/// <summary>
        /// Get the meaning and synonyms.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="word">The word to get the meaning of.</param>
        /// <returns>The thesaurus result.</returns>
        public ThesaurusResult Thesaurus(string word)
            if (_thesaurus != null)
                // Get the meaning.
                ThesResult result = _thesaurus.Lookup(word, _hunspell);
                List <ThesaurusMeaning> meanings = new List <ThesaurusMeaning>();

                // For each meaning found.
                foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in result.Meanings)
                    // Add the meaning.
                    meanings.Add(new ThesaurusMeaning(meaning.Description, meaning.Synonyms));

                // Create the result.
                ThesaurusResult theResult = new ThesaurusResult(meanings, result.IsGenerated);

                // Return the result.
                throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #2
        public static string GetLightSpunText(string text)
            var words = text.Split(' ');

            MyThes   thes     = new MyThes("th_en_US_new.dat");
            Hunspell hunspell = new Hunspell("en_US.aff", "en_US.dic");

            for (var i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                ThesResult    tr = thes.Lookup(words[i], hunspell);
                if (tr != null)
                    foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in tr.Meanings)
                        Random random = new Random();

                        words[i] = meaning.Synonyms[0];
            text = string.Join(" ", words);
Exemple #3
        private static void Write(Document doc, ThesResult result)
            if (result == null)
            var sec = doc.Sections.Last;
            var par = (Paragraph)null;
            var tun = (Textrun)null;

            //var hyp = (Hyperlink)null;

            par = sec.AddParagraph();
            par.Style.Spacings.SpacingAfter = 15F;
            tun = par.AddTextrun(RtfUtility.unicodeEncode("Synonyms Result"));
            tun.Style.FontSize  = 24F;
            tun.Style.TextColor = PrimaryColor;

            par = sec.AddParagraph();
            tun = par.AddTextrun(RtfUtility.unicodeEncode("SYNONYMS"));
            tun.Style.FontStyle.Bold = true;

            int count = 1;

            foreach (var item in result.Meanings.SelectMany(i => i.Synonyms).Distinct())
                par = sec.AddParagraph(RtfUtility.unicodeEncode(string.Format("{0}. {1}", count, SynUtility.Text.UppercaseFirstLetter(item))));
        /// <summary>
        /// Utilizes the NHunspell library.
        /// Looks up the key in a Thesaurus and returns true if the Matrix contains
        /// either the key or any synonyms of the key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">They key to lookup</param>
        /// <param name="similarKey">The found similar key</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ContainsSimilarKey(string key, out string similarKey)
            similarKey = key;
            if (Matrix.ContainsKey(key))

            ThesResult tr = Thesaurus.Lookup(key);

            if (tr == null)

            int count = 0;

            foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in tr.Meanings)
                foreach (string synonym in meaning.Synonyms)
                    if (Matrix.ContainsKey(synonym))
                        similarKey = synonym;
                //if (count > MAX_MEANINGS)
                //    break;

Exemple #5
        public static string SpinText(string text)
            var words = text.Split(' ');

            MyThes   thes     = new MyThes("th_en_US_new.dat");
            Hunspell hunspell = new Hunspell("en_US.aff", "en_US.dic");

            for (var i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                ThesResult    tr = thes.Lookup(words[i], hunspell);
                if (tr != null)
                    foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in tr.Meanings)
                        foreach (string synonym in meaning.Synonyms)
                            sb.Append(synonym + "|");
                if (sb.ToString().Length > 2)
                    words[i] = "{" + sb.ToString().Substring(0, sb.ToString().Length - 1) + "}";
            text = string.Join(" ", words);
Exemple #6
        public static string GetMostComplexSynonymScored(string word)
            // TODO: Lemmatization

            ThesResult result = NHThesaurus.Lookup(word);

            if (result == null)
                // No results in thesaurus.

            Dictionary <string, List <ThesMeaning> > synonymsDict = result.GetSynonyms();
            string mostComplexSynonym = "";
            double mostComplexScore   = 0;

            // TODO: Check if each 'synonym' can be the same POS tag as the original word before putting it into the synonym collection.

