private static void SetupFootprintPrefab() { footprintPrefab = new GameObject("KerbalEVAFootprint"); footprintPrefab.layer = GameLayers.LOCAL_SPACE; footprintPrefab.SetActive(false); MeshFilter mf = footprintPrefab.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); MeshRenderer mr = footprintPrefab.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mf.mesh = new Quad(0.15f, 0.3f, true); Material material = new Material(ShaderLoader.GetShader("KopernicusExpansion/Footprint")); Texture2DParser footprintMask = new Texture2DParser(); footprintMask.SetFromString("KopernicusExpansion/Textures/KerbalEVAFootprintMask"); material.SetTexture("_MainTex", footprintMask); material.SetFloat("_Opacity", 0.8f); material.SetColor("_Color",; mr.material = material; mr.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; footprintPrefab.AddComponent <EVAFootprint>(); Debug.Log("[KopernicusExpansion] Footprint prefab created"); }
void IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply(ConfigNode node) { if (node.HasNode("Watermain")) { // Parse the watermain textures ConfigNode watermain = node.GetNode("Watermain"); // Set the Watermain length _mod.waterMainLength = watermain.values.Count; // If the count doesn't matches, recreate the array if (_mod.watermain.Length != _mod.waterMainLength) { _mod.watermain = new Texture2D[(int)_mod.waterMainLength]; } // Load the textures int i = 0; foreach (string s in watermain.GetValuesStartsWith("waterTex-")) { Texture2DParser texParser = new Texture2DParser(); texParser.SetFromString(s); _mod.watermain[i] = texParser.value; i++; } } }
// Post apply event void IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply(ConfigNode node) { Logger.Active.Log("============= Scaled Version Dump ==================="); Utility.GameObjectWalk(Value.scaledBody); Logger.Active.Log("==========================================="); // If we are a star, we need to generate the coronas if (Type.Value == BodyType.Star) { // Restore backed up coronas if no custom ones were specified if (!Coronas.Any()) { foreach (SunCoronas corona in Utility.Deactivator.GetComponentsInChildren <SunCoronas>(true) .Where(c => c.transform.parent == Utility.Deactivator)) { corona.transform.parent = Value.scaledBody.transform; } } else { foreach (SunCoronas corona in Utility.Deactivator.GetComponentsInChildren <SunCoronas>(true) .Where(c => c.transform.parent == Utility.Deactivator)) { corona.transform.parent = null; Object.Destroy(corona.gameObject); } } } // If we use OnDemand, we need to delete the original textures and reload them if (Type.Value != BodyType.Star && OnDemandTextures != null) { if (OnDemandStorage.UseOnDemand) { ScaledSpaceOnDemand onDemand = Value.scaledBody.AddComponent <ScaledSpaceOnDemand>(); onDemand.texture = OnDemandTextures.Texture; onDemand.normals = OnDemandTextures.Normals; // Delete the original scaled space textures if (OnDemandTextures.Texture != null) { Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(1, 1); texture.Apply(); Material.SetTexture(MainTex, texture); } if (OnDemandTextures.Normals != null) { Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(1, 1); texture.Apply(); Material.SetTexture(BumpMap, texture); } } else { // If OD isn't enabled, load the textures, assign them and don't care anymore Texture2DParser parser = new Texture2DParser(); if (OnDemandTextures.Texture != null) { parser.SetFromString(OnDemandTextures.Texture); Material.SetTexture(MainTex, parser); } if (OnDemandTextures.Normals != null) { parser.SetFromString(OnDemandTextures.Normals); Material.SetTexture(BumpMap, parser); } } } // Event Events.OnScaledVersionLoaderPostApply.Fire(this, node); }