private void SwitchAdaptive(Theme newTheme) { ThemeFile themeFile = GlobalState.ManagedThemeFile; if (newTheme == Theme.Light) { RegistryHandler.SetColorPrevalence(0); currentTaskbarColorActive = false; themeFile.VisualStyles.SystemMode = (nameof(Theme.Light), themeFile.VisualStyles.SystemMode.Item2); } else if (newTheme == Theme.Dark) { if (currentComponentTheme != Theme.Dark) { themeFile.VisualStyles.SystemMode = (nameof(Theme.Dark), themeFile.VisualStyles.SystemMode.Item2); } currentComponentTheme = Theme.Dark; if (Settings.Component.TaskbarColorOnAdaptive) { RegistryHandler.SetColorPrevalence(1); currentTaskbarColorActive = true; } else if (!Settings.Component.TaskbarColorOnAdaptive && currentTaskbarColorActive) { RegistryHandler.SetColorPrevalence(0); currentTaskbarColorActive = false; } } currentComponentTheme = newTheme; }
public DescriptionEditorView(TextBox TextDescription) { InitializeComponent(); _TextDescription = TextDescription; Description = TextDescription.Text; PlayniteTools.SetThemeInformation(); string DescriptionViewFile = ThemeFile.GetFilePath("DescriptionView.html"); Common.LogDebug(true, $"{DescriptionViewFile}"); try { htmlTextView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; htmlTextView.TemplatePath = DescriptionViewFile; htmlTextView.HtmlText = Description; htmlTextView.HtmlFontSize = (double)resources.GetResource("FontSize"); htmlTextView.HtmlFontFamily = (FontFamily)resources.GetResource("FontFamily"); htmlTextView.HtmlForeground = (Color)resources.GetResource("TextColor"); htmlTextView.LinkForeground = (Color)resources.GetResource("GlyphColor"); PART_HtmlDescription.Children.Add(htmlTextView); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.LogError(ex, false, "Error on creation HtmlTextView"); } DataContext = this; }
private static object GetIcon(string iconName) { var resource = ResourceProvider.GetResource(iconName); if (resource != null) { if (resource is string stringIcon) { return(Images.GetImageFromFile(ThemeFile.GetFilePath(stringIcon))); } else if (resource is BitmapImage bitmap) { var image = new Image() { Source = bitmap }; RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(image, RenderOptions.GetBitmapScalingMode(bitmap)); return(image); } else if (resource is TextBlock textIcon) { return(textIcon); } } return(null); }
public ThemeFileViewModel(ThemeFile themeFile) { this.themeFile = themeFile; properties.AddRange(themeFile.Properties.Select(x => new OwnedThemePropertyViewModel(x))); classes = themeFile.Classes.Select(x => new ThemeClassViewModel(x, this)).ToList(); classes.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.Name, y.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var classMap = classes.ToDictionary(x => x.Class); foreach (var classViewModel in classes) { if (classViewModel.Class.BaseClass != null) { classViewModel.BaseClass = classMap[classViewModel.Class.BaseClass]; } } foreach (var @class in classes) { if (@class.Name.Equals("globals", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { globals = @class; break; } } foreach (var @class in Classes) { @class.AddInheritedProperties(); } AddDefaultProperties(); }
//save theme selection private void SaveThemeSettings() { //disable wallpaper switch builder.Config.WallpaperSwitch.Enabled = false; //get selected light theme file from combobox string selectedLightTheme = (string)ComboBoxLightTheme.SelectedItem; try { ThemeFile selected = themeCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ToString().Contains(selectedLightTheme)); if (selected != null) { builder.Config.WindowsThemeMode.LightThemePath = selected.Path; } } catch { theme1 = false; ComboBoxLightTheme.SelectedItem = null; } //get selected dark theme file from combobox string selectedDarkTheme = (string)ComboBoxDarkTheme.SelectedItem; try { ThemeFile selected = themeCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ToString().Contains(selectedDarkTheme)); if (selected != null) { builder.Config.WindowsThemeMode.DarkThemePath = selected.Path; } } catch { theme2 = false; ComboBoxDarkTheme.SelectedItem = null; } //enable theme mode builder.Config.WindowsThemeMode.Enabled = true; //ui changes TextBlockUserFeedback.