public void texShared(TextureInfo texInfo) { if(sharingName == "" || sharingName == || sharingName == "Any") { texture = texInfo.getTexture(); } }
public static TextureInfo[] ChopUpAllTextures(TextureInfo[] texInfos) { for (int i = 0; i < texInfos.Length; i++) { texInfos[i].chopTexture(); } return texInfos; }
public void texStopped(TextureInfo texInfo) { if( == _sharingName) { texture = null; }else if(sharingName == "Any" && Spout2.activeSenders.Count > 0) { texture = Spout2.activeSenders[Spout2.activeSenders.Count-1].getTexture(); } }
static Vector2[] CreateUV(TextureInfo info, float width, float height) { if (!info.Tile) return DefaultUV; var tw = info.Width; var th = info.Height; var u = width / (tw / info.Density); var v = height / (th / info.Density); return DefaultUV.Select(i => i * new Vector2(u, v)).ToArray(); }
public GameObjectAbstract(string spriteFilePath) { TextureInfo texture_info = new TextureInfo(new Texture2D(spriteFilePath, false) ); sprite = new SpriteUV() {TextureInfo = texture_info}; sprite.Quad.S = texture_info.TextureSizef; sprite.CenterSprite(); sprite.Position = new Vector2(100,100); velocity = new Vector2(0,0); mass = 10.0f; isAlive = false; lifeTime = 0; }
public Block(Device device, TextureInfo texture, float width, float height, float depth, bool containsTransparency) { Material = new TextureMaterial(texture.Texture, containsTransparency); var xUV = CreateUV(texture, depth, height); var yUV = CreateUV(texture, width, depth); var zUV = CreateUV(texture, width, height); this.Add(new MeshRenderer { Mesh = new TexturedCube(device, width, height, depth, zUV, zUV, xUV, xUV, yUV, yUV), Material = Material }); this.Add(new AxisAlignedBoxCollider { RadiusWidth = width / 2, RadiusHeight = height / 2, RadiusDepth = depth / 2 }); }
public static Texture2D BuildTexture(TextureInfo[] texInfos, int[] size_mesh, CardInfo cardInfo) { //TextureInfo texInfo = texInfos[0]; int size_x = size_mesh[0]; int size_z = size_mesh[1]; // HARD: Using the first textures resolution (for now) assuming all will be same (for now) int tileResolution = texInfos[0].resolution; int texWidth = size_x * tileResolution; int texHeight = size_z * tileResolution; Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(texWidth, texHeight); for (int y = 0; y < size_z; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < size_x; x++) { // Creating the color array, p // Color[] p = texInfo.texColors[0]; Color[] p; if (cardInfo != null) p = getCardColors(x, y, size_x, size_z, texInfos, cardInfo); else p = getColors(x, y, size_x, size_z, texInfos); // Setting the texture's pixels using the color array, p texture.SetPixels(x * tileResolution, y * tileResolution, tileResolution, tileResolution, p); } } texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; texture.Apply(); return texture; }
public override void set(KSPTextureInfo info) { _main = new TextureInfo(); _main.texture = info.mainTexture; _main.url = info.mainUrl; if (info.hasNormalMap) { _normalMap = new TextureInfo(); _normalMap.texture = info.normalMapTexture; _normalMap.url = info.normalMapUrl; _normalMap.normalMap = true; _hasNormalMap = true; } else { _normalMap = null; _hasNormalMap = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Binds a texture to the given path and context</summary> /// <param name="image">Path to image file containing texture</param> /// <param name="contextId">Context ID of texture</param> /// <param name="enableflipimage">True to enable flipping the image</param> /// <returns>OpenGL name of bound texture or -1 if texture could not be found/loaded</returns> public int GetTextureName(string image, object contextId, bool enableflipimage) { int name = -1; lock (this) { TextureContext context = FindContext(contextId); if (context == null) { context = new TextureContext(contextId); m_texCollections.Add(context); } if (!context.NameMap.TryGetValue(image, out name)) { TextureInfo texData; texData = new TextureInfo(); texData.EnableFlipImage = enableflipimage; name = BuildImage(image, texData); // When textures can't be found, let's note that fact so as to avoid // hundreds or thousands of IO exceptions that are then printed in // OutputService's window. context.NameMap.Add(image, name); if (name >= 0) { //defensive programming -- if (!context.TextureDataMap.ContainsKey(name)) { context.TextureDataMap.Add(name, texData); context.Names.Add(name); } } } } return name; }
public static Color[][] ChopUpTiles(TextureInfo texInfo) { Texture2D tex = texInfo.texSheet; int tileResolution = texInfo.resolution; int numTilesPerRow = tex.width / tileResolution; int numRows = tex.height / tileResolution; Color[][] tiles = new Color[numTilesPerRow * numRows][]; for (int y = 0; y < numRows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < numTilesPerRow; x++) { tiles[y * numTilesPerRow + x] = tex.GetPixels(x * tileResolution, y * tileResolution, tileResolution, tileResolution); } } return tiles; }
public PhysicalSpriteUV(TextureInfo textureInfo, PhysicsScene physicsScene, bool circle = false) : base(textureInfo) { // Texture Setup Quad.S = TextureInfo.TextureSizef; Pivot = new Vector2(TextureInfo.Texture.Width / 2f, TextureInfo.Texture.Height / 2f ); // Physics Setup (get the indicies we will be using PhysicsScene = physicsScene; ShapeIndex = PhysicsScene.NumShape; BodyIndex = PhysicsScene.NumBody; JointIndex = -1; // Create shapes (will want to let the programmer pass in things like friction and rotation at some point, AND SPECIFY CIRCLE OR SQUARE SHAPE) PhysicsShape shape; if(!circle) { shape = new PhysicsShape(new Vector2(textureInfo.Texture.Width/2, textureInfo.Texture.Height/2)); } else { shape = new PhysicsShape(textureInfo.Texture.Width/2); } // Why 100? PhysicsBody body = new PhysicsBody(shape, 100); body.ShapeIndex = (uint)ShapeIndex; PhysicsScene.sceneShapes[ShapeIndex] = shape; PhysicsScene.sceneBodies[BodyIndex] = body; //PhysicsScene.sceneBodies[BodyIndex].Rotation = 0.1f; //PhysicsScene.sceneBodies[BodyIndex].AirFriction = 0.01f; PhysicsScene.NumShape++; PhysicsScene.NumBody++; }
public override void set(KSPTextureInfo info) { string[] textureNamesArray = Utils.SplitString(_textureNames); string[] normalMapNamesArray = Utils.SplitString(_normalMapNames); string dirUrl = info.dirUrl; if (_textureDir != string.Empty) dirUrl = _textureDir; _mainTextInfo = new List<TextureInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < textureNamesArray.Length; ++i) { TextureInfo texInfo = new TextureInfo(); texInfo.url = dirUrl + "/" + textureNamesArray[i]; = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(texInfo.url); _mainTextInfo.Add(texInfo); } _normalTextInfo = new List<TextureInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < normalMapNamesArray.Length; ++i) { TextureInfo texInfo = new TextureInfo(); texInfo.url = dirUrl + "/" + normalMapNamesArray[i]; = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(texInfo.url); texInfo.normalMap = true; _normalTextInfo.Add(texInfo); } if (_normalTextInfo.Count > 0) _hasNormalMap = true; else _hasNormalMap = false; if (_mainTextInfo.Count == 0) { valid = false; Utils.LogError("no main textures"); return; } if (_hasNormalMap && _mainTextInfo.Count != _normalTextInfo.Count) { Utils.LogError("different numbers of mainTextures ({0}) and normalMaps ({1})", _mainTextInfo.Count, _normalTextInfo.Count); valid = false; return; } if (Global.Debug2) Utils.Log("valid multiple base texture, textures: {0}", _mainTextInfo.Count); valid = true; }
private void SetUsedTextureOrImage( Dictionary <TextureInfo, TextureMeta> dict, int cbufSlot, int handle, SamplerType type, TextureFormat format, bool intCoords, bool write, bool accurateType, bool coherent) { var dimensions = type.GetDimensions(); var isIndexed = type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Indexed); var usageFlags = TextureUsageFlags.None; if (intCoords) { usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.NeedsScaleValue; var canScale = Stage.SupportsRenderScale() && !isIndexed && !write && dimensions == 2; if (!canScale) { // Resolution scaling cannot be applied to this texture right now. // Flag so that we know to blacklist scaling on related textures when binding them. usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ResScaleUnsupported; } } if (write) { usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ImageStore; } if (coherent) { usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ImageCoherent; } int arraySize = isIndexed ? SamplerArraySize : 1; for (int layer = 0; layer < arraySize; layer++) { var info = new TextureInfo(cbufSlot, handle + layer * 2, isIndexed, format); var meta = new TextureMeta() { AccurateType = accurateType, Type = type, UsageFlags = usageFlags }; if (dict.TryGetValue(info, out var existingMeta)) { dict[info] = MergeTextureMeta(meta, existingMeta); } else { dict.Add(info, meta); } } }
public ByteArrayLoader(byte[] data, Format pixelFormat, int width, int height, int depth) { info = new TextureInfo(data, pixelFormat, width, height, depth); }
public PakTextureInfo(TextureInfo tex) { Name = tex.Name; GlobalIndex = tex.GlobalIndex; Image = tex.Image; }
public RawDataLoader(IntPtr data, Format pixelFormat, int width, int height, int depth) { info = new TextureInfo(data, pixelFormat, width, height, depth); }
static Color[] getCardColors(int x, int y, int size_x, int size_z, TextureInfo[] texInfos, CardInfo cardInfo) { Color[] p; // HARD: Using magic values for now knowing the size of textures // NEED: x, z, size_x, size_z, texInfos, cardInfo // ::Texture [0]:: // Cost: if (x == 1 && y == size_z - 2) { //p = texInfos[0].texColors[Math.Abs(9 - cardInfo.cost)]; p = texInfos[0].texColors[cardInfo.cost]; } // Points: else if (x == size_x - 2 && y == size_z - 2) { p = texInfos[0].texColors[cardInfo.score]; } // ::Texture [1]:: // Sides: else if (y == 1 && (x > 0 && x < size_x - 1)) { //p = texInfos[1].texColors[Math.Abs(9 - cardInfo.sideID[Math.Abs(5 - (x - 1))])]; p = texInfos[1].texColors[cardInfo.sideID[x - 1]]; } // ::Solid Colors:: // outsideColor: else if (x == 0 || y == 0 || y == size_z - 1 || x == size_x - 1) { p = new Color[texInfos[0].texColors[0].Length]; for (int i = 0; i < texInfos[0].texColors[0].Length; i++) { //p[i] = new Color(cardInfo.outsideColorRGB[0], cardInfo.outsideColorRGB[1], cardInfo.outsideColorRGB[2], 1); p[i] = cardInfo.outsideColor; } } // insideColor: else { p = new Color[texInfos[0].texColors[0].Length]; for (int i = 0; i < texInfos[0].texColors[0].Length; i++) { //p[i] = new Color(cardInfo.insideColorRGB[0], cardInfo.insideColorRGB[1], cardInfo.insideColorRGB[2], 1); p[i] = cardInfo.insideColor; } } return p; }