            #region Synonym collection setup
            List <string> synonyms = new List <string>();
            foreach (string synonym in synonymsDict.Keys)
                // Get each key (synonym) from the result dictionary and add it to the list of synonyms.

            if (synonyms.Contains(word)) /* Original word is already in the list of synonyms. Do nothing. */ } {
Exemple #7
        public static List <String> GetSynonyms(string word, string language)
            List <String> synonyms = new List <string>();

            if (!languages.ContainsKey(language))
                throw new Exception("Language: " + language + " is not supported.");

            ThesResult meanings = spellEngine[language].LookupSynonyms(word, true);

            foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in meanings.Meanings)

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// this method return a list of synonyms from the hunspell thesaraus dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <string> HunspellSynonymsList(List <string> query)
            List <string> listOfSynonyms = new List <string>();
            MyThes        thes           = new MyThes(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Substring(0, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Length - 9) + "th_en_US_new.dat");

            using (Hunspell hunspell = new Hunspell(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Substring(0, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Length - 9) + "en_us.aff", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Substring(0, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Length - 9) + "en_US.dic"))
                for (int i = 0; i < query.Count - 1; i++)
                    string     queryTerm = query[i] + " " + query[i + 1];
                    ThesResult tr        = thes.Lookup(queryTerm, hunspell);
                    if (tr == null)
                    foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in tr.Meanings)
                if (listOfSynonyms.Count == 0)
                    foreach (string queryTerm in query)
                        ThesResult tr = thes.Lookup(queryTerm, hunspell);
                        if (tr == null)
                        foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in tr.Meanings)
                        listOfSynonyms = listOfSynonyms.Take(2).ToList();
                foreach (var VARIABLE in listOfSynonyms)
                    VARIABLE.Trim(' ');

Exemple #9
        public List <string> getSynonyoms(string word)
            List <string> toReturn = new List <string>();
            //Synonyms for words
            ThesResult tr = thes.Lookup(word, hunspell);

            if (tr != null)
                foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in tr.Meanings)
                    foreach (string synonym in meaning.Synonyms)

        public string GetSynonyms(string query)
            //var words = query.Split(new char[] {' '});
            //for( int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++ )
            //	var synSetList = wordNet.GetSynSets(words[i]);

            //	words[i] += "^5";

            //	if (synSetList.Count == 0)
            //	{
            //		continue;
            //	}

            //	foreach (var synSet in synSetList)
            //	{
            //		var synWords = synSet.Words;
            //		for( int j = 0; j < synWords.Count; j++)
            //		{
            //			if(synWords[j].Contains("_"))
            //			{
            //				synWords[j] = synWords[j].Replace("_", " ");
            //				synWords[j] = "\"" + synWords[j] + "\"";
            //			}
            //		}
            //		var synonyms = string.Join(" ", synWords);
            //		words[i] += " " + synonyms;
            //	}

            //query = string.Join(" ", words);
            //return query;

            string expandedQuery = String.Empty;

            MyThes thes = new MyThes("th_en_us_new.dat");

            using (Hunspell hunspell = new Hunspell("en_AU.aff", "en_AU.dic"))
                var words = query.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                    List <string> stems = new List <string>();
                    var           word  = words[i];
                    expandedQuery += " " + word + "^5";
                    var wordStems = hunspell.Stem(word);
                    if (wordStems.Count > 0)

                    foreach (var stem in stems)
                        ThesResult tr = thes.Lookup(stem, hunspell);

                        if (!stem.Equals(word))
                            expandedQuery += " " + stem;

                        if (tr != null && tr.Meanings.Count > 0)
                            foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in tr.Meanings)
                                expandedQuery += " " + string.Join(" ", meaning.Synonyms);
Exemple #11
        internal static void CheckWordCorrectness(TextBox wordTextBox, String languageSign, TextBox contentTextBox)
            String word = wordTextBox.Text.Trim();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(word))

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentTextBox.Text))
                contentTextBox.Text += "----------------------------" + Environment.NewLine;
            contentTextBox.Text += "[" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + "] ";

            using (Hunspell hunspell = new Hunspell(ConstantUtil.ApplicationExecutionPath() + "\\Languages\\" + languageSign + ".aff", ConstantUtil.ApplicationExecutionPath() + "\\Languages\\" + languageSign + ".dic"))
                bool   correct = hunspell.Spell(word);
                String correctness;

                if (correct)
                    wordTextBox.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
                    correctness           = LanguageUtil.GetCurrentLanguageString("Correct", className);
                    wordTextBox.BackColor = Color.Tomato;
                    correctness           = LanguageUtil.GetCurrentLanguageString("Uncorrect", className);
                contentTextBox.Text += String.Format(LanguageUtil.GetCurrentLanguageString("Word", className), word, correctness) + Environment.NewLine;

                //Uncorrect word, search suggestions
                if (!correct)
                    List <String> suggestions = hunspell.Suggest(word);
                    contentTextBox.Text += String.Format(LanguageUtil.GetCurrentLanguageString("Tips", className, suggestions.Count), suggestions.Count) + Environment.NewLine;

                    foreach (String suggestion in suggestions)
                        contentTextBox.Text += String.Format(LanguageUtil.GetCurrentLanguageString("Tip", className), suggestion) + Environment.NewLine;