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //apply theme try { builder.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage(ex, "SaveThemeSettings"); } RequestThemeSwitch(); Trace.WriteLine("Windows Theme Mode settings were applied"); }
public static object GetIcon(string iconName, double imageHeight = 16, double imageWidth = 16) { if (iconName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(null); } var resource = ResourceProvider.GetResource(iconName); if (resource != null) { if (resource is string stringIcon) { return(Images.GetImageFromFile(ThemeFile.GetFilePath(stringIcon), BitmapScalingMode.Fant, imageHeight, imageWidth)); } else if (resource is BitmapImage bitmap) { var image = new System.Windows.Controls.Image() { Source = bitmap }; RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(image, RenderOptions.GetBitmapScalingMode(bitmap)); return(image); } else if (resource is TextBlock textIcon) { var text = new TextBlock { Text = textIcon.Text, FontFamily = textIcon.FontFamily, FontStyle = textIcon.FontStyle }; if (textIcon.ReadLocalValue(TextBlock.ForegroundProperty) != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) { text.Foreground = textIcon.Foreground; } return(text); } } else if (System.IO.File.Exists(iconName)) { return(BitmapExtensions.BitmapFromFile(iconName)?.ToImage()); } else { var themeFile = ThemeFile.GetFilePath(iconName); if (themeFile != null) { return(Images.GetImageFromFile(themeFile, BitmapScalingMode.Fant, imageHeight, imageWidth)); } } return(null); }
public void TestPhysicalPath() { string themeName = "theme1"; var site = new Site("Site1"); var theme = new Theme(site, themeName); var themeFile = new ThemeFile(theme, "style1.css"); string expected1 = Path.Combine(site.PhysicalPath, "themes", themeName, "style1.css"); Assert.AreEqual(expected1, themeFile.PhysicalPath, true); }
public void TestVirtualPath() { string themeName = "theme1"; var site = new Site("Site1"); var theme = new Theme(site, themeName); var themeFile = new ThemeFile(theme, "style1.css"); string expected1 = Kooboo.Web.Url.UrlUtility.Combine(site.VirtualPath, "themes", themeName, "style1.css"); Assert.AreEqual(expected1, themeFile.VirtualPath, true); }
private void SwitchLightOnly() { if (Settings.Component.TaskbarColorOnAdaptive) { RegistryHandler.SetColorPrevalence(0); } currentTaskbarColorActive = false; ThemeFile themeFile = GlobalState.ManagedThemeFile; themeFile.VisualStyles.SystemMode = (nameof(Theme.Light), themeFile.VisualStyles.SystemMode.Item2); currentComponentTheme = Theme.Light; }
private void LoadThemeFile(string themeFile) { try { _themeFile = new ThemeFile(themeFile); DisplayThemeFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); _themeFile = null; } }
private void CreateNewThemeFile() { try { _themeFile = new ThemeFile(); DisplayThemeFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); _themeFile = null; } }
public static MenuItem AddMenuChild( ItemCollection parent, string locString, RelayCommand command, object commandParameter = null, object icon = null) { var item = new MenuItem { Command = command, CommandParameter = commandParameter, InputGestureText = command?.GestureText }; if (locString.StartsWith("LOC")) { item.SetResourceReference(MenuItem.HeaderProperty, locString); } else { item.Header = locString; } if (icon != null) { if (icon is string stringIcon) { item.Icon = Images.GetImageFromFile(ThemeFile.GetFilePath(stringIcon)); } else if (icon is BitmapImage bitmap) { var image = new Image() { Source = bitmap }; RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(image, RenderOptions.GetBitmapScalingMode(bitmap)); item.Icon = image; } else if (icon is TextBlock textIcon) { item.Icon = textIcon; } } parent.Add(item); return(item); }
