protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //retrieve the attraction session
        Attraction a = (Attraction)Session["userAttraction"];
        //declare random number generator
        Random rnd = new Random();
        //initialize the random number generator
        int rId = rnd.Next(30, 1000);

        TicketType t = new TicketType()
            TicketID    = rId,
            Type        = tbxType.Text,
            Description = tbxDesc.Text,
            Price       = Convert.ToDouble(tbxPrice.Text),
            Attraction  = a
        int id = TicketTypeDB.insertTicket(t);  //to insert ticket into database

        lblOutput.Text = "Successfully added!"; //to show the message
        tbxType.Text   = "";
        tbxPrice.Text  = "";
        tbxDesc.Text   = "";
    void gvBind()
        //to show the ticket type into the gridview
        List <TicketType> ticketTypes = TicketTypeDB.getTicketByOwner(Convert.ToInt32(Session["attractionID"]));

        gvTicket.DataSource = ticketTypes;
    protected void gvTicket_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
        //to delete a row from database
        List <TicketType> ticketTypes = TicketTypeDB.getTicketByOwner(Convert.ToInt32(Session["attractionID"]));
        TicketType        t           = ticketTypes[e.RowIndex];

    protected void btnBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //to book the ticket of attraction
        bool       exist = false;
        TicketType t     = TicketTypeDB.getTicket(Convert.ToInt32(Session["ticketID"])); //get the ticket details from database
        //to add the cart item classes for ticket details
        CartItem     c  = new CartItem(t, Convert.ToInt32(Session["ticketID"]), t.Type, t.Description, Convert.ToDouble(t.Price), tbxDate.Text, Convert.ToInt32(tbxNoOfGuests.Text), t.Price);
        ShoppingCart sc = (ShoppingCart)Session["cart"]; //retrieve the shopping cart session

        if (sc == null)                                  //check the shopping cart is null
            sc = new ShoppingCart();
            sc.TicketAdd(c);                                      //add into the cart item classes
            lblOutput.Text = "Ticket added to the Shopping Cart"; //show the messages when user add into cart item
            List <CartItem> ci = sc.TicketCI;
            foreach (CartItem citm in ci) //use foreach to check the data is already added into cart item
                if (citm.TICketID == t.TicketID)
                    exist = true;
            if (exist == false)
                lblOutput.Text = "Ticket added to the shopping cart"; //show the messages when user add into cart item
                lblOutput.Text = "You have already added this Ticket to the shopping cart"; //show the messages when user already add into cart item
        Session["cart"] = sc; //brings session into cart session
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            lblNoOfTicket.Visible = false;
            List <TicketType> ticketTypes = TicketTypeDB.getTicketByOwner(Convert.ToInt32(Session["attraction"])); //get data from database
            //to check whether the data is not null
            if (ticketTypes.Count != 0)
                List <TicketType> ticAvail = new List <TicketType>();
                Session["ticket"]   = ticAvail; //create ticket session
                lvTicket.DataSource = ticketTypes;
                lblNoOfTicket.Visible = true; //show the message if the data is null
            pnlDetail.Visible = false;
            pnlBook.Visible   = false;

            tbxDate.Attributes["min"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //users are not allowed to select past date