public ChunkRenderer(Effect simpleShader, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Matrix projection, Texture2DArray textures)
            this.graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;
            this.textures = textures;
            this.lastReset = -1;

            simple = simpleShader;
 public Pair(string key, Texture2DArray value)
     this.key   = key;
     this.value = value;
Exemple #3
 static public VFXValue <Texture> Constant(Texture2DArray value)
     return(new VFXTexture2DArrayValue(value, Mode.Constant));
        private void DoSliceScrubber(Rect controlRect, Texture2DArray t)
            int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(kScrubberHash, FocusType.Keyboard);

            Rect prevFrameRect = controlRect;

            prevFrameRect.width = kSliceStepWidth;

            Rect nextFrameRect = prevFrameRect;

            nextFrameRect.x += nextFrameRect.width;

            var scrubberRect = controlRect;

            scrubberRect.xMin = nextFrameRect.xMax;

            var evt = Event.current;

            switch (evt.GetTypeForControl(id))
            case EventType.MouseDown:
                if (scrubberRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
                    GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id;
                    GUIUtility.hotControl      = id;
                    m_MouseDrag = evt.mousePosition.x - scrubberRect.xMin;
                    m_Slice     = (int)(m_MouseDrag * t.depth / scrubberRect.width);

            case EventType.MouseDrag:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    m_MouseDrag +=;
                    m_Slice      = (int)(Mathf.Clamp(m_MouseDrag, 0.0f, scrubberRect.width) * t.depth /

            case EventType.MouseUp:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;

            case EventType.KeyDown:
                if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == id)
                    if (evt.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow)
                        if (m_Slice > 0)
                    if (evt.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow)
                        if (m_Slice < t.depth - 1)

            case EventType.Repaint:
                Styles.sliceScrubber.Draw(controlRect, GUIContent.none, id);

                float normalizedPosition = Mathf.Lerp(scrubberRect.x, scrubberRect.xMax, m_Slice / (float)(t.depth - 1));
                TimeArea.DrawPlayhead(normalizedPosition, scrubberRect.yMin, scrubberRect.yMax, 2f,
                                      (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == id) ? 1f : 0.5f);

            using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(m_Slice <= 0))
                if (GUI.Button(prevFrameRect, Styles.prevSliceIcon, Styles.stepSlice))

            using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(m_Slice >= t.depth - 1))
                if (GUI.Button(nextFrameRect, Styles.nextSliceIcon, Styles.stepSlice))
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the needed resources
 /// </summary>
 private void InitializeResources()
     _postProcessShader      = Aura.ResourcesCollection.postProcessShader;
     _blueNoiseTexturesArray = Aura.ResourcesCollection.blueNoiseTextureArray;
Exemple #6
        void LoadWorldTextures()
            requireTextureArrayUpdate = false;

            // Init texture array
            if (worldTextures == null)
                worldTextures = new List <WorldTexture> ();
            if (worldTexturesDict == null)
                worldTexturesDict = new Dictionary <Texture2D, int> ();

            // Clear definitions
            if (voxelDefinitions != null)
                // Voxel Definitions no longer are added to the dictionary, clear the index field.
                for (int k = 0; k < voxelDefinitionsCount; k++)
                    if (voxelDefinitions [k] != null)
                        voxelDefinitions [k].Reset();
                voxelDefinitions = new VoxelDefinition[128];
            voxelDefinitionsCount = 0;
            if (voxelDefinitionsDict == null)
                voxelDefinitionsDict = new Dictionary <string, VoxelDefinition> ();
            if (sessionUserVoxels == null)
                sessionUserVoxels = new List <VoxelDefinition> ();

            // The null voxel definition
            VoxelDefinition nullVoxelDefinition = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <VoxelDefinition> ();

             = "Null";
            nullVoxelDefinition.hidden         = true;
            nullVoxelDefinition.canBeCollected = false;
            nullVoxelDefinition.ignoresRayCast = true;
            nullVoxelDefinition.renderType     = RenderType.Empty;