private void DrawBatchPerTexture(ref TextureInfo texture, SpriteInfo[] sprites, int offset, int count) { if (m_customEffect != null) { var currentTechnique = m_customEffect.Technique; int passCount = m_customEffect.GetTechniqueDescription(currentTechnique).Passes; for (int i = 0; i < passCount; i++) { // Sets the texture on the custom effect if the parameter exist if (m_customEffectTexture != null) { m_customEffect.SetTexture(m_customEffectTexture, texture.Texture); } m_customEffect.Begin(); // Apply the current pass m_customEffect.BeginPass(i); // Draw the batch of sprites DrawBatchPerTextureAndPass(ref texture, sprites, offset, count); m_customEffect.EndPass(); m_customEffect.End(); } } else { var spriteEffect = MyRender.GetEffect(MyEffects.SpriteBatch) as Effects.MyEffectSpriteBatchShader; if (texture.Face.HasValue) { spriteEffect.SetCubeTexture(texture.Texture as CubeTexture); switch (texture.Face.Value) { case CubeMapFace.PositiveX: spriteEffect.SetTechnique(Effects.MyEffectSpriteBatchShader.Technique.SpriteBatchCube0); break; case CubeMapFace.NegativeX: spriteEffect.SetTechnique(Effects.MyEffectSpriteBatchShader.Technique.SpriteBatchCube1); break; case CubeMapFace.PositiveY: spriteEffect.SetTechnique(Effects.MyEffectSpriteBatchShader.Technique.SpriteBatchCube2); break; case CubeMapFace.NegativeY: spriteEffect.SetTechnique(Effects.MyEffectSpriteBatchShader.Technique.SpriteBatchCube3); break; case CubeMapFace.PositiveZ: spriteEffect.SetTechnique(Effects.MyEffectSpriteBatchShader.Technique.SpriteBatchCube4); break; case CubeMapFace.NegativeZ: spriteEffect.SetTechnique(Effects.MyEffectSpriteBatchShader.Technique.SpriteBatchCube5); break; } } else { spriteEffect.SetTexture(texture.Texture as Texture); spriteEffect.SetTechnique(Effects.MyEffectSpriteBatchShader.Technique.Sprite); } spriteEffect.Begin(); DrawBatchPerTextureAndPass(ref texture, sprites, offset, count); spriteEffect.End(); } }
public Color4ArrayLoader(Color4[] data, int width) { info = new TextureInfo(data, width); }
/// <summary> /// Completes loading /// </summary> /// <param name="info">The information.</param> /// <param name="succ">if set to <c>true</c> [succ].</param> public void Complete(TextureInfo info, bool succ) { TextureInfoLoader.Complete(Guid, info, succ); }
private static Material ConvertMaterialAndTextures(Ai.Material aiMaterial, ModelPackConverterOptions options, string baseDirectoryPath, TextureDictionary textureDictionary) { // Convert all textures TextureInfo diffuseTexture = null; if (aiMaterial.HasTextureDiffuse) { diffuseTexture = ConvertTexture(aiMaterial.TextureDiffuse, baseDirectoryPath); } TextureInfo lightmapTexture = null; if (aiMaterial.HasTextureLightMap) { lightmapTexture = ConvertTexture(aiMaterial.TextureLightMap, baseDirectoryPath); } TextureInfo displacementTexture = null; if (aiMaterial.HasTextureDisplacement) { displacementTexture = ConvertTexture(aiMaterial.TextureDisplacement, baseDirectoryPath); } TextureInfo opacityTexture = null; if (aiMaterial.HasTextureOpacity) { opacityTexture = ConvertTexture(aiMaterial.TextureOpacity, baseDirectoryPath); } TextureInfo normalTexture = null; if (aiMaterial.HasTextureNormal) { normalTexture = ConvertTexture(aiMaterial.TextureNormal, baseDirectoryPath); } TextureInfo heightTexture = null; if (aiMaterial.HasTextureHeight) { heightTexture = ConvertTexture(aiMaterial.TextureHeight, baseDirectoryPath); } TextureInfo emissiveTexture = null; if (aiMaterial.HasTextureEmissive) { emissiveTexture = ConvertTexture(aiMaterial.TextureEmissive, baseDirectoryPath); } TextureInfo ambientTexture = null; if (aiMaterial.HasTextureAmbient) { ambientTexture = ConvertTexture(aiMaterial.TextureAmbient, baseDirectoryPath); } TextureInfo specularTexture = null; if (aiMaterial.HasTextureSpecular) { specularTexture = ConvertTexture(aiMaterial.TextureSpecular, baseDirectoryPath); } TextureInfo reflectionTexture = null; if (aiMaterial.HasTextureReflection) { reflectionTexture = ConvertTexture(aiMaterial.TextureReflection, baseDirectoryPath); } // Convert material Material material = null; string materialName = AssimpConverterCommon.UnescapeName(aiMaterial.Name); switch (options.MaterialPreset) { case MaterialPreset.FieldTerrain: { if (diffuseTexture != null) { textureDictionary.Add(diffuseTexture.Texture); material = MaterialFactory.CreateFieldTerrainMaterial(materialName, diffuseTexture.Name, HasAlpha(diffuseTexture.PixelFormat)); } } break; case MaterialPreset.FieldTerrainCastShadow: { if (diffuseTexture != null) { textureDictionary.Add(diffuseTexture.Texture); material = MaterialFactory.CreateFieldTerrainCastShadowMaterial(materialName, diffuseTexture.Name, HasAlpha(diffuseTexture.PixelFormat)); } } break; case MaterialPreset.CharacterSkinP5: case MaterialPreset.CharacterSkinFB: { if (diffuseTexture != null) { textureDictionary.Add(diffuseTexture.Texture); string shadowTextureName = diffuseTexture.Name; if (ambientTexture != null) { textureDictionary.Add(ambientTexture.Texture); shadowTextureName = ambientTexture.Name; } // TODO: transparency var hasTransparency = HasAlpha(diffuseTexture.PixelFormat); if (options.MaterialPreset == MaterialPreset.CharacterSkinP5) { material = MaterialFactory.CreateCharacterSkinP5Material(materialName, diffuseTexture.Name, shadowTextureName, hasTransparency); } else { material = MaterialFactory.CreateCharacterSkinFBMaterial(materialName, diffuseTexture.Name, shadowTextureName, hasTransparency); } } } break; case MaterialPreset.PersonaSkinP5: { if (diffuseTexture != null) { textureDictionary.Add(diffuseTexture.Texture); string shadowTextureName = diffuseTexture.Name; string specularTextureName = diffuseTexture.Name; if (ambientTexture != null) { textureDictionary.Add(ambientTexture.Texture); shadowTextureName = ambientTexture.Name; } if (specularTexture != null) { textureDictionary.Add(specularTexture.Texture); specularTextureName = specularTexture.Name; } material = MaterialFactory.CreatePersonaSkinP5Material(materialName, diffuseTexture.Name, specularTextureName, shadowTextureName); } } break; case MaterialPreset.CharacterClothP4D: { if (diffuseTexture != null) { textureDictionary.Add(diffuseTexture.Texture); material = MaterialFactory.CreateCharacterClothP4DMaterial(materialName, diffuseTexture.Name, HasAlpha(diffuseTexture.PixelFormat)); } } break; case MaterialPreset.CharacterSkinP3DP5D: { if (diffuseTexture != null) { textureDictionary.Add(diffuseTexture.Texture); material = MaterialFactory.CreateCharacterSkinP3DP5DMaterial(materialName, diffuseTexture.Name, HasAlpha(diffuseTexture.PixelFormat)); } } break; } // Create dummy material if none was created if (material == null) { material = new Material(materialName); } return(material); }
internal void Run(DEMDataSet dataSet, bool trackIn3D = true, bool generateTIN = false, int outputSrid = Reprojection.SRID_PROJECTED_LAMBERT_93) { try { string _gpxFile = Path.Combine("SampleData", "BikeRide.gpx"); bool withTexture = true; float Z_FACTOR = 4f; float Z_TRANSLATE_GPX_TRACK_METERS = 5; float trailWidthMeters = 5f; int skipGpxPointsEvery = 1; ImageryProvider provider = ImageryProvider.MapBoxSatellite; // new TileDebugProvider(null, maxDegreeOfParallelism: 1);// ImageryProvider.MapBoxSatellite; string outputDir = Path.GetFullPath("."); //======================= /// Line strip from GPX /// // Get GPX points var segments = GpxImport.ReadGPX_Segments(_gpxFile); var points = segments.SelectMany(seg => seg); var bbox = points.GetBoundingBox().Scale(1.3, 1.3); // DEBUG // Test case : ASTER GDEMv3 : 5.5 43.5 Z=315 // 303 307 308 // 309 *315* 317 // 314 321 324 //points = GenerateDebugTrailPointsGenerateDebugTrailPoints(5.003, 5.006, 43.995, 43.997, 0.0001, 0.001); //points = GenerateDebugTrailPointsGenerateDebugTrailPoints(5.4990, 5.501, 43.4990, 43.501, 0.0001, 0.001); //points = GenerateDebugTrailPointsGenerateDebugTrailPoints(5.49, 5.51, 43.49, 43.51, 0.0005, 0.001); //bbox = points.GetBoundingBox().Scale(1.3,1.3); IEnumerable <GeoPoint> gpxPointsElevated = _elevationService.GetPointsElevation(points, dataSet); // //======================= //======================= /// Height map (get dem elevation for bbox) /// HeightMap hMap = _elevationService.GetHeightMap(ref bbox, dataSet); // var refPoint = new GeoPoint(43.5, 5.5); // hMap = hMap.BakeCoordinates(); // var hMapRefPoint = hMap.Coordinates.OrderBy(c => c.DistanceSquaredTo(refPoint)).First(); // var gpxRefPoint = gpxPointsElevated.OrderBy(c => c.DistanceSquaredTo(refPoint)).First(); // hMapRefPoint.Elevation += 60; // gpxRefPoint.Elevation += 60; hMap = hMap.ReprojectTo(4326, outputSrid) //.CenterOnOrigin() .ZScale(Z_FACTOR) .BakeCoordinates(); // //======================= //======================= // Textures // PBRTexture pbrTexture = null; if (withTexture) { Console.WriteLine("Download image tiles..."); TileRange tiles = _imageryService.DownloadTiles(bbox, provider, 8); string fileName = Path.Combine(outputDir, "Texture.jpg"); Console.WriteLine("Construct texture..."); TextureInfo texInfo = _imageryService.ConstructTextureWithGpxTrack(tiles, bbox, fileName, TextureImageFormat.image_jpeg, gpxPointsElevated, false); // //======================= //======================= // Normal map Console.WriteLine("Height map..."); //float Z_FACTOR = 0.00002f; //hMap = hMap.CenterOnOrigin().ZScale(Z_FACTOR); var normalMap = _imageryService.GenerateNormalMap(hMap, outputDir); pbrTexture = PBRTexture.Create(texInfo, normalMap); //hMap = hMap.CenterOnOrigin(Z_FACTOR); // //======================= } //======================= // MESH 3D terrain Console.WriteLine("Height map..."); Console.WriteLine("GenerateTriangleMesh..."); //hMap = _elevationService.GetHeightMap(bbox, _dataSet); ModelRoot model = null; if (generateTIN) { model = TINGeneration.GenerateTIN(hMap, 10d, _sharpGltfService, pbrTexture, outputSrid); } else { //hMap = hMap.CenterOnOrigin().ZScale(Z_FACTOR); // generate mesh with texture model = _sharpGltfService.CreateTerrainMesh(hMap, pbrTexture); } if (trackIn3D) { // take 1 point evert nth gpxPointsElevated = gpxPointsElevated.Where((x, i) => (i + 1) % skipGpxPointsEvery == 0); gpxPointsElevated = gpxPointsElevated.ZTranslate(Z_TRANSLATE_GPX_TRACK_METERS) .ReprojectTo(4326, outputSrid) //.CenterOnOrigin() //.CenterOnOrigin(hMap.BoundingBox) .ZScale(Z_FACTOR); model = _sharpGltfService.AddLine(model, gpxPointsElevated, new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0.5f), trailWidthMeters); } // model export Console.WriteLine("GenerateModel..."); model.SaveGLB(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), $"{GetType().Name} dst{dataSet.Name} TIN{generateTIN} Srid{outputSrid}.glb")); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message); } }
