Exemple #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        lights = GetComponentsInChildren <Light>(true);
        tb     = GetComponentInChildren <ThrowBuilder>(true);

        // start with all lights off, otherwise first frame will see lights flash as the cookies haven't processed yet
        foreach (Light l in lights)

        // in the editor, however, we want the first light on, in order to see the size and shape of the image

        int cookieSizeInt = int.Parse(cookieSize.ToString().Substring(2));

        // if in editor play mode, queue the updating images
        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
        previousProcessingTimes = new float[5];

        // do first cookie as per usual
        cookie = new Cookie(new CookieData(shift_v, shift_h, keystoneH, keystoneV, throwRatio, aspectRatio), cookieSizeInt, lights[0], lights[1], lights[2], forceLegacyMethod, renderTexture, borderSize, colour, true);
        cookie.SetProjectedImageType(colour?Cookie.ImageType.Colour:Cookie.ImageType.Grey, this.enabled);

        convertedTexture = new Texture2D(renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height);


        // garbage collection

    else     // EDITOR EDIT MODE - only calculate the white cookie
        // use slot 0 as the preview cookie
        cookie = new Cookie(new CookieData(shift_v, shift_h, keystoneH, keystoneV, throwRatio, aspectRatio), cookieSizeInt, lights[0], lights[1], lights[2], forceLegacyMethod, null, borderSize, colour);
Exemple #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        lights = GetComponentsInChildren <Light>(true);
        tb     = GetComponentInChildren <ThrowBuilder>(true);
        if (!tb)
            Debug.Log("No ThrowBuilder found! by " + gameObject.name);

        foreach (Light l in lights)

        // ensure there is always at least 1 entry in the array
        if (images.Count > 0)
            cookies = new Cookie[images.Capacity];
            cookies = new Cookie[1]; // no images but we need a cookie for white
        int cookieSizeInt = int.Parse(cookieSize.ToString().Substring(2));

        // if in editor edit mode, ensure preview image index is valid
        if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying)
            previewImageIndex = Mathf.Clamp(previewImageIndex, 0, images.Count - 1); //  don't allow user to choose a value out of range

        // if in editor play mode, calculate all cookies (because we want to play the slideshow)
        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
        // if in any play mode, generate all cookies for slideshow

        // do first cookie as per usual
        cookies[0] = new Cookie(new CookieData(shift_v, shift_h, keystoneH, keystoneV, throwRatio, aspectRatio), cookieSizeInt, lights[0], lights[1], lights[2], forceLegacyMethod, images[0], borderSize, colour);

        // use first cookie data for remaining cookies
        for (int i = 1; i < cookies.Length; i++)
            if (forceLegacyMethod)     // revert to old way of re-using first cookie's texture
                cookies[i] = new Cookie(cookies[0].GetProjectedImageData(), cookies[0].GetRedCookie(), images[i]);
                cookies[i] = new Cookie(new CookieData(shift_v, shift_h, keystoneH, keystoneV, throwRatio, aspectRatio), cookieSizeInt, lights[0], lights[1], lights[2], false, images[i], borderSize, colour);

        // garbage collection
        images = null;

    else     // EDITOR EDIT MODE - only calculate the preview cookie
        // use slot 0 as the preview cookie
        cookies[0] = new Cookie(new CookieData(shift_v, shift_h, keystoneH, keystoneV, throwRatio, aspectRatio), cookieSizeInt, lights[0], lights[1], lights[2], forceLegacyMethod, images[previewImageIndex], borderSize, colour);