internal void RevertFiles() { List <ThemeFileInfo> themeFileInfoList = ThemeFileInfos.ToList(); ThemeConfigurationData configuration = ThemeConfigurationDatas.GetFactoryDefaultThemeConfigurationData(_siteThemeTypeId, _siteThemeName); themeFileInfoList.ForEach(info => { if (info.HasConfiguredVersion) { ThemeFiles.DeleteFile(info.ThemeFile.ThemeTypeID, info.ThemeFile.ThemeContextID, info.ThemeFile.ThemeName, info.ThemeFile.PropertyName, info.ThemeFile.FileName); return; } if (info.HasDeletedConfiguredVersion) { IEnumerable <ThemeFile> themeFiles = ThemeFiles.DeserializeThemeFiles(configuration, info.ThemeFile.PropertyName, configuration.GetCustomValue(info.ThemeFile.PropertyName, String.Empty)); ThemeFile themeFile = themeFiles.FirstOrDefault( t => String.Compare(t.FileName, info.ThemeFile.FileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0); if (themeFile != null) { IList <ThemeFile> list = ThemeFiles.DeserializeThemeFiles(_siteThemeTypeId, _themeContextId, _siteThemeName, info.ThemeFile.PropertyName, _themeConfigurationData.GetCustomValue( info.ThemeFile.PropertyName, String.Empty)); list.Add(themeFile); string value = ThemeFiles.SerializeThemeFiles(list); _themeConfigurationData.SetCustomValue( info.ThemeFile.PropertyName, value); ThemeConfigurationDatas.Update(_themeConfigurationData); } } }); }
private void CreateThemeFile( string descriptiveName, string imagePath, string backgroundColor, string mainTextColor, string secondaryTextColor, string fontFamily = "Georgia", int bottomMargin = 100) { var file = new ThemeFile(); var currentFolder = Environment.CurrentDirectory; var themePath = Path.Combine(currentFolder, $"{descriptiveName}.onlyv"); var theme = new OnlyVTheme(); theme.Background.Colour = backgroundColor; theme.BodyText.Font.Family = fontFamily; theme.BodyText.Font.Colour = mainTextColor; theme.BodyText.DropShadow.Opacity = 0.3; theme.BodyText.DropShadow.Depth = 7; theme.BodyText.DropShadow.BlurRadius = 15; theme.TitleText.Font.Family = fontFamily; theme.TitleText.Font.Colour = secondaryTextColor; theme.TitleText.DropShadow.Opacity = 0.3; theme.TitleText.DropShadow.Depth = 7; theme.TitleText.DropShadow.BlurRadius = 15; theme.VerseNumbers.Colour = secondaryTextColor; theme.Dimensions.BottomMargin = bottomMargin; file.Create(themePath, theme, imagePath, overwrite: true); var result = file.Read(themePath); Assert.IsNotNull(result); var s1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result.Theme); var s2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(theme); Assert.AreEqual(s1, s2); }
public void TestParseFromPhysicalPath() { string siteName = "site1"; string themeName = "theme1"; string fileName = "style1"; string extension = ".css"; string physicalPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "sites", siteName, "themes", themeName, fileName + extension); var themeFile = new ThemeFile(physicalPath); Assert.AreEqual(fileName, themeFile.Name); Assert.AreEqual(extension, themeFile.FileExtension); Assert.AreEqual(themeName, themeFile.Theme.Name); Assert.IsTrue(themeFile.Site.IsDummy); Assert.AreEqual(siteName, themeFile.Site.Name); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static IRenderTheme load(ThemeFile theme, ThemeCallback themeCallback) throws org.oscim.theme.IRenderTheme_ThemeException public static IRenderTheme load(ThemeFile theme, ThemeCallback themeCallback) { IRenderTheme t; if (theme.MapsforgeTheme) { t = Parameters.TEXTURE_ATLAS ?, themeCallback) :, themeCallback); } else { t = Parameters.TEXTURE_ATLAS ?, themeCallback) :, themeCallback); } if (t != null) { t.scaleTextSize(CanvasAdapter.Scale * CanvasAdapter.textScale); } return(t); }