public void Complete(Guid id, TextureInfo info, bool succeeded) { }
public Color4ArrayLoader(Color4[] data, int width, int height, int depth) { info = new TextureInfo(data, width, height, depth); }
private (ModelRoot Model, double widthMeters, double heightMeters, double averageElevation, BoundingBox projectedBbox) GenerateSampleModel(BoundingBox bbox, DEMDataSet dataset, bool withTexture = true) { try { int TEXTURE_TILES = 8; // 4: med, 8: high string outputDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); //_rasterService.GenerateDirectoryMetadata(dataset, false); ImageryProvider provider = ImageryProvider.MapBoxSatellite;// new TileDebugProvider(new GeoPoint(43.5,5.5)); _logger.LogInformation($"Getting height map data..."); var heightMap = _elevationService.GetHeightMap(ref bbox, dataset); var wgs84bbox = bbox; ModelGenerationTransform transform = new ModelGenerationTransform(bbox, 3857, true, 1.5f, true); _logger.LogInformation($"Processing height map data ({heightMap.Count} coordinates)..."); heightMap = transform.TransformHeightMap(heightMap); //======================= // Textures // PBRTexture pbrTexture = null; if (withTexture) { Console.WriteLine("Download image tiles..."); TileRange tiles = _imageryService.DownloadTiles(bbox, provider, TEXTURE_TILES); string fileName = Path.Combine(outputDir, "Texture.jpg"); Console.WriteLine("Construct texture..."); TextureInfo texInfo = _imageryService.ConstructTexture(tiles, bbox, fileName, TextureImageFormat.image_jpeg); // //======================= //======================= // Normal map Console.WriteLine("Height map..."); //float Z_FACTOR = 0.00002f; //hMap = hMap.CenterOnOrigin().ZScale(Z_FACTOR); //var normalMap = _imageryService.GenerateNormalMap(heightMap, outputDir); pbrTexture = PBRTexture.Create(texInfo, null); //hMap = hMap.CenterOnOrigin(Z_FACTOR); // //======================= } // Triangulate height map // and add base and sides _logger.LogInformation($"Triangulating height map and generating 3D mesh..."); var model = _sharpGltfService.CreateTerrainMesh(heightMap, pbrTexture); var width = new GeoPoint(wgs84bbox.Center[1], bbox.Center[0] - bbox.Width / 2f).DistanceTo(new GeoPoint(wgs84bbox.Center[1], bbox.Center[0] + bbox.Width / 2f)); var height = new GeoPoint(bbox.Center[1] - bbox.Height / 2f, wgs84bbox.Center[0]).DistanceTo(new GeoPoint(bbox.Center[1] + bbox.Height, wgs84bbox.Center[0])); return(model, width, height, wgs84bbox.Center[2], heightMap.BoundingBox); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message); return(null, 0, 0, 0, null); } }
public CharacterAnimationResolver(TextureInfo textureInfo, int[] animateLeftColumns, int[] animateRightColumns) { this.animateLeftColumns = animateLeftColumns; this.animateRightColumns = animateRightColumns; this.textureInfo = textureInfo; }
public Material(Color color, TextureInfo texture) { DiffuseName = texture.RelativeName; DiffuseColor = color; _DiffuseTexture = texture; }
internal SpriteInfo(TextureInfo p, Sprite s) { parent = p; sprite = s; }
Image GetImage(TestClient client, UUID id) { byte[] assetData = new byte[0]; AutoResetEvent fetchDone = new AutoResetEvent(false); client.Assets.RequestImage(id, delegate(TextureRequestState state, OpenMetaverse.Assets.AssetTexture asset) { if ((state == TextureRequestState.Finished) && (asset != null)) { fetchDone.Set(); assetData = asset.AssetData; } }); if (!fetchDone.WaitOne(30000, false)) return null; ManagedImage managedImage = null; OpenJPEG.DecodeToImage(assetData, out managedImage); if (managedImage == null) return null; bool hasAlpha = false; ulong rSum = 0; ulong gSum = 0; ulong bSum = 0; ulong aSum = 0; uint numPix = (uint)managedImage.Red.Length; var red = managedImage.Red; var green = managedImage.Green; var blue = managedImage.Blue; if ((managedImage.Channels & ManagedImage.ImageChannels.Alpha) != 0) { var alpha = managedImage.Alpha; for (uint i = 0; i < numPix; i++) aSum += alpha[i]; managedImage.ConvertChannels(managedImage.Channels & ~ManagedImage.ImageChannels.Alpha); hasAlpha = true; } for (uint i = 0; i < numPix; i++) { rSum += red[i]; gSum += green[i]; bSum += blue[i]; } rSum /= numPix; gSum /= numPix; bSum /= numPix; aSum /= numPix; Color4 meanColor = new Color4((byte)rSum, (byte)gSum, (byte)bSum, hasAlpha ? (byte)aSum : (byte)255); TextureInfo ti = new TextureInfo(); ti.Id = id; ti.MeanColor = meanColor; mKnownTextures[id] = ti; Bitmap imgData = LoadTGAClass.LoadTGA(new MemoryStream(managedImage.ExportTGA())); return (Image)imgData; }
static IEnumerator Loading(Bitmap baseimage) { TextureInfo ti = null; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(baseimage.path); if (fi.Exists) { FileStream fs = fi.OpenRead(); var filesize = fs.Length; byte[] content = new byte[filesize]; var async = fs.BeginRead(content, 0, (int)filesize, null, null); while (!async.IsCompleted) { yield return(null); } TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.DXT1; var extname = uEmuera.Utils.GetSuffix(baseimage.path).ToLower(); if (extname == "png") { format = TextureFormat.DXT5; } if (extname == "webp") { var tex = Texture2DExt.CreateTexture2DFromWebP(content, false, false, out Error err); if (err != Error.Success) { Debug.LogWarning($"{baseimage.path} {err.ToString()}"); yield break; } ti = new TextureInfo(baseimage.filename, tex); texture_dict.Add(baseimage.filename, ti); baseimage.size.Width = tex.width; baseimage.size.Height = tex.height; } else { var tex = new Texture2D(4, 4, format, false); if (tex.LoadImage(content)) { ti = new TextureInfo(baseimage.filename, tex); texture_dict.Add(baseimage.filename, ti); baseimage.size.Width = tex.width; baseimage.size.Height = tex.height; } } } List <CallbackInfo> list = null; if (loading_set.TryGetValue(baseimage.filename, out list)) { var count = list.Count; CallbackInfo item = null; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { item = list[i]; item.DoCallback(GetSpriteInfo(ti, item.src)); } list.Clear(); loading_set.Remove(baseimage.filename); } }
public void RefreshMe() { if (sb == null) { return; } listTex = new List <TextureInfo>(); listChunks = new List <ChunkInfo>(); listBox1.Items.Clear(); rtb1.Text = "Searching for Textures..."; Application.DoEvents(); foreach (Tools.Entry e in sb.lines) { if (e.type == 0x82) { foreach (Tools.Field f in e.fields) { if (f.fieldname == "bundles" && f.type == 1) { FindTextures((List <Tools.Entry>); } } } } rtb1.AppendText("done.\nLoading cat file..."); Application.DoEvents(); if (cat == null) { OpenFileDialog d = new OpenFileDialog(); d.Filter = "*.cat|*.cat"; if (d.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { cat = new CATFile(d.FileName); } else { rtb1.AppendText("aborted."); return; } } rtb1.AppendText("done.\nSearching cat for SHA1s..."); pb1.Maximum = listTex.Count + listChunks.Count; pb1.Value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < listTex.Count; i++) { pb1.Value++; if ((i & 10) == 0) { Application.DoEvents(); } TextureInfo t = listTex[i]; List <uint> res = cat.FindBySHA1(t.sha1); if (res.Count == 8) { t.catline = res; listTex[i] = t; } } for (int i = 0; i < listChunks.Count; i++) { pb1.Value++; if ((i & 10) == 0) { Application.DoEvents(); } ChunkInfo c = listChunks[i]; List <uint> res = cat.FindBySHA1(c.sha1); if (res.Count == 8) { c.catline = res; listChunks[i] = c; } } rtb1.AppendText("done.\nLinking Textures and Chunks..."); pb1.Value = 0; Application.DoEvents(); LinkTexAndChunks(); rtb1.AppendText("done.\nFinished!"); Application.DoEvents(); foreach (TextureInfo t in listTex) { listBox1.Items.Add(t.fullpath); } }
static SpriteInfo GetSpriteInfo(TextureInfo textinfo, ASprite src) { return(textinfo.GetSprite(src)); }
static Color[] getColors(int x, int y, int size_x, int size_z, TextureInfo[] texInfos) { Color[] p; if (x == 0 && y == 0) p = texInfos[0].texColors[0]; else if (x == 3 && y == 2) p = texInfos[0].texColors[21]; else p = texInfos[0].texColors[11]; return p; }
public IntRect Get(Texture texture, IntRect subrect) { var info = new TextureInfo(texture, subrect); IntRect res; if (textureLocations.TryGetValue(info, out res)) return res; IntRect r; try { r = freeRects.First(rect => rect.Width >= subrect.Width && rect.Height >= subrect.Height); } catch { throw new Exception("SpriteBatch size is too small"); } freeRects.Remove(r); res = new IntRect(r.Left, r.Top, subrect.Width, subrect.Height); textureLocations.Add(info, res); var rightSector = new IntRect(r.Left + subrect.Width, r.Top, r.Width - subrect.Width, subrect.Height); var bottomSector = new IntRect(r.Left, r.Top + subrect.Height, r.Width, r.Height - subrect.Height); if (rightSector.Width != 0 && rightSector.Height != 0) freeRects.Add(rightSector); if (bottomSector.Width != 0 && bottomSector.Height != 0) freeRects.Add(bottomSector); freeRects.Sort((i, j) => i.Height - j.Height); var spr = new Sprite(texture, subrect) { Position = new Vector2f(res.Left, res.Top) }; renderTexture.Draw(spr, new RenderStates(BlendMode.None)); renderTexture.Display(); return res; }
