgb32Pixels(image.Bounds, pixels);

                // Save resultant image
                image.Save(dataDir + "TIFFwithAdobeDeflateCompression_output.tif", options);

        public static void Run()
            // To get proper output please apply a valid Aspose.Imaging License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http://");

            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();
            TiffOptions outputSettings = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
            outputSettings.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 1 };
            outputSettings.Compression = TiffCompressions.CcittFax3;
            outputSettings.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.MinIsWhite;
            outputSettings.Source = new StreamSource(new MemoryStream());
            int newWidth = 500;
            int newHeight = 500;
            string path = dataDir + "AddFramesToTIFFImage_out.tif";
            using (TiffImage tiffImage = (TiffImage)Image.Create(outputSettings, newWidth, newHeight))
                int index = 0;
                foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(dataDir, "*.jpg"))
                    using (RasterImage ri = (RasterImage)Image.Load(file))
                        ri.Resize(newWidth, newHeight, ResizeType.NearestNeighbourResample);
                        TiffFrame frame = tiffImage.ActiveFrame;
                        if (index > 0)
                            frame = new TiffFrame(new TiffOptions(outputSettings) /*ensure options are cloned for each frame*/,
                                newWidth, newHeight);
                            // If there is a TIFF image loaded you need to enumerate the frames and perform the following
                            // Frame = TiffFrame.CreateFrameFrom(sourceFrame, outputSettings);

                        frame.SavePixels(frame.Bounds, ri.LoadPixels(ri.Bounds));
                        if (index > 0)
Exemple #40
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();


            String srcPath  = dataDir + @"sample.psd";
            string destName = dataDir + @"export";

            // Load an existing PSD image as Image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(srcPath))
                // Create an instance of PngOptions class
                PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions();

                // Create an instance of BmpOptions class
                BmpOptions bmpOptions = new BmpOptions();

                // Create an instance of TiffOptions class
                TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

                // Create an instance of GifOptions class
                GifOptions gifOptions = new GifOptions();

                // Create an instance of JpegOptions class
                JpegOptions jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();

                // Create an instance of Jpeg2000Options class
                Jpeg2000Options jpeg2000Options = new Jpeg2000Options();

                // Call the save method, provide output path and export options to convert PSD file to various raster file formats.
                image.Save(destName + ".png", pngOptions);
                image.Save(destName + ".bmp", bmpOptions);
                image.Save(destName + ".tiff", tiffOptions);
                image.Save(destName + ".gif", gifOptions);
                image.Save(destName + ".jpeg", jpegOptions);
                image.Save(destName + ".jp2", jpeg2000Options);

        public static void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Running example CompressingTIFFImagesWithLZWAlgorithm");
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image through file path location or stream
            Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "SampleTiff.tiff");

            // Create an instance of TiffOptions for the resultant image
            TiffOptions outputSettings = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

            // Set BitsPerSample, Compression, Photometric mode and graycale palette
            outputSettings.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 4 };
            outputSettings.Compression   = TiffCompressions.Lzw;
            outputSettings.Photometric   = TiffPhotometrics.Palette;
            outputSettings.Palette       = ColorPaletteHelper.Create4BitGrayscale(false);
            image.Save(dataDir + "SampleTiff_out.tiff", outputSettings);
            Console.WriteLine("Finished example CompressingTIFFImagesWithLZWAlgorithm");
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:CompressingTIFFImagesWithLZWAlgorithm
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image through file path location or stream
            Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "SampleTiff.tiff");

            // Create an instance of TiffOptions for the resultant image
            TiffOptions outputSettings = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

            // Set BitsPerSample, Compression, Photometric mode and graycale palette
            outputSettings.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 4 };
            outputSettings.Compression = TiffCompressions.Lzw;
            outputSettings.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.Palette;
            outputSettings.Palette = ColorPaletteHelper.Create4BitGrayscale(false);
            image.Save(dataDir + "SampleTiff_out.tiff", outputSettings);
            // ExEnd:CompressingTIFFImagesWithLZWAlgorithm
        public static void Run()
            // To get proper output please apply a valid Aspose.Imaging License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http://");
            // ExStart:CompressingTIFFImagesWithAdobeDeflateCompression
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image through file path location or stream
            Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "SampleTiff1.tiff");

