public static void TestObjectDisposedException() { ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext()); worker.Work += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { e.Result = FileOperationStatus.Success; }; try { worker.Run(); worker.Join(); } finally { worker.Dispose(); } bool hasCompleted = false; Assert.Throws <ObjectDisposedException>(() => { worker.Run(); }); Assert.Throws <ObjectDisposedException>(() => { worker.Join(); }); Assert.Throws <ObjectDisposedException>(() => { hasCompleted = worker.HasCompleted; }); Assert.That(!hasCompleted, "Although the thread has completed, the variable should still be false since the attempt to set it is after Dispose()."); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { worker.Dispose(); }); }
public void ThreadWorkerStoresReduceResults() { var reducerCodeFileName = new Uri("file:///SampleReducer.cs"); var keys = ReducerTests.CreateTwoKeyFileSet(; TestHelpers.LoadToStorage(@"..\..\SampleReducer.cs", reducerCodeFileName,; var worker = new ThreadWorker(, 1); worker.Reduce(Base64.Encode("k1"), reducerCodeFileName); worker.Join(); var result = default(string); var regex = new Regex(string.Format("^" + Core.Properties.Settings.Default.ReduceOutputFileName + "$", @"(?<Key>.+)", "[0-9]+", RegexExtensions.GuidRegexString)); var uris =; foreach (var uri in uris) { var fileName =; if (regex.IsMatch(fileName)) { var key = regex.Match(fileName).Groups["Key"].Value; if (Base64.Decode(key) == "k1") { result =; } } } result.ShouldBe("3"); }
public static void TestProgress() { FakeRuntimeEnvironment environment = (FakeRuntimeEnvironment)OS.Current; int progressCalls = 0; ProgressContext progress = new ProgressContext(); using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(progress)) { worker.Work += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { environment.CurrentTiming.CurrentTiming = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); e.Progress.AddCount(1); e.Result = FileOperationStatus.Success; }; progress.Progressing += (object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) => { ++progressCalls; }; worker.Run(); worker.Join(); } Assert.That(progressCalls, Is.EqualTo(1), "The Progressing event should be raised exactly one time."); }
public static void TestSimple() { int workThreadId = -1; FileOperationStatus returnedStatus = FileOperationStatus.UnspecifiedError; bool done = false; using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext())) { worker.Work += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { workThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; e.Result = FileOperationStatus.Success; }; worker.Completing += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { returnedStatus = e.Result; done = true; }; worker.Run(); worker.Join(); } Assert.That(returnedStatus, Is.EqualTo(FileOperationStatus.Success), "The status should be returned as successful."); Assert.That(workThreadId, Is.Not.EqualTo(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId), "The work should not be performed on the caller thread."); Assert.That(done, Is.True, "The background work must have executed the completed handler now."); }
public static void TestSimpleDecryptAndLaunchOnThreadWorker() { FakeLauncher launcher = null; FakeRuntimeEnvironment environment = (FakeRuntimeEnvironment)OS.Current; environment.Launcher = ((string path) => { launcher = new FakeLauncher(path); return(launcher); }); FileOperationsController controller = new FileOperationsController(_fileSystemState); controller.QueryDecryptionPassphrase += (object sender, FileOperationEventArgs e) => { e.Passphrase = "a"; }; FileOperationStatus status = FileOperationStatus.Unknown; controller.Completed += (object sender, FileOperationEventArgs e) => { status = e.Status; }; using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext())) { controller.DecryptAndLaunch(_helloWorldAxxPath, worker); worker.Join(); } Assert.That(status, Is.EqualTo(FileOperationStatus.Success), "The status should indicate success."); Assert.That(launcher, Is.Not.Null, "There should be a call to launch."); Assert.That(Path.GetFileName(launcher.Path), Is.EqualTo("HelloWorld-Key-a.txt"), "The file should be decrypted and the name should be the original from the encrypted headers."); IRuntimeFileInfo destinationInfo = OS.Current.FileInfo(launcher.Path); Assert.That(destinationInfo.Exists, "After decryption the destination file should be created."); string fileContent; using (Stream stream = destinationInfo.OpenRead()) { fileContent = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd(); } Assert.That(fileContent.Contains("Hello"), "A file named Hello World should contain that text when decrypted."); }
public static void TestPrepare() { bool wasPrepared = false; using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext())) { worker.Prepare += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { wasPrepared = true; }; worker.Run(); worker.Join(); } Assert.That(wasPrepared, Is.True, "The Prepare event should be raised."); }
public void ThreadWorkerStoresMapResults() { var fileName = new Uri("file:///file1.txt"); var fileContent = "whatever am i i"; var mapperCodeFileName = new Uri("file:///SampleMapper.cs"); storage.Store(storage.GetFileName(fileName), fileContent); TestHelpers.LoadToStorage(@"..\..\SampleMapper.cs", mapperCodeFileName,; var worker = new ThreadWorker(, 1); worker.Map(fileName, mapperCodeFileName); worker.Join(); var fileNo =; fileNo.ShouldBe(6); }
