Exemple #1
            public void WriterThread()
                //while download is ongoing : do while buffer < 100 do remove from queu and put in buffer till its @ 100 end write buffer to db; reset buffer end
                bool DownloadIsOngoing = ThreadList.Exists(x => x.IsAlive == true);

                while (DownloadIsOngoing)                                             //while there is at least one thread executing
                    while (DownloadIsOngoing && BufferList.Count() < MaxObjectBuffer) //while buffer is not max size AND download threads are open
                        Match match = new Match();
                        if (QueuRef.TryDequeue(out match))
                            //if we fail to retrieve an item it might signal that the download is finished so we have to evaluate downloadisongoing
                            //in fact this is the only place we should re evaluate it, its kind of a hack but it ensures that we continue to write to
                            //db while there are items left in the queu even though the download can be done already
                            DownloadIsOngoing = ThreadList.Exists(x => x.IsAlive == true);
                    //bufferlist now has 100 items in it, time to write
                    //raise event
                    //technically not the highest id but should be close
                    ReferenceToParent.OnDataWritten(new DownloaderEventArgs()
                        AmountWritten = BufferList.Count, HighestMatchIdWritten = BufferList.Last().match_id
                    log.Info("Wrote some matches, count is " + BufferList.Count.ToString());
                    BufferList.Clear(); //and reset it
                //raise event
                //cleanup the threads