            // Create an instance of TiffOptions for the resultant image
            TiffOptions outputSettings = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

            // Set BitsPerSample, Photometric mode & Compression mode
            outputSettings.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 4 };
            outputSettings.Compression = TiffCompressions.AdobeDeflate;
            outputSettings.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.Palette;

            // Set graycale palette
            outputSettings.Palette = ColorPaletteHelper.Create4BitGrayscale(false);
            // ExEnd:CompressingTIFFImagesWithAdobeDeflateCompression
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Conversion();

            // Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a Presentation file
            using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(dataDir + "Convert_Tiff_Custom.pptx"))
                // Instantiate the TiffOptions class
                TiffOptions opts = new TiffOptions();

                // Setting compression type
                opts.CompressionType = TiffCompressionTypes.Default;

                // Compression Types

                // Default - Specifies the default compression scheme (LZW).
                // None - Specifies no compression.
                // CCITT3
                // CCITT4
                // LZW
                // RLE

                // Depth depends on the compression type and cannot be set manually.
                // Resolution unit  is always equal to “2” (dots per inch)
                // Setting image DPI
                opts.DpiX = 200;
                opts.DpiY = 100;

                // Set Image Size
                opts.ImageSize = new Size(1728, 1078);

                // Save the presentation to TIFF with specified image size
                pres.Save(dataDir + "TiffWithCustomSize_out.tiff", SaveFormat.Tiff, opts);
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Conversion();

            // Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a Presentation file
            using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation(dataDir + "DemoFile.pptx"))
                TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions();
                options.PixelFormat = ImagePixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed;

                ImagePixelFormat contains the following values (as could be seen from documentation):
                Format1bppIndexed; // 1 bits per pixel, indexed.
                Format4bppIndexed; // 4 bits per pixel, indexed.
                Format8bppIndexed; // 8 bits per pixel, indexed.
                Format24bppRgb; // 24 bits per pixel, RGB.
                Format32bppArgb; // 32 bits per pixel, ARGB.

                // Save the presentation to TIFF with specified image size
                presentation.Save(dataDir + "Tiff_With_Custom_Image_Pixel_Format_out.tiff", SaveFormat.Tiff, options);
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:ReadAndWriteXMPDataToImages
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();           

            // Specify the size of image by defining a Rectangle 
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 200);
            TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRgb);
            tiffOptions.Photometric = TiffPhotometrics.MinIsBlack;
            tiffOptions.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 8 };

            // Create the brand new image just for sample purposes
            using (var image = new TiffImage(new TiffFrame(tiffOptions, rect.Width, rect.Height)))
                // Create an instance of XMP-Header
                XmpHeaderPi xmpHeader = new XmpHeaderPi(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

                // Create an instance of Xmp-TrailerPi, XMPmeta class to set different attributes
                XmpTrailerPi xmpTrailer = new XmpTrailerPi(true);
                XmpMeta xmpMeta = new XmpMeta();
                xmpMeta.AddAttribute("Author", "Mr Smith");
                xmpMeta.AddAttribute("Description", "The fake metadata value");

                // Create an instance of XmpPacketWrapper that contains all metadata
                XmpPacketWrapper xmpData = new XmpPacketWrapper(xmpHeader,xmpTrailer, xmpMeta);

                // Create an instacne of Photoshop package and set photoshop attributes
                PhotoshopPackage photoshopPackage =  new PhotoshopPackage();

                // Add photoshop package into XMP metadata

                // Create an instacne of DublinCore package and set dublinCore attributes
                DublinCorePackage dublinCorePackage = new DublinCorePackage();
                dublinCorePackage.SetAuthor("Charles Bukowski");
                dublinCorePackage.SetTitle("Confessions of a Man Insane Enough to Live With the Beasts");
                dublinCorePackage.AddValue("dc:movie", "Barfly");

                // Add dublinCore Package into XMP metadata

                using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                    // Update XMP metadata into image and Save image on the disk or in memory stream
                    image.XmpData = xmpData;
                    ms.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    // Load the image from moemory stream or from disk to read/get the metadata
                    using (var img = (TiffImage)Image.Load(ms))
                        // Getting the XMP metadata
                        XmpPacketWrapper imgXmpData = img.XmpData;
                        foreach (XmpPackage package in imgXmpData.Packages)
                            // Use package data ...