async Task LoadFIX() { textures = new TextureInfo[0]; loadingState = "Loading fixed memory"; await WaitIfNecessary(); files_array[Mem.Fix].GotoHeader(); Reader reader = files_array[Mem.Fix].reader; reader.ReadUInt32(); // Offset of languages byte num_lvlNames = reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); ReadLevelNames(reader, Pointer.Current(reader), num_lvlNames); if (Settings.s.platform == Settings.Platform.PC) { reader.ReadChars(0x1E); reader.ReadChars(0x1E); // two zero entries } string firstMapName = new string(reader.ReadChars(0x1E)); byte num_languages_subtitles = reader.ReadByte(); byte num_languages_voice = reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); print(Pointer.Current(reader)); Pointer off_languages_subtitles = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer off_languages_voice = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_languages_subtitles, () => { ReadLanguages(reader, off_languages_subtitles, num_languages_subtitles); }); Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_languages_voice, () => { ReadLanguages(reader, off_languages_voice, num_languages_voice); }); int sz_entryActions = 0xC0; reader.ReadBytes(sz_entryActions); // 3DOS_EntryActions reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort num_matrices = reader.ReadUInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { reader.ReadBytes(0x101); } loadingState = "Loading input structure"; await WaitIfNecessary(); inputStruct = InputStructure.Read(reader, Pointer.Current(reader)); foreach (EntryAction ea in inputStruct.entryActions) { print(ea.ToString()); } reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); ushort num_unk2 = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt16(); Pointer off_unk2 = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer off_entryActions = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer[] unkMatrices = new Pointer[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { unkMatrices[i] = Pointer.Read(reader); } fonts = FromOffsetOrRead <FontStructure>(reader, Pointer.Current(reader), inline: true); Pointer off_matrices = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer off_specialEntryAction = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer off_identityMatrix = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer off_unk = Pointer.Read(reader); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadBytes(0xc8); reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer off_haloTexture = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer off_material1 = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer off_material2 = Pointer.Read(reader); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { reader.ReadBytes(0xcc); } }
internal Mem( Context context, IntPtr memID ) { Context = context; MemID = memID; TxInfo = new TextureInfo(this); }
private void ReadGndFile() { string Root = textBox2.Text; using( FileStream s = File.OpenRead( textBox1.Text ) ) { using( BinaryReader bin = new BinaryReader( s, Encoding.GetEncoding( "ISO-8859-1" ) ) ) { bin.BaseStream.Position += 6; mHeader = new HeaderInfo(); mHeader.Width = bin.ReadUInt32(); mHeader.Height = bin.ReadUInt32(); mHeader.Ratio = bin.ReadUInt32(); mHeader.TextureCount = bin.ReadUInt32(); mHeader.TextureSize = bin.ReadUInt32(); mTextures = new TextureInfo[ mHeader.TextureCount ]; for( int i = 0; i < mTextures.Length; i++ ) { mTextures[ i ] = new TextureInfo(); mTextures[ i ].TexPath = ReadWord( bin, 40 ).ToLower(); mTextures[ i ].Unknown = ReadWord( bin, 40 ).ToCharArray(); mTextures[ i ].TextureBmp = Bitmap.FromFile( Root + @"\" + mTextures[ i ].TexPath ) as Bitmap; } mLightmapCount = (uint)bin.ReadInt32(); mGrid = new GridInfo(); mGrid.X = bin.ReadUInt32(); mGrid.Y = bin.ReadUInt32(); mGrid.Cells = bin.ReadUInt32(); mLightmaps = new LitghmapInfo[ mLightmapCount ]; for( int i = 0; i < mLightmaps.Length; i++ ) { mLightmaps[ i ] = new LitghmapInfo(); mLightmaps[ i ].brightness = bin.ReadChars( 64 ); mLightmaps[ i ].colorrbg = bin.ReadChars( 192 ); } mTileCount = (uint)bin.ReadInt32(); mTiles = new TileInfo[ mTileCount ]; for( int i = 0; i < mTiles.Length; i++ ) { mTiles[ i ] = new TileInfo(); mTiles[ i ].VectorWidth = ReadVector4( bin ); mTiles[ i ].VectorHeight = ReadVector4( bin ); mTiles[ i ].TextureIndex = bin.ReadUInt16(); mTiles[ i ].Lightmap = bin.ReadUInt16(); mTiles[ i ].color = bin.ReadChars( 4 ); } mCubeCount = mHeader.Width * mHeader.Height; mCubes = new CubeInfo[ mCubeCount ]; for( int i = 0; i < mCubes.Length; i++ ) { mCubes[ i ] = new CubeInfo(); mCubes[ i ].Height = ReadVector4( bin ); mCubes[ i ].tile_up = bin.ReadInt32(); mCubes[ i ].tile_side = bin.ReadInt32(); mCubes[ i ].tile_aside = bin.ReadInt32(); } } } }
public bool TryGetTextureInfo(UUID textureID, out TextureInfo info) { info = new TextureInfo(); return false; }
public void senderStopped(TextureInfo texInfo) { //Debug.Log ("Editor : senderStopped :"; updateOptions(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a texture level from a bitmap /// </summary> private static void CreateTextureImageLevelFromBitmap( int target, int level, BitmapData bmpData, TextureInfo info, bool generateMipMaps ) { int expectedStride = bmpData.Width * ( Image.GetPixelFormatSize( bmpData.PixelFormat ) / 8 ); if ( bmpData.Stride < expectedStride ) { throw new ArgumentException( string.Format( "Bitmap had unexpectedly low stride {0} - expected at least {1}", bmpData.Stride, expectedStride ), "bmp" ); } if ( bmpData.Stride != expectedStride ) { GraphicsLog.Warning( "Bitmap had unexpected stride {0} - copying to scratch memory", expectedStride ); CreateTextureImageLevelFromUnpackedBitmap( target, level, info, expectedStride, bmpData, generateMipMaps ); } else if ( generateMipMaps ) { Glu.gluBuild2DMipmaps( target, info.GlInternalFormat, bmpData.Width, bmpData.Height, info.GlFormat, info.GlType, bmpData.Scan0 ); } else { Gl.glTexImage2D( target, level, info.GlInternalFormat, bmpData.Width, bmpData.Height, 0, info.GlFormat, info.GlType, bmpData.Scan0 ); } }
public Block(Device device, float width, float height, float depth, TextureInfo texture, bool containsTransparency = false) : this(device, texture, width, height, depth, containsTransparency) { }
private bool IsTileInTexture(TextureInfo texture, Point tile) { //TODO return true; }
async Task LoadPS2() { await WaitIfNecessary(); textures = new TextureInfo[0]; loadingState = "Loading fixed memory"; await WaitIfNecessary(); files_array[Mem.Fix].GotoHeader(); Reader reader = files_array[Mem.Fix].reader; Pointer off_base_fix = Pointer.Current(reader); loadingState = "Loading input struct"; await WaitIfNecessary(); for (int i = 0; i < Settings.s.numEntryActions; i++) { Pointer.Read(reader); // 3DOS_EntryActions } inputStruct = InputStructure.Read(reader, Pointer.Current(reader)); foreach (EntryAction ea in inputStruct.entryActions) { print(ea.ToString()); } localization = FromOffsetOrRead <LocalizationStructure>(reader, Pointer.Current(reader), inline: true); /* * Pointer off_inputStructure = Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_inputStructure, () => { * inputStruct = InputStructure.Read(reader, off_inputStructure); * foreach (EntryAction ea in inputStruct.entryActions) { * print(ea.ToString()); * } * });*/ /*uint base_language = reader.ReadUInt32(); //Pointer off_language = Pointer.Read(reader); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * uint num_text_language = reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt16(); * reader.ReadUInt16(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); // base * Pointer off_text_general = Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_text_general, () => { * fontStruct = FontStructure.Read(reader, off_text_general); * }); * Pointer off_inputStructure = Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_inputStructure, () => { * inputStruct = InputStructure.Read(reader, off_inputStructure); * foreach (EntryAction ea in inputStruct.entryActions) { * print(ea.ToString()); * } * }); * * await WaitIfNecessary(); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.Read(reader); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); * Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer off_levelNames = Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer off_languages = Pointer.Read(reader); * uint num_levelNames = reader.ReadUInt32(); * uint num_languages = reader.ReadUInt32(); * reader.ReadUInt32(); // same as num_levelNames * Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_levelNames, () => { * lvlNames = new string[num_levelNames]; * for (uint i = 0; i < num_levelNames; i++) { * lvlNames[i] = reader.ReadString(0x1E); * } * }); * Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_languages, () => { * ReadLanguages(reader, off_languages, num_languages); * }); * if (languages != null && fontStruct != null) { * for (int i = 0; i < num_languages; i++) { * loadingState = "Loading text files: " + (i+1) + "/" + num_languages; * string langFilePath = gameDataBinFolder + "TEXTS/" + languages[i].ToUpper() + ".LNG"; * await PrepareFile(langFilePath)); * files_array[2] = new DCDAT(languages[i], langFilePath, 2); * ((DCDAT)files_array[2]).SetHeaderOffset(base_language); * files_array[2].GotoHeader(); * fontStruct.ReadLanguageTableDreamcast(files_array[2].reader, i, (ushort)num_text_language); * files_array[2].Dispose(); * } * } * * loadingState = "Loading fixed textures"; * await WaitIfNecessary(); * Pointer off_events_fix = Pointer.Read(reader); * uint num_events_fix = reader.ReadUInt32(); * uint num_textures_fix = reader.ReadUInt32(); * Pointer off_textures_fix = Pointer.Read(reader); * Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_textures_fix, () => { * Array.Resize(ref textures, (int)num_textures_fix); * for (uint i = 0; i < num_textures_fix; i++) { * Pointer off_texture = Pointer.Read(reader); * textures[i] = null; * Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_texture, () => { * textures[i] = TextureInfo.Read(reader, off_texture); * }); * } * TEX tex = new TEX(tplPaths[0]); * for (uint i = 0; i < num_textures_fix; i++) { * if (textures[i] != null && tex.Count > i) { * textures[i].Texture = tex.textures[i]; * } * } * });*/ loadingState = "Loading level memory"; await WaitIfNecessary(); files_array[Mem.Lvl].GotoHeader(); reader = files_array[Mem.Lvl].reader; string build = reader.ReadString(0x20); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); // 0xc reader.ReadUInt32(); // 0 Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer.Read(reader); // Globals globals.off_actualWorld = Pointer.Read(reader); globals.off_dynamicWorld = Pointer.Read(reader); globals.off_fatherSector = Pointer.Read(reader); globals.num_always = reader.ReadUInt32(); globals.spawnablePersos = LinkedList <Perso> .ReadHeader(reader, Pointer.Current(reader), LinkedList.Type.Double); //globals.spawnablePersos.FillPointers(reader, globals.spawnablePersos.off_tail, globals.spawnablePersos.offset); Pointer.Read(reader); // format: (0x4 number, number * 0x4: null) globals.off_always_reusableSO = Pointer.Read(reader); // There are (num_always) empty SuperObjects starting with this one. Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer.Read(reader); LinkedList <Perso> cameras = LinkedList <Perso> .ReadHeader(reader, Pointer.Current(reader), LinkedList.Type.Double); families = LinkedList <Family> .ReadHeader(reader, Pointer.Current(reader), type : LinkedList.Type.Double); LinkedList <Perso> mainChars = LinkedList <Perso> .ReadHeader(reader, Pointer.Current(reader), LinkedList.Type.Double); Pointer.Read(reader); // Rayman reader.ReadUInt32(); globals.off_camera = Pointer.Read(reader); // Camera Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer.Read(reader); uint numMeshes = (uint)files_array[Mem.Lvl].extraData["numMeshes"]; uint numMaterials = (uint)files_array[Mem.Lvl].extraData["numMaterials"]; uint numTextures = (uint)files_array[Mem.Lvl].extraData["numTextures"]; uint numLightmappedObjects = (uint)files_array[Mem.Lvl].extraData["numLightmappedObjects"]; //print("numTextures " + numTextures + " - " + txds[0].Count + " - " + numMeshes + " - " + ato.numAtomics + " - " + numLightmappedObjects); textures = new TextureInfo[numTextures]; Pointer[] off_meshes = new Pointer[numMeshes]; off_materials = new Pointer[numMaterials]; for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; i++) { off_meshes[i] = Pointer.Read(reader); } for (int i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++) { off_materials[i] = Pointer.Read(reader); } for (int i = 0; i < numTextures; i++) { Pointer off_textureInfo = Pointer.Read(reader); int texture_index = reader.ReadInt32(); Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_textureInfo, () => { textures[i] = TextureInfo.Read(reader, off_textureInfo); textures[i].Texture = txds[0].Lookup(texture_index.ToString("D3")); //textures[i].Texture = txds[0].textures[txds[0].Count - 1 - texture_index]; }); } Pointer.Read(reader); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); Pointer.Read(reader); uint num_unk = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num_unk; i++) { Pointer.Read(reader); } uint num_unk2 = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num_unk2; i++) { Pointer.Read(reader); } Pointer.Read(reader); reader.ReadSingle(); // a bounding volume most likely reader.ReadSingle(); reader.ReadSingle(); reader.ReadSingle(); reader.ReadSingle(); reader.ReadSingle(); Pointer.Read(reader); reader.ReadUInt32(); // 2? uint num_poTable = reader.ReadUInt32(); Pointer off_poTable = Pointer.Read(reader); reader.ReadUInt32(); // 1. 10x 0 reader.ReadUInt32(); // 2 reader.ReadUInt32(); // 3 reader.ReadUInt32(); // 4 reader.ReadUInt32(); // 5 reader.ReadUInt32(); // 6 reader.ReadUInt32(); // 7 reader.ReadUInt32(); // 8 reader.ReadUInt32(); // 9 reader.ReadUInt32(); // 10 uint num_lightCookies = reader.ReadUInt32(); lightCookieColors = new Color[num_lightCookies]; for (int i = 0; i < num_lightCookies; i++) { reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); byte b = reader.ReadByte(); byte g = reader.ReadByte(); byte r = reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); lightCookieColors[i] = new Color(r / 255f, g / 255f, b / 255f, 1f); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); } for (int i = 0; i < num_lightCookies; i++) { reader.ReadByte(); } reader.Align(0x4); Pointer off_lightCookieMaterial = Pointer.Read(reader); lightCookieMaterial = VisualMaterial.FromOffsetOrRead(off_lightCookieMaterial, reader); off_lightmapUV = new Pointer[numLightmappedObjects]; for (int i = 0; i < numLightmappedObjects; i++) { reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); off_lightmapUV[i] = Pointer.Read(reader); } for (int i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++) { VisualMaterial.FromOffsetOrRead(off_materials[i], reader); } for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; i++) { Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_meshes[i], () => { GeometricObject mesh = GeometricObject.Read(reader, off_meshes[i]); meshObjects.Add(mesh); //print("Mesh " + i + ": " + mesh.num_vertices + " - " + mesh.subblock_types[0] + " - " + mesh.num_subblocks); }); } loadingState = "Loading families"; await WaitIfNecessary(); ReadFamilies(reader); //print("Families: " + families.Count); loadingState = "Loading superobject hierarchy"; await WaitIfNecessary(); ReadSuperObjects(reader); loadingState = "Loading always structure"; await WaitIfNecessary(); ReadAlways(reader); loadingState = "Filling in cross-references"; await WaitIfNecessary(); ReadCrossReferences(reader); await WaitIfNecessary(); }
public TextureInfo cloneTexture() { TextureInfo info = new TextureInfo(); info.url = url; info.normalMap = normalMap; info.texture = texture; = name; return info; }
/// <summary> /// Processes a <see cref="BrushSide"/> into a state where it can be output into a file that map editors can read. /// </summary> /// <param name="brushSide">The <see cref="BrushSide"/> to process.</param> /// <param name="worldPosition">The position of the parent <see cref="Entity"/> in the world. This is important for calculating UVs on solids.</param> /// <param name="sideIndex">The index of this side reference in the parent <see cref="Brush"/>. Important for Call of Duty series maps, since /// the first six <see cref="BrushSide"/>s in a <see cref="Brush"/> don't contain <see cref="Plane"/> references.</param> /// <returns>The processed <see cref="MAPBrushSode"/> object, to be added to a <see cref="Brush"/> object.</returns> private MAPBrushSide ProcessBrushSide(BrushSide brushSide, Vector3 worldPosition, int sideIndex) { if (brushSide.IsBevel) { return(null); } MAPBrushSide mapBrushSide; // The things we'll need to define a .MAP brush side string texture; string material = "wld_lightmap"; TextureInfo texInfo; Vector3[] threePoints; Plane plane; int flags = 0; // If we have a face reference here, let's use it! if (brushSide.FaceIndex >= 0) { Face face = _bsp.faces[brushSide.FaceIndex]; // In Nightfire, faces with "256" flag set should be ignored if ((face.Type & (1 << 8)) != 0) { return(null); } texture = (_master.settings.replace512WithNull && (face.Type & (1 << 9)) != 0) ? "**nulltexture**" : _bsp.textures[face.TextureIndex].Name; threePoints = GetPointsForFace(face, brushSide); if (face.PlaneIndex >= 0 && face.PlaneIndex < _bsp.planes.Count) { plane = _bsp.planes[face.PlaneIndex]; } else if (brushSide.PlaneIndex >= 0 && brushSide.PlaneIndex < _bsp.planes.Count) { plane = _bsp.planes[brushSide.PlaneIndex]; } else { plane = new Plane(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (_bsp.texInfo != null) { texInfo = _bsp.texInfo[face.TextureInfoIndex]; } else { Vector3[] newAxes = TextureInfo.TextureAxisFromPlane(plane); texInfo = new TextureInfo(newAxes[0], newAxes[1], Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, flags, -1, 0); } flags = _master.settings.noFaceFlags ? 0 : face.Type; if (face.MaterialIndex >= 0) { material = _bsp.materials[face.MaterialIndex].Name; } } else { // TODO: This is awful. Let's rework the enum to have internal ways to check engine forks. if (_bsp.version == MapType.CoD || _bsp.version == MapType.CoD2 || _bsp.version == MapType.CoD4) { switch (sideIndex) { case 0: { // XMin plane = new Plane(-1, 0, 0, -brushSide.Distance); break; } case 1: { // XMax plane = new Plane(1, 0, 0, brushSide.Distance); break; } case 2: { // YMin plane = new Plane(0, -1, 0, -brushSide.Distance); break; } case 3: { // YMax plane = new Plane(0, 1, 0, brushSide.Distance); break; } case 4: { // ZMin plane = new Plane(0, 0, -1, -brushSide.Distance); break; } case 5: { // ZMax plane = new Plane(0, 0, 1, brushSide.Distance); break; } default: { plane = _bsp.planes[brushSide.PlaneIndex]; break; } } } else { plane = _bsp.planes[brushSide.PlaneIndex]; } threePoints = plane.GenerateThreePoints(); if (brushSide.TextureIndex >= 0) { // TODO: This is awful. Let's rework the enum to have internal ways to check engine forks. if (_bsp.version == MapType.Source17 || _bsp.version == MapType.Source18 || _bsp.version == MapType.Source19 || _bsp.version == MapType.Source20 || _bsp.version == MapType.Source21 || _bsp.version == MapType.Source22 || _bsp.version == MapType.Source23 || _bsp.version == MapType.Source27 || _bsp.version == MapType.Vindictus || _bsp.version == MapType.DMoMaM || _bsp.version == MapType.L4D2 || _bsp.version == MapType.TacticalInterventionEncrypted || _bsp.version == MapType.Titanfall) { texInfo = _bsp.texInfo[brushSide.TextureIndex]; TextureData currentTexData; // I've only found one case where this is bad: c2a3a in HL Source. Don't know why. if (texInfo.TextureIndex >= 0) { currentTexData = _bsp.texDatas[texInfo.TextureIndex]; texture = _bsp.textures.GetTextureAtOffset((uint)_bsp.texTable[currentTexData.TextureStringOffsetIndex]); } else { texture = "**skiptexture**"; } } else { Texture textureDef = _bsp.textures[brushSide.TextureIndex]; texture = textureDef.Name; texInfo = textureDef.TextureInfo; } } else { Vector3[] newAxes = TextureInfo.TextureAxisFromPlane(plane); texInfo = new TextureInfo(newAxes[0], newAxes[1], Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, flags, -1, 0); texture = "**cliptexture**"; } } TextureInfo outputTexInfo; if (texInfo.Data != null && texInfo.Data.Length > 0) { outputTexInfo = texInfo.BSP2MAPTexInfo(worldPosition); } else { Vector3[] newAxes = TextureInfo.TextureAxisFromPlane(plane); outputTexInfo = new TextureInfo(newAxes[0], newAxes[1], Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, 0, -1, 0); } mapBrushSide = new MAPBrushSide() { vertices = threePoints, plane = plane, texture = texture, textureInfo = outputTexInfo, material = material, lgtScale = 16, lgtRot = 0 }; return(mapBrushSide); }
public StreamLoader(Stream stream, bool autoClose) { info = new TextureInfo(stream); this.autoClose = autoClose; }
/// <summary> /// テクスチャを連結する /// </summary> /// <param name="texture"></param> /// <param name="x"></param> /// <param name="y"></param> /// <remarks> /// 他のテクスチャを (x,y) の位置に連結する /// 連結後の Textures のサイズは、被覆部分を考慮しての最大矩形。 /// /// rateをかける前のwidth,heightから計算するので /// rate == 1と考えて座標を指定してください。 /// /// Addしたあとは再計算のために必ずUpdate()を呼び出すこと。 /// </remarks> /// <example> /// 例) /// 横50×縦30のTexturesに、横100×縦200のTexturesを /// (0,20)の位置の連結した場合、連結後のTexturesは、 /// 横100×縦220のサイズ。 /// ITexture は、Texture , Textures の元となるクラスなので、 /// 通常のTexture でも Textures でも連結できることを意味する。 /// /// x,yは負を指定しても良いが、その場合はwidth,heightには反映されない。 /// </example> public void Add(ITexture texture, int x, int y) { TextureInfo info = new TextureInfo(); info.Texture = texture; info.PosX = x; info.PosY = y; info.Width = texture.Width; info.Height = texture.Height; infos.Add(info); /* 連結後のtextureサイズを計算しなくては.. */ float w = x + texture.Width; float h = y + texture.Height; // width = max(width,w); // height = max(height,h); if (width < w) width = w; if (height < h) height = h; }