            // Check default voxel
            if (defaultVoxel == null)
                defaultVoxel = Resources.Load <VoxelDefinition> ("VoxelPlay/Defaults/DefaultVoxel");

            // Add all biome textures
            if (world.biomes != null)
                for (int k = 0; k < world.biomes.Length; k++)
                    BiomeDefinition biome = world.biomes [k];
                    if (biome == null)
                    if (biome.voxelTop.biomeDirtCounterpart == null)
                        biome.voxelTop.biomeDirtCounterpart = biome.voxelDirt;
                    if (biome.vegetation != null)
                        for (int v = 0; v < biome.vegetation.Length; v++)
                            AddVoxelTextures(biome.vegetation [v].vegetation);
                    if (biome.trees != null)
                        for (int t = 0; t < biome.trees.Length; t++)
                            ModelDefinition tree = biome.trees [t].tree;
                            if (tree == null)
                            for (int b = 0; b < tree.bits.Length; b++)
                                AddVoxelTextures(tree.bits [b].voxelDefinition);
                    if (biome.ores != null)
                        for (int v = 0; v < biome.ores.Length; v++)
                            // ensure proper size
                            if (biome.ores [v].veinMinSize == biome.ores [v].veinMaxSize && biome.ores [v].veinMaxSize == 0)
                                biome.ores [v].veinMinSize   = 2;
                                biome.ores [v].veinMaxSize   = 6;
                                biome.ores [v].veinsCountMin = 1;
                                biome.ores [v].veinsCountMax = 2;
                            AddVoxelTextures(biome.ores [v].ore);

            // Special voxels
            if (world.cloudVoxel == null)
                world.cloudVoxel = Resources.Load <VoxelDefinition> ("VoxelPlay/Defaults/VoxelCloud");

            // Add additional world voxels
            if (world.moreVoxels != null)
                for (int k = 0; k < world.moreVoxels.Length; k++)
                    AddVoxelTextures(world.moreVoxels [k]);

            // Add all items' textures are available
            if (world.items != null)
                int itemCount = world.items.Length;
                for (int k = 0; k < itemCount; k++)
                    ItemDefinition item = world.items [k];
                    if (item.category == ItemCategory.Voxel)

            // Add any other voxel found inside Defaults
            VoxelDefinition[] vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> ("VoxelPlay/Defaults");
            for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

            // Add any other voxel found inside World directory
            vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> ("Worlds/" +;
            for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

            // Add any other voxel found inside a resource directory with same name of world (if not placed into Worlds directory)
            vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> (;
            for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

            // Add any other voxel found inside a resource directory under the world definition asset
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(world.resourceLocation))
                vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> (world.resourceLocation);
                for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                    AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

            // Add user provided voxels during playtime
            int count = sessionUserVoxels.Count;

            for (int k = 0; k < count; k++)
                AddVoxelTextures(sessionUserVoxels [k]);

            // Unload textures (doesn't work at runtime on PC! this commented section should be removed)
//			#if !UNITY_EDITOR
//			for (int k = 0; k < voxelDefinitionsCount; k++) {
//				VoxelDefinition vd = voxelDefinitions [k];
//				if (vd.index == 0)
//					continue;
//				if (vd.textureTop != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureTop);
//				if (vd.textureTopEmission != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureTopEmission);
//				if (vd.textureTopNRM != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureTopNRM);
//				if (vd.textureTopDISP != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureTopDISP);
//				if (vd.textureLeft != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureLeft);
//				if (vd.textureLeftEmission != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureLeftEmission);
//				if (vd.textureLeftNRM != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureLeftNRM);
//				if (vd.textureLeftDISP != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureLeftDISP);
//				if (vd.textureRight != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureRight);
//				if (vd.textureRightEmission != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureRightEmission);
//				if (vd.textureRightNRM != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureRightNRM);
//				if (vd.textureRightDISP != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureRightDISP);
//				if (vd.textureBottom != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureBottom);
//				if (vd.textureBottomEmission != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureBottomEmission);
//				if (vd.textureBottomNRM != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureBottomNRM);
//				if (vd.textureBottomDISP != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureBottomDISP);
//				if (vd.textureSide != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureSide);
//				if (vd.textureSideEmission != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureSideEmission);
//				if (vd.textureSideNRM != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureSideNRM);
//				if (vd.textureSideDISP != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureSideDISP);
//				if (vd.textureForward != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureForward);
//				if (vd.textureForwardEmission != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureForwardEmission);
//				if (vd.textureForwardNRM != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureForwardNRM);
//				if (vd.textureForwardDISP != null)
//					Resources.UnloadAsset (vd.textureForwardDISP);
//			}
//			#endif