                //Correct word, search meanings and synonyms
                MyThes     thes = new MyThes(ConstantUtil.ApplicationExecutionPath() + "\\Languages\\" + languageSign + "_th.dat");
                ThesResult tr   = thes.Lookup(word, hunspell);

                if ((tr == null) || (tr.IsGenerated))

                foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in tr.Meanings)
                    contentTextBox.Text += String.Format(LanguageUtil.GetCurrentLanguageString("Meaning", className), meaning.Description) + Environment.NewLine;

                    foreach (String synonym in meaning.Synonyms)
                        contentTextBox.Text += String.Format(LanguageUtil.GetCurrentLanguageString("Synonym", className), synonym) + Environment.NewLine;
Exemple #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (Hunspell hunspell = new Hunspell("en_us.aff", "en_us.dic"))
                var correct = hunspell.Spell("houses");
                var suggest = hunspell.Suggest("haise");
                foreach (var x in suggest)

             * var test = new SpellEngineTests();
             * test.CreationAndDestructionTest();
             * test.FunctionsTest();
             * return;

            // var test = new HyphenTests();
            // test.CreationAndDestructionTest();
            // test.MemoryLeakTest();
            // test.UnicodeFilenameTest();
            // test.GermanUmlautTest();
            // test.CyrillicLanguagesTest();
            // test.NemethTests();

            var test = new HunspellTests();

            // test.AllDictionariesTest();
            // test.GermanUmlautTest();
            // test.UnicodeFilenameTest();
            // test.MemoryLeakTest();

             * var test = new InteropTests();
             * test.Init();
             * test.ArrayInteropTests();
             * test.StringInteropTests();
             * Console.WriteLine("");
             * Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
             * Console.ReadKey();
             * return;
            Console.WriteLine("NHunspell functions and classes demo");

             * Console.WriteLine("Thesaurus with Thes");
             * Thes thes = new Thes();
             * thes.LoadOpenOffice("th_en_us_new.dat");

            Console.WriteLine("Thesaurus with Thes");
            MyThes thes = new MyThes("th_en_us_new.dat");

            using (Hunspell hunspell = new Hunspell("en_us.aff", "en_us.dic"))
                ThesResult result = thes.Lookup("cars", hunspell);
                foreach (ThesMeaning meaning in result.Meanings)
                    Console.WriteLine("  Meaning:" + meaning.Description);
                    foreach (string synonym in meaning.Synonyms)
                        Console.WriteLine("    Synonym:" + synonym);

            Console.WriteLine("Spell Check with with Hunspell");

            // Important: Due to the fact Hunspell will use unmanaged memory you have to serve the IDisposable pattern
            // In this block of code this is be done by a using block. But you can also call hunspell.Dispose()
            using (Hunspell hunspell = new Hunspell("en_us.aff", "en_us.dic"))
                Console.WriteLine("Check if the word 'Recommendation' is spelled correct");
                bool correct = hunspell.Spell("Recommendation");
                Console.WriteLine("Recommendation is spelled " + (correct ? "correct" : "not correct"));

                Console.WriteLine("Make suggestions for the word 'Recommendatio'");
                List <string> suggestions = hunspell.Suggest("Recommendatio");
                Console.WriteLine("There are " + suggestions.Count.ToString() + " suggestions");
                foreach (string suggestion in suggestions)
                    Console.WriteLine("Suggestion is: " + suggestion);

                Console.WriteLine("Analyze the word 'decompressed'");
                List <string> morphs = hunspell.Analyze("decompressed");
                foreach (string morph in morphs)
                    Console.WriteLine("Morph is: " + morph);

                Console.WriteLine("Stem the word 'decompressed'");
                List <string> stems = hunspell.Stem("decompressed");
                foreach (string stem in stems)
                    Console.WriteLine("Stem is: " + stem);

                 * for (; ; )
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine("");
                 *  Console.WriteLine("Word1:");
                 *  string word = Console.ReadLine();
                 *  Console.WriteLine("Word2:");
                 *  string word2 = Console.ReadLine();
                 *  List<string> generated = hunspell.Generate(word, word2); // Generate("Girl","Boys");
                 *  foreach (string stem in generated)
                 *  {
                 *      Console.WriteLine("Generated is: " + stem);
                 *  }
                 * }

            Console.WriteLine("Hyphenation with Hyph");

            // Important: Due to the fact Hyphen will use unmanaged memory you have to serve the IDisposable pattern
            // In this block of code this is be done by a using block. But you can also call hyphen.Dispose()
            using (Hyphen hyphen = new Hyphen("hyph_en_us.dic"))
                Console.WriteLine("Get the hyphenation of the word 'Recommendation'");
                HyphenResult hyphenated = hyphen.Hyphenate("Recommendation");
                Console.WriteLine("'Recommendation' is hyphenated as: " + hyphenated.HyphenatedWord);

                hyphenated = hyphen.Hyphenate("eighteen");
                hyphenated = hyphen.Hyphenate("eighteen");

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");