Exemple #1
    static void swap(TexturePosition[] textures, int i, int j)
        TexturePosition temp = textures[i];

        textures[i] = textures[j];
        textures[j] = temp;
 static void textureQuickSort(TexturePosition[] textures, int low, int high)
     if (low < high) {
         int pivot = partition(textures, low, high);
         textureQuickSort(textures, low, pivot - 1);
         textureQuickSort(textures, pivot + 1, high);
 static void swap(TexturePosition[] textures, int i, int j)
     TexturePosition temp = textures [i];
     textures [i] = textures [j];
     textures [j] = temp;
         *  This function returns two variables:
        -> The tecture atlas
        -> An array of the old textures and their new positions. (Used for UV modification)
        public static Material combine(Material[] combines, out TexturePosition[] texturePositions, TextureAtlasInfo atlasInfo)
            if (atlasInfo == null) {
                Debug.LogError("atlasInfo is null. Try removing and reattaching combine children component");
                texturePositions = null;
                return null;
            if (atlasInfo.shaderPropertiesToLookFor.Length <= 0) {
                Debug.LogError("You need to enter some shader properties to look for into Atlas Info. Cannot combine with 0 properties");
                texturePositions = null;
                return null;
            List<ShaderProperties> properties = new List<ShaderProperties>();

            for (int i = 0; i < atlasInfo.shaderPropertiesToLookFor.Length; i++) {
                if (combines [0].HasProperty(atlasInfo.shaderPropertiesToLookFor [i].propertyName)) {
                    properties.Add(atlasInfo.shaderPropertiesToLookFor [i]);

            texturePositions = new TexturePosition[combines.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < combines.Length; i++) {
                TexturePosition tempTexturePosition = new TexturePosition();
                tempTexturePosition.textures = new Texture2D[properties.Count];

                for (int j = 0; j < properties.Count; j++) {
                    //Debug.Log((combines[i].GetTexture(properties[j].propertyName) == null) + ", " +  properties[j].propertyName + ", " + combines[i].name);
                    if (combines [i].GetTexture(properties [j].propertyName) == null) {
                        Debug.LogError("Cannot combine textures when using Unity's default material texture");
                        texturePositions = null;
                        return null;
                    tempTexturePosition.textures [j] = Object.Instantiate(combines [i].GetTexture(properties [j].propertyName)) as Texture2D;
                    tempTexturePosition.textures [j].name = tempTexturePosition.textures [j].name.Remove(tempTexturePosition.textures [j].name.IndexOf("(Clone)", System.StringComparison.Ordinal));


                texturePositions [i] = tempTexturePosition;

            textureQuickSort(texturePositions, 0, texturePositions.Length - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < texturePositions.Length; i++) {
                for (int j = 1; j < texturePositions[i].textures.Length; j++) {
                    texturePositions [i].textures [j] = scaleTexture(texturePositions [i].textures [j], texturePositions [i].textures [0].width, texturePositions [i].textures [0].height);

            texturePositions [0].position.x = texturePositions [0].position.y = 0;
            texturePositions [0].position.width = texturePositions [0].textures [0].width;
            texturePositions [0].position.height = texturePositions [0].textures [0].height;

            int height = texturePositions [0].textures [0].height;
            int width = texturePositions [0].textures [0].width;

            int widthIndex = width;
            int heightIndex = 0;

            bool useHeightAsReference = true;
            for (int i = 1; i < texturePositions.Length; i++) {
                texturePositions [i].position.x = widthIndex;
                texturePositions [i].position.y = heightIndex;
                texturePositions [i].position.width = texturePositions [i].textures [0].width;
                texturePositions [i].position.height = texturePositions [i].textures [0].height;

                if (useHeightAsReference) {
                    if (widthIndex + texturePositions [i].textures [0].width > width) {
                        width = widthIndex + texturePositions [i].textures [0].width;

                    heightIndex += texturePositions [i].textures [0].height;

                    if (heightIndex >= height) {
                        useHeightAsReference = false;
                        height = heightIndex;
                        heightIndex = height;

                        widthIndex = 0;
                } else {
                    if (heightIndex + texturePositions [i].textures [0].height > height) {
                        height = heightIndex + texturePositions [i].textures [0].height;

                    widthIndex += texturePositions [i].textures [0].width;

                    if (widthIndex >= width) {
                        useHeightAsReference = true;
                        width = widthIndex;
                        widthIndex = width;

                        heightIndex = 0;

            if (height > width) {
                width = height;
            } else {
                height = width;
            float textureSizeFactor = 1.0f / height;

            Material newMaterial = new Material(combines [0]);

            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; i++) {
                Texture2D combinesTextures = new Texture2D(width, height, (atlasInfo.ignoreAlpha && !properties [i].markAsNormal) ? TextureFormat.RGB24 : TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);
                combinesTextures.anisoLevel = atlasInfo.anisoLevel;
                combinesTextures.filterMode = atlasInfo.filterMode;
                combinesTextures.wrapMode = atlasInfo.wrapMode;

                for (int j = 0; j < texturePositions.Length; j++) {
                    combinesTextures.SetPixels((int)texturePositions [j].position.x, (int)texturePositions [j].position.y, texturePositions [j].textures [i].width, texturePositions [j].textures [i].height, texturePositions [j].textures [i].GetPixels());


                if (atlasInfo.compressTexturesInMemory) {

                newMaterial.SetTexture(properties [i].propertyName, combinesTextures);

            for (int i = 0; i < texturePositions.Length; i++) {
                texturePositions [i].position.x = texturePositions [i].position.x * textureSizeFactor;
                texturePositions [i].position.y = texturePositions [i].position.y * textureSizeFactor;
                texturePositions [i].position.width = texturePositions [i].position.width * textureSizeFactor;
                texturePositions [i].position.height = texturePositions [i].position.height * textureSizeFactor;