            // Add transparent voxel definitions for the see-through effect
            if (seeThrough)
                for (int k = 0; k < voxelDefinitionsCount; k++)
                    VoxelDefinition vd    = voxelDefinitions [k];
                    float           alpha = vd.seeThroughAlphaMultiplier * seeThroughAlpha;
                    if (vd.seeThroughMode == SeeThroughMode.Transparency && vd.seeThroughVoxelTempTransp <= 0)
                        if (alpha > 0 && vd.renderType.supportsSeeThrough())
                            vd.seeThroughVoxelTempTransp = CreateSeeThroughVariantVoxelDefinition(vd, alpha);
                            vd.seeThroughMode = SeeThroughMode.None;

            // Create array texture
            int textureCount = worldTextures.Count;

            if (textureCount > 0)
                Texture2DArray pointFilterTextureArray = new Texture2DArray(textureSize, textureSize, textureCount, TextureFormat.ARGB32, hqFiltering);
                if (enableReliefMapping || !enableSmoothLighting)
                    pointFilterTextureArray.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
                    pointFilterTextureArray.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                pointFilterTextureArray.filterMode = hqFiltering ? FilterMode.Bilinear : FilterMode.Point;
                pointFilterTextureArray.mipMapBias = -mipMapBias;
                for (int k = 0; k < textureCount; k++)
                    if (worldTextures [k].colorsAndEmission != null)
                        pointFilterTextureArray.SetPixels32(worldTextures [k].colorsAndEmission, k);
                    else if (worldTextures [k].normalsAndElevation != null)
                        pointFilterTextureArray.SetPixels32(worldTextures [k].normalsAndElevation, k);

                pointFilterTextureArray.Apply(hqFiltering, true);

                // Assign textures to materials
                for (int k = 0; k < materials.Length; k++)
                    if (materials [k] != null && materials [k].HasProperty("_MainTex"))
                        materials [k].SetTexture("_MainTex", pointFilterTextureArray);

                if (modelHighlightMat == null)
                    modelHighlightMat = Instantiate <Material> (Resources.Load <Material> ("VoxelPlay/Materials/VP Highlight Model")) as Material;
                modelHighlightMat.SetTexture("_MainTex", pointFilterTextureArray);
Exemple #7
    void RestorePrototypes()
        if (templateMaterial != null)
            Texture2DArray diffuseArray = templateMaterial.GetTexture("_Diffuse") as Texture2DArray;
            if (diffuseArray != null)
                var cfg = JBooth.MicroSplat.TextureArrayConfig.FindConfig(diffuseArray);
                if (cfg != null)
                    int count = cfg.sourceTextures.Count;
                    if (count > 32)
                        count = 32;
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
                    var  protos       = terrain.terrainData.terrainLayers;
                    bool needsRefresh = false;
                    if (protos.Length != count)
                        needsRefresh = true;
                    if (!needsRefresh)
                        for (int i = 0; i < protos.Length; ++i)
                            if (protos[i] == null)
                                needsRefresh = true;
                            if (protos[i] != null && cfg.sourceTextures[i] != null && protos[i].diffuseTexture != cfg.sourceTextures[i].diffuse)
                                needsRefresh = true;
                    if (needsRefresh)
                        Vector4 v4 = templateMaterial.GetVector("_UVScale");