private void UiHandler() { //collapse changes saved message TextBlockUserFeedback.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //give numbers to the steps TextBlockStep1.Text = AdmProperties.Resources.ThemeTutorialStep + " 1)"; TextBlockStep2.Text = AdmProperties.Resources.ThemeTutorialStep + " 2)"; TextBlockStep3.Text = AdmProperties.Resources.ThemeTutorialStep + " 3)"; TextBlockStep4.Text = AdmProperties.Resources.ThemeTutorialStep + " 4)"; //get all themes and select them in the combobox if (builder.Config.WindowsThemeMode.LightThemePath != null && builder.Config.WindowsThemeMode.DarkThemePath != null) { IEnumerable <string> themeNames = themeCollection.Select(t => t.ToString()); ComboBoxDarkTheme.ItemsSource = themeNames; ComboBoxLightTheme.ItemsSource = themeNames; ThemeFile lightSelected = themeCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Path == builder.Config.WindowsThemeMode.LightThemePath); ThemeFile darkSelected = themeCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Path == builder.Config.WindowsThemeMode.DarkThemePath); if (lightSelected != null) { ComboBoxLightTheme.SelectedItem = lightSelected.ToString(); } if (darkSelected != null) { ComboBoxDarkTheme.SelectedItem = darkSelected.ToString(); } } if (builder.Config.WindowsThemeMode.MonitorActiveTheme) { CheckBoxMonitorActiveTheme.IsChecked = true; } //check if Windows Theme Mode is enabled if (builder.Config.WindowsThemeMode.Enabled) { ToggleSwitchThemeMode.IsOn = true; } else { DisableThemeMode(); } }
/// <param name="theme"> an input theme containing valid render theme XML data. </param> /// <param name="themeCallback"> the theme callback. </param> /// <returns> a new RenderTheme which is created by parsing the XML data from the input theme. </returns> /// <exception cref="ThemeException"> if an error occurs while parsing the render theme XML. </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static IRenderTheme read(ThemeFile theme, ThemeCallback themeCallback) throws org.oscim.theme.IRenderTheme.ThemeException public static IRenderTheme read(ThemeFile theme, ThemeCallback themeCallback) { IDictionary <object, TextureRegion> outputMap = new Dictionary <object, TextureRegion>(); IList <TextureAtlas> atlasList = new List <TextureAtlas>(); XmlMapsforgeAtlasThemeBuilder renderThemeHandler = new XmlMapsforgeAtlasThemeBuilder(theme, themeCallback, outputMap, atlasList); try { (new XMLReaderAdapter()).parse(renderThemeHandler, theme.RenderThemeAsStream); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ThemeException(e.Message); } TextureAtlasUtils.createTextureRegions(renderThemeHandler.bitmapMap, outputMap, atlasList, true, CanvasAdapter.platform == Platform.IOS); return(replaceThemeSymbols(renderThemeHandler.mRenderTheme, outputMap)); }
private void ApplyFormatting(BibleTextImage bibleTextImage, string themePath) { var cacheEntry = ThemeFile.Read(themePath); OnlyVTheme theme; ImageSource backgroundImage; if (cacheEntry == null) { // must use default... theme = new OnlyVTheme(); backgroundImage = BitmapHelper.ConvertBitmap(Properties.Resources.Blue); } else { theme = cacheEntry.Theme; backgroundImage = cacheEntry.BackgroundImage; } ApplyFormatting(bibleTextImage, theme, backgroundImage); }
/// <summary> /// Check if the given theme is a Mapsforge one. /// </summary> public static bool isMapsforgeTheme(ThemeFile theme) { try { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean isMapsforgeTheme = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean(false); AtomicBoolean isMapsforgeTheme = new AtomicBoolean(false); try { (new XMLReaderAdapter()).parse(new DefaultHandlerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(isMapsforgeTheme), theme.RenderThemeAsStream); } catch (SAXTerminationException) { // Do nothing } return(isMapsforgeTheme.get()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.Message, e); return(false); } }
