public async Task FolderNavigationTest() { var cancellation = ThreadingUtils.CreateCToken(10000); var rootDirectory = await getRoot(); var folder1 = await rootDirectory.GetDirectoryAsync(new UPath(PATH_FORMAT, "Folder 1"), cancellation); var folder1_1 = await rootDirectory.GetDirectoryAsync(new UPath(PATH_FORMAT, "Folder 1\\Folder 1-1"), cancellation); var folder1_2 = await rootDirectory.GetDirectoryAsync(new UPath(PATH_FORMAT, "Folder 1\\Folder 1-2"), cancellation); await validateContent(rootDirectory, "Folder 1", "File in the root folder.txt", cancellation); await validateContent(folder1, "Folder 1-1,Folder 1-2", "File in the folder 1.txt,Second file in the folder 1.txt", cancellation); await validateContent(folder1_1, null, null, cancellation); await validateContent(folder1_2, null, "File in the folder 1-2.txt", cancellation); }
public async Task FolderDownloadTest() { var cancellation = ThreadingUtils.CreateCToken(1000000000); var targetDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "Test"); IOUtils.RecreateDirectory(targetDirectoryPath); var targetDirectory = new DiskDirectory(targetDirectoryPath, IOAccess.FULL); await(await getRoot()).DownloadToAsync(targetDirectory, cancellation); var folder1 = await targetDirectory.GetDirectoryAsync(new UPath(PATH_FORMAT, "Folder 1"), cancellation); var folder1_1 = await targetDirectory.GetDirectoryAsync(new UPath(PATH_FORMAT, "Folder 1\\Folder 1-1"), cancellation); var folder1_2 = await targetDirectory.GetDirectoryAsync(new UPath(PATH_FORMAT, "Folder 1\\Folder 1-2"), cancellation); await validateContent(targetDirectory, "Folder 1", "File in the root folder.txt", cancellation); await validateContent(folder1, "Folder 1-1,Folder 1-2", "File in the folder 1.txt,Second file in the folder 1.txt", cancellation); await validateContent(folder1_1, null, null, cancellation); await validateContent(folder1_2, null, "File in the folder 1-2.txt", cancellation); }
public AsyncOperationInfo(RichProgress progress, int timeout) : this(progress, ThreadingUtils.CreateCToken(timeout)) { }