                        Vector2 uvScales = new Vector2(v4.x, v4.y);
                        uvScales = MicroSplatRuntimeUtil.UVScaleToUnityUVScale(uvScales, terrain);

                        protos = new TerrainLayer[count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                            string path = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(cfg);
                            path  = path.Replace("\\", "/");
                            path  = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("/"));
                            path += "/microsplat_layer_";
                            path  = path.Replace("//", "/");

                            if (cfg.sourceTextures[i].diffuse != null)
                                path += cfg.sourceTextures[i];
                            path += "_" + i;
                            path += ".terrainlayer";
                            TerrainLayer sp = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <TerrainLayer>(path);
                            if (sp != null)
                                if (sp.diffuseTexture == cfg.sourceTextures[i].diffuse)
                                    protos[i] = sp;

                            sp = new TerrainLayer();

                            sp.diffuseTexture = cfg.sourceTextures[i].diffuse;
                            sp.tileSize       = uvScales;
                            if (cfg.sourceTextures[i].normal != null)
                                sp.normalMapTexture = cfg.sourceTextures[i].normal;

                            protos[i] = sp;

                            UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(sp, path);

                        terrain.terrainData.terrainLayers = protos;
                    var  protos       = terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes;
                    bool needsRefresh = false;
                    if (protos.Length != count)
                        needsRefresh = true;
                    if (!needsRefresh)
                        for (int i = 0; i < protos.Length; ++i)
                            if (protos[i].texture != cfg.sourceTextures[i].diffuse)
                                needsRefresh = true;
                    if (needsRefresh)
                        Vector4 v4 = templateMaterial.GetVector("_UVScale");

                        Vector2 uvScales = new Vector2(v4.x, v4.y);
                        uvScales = MicroSplatRuntimeUtil.UVScaleToUnityUVScale(uvScales, terrain);

                        protos = new SplatPrototype[count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                            SplatPrototype sp = new SplatPrototype();
                            sp.texture  = cfg.sourceTextures[i].diffuse;
                            sp.tileSize = uvScales;
                            if (cfg.sourceTextures[i].normal != null)
                                sp.normalMap = cfg.sourceTextures[i].normal;
                            protos[i] = sp;

                        terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes = protos;
Exemple #8
        public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx)
            byte[]    bytes         = File.ReadAllBytes(ctx.assetPath);
            Texture2D sourceTexture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);


            originalWidth  = sourceTexture.width;
            originalHeight = sourceTexture.height;

            cols = sourceTexture.width / pageSize;
            if (cols == 0)
                cols = 1;

            rows = sourceTexture.height / pageSize;
            if (rows == 0)
                rows = 1;

            bool changedPageSize = false;

            while (cols * rows > 2048)
                pageSize       *= 2;
                cols           /= 2;
                rows           /= 2;
                changedPageSize = true;

            if (changedPageSize)
                ctx.LogImportWarning("Texture Width * Texture Height * Page Size must be less or equal to 2048, so the Page Size is increased to " + pageSize);

            int resizeX = sourceTexture.width;
            int resizeY = sourceTexture.height;

            if (sourceTexture.width % pageSize != 0)
                resizeX = cols * pageSize;
            if (sourceTexture.height % pageSize != 0)
                resizeY = rows * pageSize;

            if (resizeX != sourceTexture.width || resizeY != sourceTexture.height)
                TextureScaler.Scale(sourceTexture, resizeX, resizeY);
                ctx.LogImportWarning("The width and height of the texture must be equal to Page Size * N, so the texture size is changed to " + resizeX + "x" + resizeY);

            Texture2DArray array = InitTexture2DArray(sourceTexture, ctx);

            ctx.AddObjectToAsset("_MainTex", array);