IEnumerable <IThemeFile> BuildDirectoriesRecursively(string path, IThemeFile parent = null) { // Recurse directories var themeDirectory = _fileSystem.GetDirectoryInfo(path); foreach (var directory in themeDirectory.GetDirectories()) { // Add directory var themeFile = new ThemeFile { Name = directory.Name, FullName = directory.FullName, Parent = parent, IsDirectory = true }; // Add files to directory foreach (var file in directory.GetFiles()) { themeFile.Children.Add(new ThemeFile() { Name = file.Name, FullName = file.FullName, Parent = themeFile }); } // Add current file as a child of the parent parent?.Children.Add(themeFile); // Recurse until we've processed all directories BuildDirectoriesRecursively(directory.FullName, themeFile); } return(parent?.Children ?? null); }
protected override void HandleSwitch(Theme newTheme, SwitchEventArgs e) { string oldTheme = Enum.GetName(typeof(Theme), currentComponentTheme); newTheme = newTheme == Theme.Dark ? Theme.Dark : Theme.Light; ThemeFile themeFile = GlobalState.ManagedThemeFile; if (Settings.Component.Mode == Mode.DarkOnly) { themeFile.VisualStyles.AppMode = (nameof(Theme.Dark), themeFile.VisualStyles.AppMode.Item2); currentComponentTheme = Theme.Dark; } else if (Settings.Component.Mode == Mode.LightOnly) { themeFile.VisualStyles.AppMode = (nameof(Theme.Light), themeFile.VisualStyles.AppMode.Item2); currentComponentTheme = Theme.Light; } else { themeFile.VisualStyles.AppMode = (Enum.GetName(typeof(Theme), newTheme), themeFile.VisualStyles.AppMode.Item2); currentComponentTheme = newTheme; } Logger.Info($"update info - previous: {oldTheme}, now: {Enum.GetName(typeof(Theme), currentComponentTheme)}, mode: {Enum.GetName(typeof(Mode), Settings.Component.Mode)}"); }
public XmlMapsforgeAtlasThemeBuilder(ThemeFile theme, IDictionary <object, TextureRegion> regionMap, IList <TextureAtlas> atlasList) : this(theme, null, regionMap, atlasList) { }
public static AddonLoadError ApplyTheme(Application app, ThemeManifest theme, ApplicationMode mode) { if (theme.Id.IsNullOrEmpty()) { logger.Error($"Theme {theme.Name}, doesn't have ID."); return(AddonLoadError.Uknown); } var apiVesion = mode == ApplicationMode.Desktop ? DesktopApiVersion : FullscreenApiVersion; if (!theme.ThemeApiVersion.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var themeVersion = new Version(theme.ThemeApiVersion); if (themeVersion.Major != apiVesion.Major || themeVersion > apiVesion) { logger.Error($"Failed to apply {theme.Name} theme, unsupported API version {theme.ThemeApiVersion}."); return(AddonLoadError.SDKVersion); } } var acceptableXamls = new List <string>(); var defaultRoot = $"Themes/{mode.GetDescription()}/{DefaultTheme.DirectoryName}/"; foreach (var dict in app.Resources.MergedDictionaries) { if (dict.Source.OriginalString.StartsWith(defaultRoot)) { acceptableXamls.Add(dict.Source.OriginalString.Replace(defaultRoot, "").Replace('/', '\\')); } } var allLoaded = true; foreach (var accXaml in acceptableXamls) { var xamlPath = Path.Combine(theme.DirectoryPath, accXaml); if (!File.Exists(xamlPath)) { continue; } try { var xaml = Xaml.FromFile(xamlPath); } catch (Exception e) when(!PlayniteEnvironment.ThrowAllErrors) { logger.Error(e, $"Failed to load xaml {xamlPath}"); allLoaded = false; break; } } if (!allLoaded) { return(AddonLoadError.Uknown); } try { var cursorFile = ThemeFile.GetFilePath("cursor.cur"); if (cursorFile.IsNullOrEmpty()) { cursorFile = ThemeFile.GetFilePath("cursor.ani"); } if (!cursorFile.