internal static Dictionary <string, int> AddMaterials(this Gltf gltf, IList <Material> materials, List <byte> buffer, List <BufferView> bufferViews) { var materialDict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var newMaterials = new List <glTFLoader.Schema.Material>(); var textureDict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); // the name of the texture image, the id of the texture var textures = new List <glTFLoader.Schema.Texture>(); var images = new List <glTFLoader.Schema.Image>(); var samplers = new List <glTFLoader.Schema.Sampler>(); var matId = 0; var texId = 0; var imageId = 0; var samplerId = 0; foreach (var material in materials) { if (materialDict.ContainsKey(material.Name)) { continue; } var m = new glTFLoader.Schema.Material(); newMaterials.Add(m); m.PbrMetallicRoughness = new MaterialPbrMetallicRoughness(); m.PbrMetallicRoughness.BaseColorFactor = material.Color.ToArray(); m.PbrMetallicRoughness.MetallicFactor = 1.0f; m.DoubleSided = material.DoubleSided; m.Name = material.Name; if (material.Unlit) { m.Extensions = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "KHR_materials_unlit", new Dictionary <string, object> { } } }; } else { m.Extensions = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "diffuseFactor", new[] { material.Color.Red, material.Color.Green, material.Color.Blue, material.Color.Alpha } }, { "specularFactor", new[] { material.SpecularFactor, material.SpecularFactor, material.SpecularFactor } }, { "glossinessFactor", material.GlossinessFactor } } } }; } if (material.Texture != null) { // Add the texture var ti = new TextureInfo(); m.PbrMetallicRoughness.BaseColorTexture = ti; ti.Index = texId; ti.TexCoord = 0; ((Dictionary <string, object>)m.Extensions["KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness"])["diffuseTexture"] = ti; if (textureDict.ContainsKey(material.Texture)) { ti.Index = textureDict[material.Texture]; } else { var tex = new Texture(); textures.Add(tex); var image = new glTFLoader.Schema.Image(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { // Flip the texture image vertically // to align with OpenGL convention. // 0,1 1,1 // 0,0 1,0 using (var texImage = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load(material.Texture)) { texImage.Mutate(x => x.Flip(FlipMode.Vertical)); texImage.Save(ms, new SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngEncoder()); } var imageData = ms.ToArray(); image.BufferView = AddBufferView(bufferViews, 0, buffer.Count, imageData.Length, null, null); buffer.AddRange(imageData); } while (buffer.Count % 4 != 0) { // Console.WriteLine("Padding..."); buffer.Add(0); } image.MimeType = glTFLoader.Schema.Image.MimeTypeEnum.image_png; tex.Source = imageId; images.Add(image); var sampler = new Sampler(); sampler.MagFilter = Sampler.MagFilterEnum.LINEAR; sampler.MinFilter = Sampler.MinFilterEnum.LINEAR; sampler.WrapS = Sampler.WrapSEnum.REPEAT; sampler.WrapT = Sampler.WrapTEnum.REPEAT; tex.Sampler = samplerId; samplers.Add(sampler); textureDict.Add(material.Texture, texId); texId++; imageId++; samplerId++; } } if (material.Color.Alpha < 1.0) { m.AlphaMode = glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.BLEND; } else { m.AlphaMode = glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.OPAQUE; } materialDict.Add(m.Name, matId); matId++; } if (materials.Count > 0) { gltf.Materials = newMaterials.ToArray(); } if (textures.Count > 0) { gltf.Textures = textures.ToArray(); } if (images.Count > 0) { gltf.Images = images.ToArray(); } if (samplers.Count > 0) { gltf.Samplers = samplers.ToArray(); } return(materialDict); }
static List <TextureInfo> GetAllDataList(string uiPicRootDir, string prefabRoot) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefabRoot)) { return(null); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uiPicRootDir)) { return(null); } //获取所有纹理的uuid var pngs = Directory.GetFiles(uiPicRootDir, "*.meta", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Select(p => "Assets/" + p.Replace('\\', '/').Substring(Application.dataPath.Length + 1)) .Where(p => p.EndsWith(".png.meta")).ToList(); var imgUuid2path = new Dictionary <string, string>(); List <TextureInfo> list = new List <TextureInfo>(); var uuidReg = new Regex(@"guid: ([a-f0-9]{32})"); for (var i = 0; i < pngs.Count; ++i) { var png = pngs[i]; var matcher = uuidReg.Match(File.ReadAllText(png)); var uuid = matcher.Groups[1].Value; if (imgUuid2path.ContainsKey(uuid)) { Debug.LogError("uuid dup" + uuid + " \n" + png + "\n" + imgUuid2path[uuid]); } else { string _path = png.Substring(0, png.Length - 5).Replace("Assets/App/Pro/GameRes/UI/Module/", ""); imgUuid2path.Add(uuid, _path); if (!_path.Contains("config") && !_path.Contains("common") && !_path.Contains("timeline")) { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_path); var t = list.Find(l => l.imgName == fileName); if (t == null) { t = new TextureInfo { imgName = fileName }; list.Add(t); } TextureInfo.imageInfo img = new TextureInfo.imageInfo { UUID = uuid }; t.imgList.Add(img); } } if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("扫描图片中", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(png), (float)i / pngs.Count)) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(null); } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); var prefabs = Directory.GetFiles(prefabRoot, "*.prefab", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < prefabs.Count; i++) { var prefab = prefabs[i]; if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("获取引用关系", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(prefab), (float)i / prefabs.Count)) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(null); } var uuids = getUUIDsInFile(prefab); var fullPath = prefab; prefab = prefab.Replace('\\', '/').Substring(prefabRoot.Length + 1); var moduleName = prefab.Remove(prefab.IndexOf(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar)); moduleName = moduleName.ToLower(); foreach (var uuid in uuids) { //是图片 if (imgUuid2path.ContainsKey(uuid)) { var imgPath = imgUuid2path[uuid]; if (!imgPath.Contains("config") && !imgPath.Contains("common") && !imgPath.Contains("timeline")) { var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imgPath); var tex = list.Find(l => l.imgName.Equals(fileName)); if (tex == null) { Debug.LogError("Error"); } var uuid1 = uuid; var img = tex.imgList.Find(im => im.UUID == uuid1); if (img == null) { img = new TextureInfo.imageInfo { UUID = uuid1 }; } if (!img.prefab.Contains(fullPath)) { img.prefab.Add(fullPath); } } } } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a VisualTopo file 3D model /// </summary> /// <remarks>LT* (Lambert Carto) projections are not supported and could produce imprecise results (shifted by +10meters)</remarks> /// <param name="vtopoFile">VisualTopo .TRO file</param> /// <param name="imageryProvider">Imagery provider for terrain texture. Set to null for untextured model</param> /// <param name="bboxMarginMeters">Terrain margin (meters) around VisualTopo model</param> public void Run_3DModelGeneration(string vtopoFile, ImageryProvider imageryProvider, float bboxMarginMeters = 1000, bool generateTopoOnlyModel = false, float zFactor = 1f) { try { //======================= // Generation params // int outputSRID = 3857; // Output SRID float lineWidth = 1.0F; // Topo lines width (meters) var dataset = DEMDataSet.AW3D30; // DEM dataset for terrain and elevation int TEXTURE_TILES = 8; // Texture quality (number of tiles for bigger side) 4: med, 8: high, 12: ultra string outputDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); bool GENERATE_LINE3D = false; //======================= // Open and parse file // // model will have available properties // => Graph (nodes/arcs) // => BoundingBox // => Topology3D -> list of point-to-point lines // => SRID of model file StopwatchLog timeLog = StopwatchLog.StartNew(_logger); VisualTopoModel model = _visualTopoService.LoadFile(vtopoFile, Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1") , decimalDegrees: true , ignoreRadialBeams: true , zFactor); timeLog.LogTime($"Loading {vtopoFile} model file"); // for debug, //var b = GetBranches(model); // graph list of all nodes //var lowestPoint = model.Sets.Min(s => s.Data.Min(d => d.GlobalGeoPoint?.Elevation ?? 0)); BoundingBox bbox = model.BoundingBox // relative coords .Translate(model.EntryPoint.Longitude, model.EntryPoint.Latitude, model.EntryPoint.Elevation ?? 0) // absolute coords .Pad(bboxMarginMeters) // margin around model .ReprojectTo(model.SRID, dataset.SRID); // DEM coords // Get height map // Note that ref Bbox means that the bbox will be adjusted to match DEM data var heightMap = _elevationService.GetHeightMap(ref bbox, dataset, downloadMissingFiles: true); var bboxTerrainSpace = bbox.ReprojectTo(dataset.SRID, outputSRID); // terrain coords timeLog.LogTime("Terrain height map"); //======================= // Get entry elevation (need to reproject to DEM coordinate system first) // and sections entry elevations // _visualTopoService.ComputeFullCavityElevations(model, dataset, zFactor); // will add TerrainElevationAbove and entry elevations _visualTopoService.Create3DTriangulation(model); timeLog.LogTime("Cavity points elevation"); // Model origin GeoPoint axisOriginWorldSpace = model.EntryPoint.ReprojectTo(model.SRID, outputSRID) .CenterOnOrigin(bboxTerrainSpace); Vector3 axisOriginModelSpace = model.EntryPoint.AsVector3(); //======================= // Local transform function from model coordinates (relative to entry, in meters) // and global coordinates absolute in final 3D model space // IEnumerable <GeoPoint> TransformLine(IEnumerable <GeoPoint> line) { var newLine = line.Translate(model.EntryPoint) // Translate to entry (=> global topo coord space) .ReprojectTo(model.SRID, outputSRID) // Reproject to terrain coord space .CenterOnOrigin(bboxTerrainSpace) // Center on terrain space origin .CenterOnOrigin(axisOriginWorldSpace); return(newLine); }; //======================= // 3D model // var gltfModel = _gltfService.CreateNewModel(); // Add X/Y/Z axis on entry point var axis = _meshService.CreateAxis(); _gltfService.AddMesh(gltfModel, "Axis", axis, doubleSided: false); int i = 0; var triangulation = model.TriangulationFull3D.Clone() .Translate(axisOriginModelSpace) // already zScaled if zFactor > 1 .ReprojectTo(model.SRID, outputSRID) .CenterOnOrigin(bboxTerrainSpace) .CenterOnOrigin(axisOriginWorldSpace.AsVector3()); gltfModel = _gltfService.AddMesh(gltfModel, "Cavite3D", model.TriangulationFull3D, VectorsExtensions.CreateColor(0, 255, 0), doubleSided: false); if (GENERATE_LINE3D) { foreach (var line in model.Topology3D) // model.Topology3D is the graph of topo paths { // Add line to model gltfModel = _gltfService.AddLine(gltfModel , string.Concat("GPX", i++) // name of 3D node , TransformLine(line) // call transform function , color: VectorsExtensions.CreateColor(255, 0, 0, 128) , lineWidth); } } timeLog.LogTime("Topo 3D model"); //axis = _meshService.CreateAxis(10,100); //_gltfService.AddMesh(gltfModel, "Axis", axis, doubleSided: false); if (generateTopoOnlyModel) { // Uncomment this to save 3D model for topo only (without terrain) gltfModel.SaveGLB(string.Concat(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vtopoFile) + $"Z{zFactor}_TopoOnly.glb")); } // Reproject and center height map coordinates heightMap = heightMap.ReprojectTo(dataset.SRID, outputSRID) .CenterOnOrigin(bboxTerrainSpace) .ZScale(zFactor) .CenterOnOrigin(axisOriginWorldSpace); //.BakeCoordinates(); timeLog.LogTime("Height map transform"); //======================= // Textures // PBRTexture pbrTexture = null; if (imageryProvider != null) { TileRange tiles = _imageryService.DownloadTiles(bbox, imageryProvider, TEXTURE_TILES); string fileName = Path.Combine(outputDir, "Texture.jpg"); timeLog.LogTime("Imagery download"); Console.WriteLine("Construct texture..."); //TextureInfo texInfo = _imageryService.ConstructTexture(tiles, bbox, fileName, TextureImageFormat.image_jpeg); var topoTexture = model.Topology3D.SelectMany(l => l).Translate(model.EntryPoint).ReprojectTo(model.SRID, 4326); TextureInfo texInfo = _imageryService.ConstructTextureWithGpxTrack(tiles, bbox, fileName, TextureImageFormat.image_jpeg , topoTexture, false); pbrTexture = PBRTexture.Create(texInfo, null); timeLog.LogTime("Texture creation"); } // //======================= // Triangulate height map _logger.LogInformation($"Triangulating height map and generating 3D mesh..."); gltfModel = _gltfService.AddTerrainMesh(gltfModel, heightMap, pbrTexture); gltfModel.SaveGLB(string.Concat(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vtopoFile) + $"Z{zFactor}.glb")); timeLog.LogTime("3D model"); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("Error :" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if a pixel format is valid /// </summary> /// <param name="format">Format to check</param> /// <param name="info">Texture formatting information is output into this parameter</param> /// <returns>Returns either format, if it was directly supported by OpenGL, or a reasonable alternative</returns> private static PixelFormat CheckPixelFormat( PixelFormat format, out TextureInfo info ) { // Handle direct mappings to GL texture image formats switch ( format ) { case PixelFormat.Alpha : break; case PixelFormat.Canonical : break; case PixelFormat.DontCare : break; case PixelFormat.Extended : break; case PixelFormat.Format16bppArgb1555 : break; case PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale : break; case PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555 : break; case PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565 : break; case PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed : break; case PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb : { info = new TextureInfo( Gl.GL_RGB, Gl.GL_BGR_EXT, Gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TextureFormat.R8G8B8 ); return format; } case PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb : { info = new TextureInfo( Gl.GL_RGBA, Gl.GL_BGRA, Gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TextureFormat.A8R8G8B8 ); return format; } case PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb : break; case PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb : { // info = new TextureInfo( Gl.GL_ABGR_EXT, Gl.GL_BGRA, Gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TextureFormat.A8R8G8B8 ); // return format; // glFormat = Gl.GL_ABGR_EXT; // glFormat = Gl.GL_RGBA; // NOTE: AP: ABGR extension not supported on dev machine! SHIT! // glInternalFormat = Gl.GL_RGBA; // glType = Gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; // return format; info = new TextureInfo( Gl.GL_RGB, Gl.GL_BGRA, Gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TextureFormat.A8R8G8B8 ); return PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb; } case PixelFormat.Format48bppRgb : break; case PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed : break; case PixelFormat.Format64bppArgb : break; case PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb : break; case PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed : break; case PixelFormat.Gdi : break; case PixelFormat.Indexed : break; case PixelFormat.Max : break; case PixelFormat.PAlpha : break; } info = new TextureInfo( Gl.GL_RGB, Gl.GL_BGR_EXT, Gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TextureFormat.R8G8B8 ); return PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb; }
public List <TextureInfo> GetConfiguredTexutres() { var result = new List <TextureInfo>(); foreach (var prop in properties.OfType <TextureShaderProperty>()) { if (prop.referenceName != null) { var textureInfo = new TextureInfo { name = prop.referenceName, textureId = prop.value.texture != null?prop.value.texture.GetInstanceID() : 0, modifiable = prop.modifiable }; result.Add(textureInfo); } } foreach (var prop in properties.OfType <Texture2DArrayShaderProperty>()) { if (prop.referenceName != null) { var textureInfo = new TextureInfo { name = prop.referenceName, textureId = prop.value.textureArray != null?prop.value.textureArray.GetInstanceID() : 0, modifiable = prop.modifiable }; result.Add(textureInfo); } } foreach (var prop in properties.OfType <Texture3DShaderProperty>()) { if (prop.referenceName != null) { var textureInfo = new TextureInfo { name = prop.referenceName, textureId = prop.value.texture != null?prop.value.texture.GetInstanceID() : 0, modifiable = prop.modifiable }; result.Add(textureInfo); } } foreach (var prop in properties.OfType <CubemapShaderProperty>()) { if (prop.referenceName != null) { var textureInfo = new TextureInfo { name = prop.referenceName, textureId = prop.value.cubemap != null?prop.value.cubemap.GetInstanceID() : 0, modifiable = prop.modifiable }; result.Add(textureInfo); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a texture image level from an unpacked bitmap (stride is not equal to expected stride) /// </summary> private static unsafe void CreateTextureImageLevelFromUnpackedBitmap( int target, int level, TextureInfo info, int expectedStride, BitmapData bmpData, bool generateMipMaps ) { byte[] tempImage = new byte[ expectedStride * bmpData.Height ]; fixed ( byte* dstBytes = tempImage ) { byte* dstPixel = dstBytes; byte* srcBytes = ( byte* )bmpData.Scan0.ToPointer( ); for ( int y = 0; y < bmpData.Height; ++y ) { byte* srcPixel = srcBytes; for ( int x = 0; x < expectedStride; ++x ) { *( dstPixel++ ) = *( srcPixel++ ); } srcBytes += bmpData.Stride; } if ( generateMipMaps ) { Glu.gluBuild2DMipmaps( target, info.GlInternalFormat, bmpData.Width, bmpData.Height, info.GlFormat, info.GlType, new IntPtr( dstBytes ) ); } else { Gl.glTexImage2D( target, level, info.GlInternalFormat, bmpData.Width, bmpData.Height, 0, info.GlFormat, info.GlType, new IntPtr( dstBytes ) ); } } }
/// <summary> /// Exports a texture /// </summary> /// <param name="info"></param> /// <param name="platforms"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Export(TextureInfo info, List <Platform> platforms) { if (info == null) { return(false); } string filename = info.Filename; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower(); foreach (Platform platform in platforms) { // Determine the destination file string destFile = platform.OutputDirectory + "/" + filename; if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(destFile)) { destFile = GUIProject.CurrentProject.ProjectDirectory + "/" + destFile; } System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(destFile)); string sourceFile = GUIProject.CurrentProject.ProjectDirectory + "/" + filename; if (System.IO.File.Exists(sourceFile)) { bool doRawCopy = true; if (platform.SquarifyTextures) { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(sourceFile); if (bitmap.Width != 0 && bitmap.Height != 0) { int w = bitmap.Width; int h = bitmap.Height; if (w != h || (w & (w - 1)) != 0 || (h & (h - 1)) != 0) { int larger = w > h ? w : h; if ((larger & (larger - 1)) != 0) { larger--; larger |= larger >> 1; larger |= larger >> 2; larger |= larger >> 4; larger |= larger >> 8; larger |= larger >> 16; larger++; } Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap, new Size(larger, larger)); newBitmap.Save(destFile, bitmap.RawFormat); newBitmap.Dispose(); bitmap.Dispose(); doRawCopy = false; } } } if (doRawCopy) { System.IO.File.Copy(sourceFile, destFile, true); } FileAttributes attr = System.IO.File.GetAttributes(destFile); // Remove the ReadOnly flag attr &= ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly; System.IO.File.SetAttributes(destFile, attr); } } return(true); }
private void RefreshTexture(TextureInfo texture) { Ogmo.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(texture.Texture); Ogmo.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Transparent); Texture2D tiles = Ogmo.EditorDraw.TilesetTextures[TileLayer.Tileset]; Ogmo.EditorDraw.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Texture, BlendState.Opaque); int offsetX = texture.Position.X / TileLayer.Definition.Grid.Width; int offsetY = texture.Position.Y / TileLayer.Definition.Grid.Height; int tilesWidth = texture.Texture.Width / TileLayer.Definition.Grid.Width; int tilesHeight = texture.Texture.Height / TileLayer.Definition.Grid.Height; for (int i = 0; i < tilesWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tilesHeight; j++) { if (TileLayer.Tiles[i + offsetX, j + offsetY] != -1) Ogmo.EditorDraw.SpriteBatch.Draw( tiles, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(i * TileLayer.Definition.Grid.Width, j * TileLayer.Definition.Grid.Height), TileLayer.Tileset.GetXNARectFromID(TileLayer.Tiles[i + offsetX, j + offsetY]), Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White); } } Ogmo.EditorDraw.SpriteBatch.End(); Ogmo.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); }
public RotateAnimationResolver(TextureInfo textureInfo) { this.textureInfo = textureInfo; }