Exemple #9
        private Texture2DArray InitTexture2DArray(Texture2D sourceTexture, AssetImportContext ctx)
            TextureFormat format = GetTextureFormat(ctx.selectedBuildTarget, compressed, transparent);

            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Import Huge Texture", ctx.assetPath, 0);

            Texture2DArray array = null;

                if (format == sourceTexture.format)
                    array          = new Texture2DArray(pageSize, pageSize, cols * rows, sourceTexture.format, false);
                    array.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                    for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
                            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Import Huge Texture", ctx.assetPath, (x * rows + y) / (float)(cols * rows));
                            Graphics.CopyTexture(sourceTexture, 0, 0, x * pageSize, y * pageSize, pageSize, pageSize, array, y * cols + x, 0, 0, 0);
                else if (!compressed)
                    array          = new Texture2DArray(pageSize, pageSize, cols * rows, format, false);
                    array.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                    for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
                            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Import Huge Texture", ctx.assetPath, (x * rows + y) / (float)(cols * rows));
                            Color[] colors = sourceTexture.GetPixels(x * pageSize, y * pageSize, pageSize, pageSize);
                            array.SetPixels(colors, y * cols + x);
                else if (transparent)
                    array          = new Texture2DArray(pageSize, pageSize, cols * rows, format, false);
                    array.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                    for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
                            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Import Huge Texture", ctx.assetPath, (x * rows + y) / (float)(cols * rows));
                            Texture2D tempTexture = new Texture2D(pageSize, pageSize);
                            Color[]   colors      = sourceTexture.GetPixels(x * pageSize, y * pageSize, pageSize, pageSize);
                            EditorUtility.CompressTexture(tempTexture, format, quality);

                            array.SetPixelData(tempTexture.GetRawTextureData(), 0, y * cols + x);
                    array          = new Texture2DArray(pageSize, pageSize, cols * rows, format, false);
                    array.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                    for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
                            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Import Huge Texture", ctx.assetPath, (x * rows + y) / (float)(cols * rows));
                            Texture2D tempTexture = new Texture2D(pageSize, pageSize, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
                            Color[]   colors      = sourceTexture.GetPixels(x * pageSize, y * pageSize, pageSize, pageSize);
                            EditorUtility.CompressTexture(tempTexture, format, quality);

                            array.SetPixelData(tempTexture.GetRawTextureData(), 0, y * cols + x);



        public bool AllocTextureArray(int numCubeMaps, int width, GraphicsFormat format, bool isMipMapped, Material cubeBlitMaterial)
            var res = AllocTextureArray(numCubeMaps);

            m_NumMipLevels = GetNumMips(width, width);      // will calculate same way whether we have cube array or not

            if (!TextureCache.supportsCubemapArrayTextures)
                m_CubeBlitMaterial = cubeBlitMaterial;

                int panoWidthTop  = 4 * width;
                int panoHeightTop = 2 * width;

                // create panorama 2D array. Hardcoding the render target for now. No convenient way atm to
                // map from TextureFormat to RenderTextureFormat and don't want to deal with sRGB issues for now.
                m_CacheNoCubeArray = new Texture2DArray(panoWidthTop, panoHeightTop, numCubeMaps, TextureFormat.RGBAHalf, isMipMapped)
                    hideFlags  = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave,
                    wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Repeat,
                    wrapModeV  = TextureWrapMode.Clamp,
                    filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear,
                    anisoLevel = 0,
                    name       = CoreUtils.GetTextureAutoName(panoWidthTop, panoHeightTop, TextureFormat.RGBAHalf, TextureDimension.Tex2DArray, depth: numCubeMaps, name: m_CacheName)