            return newMaterial;
        static int partition(TexturePosition[] texturePositions, int low, int high)
            TexturePosition pivot_item;
            int pivotPosition = low;
            pivot_item = texturePositions [pivotPosition];

            for (int i = low + 1; i <= high; i++) {
                if (texturePositions [i].textures [0].height > pivot_item.textures [0].height) {
                    swap(texturePositions, pivotPosition, i);

            swap(texturePositions, low, pivotPosition);

            return pivotPosition;
Exemple #6
     *  This function returns two variables:
     *      -> The tecture atlas
     *      -> An array of the old textures and their new positions. (Used for UV modification)
    public static Material combine(Material[] combines, out TexturePosition[] texturePositions, TextureAtlasInfo atlasInfo)
        if (atlasInfo == null)
            Debug.LogError("atlasInfo is null. Try removing and reattaching combine children component");
            texturePositions = null;
        if (atlasInfo.shaderPropertiesToLookFor.Length <= 0)
            Debug.LogError("You need to enter some shader properties to look for into Atlas Info. Cannot combine with 0 properties");
            texturePositions = null;
        List <ShaderProperties> properties = new List <ShaderProperties>();

        for (int i = 0; i < atlasInfo.shaderPropertiesToLookFor.Length; i++)
            if (combines[0].HasProperty(atlasInfo.shaderPropertiesToLookFor[i].propertyName) == true)

        texturePositions = new TexturePosition[combines.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < combines.Length; i++)
            TexturePosition tempTexturePosition = new TexturePosition();
            tempTexturePosition.textures = new Texture2D[properties.Count];

            for (int j = 0; j < properties.Count; j++)
                //Debug.Log((combines[i].GetTexture(properties[j].propertyName) == null) + ", " +  properties[j].propertyName + ", " + combines[i].name);
                if (combines[i].GetTexture(properties[j].propertyName) == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Cannot combine textures when using Unity's default material texture");
                    texturePositions = null;
                tempTexturePosition.textures[j]      = GameObject.Instantiate(combines[i].GetTexture(properties[j].propertyName)) as Texture2D;
                tempTexturePosition.textures[j].name = tempTexturePosition.textures[j].name.Remove(tempTexturePosition.textures[j].name.IndexOf("(Clone)"));

            texturePositions[i] = tempTexturePosition;

        textureQuickSort(texturePositions, 0, texturePositions.Length - 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < texturePositions.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 1; j < texturePositions[i].textures.Length; j++)
                texturePositions[i].textures[j] = scaleTexture(texturePositions[i].textures[j], texturePositions[i].textures[0].width, texturePositions[i].textures[0].height);

        texturePositions[0].position.x      = texturePositions[0].position.y = 0;
        texturePositions[0].position.width  = texturePositions[0].textures[0].width;
        texturePositions[0].position.height = texturePositions[0].textures[0].height;

        int height = texturePositions[0].textures[0].height;
        int width  = texturePositions[0].textures[0].width;

        int widthIndex  = width;
        int heightIndex = 0;

        bool useHeightAsReference = true;

        for (int i = 1; i < texturePositions.Length; i++)
            texturePositions[i].position.x      = widthIndex;
            texturePositions[i].position.y      = heightIndex;
            texturePositions[i].position.width  = texturePositions[i].textures[0].width;
            texturePositions[i].position.height = texturePositions[i].textures[0].height;

            if (useHeightAsReference)
                if (widthIndex + texturePositions[i].textures[0].width > width)
                    width = widthIndex + texturePositions[i].textures[0].width;

                heightIndex += texturePositions[i].textures[0].height;

                if (heightIndex >= height)
                    useHeightAsReference = false;
                    height      = heightIndex;
                    heightIndex = height;

                    widthIndex = 0;
                if (heightIndex + texturePositions[i].textures[0].height > height)
                    height = heightIndex + texturePositions[i].textures[0].height;

                widthIndex += texturePositions[i].textures[0].width;

                if (widthIndex >= width)
                    useHeightAsReference = true;
                    width      = widthIndex;
                    widthIndex = width;

                    heightIndex = 0;
        if (height > width)
            width = height;
            height = width;
        float textureSizeFactor = 1.0f / height;

        Material newMaterial = new Material(combines[0]);

        for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; i++)
            Texture2D combinesTextures = new Texture2D(width, height, (atlasInfo.ignoreAlpha && !properties[i].markAsNormal) ? TextureFormat.RGB24 : TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);
            combinesTextures.anisoLevel = atlasInfo.anisoLevel;
            combinesTextures.filterMode = atlasInfo.filterMode;
            combinesTextures.wrapMode   = atlasInfo.wrapMode;

            for (int j = 0; j < texturePositions.Length; j++)
                combinesTextures.SetPixels((int)texturePositions[j].position.x, (int)texturePositions[j].position.y, texturePositions[j].textures[i].width, texturePositions[j].textures[i].height, texturePositions[j].textures[i].GetPixels());


            if (atlasInfo.compressTexturesInMemory == true)

            newMaterial.SetTexture(properties[i].propertyName, combinesTextures);

        for (int i = 0; i < texturePositions.Length; i++)
            texturePositions[i].position.x      = texturePositions[i].position.x * textureSizeFactor;
            texturePositions[i].position.y      = texturePositions[i].position.y * textureSizeFactor;
            texturePositions[i].position.width  = texturePositions[i].position.width * textureSizeFactor;
            texturePositions[i].position.height = texturePositions[i].position.height * textureSizeFactor;
//		Debug.Log("TexCU : " + newMaterial.GetTexture(properties[0].propertyName).name + " combines[0] :"+combines[0].name);