public static void TestSimpleDecryptFileOnThreadWorker() { FileOperationsController controller = new FileOperationsController(_fileSystemState); controller.QueryDecryptionPassphrase += (object sender, FileOperationEventArgs e) => { e.Passphrase = "a"; }; bool knownKeyWasAdded = false; controller.KnownKeyAdded += (object sender, FileOperationEventArgs e) => { knownKeyWasAdded = e.Key == new Passphrase("a").DerivedPassphrase; }; string destinationPath = String.Empty; FileOperationStatus status = FileOperationStatus.Unknown; controller.Completed += (object sender, FileOperationEventArgs e) => { destinationPath = e.SaveFileFullName; status = e.Status; }; using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext())) { controller.DecryptFile(_helloWorldAxxPath, worker); worker.Join(); } Assert.That(status, Is.EqualTo(FileOperationStatus.Success), "The status should indicate success."); Assert.That(knownKeyWasAdded, "A new known key was used, so the KnownKeyAdded event should have been raised."); IRuntimeFileInfo destinationInfo = OS.Current.FileInfo(destinationPath); Assert.That(destinationInfo.Exists, "After decryption the destination file should be created."); string fileContent; using (Stream stream = destinationInfo.OpenRead()) { fileContent = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd(); } Assert.That(fileContent.Contains("Hello"), "A file named Hello World should contain that text when decrypted."); }
public static void TestErrorSetInWorkCompleted() { bool errorInWork = false; using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext())) { worker.Work += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }; worker.Completing += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { errorInWork = e.Result == FileOperationStatus.Exception; }; worker.Run(); worker.Join(); } Assert.That(errorInWork, Is.True, "The operation was interrupted by an exception and should return status as such."); }
public static void TestCancellationByException() { bool wasCanceled = false; using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext())) { worker.Work += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { throw new OperationCanceledException(); }; worker.Completing += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { wasCanceled = e.Result == FileOperationStatus.Canceled; }; worker.Run(); worker.Join(); } Assert.That(wasCanceled, Is.True, "The operation was canceled and should return status as such."); }
public static void TestHasCompleted() { using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext())) { bool wasCompletedInWork = false; worker.Work += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { wasCompletedInWork = worker.HasCompleted; }; bool wasCompletedInCompleted = false; worker.Completing += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { wasCompletedInCompleted = worker.HasCompleted; }; worker.Run(); worker.Join(); Assert.That(!wasCompletedInWork, "Completion is not set as true in the work event."); Assert.That(!wasCompletedInCompleted, "Completion is not set as true until after the completed event."); Assert.That(worker.HasCompleted, "Completion should be set as true when the thread is joined."); } }
public static void TestCancellationByRequest() { bool wasCanceled = false; FakeRuntimeEnvironment environment = (FakeRuntimeEnvironment)OS.Current; using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext())) { worker.Work += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { e.Progress.Cancel = true; environment.CurrentTiming.CurrentTiming = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); e.Progress.AddCount(1); }; worker.Completing += (object sender, ThreadWorkerEventArgs e) => { wasCanceled = e.Result == FileOperationStatus.Canceled; }; worker.Run(); worker.Join(); } Assert.That(wasCanceled, Is.True, "The operation was canceled and should return status as such."); }
public static void TestDecryptWithCancelDuringQueryDecryptionPassphraseOnThreadWorker() { FileOperationsController controller = new FileOperationsController(_fileSystemState); controller.QueryDecryptionPassphrase += (object sender, FileOperationEventArgs e) => { e.Cancel = true; }; FileOperationStatus status = FileOperationStatus.Unknown; controller.Completed += (object sender, FileOperationEventArgs e) => { status = e.Status; }; using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext())) { controller.DecryptFile(_helloWorldAxxPath, worker); worker.Join(); } Assert.That(status, Is.EqualTo(FileOperationStatus.Canceled), "The status should indicate cancellation."); }
public static void TestSimpleEncryptFileOnThreadWorker() { FileOperationsController controller = new FileOperationsController(_fileSystemState); controller.QueryEncryptionPassphrase += (object sender, FileOperationEventArgs e) => { e.Passphrase = "allan"; }; string destinationPath = String.Empty; FileOperationStatus status = FileOperationStatus.Unknown; controller.Completed += (object sender, FileOperationEventArgs e) => { destinationPath = e.SaveFileFullName; status = e.Status; }; using (ThreadWorker worker = new ThreadWorker(new ProgressContext())) { controller.EncryptFile(_davidCopperfieldTxtPath, worker); worker.Join(); } Assert.That(status, Is.EqualTo(FileOperationStatus.Success), "The status should indicate success."); IRuntimeFileInfo destinationInfo = OS.Current.FileInfo(destinationPath); Assert.That(destinationInfo.Exists, "After encryption the destination file should be created."); using (AxCryptDocument document = new AxCryptDocument()) { using (Stream stream = destinationInfo.OpenRead()) { document.Load(stream, new Passphrase("allan").DerivedPassphrase); Assert.That(document.PassphraseIsValid, "The encrypted document should be valid and encrypted with the passphrase given."); } } }