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Mouse.OverrideCursor = new Cursor(cursorFile, true); } } catch (Exception e) when(!PlayniteEnvironment.ThrowAllErrors) { logger.Error(e, "Failed to set custom mouse cursor."); } var themeRoot = $"Themes\\{mode.GetDescription()}\\{theme.DirectoryName}\\"; // This is sad that we have to do this, but it fixes issues like #2328 // We need to remove all loaded theme resources and reload them in specific order: // default/1.xaml -> theme/1.xaml -> default/2.xaml -> theme/2.xaml etc. // // We can't just load custom theme files at the end or insert them in already loaded pool of resources // because styling with static references won't reload data from custom theme files. // That's why we also have to create new instances of default styles. foreach (var defaultRes in app.Resources.MergedDictionaries.ToList()) { if (defaultRes.Source.OriginalString.StartsWith(defaultRoot)) { app.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Remove(defaultRes); } } foreach (var themeXamlFile in acceptableXamls) { var defaultPath = Path.Combine(PlaynitePaths.ThemesProgramPath, mode.GetDescription(), "Default", themeXamlFile); var defaultXaml = Xaml.FromFile(defaultPath); if (defaultXaml is ResourceDictionary xamlDir) { xamlDir.Source = new Uri(defaultPath, UriKind.Absolute); app.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(xamlDir); } var xamlPath = Path.Combine(theme.DirectoryPath, themeXamlFile); if (!File.Exists(xamlPath)) { continue; } var xaml = Xaml.FromFile(xamlPath); if (xaml is ResourceDictionary themeDir) { themeDir.Source = new Uri(xamlPath, UriKind.Absolute); app.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(themeDir); } else { logger.Error($"Skipping theme file {xamlPath}, it's not resource dictionary."); } } return(AddonLoadError.None); }
public ThemeViewer(ThemeFile themeFile) { theme = themeFile; InitializeComponent(); tabControl1.TabPages.Remove(tabPage4); }
public static object ResolveUiItemIcon(object icon) { if (icon == null) { return(null); } if (icon is string stringIcon) { var resource = ResourceProvider.GetResource(stringIcon); if (resource != null) { if (resource is BitmapImage bitmap) { var image = new System.Windows.Controls.Image() { Source = bitmap }; RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(image, RenderOptions.GetBitmapScalingMode(bitmap)); return(image); } else if (resource is TextBlock textIcon) { var text = new TextBlock { Text = textIcon.Text, FontFamily = textIcon.FontFamily, FontStyle = textIcon.FontStyle }; if (textIcon.ReadLocalValue(TextBlock.ForegroundProperty) != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) { text.Foreground = textIcon.Foreground; } return(text); } } else if (System.IO.File.Exists(stringIcon)) { return(BitmapExtensions.BitmapFromFile(stringIcon)?.ToImage()); } else { var themeFile = ThemeFile.GetFilePath(stringIcon); if (themeFile != null) { return(Images.GetImageFromFile(themeFile, BitmapScalingMode.Fant, double.NaN, double.NaN)); } var dbFile = GameDatabase.Instance.GetFileAsImage(stringIcon); if (dbFile != null) { return(dbFile.ToImage()); } } } else { return(icon); } return(null); }
public override void OnApplyTemplate() { base.OnApplyTemplate(); if (Template != null) { ViewHost = Template.FindName("PART_ViewHost", this) as FrameworkElement; if (ViewHost != null) { ViewHost.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding() { Command = mainModel.ToggleGameDetailsCommand, Key = Key.Back }); ViewHost.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding() { Command = mainModel.ToggleGameDetailsCommand, Key = Key.Escape }); ViewHost.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding() { Command = mainModel.SelectPrevGameCommand, Key = Key.F2 }); ViewHost.