Exemple #1
    protected virtual void RealizeTextureOnMaterial(Material material, TextureDetail textureDetail)
        if (material == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot realize textures on a null material.");

        switch (textureDetail.DetailType)
        case TextureDetailType.Texture:
            string texturePath = textureDetail.DetailValue.ToString();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(texturePath))
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot load texture from a null/empty path!");

            texturePath = texturePath.Trim('"');

            Texture2D texture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>(texturePath);
            if (texture == null)
                DebugMessage("Could not find a texture at path " + texturePath);

            material.SetTexture(textureDetail.DetailKey, texture);

        case TextureDetailType.Tint:
            Color color = (Color)textureDetail.DetailValue;
            material.SetColor(textureDetail.DetailKey, color);

        case TextureDetailType.Int:
            int integer = (int)textureDetail.DetailValue;
            material.SetInt(textureDetail.DetailKey, integer);

        case TextureDetailType.Float:
            float number = (float)textureDetail.DetailValue;
            material.SetFloat(textureDetail.DetailKey, number);

        case TextureDetailType.Offset:
            Vector2 offset = (Vector2)textureDetail.DetailValue;
            material.SetTextureOffset(textureDetail.DetailKey, offset);

            throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected Texture Detail Type: " + textureDetail.DetailType);
Exemple #2
        public static List <武汉光谷.IndustryDetail> SetTheJsonObj2(/*string path*/)
            Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, int> > > Scores = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, int> > >();

            Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, int> > companyScores = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, int> >();
            Dictionary <int, int> companyTexScores = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            //Dictionary<string, IndustryDetail> industrys = new Dictionary<string, IndustryDetail>();
            List <武汉光谷.IndustryDetail> industrys = new List <IndustryDetail>();
            IndustryDetail             industry  = new IndustryDetail();

            industry.Id           = 0;
            industry.Name         = "光电子信息产业";
            industry.Introduction =
            //Dictionary<string,CompanyDetail> companys =new Dictionary<string, CompanyDetail>();
            Scores.Add(industry.Id, companyScores);

            List <CompanyDetail> companys = new List <CompanyDetail>();

            industry.CompanyDetails = companys;
            CompanyDetail company = new CompanyDetail();

            company.Id                  = 0;
            company.Company             = "中国信息通信科技集团有限公司";
            company.CompanyIntroduction =
            company.TextureDetails = new Dictionary <int, TextureDetail>();
            TextureDetail tex = new TextureDetail();

            tex.Id           = 0;
            tex.Path         = "0.jpg";
            tex.Introduction = "【高速光器件测试】中国信科集团(烽火科技)研发人员正在对光系统核心芯片进行检测";
            company.TextureDetails.Add(tex.Id, tex);

            //companys.Add(company.Company+"2", company);
            companyScores.Add(company.Id, companyTexScores);
            companyTexScores.Add(tex.Id, 100);

            Write2Json2(Scores, @"D:\Desktop\ScoreDetail.json");
Exemple #3
 public override void AddObjectDetail(Object obj, Object refObj, Object detailRefObj)
     if (obj is Texture)
         ObjectDetail detail = null;
         foreach (var v in CheckList)
             if (v.checkObject == obj)
                 detail = v;
         if (detail == null)
             detail = new TextureDetail(obj, this);
         detail.AddObjectReference(refObj, detailRefObj);
Exemple #4
    protected virtual Material ParseMaterial(MaterialDetail detail)
        Material originalMaterial = Resources.Load <Material>(detail.MaterialPath);

        Material material = Instantiate(originalMaterial);

        if (material == null)
            throw new ApplicationException("Could not find a material at path " + detail.MaterialPath);

        material.name = detail.Name;

        for (int i = 0; i < detail.TextureDetails.Count; i++)
            TextureDetail textureDetail = detail.TextureDetails[i];
            RealizeTextureOnMaterial(material, textureDetail);

Exemple #5
        public static void ParseRDPSetOtherMode(F3DEX2Command cmd,
                                                out PipelineMode pm, out CycleType cyc, out TexturePersp tp, out TextureDetail td, out TextureLOD tl,
                                                out TextureLUT tt, out TextureFilter tf, out TextureConvert tc, out CombineKey ck, out ColorDither cd,
                                                out AlphaDither ad, out AlphaCompare ac, out DepthSource zs, out RenderMode rm)
            rm = new RenderMode(cmd.Words & (0xFFFFFFFF & ~((ulong)AlphaCompare.Mask | (ulong)DepthSource.Mask)));

            if (!rm.Known) // Handle TCL modes by checking again with alpha compare and dither included
                rm = new RenderMode(cmd.Words & (0xFFFFFFFF & ~(ulong)DepthSource.Mask));

            ulong wordH = cmd.Words >> 32;

            ad  = (AlphaDither)(wordH & (ulong)AlphaDither.Mask);
            cd  = (ColorDither)(wordH & (ulong)ColorDither.Mask);
            ck  = (CombineKey)(wordH & (ulong)CombineKey.Mask);
            pm  = (PipelineMode)(wordH & (ulong)PipelineMode.Mask);
            cyc = (CycleType)(wordH & (ulong)CycleType.Mask);
            tp  = (TexturePersp)(wordH & (ulong)TexturePersp.Mask);
            td  = (TextureDetail)(wordH & (ulong)TextureDetail.Mask);
            tl  = (TextureLOD)(wordH & (ulong)TextureLOD.Mask);
            tt  = (TextureLUT)(wordH & (ulong)TextureLUT.Mask);
            tf  = (TextureFilter)(wordH & (ulong)TextureFilter.Mask);
            tc  = (TextureConvert)(wordH & (ulong)TextureConvert.Mask);

            ac = (AlphaCompare)(cmd.Words & (ulong)AlphaCompare.Mask);
            zs = (DepthSource)(cmd.Words & (ulong)DepthSource.Mask);