                m_NumPanoMipLevels = isMipMapped ? GetNumMips(panoWidthTop, panoHeightTop) : 1;
                m_StagingRTs       = new RenderTexture[m_NumPanoMipLevels];
                for (int m = 0; m < m_NumPanoMipLevels; m++)
                    m_StagingRTs[m] = new RenderTexture(Mathf.Max(1, panoWidthTop >> m), Mathf.Max(1, panoHeightTop >> m), 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf)
                        hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave
                    m_StagingRTs[m].name = CoreUtils.GetRenderTargetAutoName(Mathf.Max(1, panoWidthTop >> m), Mathf.Max(1, panoHeightTop >> m), 1, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, String.Format("PanaCache{0}", m));

                if (m_CubeBlitMaterial)
                    m_CubeMipLevelPropName = Shader.PropertyToID("_cubeMipLvl");
                    m_cubeSrcTexPropName   = Shader.PropertyToID("_srcCubeTexture");
                var desc = new RenderTextureDescriptor(width, width, format, 0)
                    dimension        = TextureDimension.CubeArray,
                    volumeDepth      = numCubeMaps * 6, // We need to multiply by the face count of a cubemap here
                    autoGenerateMips = false,
                    useMipMap        = isMipMapped,
                    msaaSamples      = 1,

                m_Cache = new RenderTexture(desc)
                    hideFlags  = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave,
                    wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp,
                    filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear,
                    anisoLevel = 0, // It is important to set 0 here, else unity force anisotropy filtering
                    name       = CoreUtils.GetTextureAutoName(width, width, format, desc.dimension, depth: numCubeMaps, name: m_CacheName, mips: isMipMapped)

                // We need to clear the content in case it is read on first frame, since on console we have no guarantee that
                // the content won't be NaN

Exemple #11
    public void FinalizeTextures()
        if (coordList.Count == 0) // There's nothing that uses this.
            Debug.LogWarningFormat("Tile page \"{0}\" has no sprites used!", pageName);
        int scaleFactor = 1;

        if (tileWidth * 4 <= GameSettings.Instance.rendering.maxTextureSize && tileHeight * 4 <= GameSettings.Instance.rendering.maxTextureSize)
            scaleFactor = 4;
        else if (tileWidth * 3 <= GameSettings.Instance.rendering.maxTextureSize && tileHeight * 3 <= GameSettings.Instance.rendering.maxTextureSize)
            scaleFactor = 3;
        else if (tileWidth * 2 <= GameSettings.Instance.rendering.maxTextureSize && tileHeight * 2 <= GameSettings.Instance.rendering.maxTextureSize)
            scaleFactor = 2;

        tileArray   = new Texture2DArray(Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo(tileWidth * scaleFactor), Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo(tileHeight * scaleFactor), coordList.Count, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);
        normalArray = new Texture2DArray(Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo(tileWidth * scaleFactor), Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo(tileHeight * scaleFactor), coordList.Count, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true, true);

        for (int i = 0; i < coordList.Count; i++)
            var coord        = coordList[i];
            var tileSource   = originalPage.GetPixels(coord.x * tileWidth, (pageHeight - coord.y - 1) * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            var tileSource32 = new Color32[tileSource.Length];
            for (int j = 0; j < tileSource.Length; j++)
                tileSource32[j] = tileSource[j];
            var tileDest32 = new Color32[tileWidth * scaleFactor * tileHeight * scaleFactor];
            switch (scaleFactor)
            case 4:
                HqxSharp.Scale4(tileSource32, tileDest32, tileWidth, tileHeight);

            case 3:
                HqxSharp.Scale3(tileSource32, tileDest32, tileWidth, tileHeight);

            case 2:
                HqxSharp.Scale2(tileSource32, tileDest32, tileWidth, tileHeight);

                tileDest32 = tileSource32;
            Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(tileWidth * scaleFactor, tileHeight * scaleFactor, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
            TextureScale.Bilinear(texture, Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo(tileWidth * scaleFactor), Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo(tileHeight * scaleFactor));
            tileArray.SetPixels(texture.GetPixels(), i);
            normalArray.SetPixels(TextureTools.Bevel(texture.GetPixels(), texture.width, texture.height), i);
        private void BuildArray()
            int sizeX = m_sizes[m_selectedSizeX];
            int sizeY = m_sizes[m_selectedSizeY];