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding() { Command = mainModel.SelectNextGameCommand, Key = Key.F3 }); ViewHost.InputBindings.Add(new XInputBinding(mainModel.ToggleGameDetailsCommand, XInputButton.B)); ViewHost.InputBindings.Add(new XInputBinding(mainModel.SelectPrevGameCommand, XInputButton.LeftShoulder)); ViewHost.InputBindings.Add(new XInputBinding(mainModel.SelectNextGameCommand, XInputButton.RightShoulder)); BindingTools.SetBinding(ViewHost, FocusBahaviors.FocusBindingProperty, mainModel, nameof(mainModel.GameDetailsFocused)); } ButtonContext = Template.FindName("PART_ButtonContext", this) as ButtonBase; if (ButtonContext != null) { BindingTools.SetBinding( ButtonContext, ButtonBase.CommandProperty, mainModel, $"{nameof(mainModel.SelectedGameDetails)}.{nameof(mainModel.SelectedGameDetails.ContextActionCommand)}"); BindingTools.SetBinding( ButtonContext, ButtonBase.ContentProperty, mainModel, $"{nameof(mainModel.SelectedGameDetails)}.{nameof(mainModel.SelectedGameDetails.ContextActionDescription)}"); } ButtonOptions = Template.FindName("PART_ButtonOptions", this) as ButtonBase; if (ButtonOptions != null) { ButtonOptions.Command = mainModel.OpenGameMenuCommand; } ImageCover = Template.FindName("PART_ImageCover", this) as Image; if (ImageCover != null) { var sourceBinding = new PriorityBinding(); sourceBinding.Bindings.Add(new Binding() { Path = new PropertyPath(nameof(GamesCollectionViewEntry.CoverImageObject)), Converter = new NullToDependencyPropertyUnsetConverter() }); sourceBinding.Bindings.Add(new Binding() { Path = new PropertyPath(nameof(GamesCollectionViewEntry.DefaultCoverImageObject)), Converter = new NullToDependencyPropertyUnsetConverter() }); BindingOperations.SetBinding(ImageCover, Image.SourceProperty, sourceBinding); } ImageBackground = Template.FindName("PART_ImageBackground", this) as FadeImage; if (ImageBackground != null) { BindingTools.SetBinding(ImageBackground, FadeImage.SourceProperty, nameof(GamesCollectionViewEntry.DisplayBackgroundImageObject)); } HtmlDescription = Template.FindName("PART_HtmlDescription", this) as HtmlTextView; if (HtmlDescription != null) { BindingTools.SetBinding(HtmlDescription, HtmlTextView.HtmlTextProperty, nameof(GamesCollectionViewEntry.Description)); HtmlDescription.TemplatePath = ThemeFile.GetFilePath("DescriptionView.html"); } ControlTemplateTools.InitializePluginControls( mainModel.Extensions, Template, this, ApplicationMode.Fullscreen, mainModel, $"{nameof(FullscreenAppViewModel.SelectedGameDetails)}.{nameof(GameDetailsViewModel.Game)}.{nameof(GameDetailsViewModel.Game.Game)}"); } }
private void LoadThemes() { Themes = Theme.FindThemes(); // if no themes were found, add the default theme if (Themes.Count == 0) { Themes.Add(new Theme()); } // find the user's current theme in the themes list Theme activeTheme = Themes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.FileName.ToLower().Trim() == ThemeFile.ToLower().Trim()); // if the user's current theme is unable to be located, then use the first theme. if (activeTheme == null) { activeTheme = Themes[0]; } // set the current theme to the theme located Theme = activeTheme; }
/// <param name="theme"> an input theme containing valid render theme XML data. </param> /// <returns> a new RenderTheme which is created by parsing the XML data from the input theme. </returns> /// <exception cref="ThemeException"> if an error occurs while parsing the render theme XML. </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public static IRenderTheme read(ThemeFile theme) throws org.oscim.theme.IRenderTheme.ThemeException public static IRenderTheme read(ThemeFile theme) { return(read(theme, null)); }
public XmlMapsforgeAtlasThemeBuilder(ThemeFile theme, ThemeCallback themeCallback, IDictionary <object, TextureRegion> regionMap, IList <TextureAtlas> atlasList) : base(theme, themeCallback) { this.regionMap = regionMap; this.atlasList = atlasList; }