public static void drawblanks(TexturesManager texman, StylesManager styman, String size, bool mySecs, bool myAm, bool existsSecs, bool existsAm, bool existsBoth) { if((mySecs && myAm) || (mySecs && !existsBoth)) return; if(!mySecs && !myAm) { if(existsBoth) { GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("secsblank_" + size), styman.texStyle); GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("amblank_" + size), styman.texStyle); } else if(existsSecs) GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("secsblank_" + size), styman.texStyle); else if(existsAm) GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("amblank_" + size), styman.texStyle); } else if(!mySecs && myAm) { if(existsBoth) GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("secsblank_" + size), styman.texStyle); else if(existsSecs) GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("interblank_" + size), styman.texStyle); } else if(mySecs && !myAm && existsBoth) GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("amblank_" + size), styman.texStyle); }
private void WindowGUI(int windowID) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(styman.layoutStyle); if (displaylocal) { if (displaystrings) { GUILayout.Label("Local Time", styman.timeLabelStyle); } else { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("local"), styman.texStyle); Utils.drawblanks(texman, styman, "top", false, false, existsSecs(), existsAm(), existsBoth()); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } timeDoubleToDisplay(localTime(), timeZone(), display24local, displaySecslocal, displayTZlocal, vessel.mainBody.bodyName.First()); } if (displayrel) { if (displaystrings) { GUILayout.Label(vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.bodyName + " Related Time", styman.timeLabelStyle); } else { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("rel"), styman.texStyle); Utils.drawblanks(texman, styman, "top", false, false, existsSecs(), existsAm(), existsBoth()); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } timeDoubleToDisplay(localRelativeTime(), timeZone(), display24rel, displaySecsrel, displayTZrel, vessel.mainBody.bodyName.First()); } if (displayksc) { if (displaystrings) { GUILayout.Label("KSC Time", styman.timeLabelStyle); } else { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("ksc"), styman.texStyle); Utils.drawblanks(texman, styman, "top", false, false, existsSecs(), existsAm(), existsBoth()); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } timeDoubleToDisplay(kscTime(), -5, display24ksc, displaySecsksc, displayTZksc, 'K'); } if (displayreal) { if (displaystrings) { GUILayout.Label("Real World Time", styman.timeLabelStyle); } else { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(texman.getTexture("earth"), styman.texStyle); Utils.drawblanks(texman, styman, "top", false, false, existsSecs(), existsAm(), existsBoth()); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } realWorldTime(); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); //DragWindow makes the window draggable. The Rect specifies which part of the window it can by dragged by, and is //clipped to the actual boundary of the window. You can also pass no argument at all and then the window can by //dragged by any part of it. Make sure the DragWindow command is AFTER all your other GUI input stuff, or else //it may "cover up" your controls and make them stop responding to the mouse. GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 20)); }