Exemple #1
        public override PopulationProgress Progress(PopulationProgress scanProgress)
            // A general note on scanProgress.getTotal(). Before the scan is completed most progress parts will base their estimates on that value.
            // It is known that it may be slightly higher since it'll be based on store high-id, not the actual count.
            // This is fine, but it creates this small "jump" in the progress in the middle somewhere when it switches from scan to merge.
            // This also exists in the most basic population progress reports, but there it will be less visible since it will jump from
            // some close-to-100 percentage to 100% and ONLINE.

            // This progress report will consist of a couple of smaller parts, weighted differently based on empirically collected values.
            // The weights will not be absolutely correct in all environments, but they don't have to be either, it will just result in some
            // slices of the percentage progression range progressing at slightly different paces. However, progression of progress reporting
            // naturally fluctuates anyway due to data set and I/O etc. so this is not an actual problem.
            Org.Neo4j.Storageengine.Api.schema.PopulationProgress_MultiBuilder builder = PopulationProgress.multiple();

            // Add scan progress (this one weights a bit heavier than the others)
            builder.Add(scanProgress, 4);

            // Add merge progress
            if (_allScanUpdates.Count > 0)
                // The parts are merged in parallel so just take the first one and it will represent the whole merge progress.
                // It will be fairly accurate, but slightly off sometimes if other threads gets scheduling problems, i.e. if this part
                // finish far apart from others.
                long completed = 0;
                long total     = 0;
                if (_scanCompleted)
                    // We know the actual entry count to write during merge since we have been monitoring those values
                    ThreadLocalBlockStorage part = first(_allScanUpdates);
                    completed = part.EntriesMergedConflict;
                    total     = part.TotalEntriesToMerge;
                builder.Add(PopulationProgress.single(completed, total), 1);

            // Add tree building incl. external updates
            PopulationProgress treeBuildProgress;

            if (_allScanUpdates.All(part => part.mergeStarted))
                long entryCount = _allScanUpdates.Select(part => part.count).Sum() + _externalUpdates.count();
                treeBuildProgress = PopulationProgress.single(_numberOfAppliedScanUpdates + _numberOfAppliedExternalUpdates, entryCount);
                treeBuildProgress = Org.Neo4j.Storageengine.Api.schema.PopulationProgress_Fields.None;
            builder.Add(treeBuildProgress, 2);

Exemple #2
 private ThreadLocalBlockStorage NewThreadLocalBlockStorage()
     lock (this)
         Preconditions.checkState(!_cancellation.cancelled(), "Already closed");
         Preconditions.checkState(!_scanCompleted, "Scan has already been completed");
             int id = _allScanUpdates.Count;
             ThreadLocalBlockStorage blockStorage = new ThreadLocalBlockStorage(this, id);
         catch (IOException e)
             throw new UncheckedIOException(e);