/// <summary> /// Loads & stores a texture using a color key for transparent pixels. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">File name of the texture to load (relative to the Current Working Directory).</param> /// <param name="colorkey">Transparent color (use Color.FromArgb() function )</param> /// <returns>The id for the loaded texture, -1 on failure.</returns> public int LoadTexture( string fileName, Color colorkey ) { // Verify the filename if( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( fileName ) ) return -1; // Check if this file has already been loaded (with any color key) for( int i = 0; i < m_Textures.Count; i++ ) { TextureInfo info = m_Textures[ i ]; // Compare filenames, ignoring case if( info.fileName.Equals( fileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) { info.refCount++; // increase the reference count m_Textures[ i ] = info; // store the new value back into the list return i; // return the index of the existing texture } } // Create the new TextureInfo to use TextureInfo tex = new TextureInfo(); // Copy the filename of the loaded texture. tex.fileName = fileName; // Attempt to load the texture from file try { tex.texture = TextureLoader.FromFile( m_Device, fileName, 0, 0, 1, Usage.None, Format.Unknown, Pool.Managed, Filter.None, Filter.None, colorkey.ToArgb( ) ); } catch( Exception ) { MessageBox.Show( "Failed to load texture: " + fileName, "ManagedTextureManager::Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); return -1; } // AddRef. tex.refCount = 1; // Get Width & Height of the texture. SurfaceDescription d3dSurfDesc = tex.texture.GetSurfaceLevel( 0 ).Description; tex.width = d3dSurfDesc.Width; tex.height = d3dSurfDesc.Height; // Look for an open spot int id = -1; for( int i = 0; i < m_Textures.Count; i++ ) { if( m_Textures[ i ].refCount == 0 ) { id = i; break; } } // if we didn't find an open spot, load it into a new one if( id == -1 ) { m_Textures.Add( tex ); id = m_Textures.Count - 1; } else { // Make sure the old texture has been disposed if( m_Textures[ id ].texture != null ) m_Textures[ id ].texture.Dispose( ); // Overwrite with the new texture m_Textures[ id ] = tex; } // Check if the surface size matches the original image's size ImageInformation img = TextureLoader.ImageInformationFromFile( fileName ); if( tex.width != img.Width || tex.height != img.Height ) { MessageBox.Show( "Image (" + fileName + ") is stretched from " + img.Width.ToString() + "x"+ img.Height.ToString() + " to " + tex.width.ToString() + "x" + tex.height.ToString(), "ManagedTextureManager::Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning ); } // Return the id of the texture. return id; }
private void FindTextures(List <Tools.Entry> bundle) { foreach (Tools.Entry e in bundle) { if (e.type == 0x82) { bool foundc = false; bool foundr = false; string path = ""; Tools.Field chunks = new Tools.Field(); Tools.Field res = new Tools.Field(); #region findfields foreach (Tools.Field f in e.fields) { if (f.fieldname == "path") { path = (string); } else if (f.fieldname == "res") { foundr = true; res = f; if (foundc) { break; } } else if (f.fieldname == "chunks") { foundc = true; chunks = f; if (foundr) { break; } } } #endregion path += "/"; if (foundr && foundc) //contains textures at all { #region gettextures List <Tools.Entry> reslist = (List <Tools.Entry>); foreach (Tools.Entry e2 in reslist) { if (e2.type == 0x82) { bool foundt = false; foreach (Tools.Field f2 in e2.fields) { if (f2.fieldname == "resType") { if (Tools.GetResType(BitConverter.ToUInt32((byte[]), 0)) == ".itexture") { foundt = true; break; } } } if (foundt) //is a texture { TextureInfo t = new TextureInfo(); foreach (Tools.Field f2 in e2.fields) { switch (f2.fieldname) { case "name": t.path = (string); t.fullpath = path + t.path; break; case "sha1": t.sha1 = (byte[]); break; } } listTex.Add(t); } } } #endregion #region getchunks List <Tools.Entry> chunklist = (List <Tools.Entry>); foreach (Tools.Entry e2 in chunklist) { if (e2.type == 0x82) { ChunkInfo c = new ChunkInfo(); foreach (Tools.Field f2 in e2.fields) { switch (f2.fieldname) { case "id": = (byte[]); break; case "sha1": c.sha1 = (byte[]); break; } } listChunks.Add(c); } } #endregion } } } }
public override string Execute(string[] args, UUID fromAgentID) { // load known texture table OSD knownTexturesOsd = null; if (File.Exists(mKnownTexturesCacheFile)) { knownTexturesOsd = OSDParser.DeserializeJson( File.ReadAllText(mKnownTexturesCacheFile)); if (knownTexturesOsd is OSDArray) { foreach (OSD osd in (OSDArray)knownTexturesOsd) { TextureInfo ti = new TextureInfo(osd); mKnownTextures[ti.Id] = ti; } } knownTexturesOsd = null; } string fileName = "sim.pov"; if (args.Length > 0) fileName = args[args.Length - 1]; if (!fileName.EndsWith(".pov")) fileName += ".pov"; Logger.Log("dpovray: fileName:" + fileName, Helpers.LogLevel.Debug); ulong regionHandle = Client.Network.CurrentSim.Handle; bool success = ProcessScene(regionHandle, fileName); // load known textures again in case another bot wrote some while we were busy // load known texture table if (File.Exists(mKnownTexturesCacheFile)) { knownTexturesOsd = OSDParser.DeserializeJson( File.ReadAllText(mKnownTexturesCacheFile)); if (knownTexturesOsd is OSDArray) { foreach (OSD osd in (OSDArray)knownTexturesOsd) { TextureInfo ti = new TextureInfo(osd); mKnownTextures[ti.Id] = ti; } } } // now save our known textuer cache OSDArray knownTexturesArr = new OSDArray(); foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, TextureInfo> kvp in mKnownTextures) { if (kvp.Value != null) knownTexturesArr.Add(kvp.Value.GetOsd()); } File.WriteAllText(mKnownTexturesCacheFile, OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(knownTexturesArr)); if (success) return "exported sim to file: " + fileName; return "error exporting sim to file: " + fileName; }
public static void OnGUI(HLOD hlod, bool isFirst) { if (isFirst) { inputTexturePropertyNames = null; outputTexturePropertyNames = null; } EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; dynamic batcherOptions = hlod.BatcherOptions; if (batcherOptions.PackTextureSize == null) { batcherOptions.PackTextureSize = 1024; } if (batcherOptions.LimitTextureSize == null) { batcherOptions.LimitTextureSize = 128; } if (batcherOptions.MaterialGUID == null) { batcherOptions.MaterialGUID = ""; } if (batcherOptions.TextureInfoList == null) { batcherOptions.TextureInfoList = new List <TextureInfo>(); batcherOptions.TextureInfoList.Add(new TextureInfo() { InputName = "_MainTex", OutputName = "_MainTex", Type = PackingType.White }); } if (batcherOptions.EnableTintColor == null) { batcherOptions.EnableTintColor = false; } if (batcherOptions.TintColorName == null) { batcherOptions.TintColorName = ""; } batcherOptions.PackTextureSize = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("Pack texture size", batcherOptions.PackTextureSize, Styles.PackTextureSizeNames, Styles.PackTextureSizes); batcherOptions.LimitTextureSize = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("Limit texture size", batcherOptions.LimitTextureSize, Styles.LimitTextureSizeNames, Styles.LimitTextureSizes); Material mat = null; string matGUID = batcherOptions.MaterialGUID; string path = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(matGUID) == false) { path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(matGUID); mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(path); } mat = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Material", mat, typeof(Material), false) as Material; if (mat == null) { mat = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); } path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(mat); matGUID = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(path); if (matGUID != batcherOptions.MaterialGUID) { batcherOptions.MaterialGUID = matGUID; outputTexturePropertyNames = mat.GetTexturePropertyNames(); } if (inputTexturePropertyNames == null) { inputTexturePropertyNames = GetAllMaterialTextureProperties(hlod.gameObject); } if (outputTexturePropertyNames == null) { outputTexturePropertyNames = mat.GetTexturePropertyNames(); } //apply tint color batcherOptions.EnableTintColor = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Enable tint color", batcherOptions.EnableTintColor); if (batcherOptions.EnableTintColor == true) { EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; var shader = mat.shader; List <string> colorPropertyNames = new List <string>(); int propertyCount = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(shader); for (int i = 0; i < propertyCount; ++i) { string name = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(shader, i); if (ShaderUtil.GetPropertyType(shader, i) == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Color) { colorPropertyNames.Add(name); } } int index = colorPropertyNames.IndexOf(batcherOptions.TintColorName); index = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Tint color property", index, colorPropertyNames.ToArray()); if (index >= 0) { batcherOptions.TintColorName = colorPropertyNames[index]; } else { batcherOptions.TintColorName = ""; } EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; } //ext textures EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Textures"); EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(" "); //EditorGUILayout.LabelField(); EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel("Input"); EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel("Output"); EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel("Type"); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); for (int i = 0; i < batcherOptions.TextureInfoList.Count; ++i) { TextureInfo info = batcherOptions.TextureInfoList[i]; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(" "); info.InputName = StringPopup(info.InputName, inputTexturePropertyNames); info.OutputName = StringPopup(info.OutputName, outputTexturePropertyNames); info.Type = (PackingType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(info.Type); if (i == 0) { GUI.enabled = false; } if (GUILayout.Button("x") == true) { batcherOptions.TextureInfoList.RemoveAt(i); i -= 1; } if (i == 0) { GUI.enabled = true; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(" "); if (GUILayout.Button("Add new texture property") == true) { batcherOptions.TextureInfoList.Add(new TextureInfo()); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(" "); if (GUILayout.Button("Update texture properties")) { //TODO: Need update automatically inputTexturePropertyNames = null; outputTexturePropertyNames = null; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; }