            Texture2DArray textureArray = new Texture2DArray(sizeX, sizeY, m_allTextures.Count, m_selectedFormatEnum, m_mipMaps, m_linearMode);

            textureArray.wrapMode   = m_wrapMode;
            textureArray.filterMode = m_filterMode;
            textureArray.anisoLevel = m_anisoLevel;
            RenderTexture cache =;
            RenderTexture rt    = new RenderTexture(sizeX, sizeY, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_allTextures.Count; i++)
                // build report
                int widthChanges = m_allTextures[i].width <sizeX ? -1 : m_allTextures[i].width> sizeX ? 1 : 0;
                int heightChanges = m_allTextures[i].height <sizeY ? -1 : m_allTextures[i].height> sizeY ? 1 : 0;
                if ((widthChanges < 0 && heightChanges <= 0) || (widthChanges <= 0 && heightChanges < 0))
                    m_message += m_allTextures[i].name + " was upscaled\n";
                else if ((widthChanges > 0 && heightChanges >= 0) || (widthChanges >= 0 && heightChanges > 0))
                    m_message += m_allTextures[i].name + " was downscaled\n";
                else if ((widthChanges > 0 && heightChanges < 0) || (widthChanges < 0 && heightChanges > 0))
                    m_message += m_allTextures[i].name + " changed dimensions\n";

                // blit image to upscale or downscale the image to any size
       = rt;

                bool cachedsrgb = GL.sRGBWrite;
                GL.sRGBWrite = !m_linearMode;
                Graphics.Blit(m_allTextures[i], rt);
                GL.sRGBWrite = cachedsrgb;

                Texture2D t2d = new Texture2D(sizeX, sizeY, TextureFormat.ARGB32, m_mipMaps, m_linearMode);
                t2d.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, sizeX, sizeY), 0, 0, m_mipMaps);
       = null;

                bool isCompressed = UncompressedFormats.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(m_selectedFormatEnum)) < 0;
                if (isCompressed)
                    EditorUtility.CompressTexture(t2d, m_selectedFormatEnum, m_quality);

                if (m_mipMaps)
                    int maxSize = Mathf.Max(sizeX, sizeY);
                    for (int mip = 0; mip < MipCount[maxSize]; mip++)
                        CopyToArray(ref t2d, ref textureArray, i, mip, isCompressed);
                    CopyToArray(ref t2d, ref textureArray, i, 0, isCompressed);

   = cache;
            if (m_message.Length > 0)
                m_message = m_message.Substring(0, m_message.Length - 1);

            string         path    = m_folderPath + m_fileName + ".asset";
            Texture2DArray outfile = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(path) as Texture2DArray;

            if (outfile != null)
                EditorUtility.CopySerialized(textureArray, outfile);
                m_lastSaved = outfile;
                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(textureArray, path);
                m_lastSaved = textureArray;
        private void OnGUI()
            using (var c = new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope())
                using (var a = new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope())
                    // Ramp Collection Field
                    rampCollectionRaw = (RampCollectionData)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(rampCollectionLabel,
                                                                                        rampCollectionRaw, typeof(RampCollectionData), false);
                    if (rampCollectionRaw != null)
                        // Create serialized asset mirror if missing
                        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() || rampCollection == null)
                            rampCollection = new SerializedObject(rampCollectionRaw);
                            resolution     = rampCollection.FindProperty(nameof(RampCollectionData.resolution));
                            height         = rampCollection.FindProperty(nameof(RampCollectionData.height));
                            ramps          = rampCollection.FindProperty(nameof(RampCollectionData.ramps));
                        using (var b = new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope())
                            rampCollectionName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(rampCollectionNameLabel, rampCollectionName);
                            if (GUILayout.Button(createNewCollectionLabel))
                                rampCollectionPath = "Assets/Toon Shader URP/Ramp Collections";
                                rampCollectionRaw  = CreateInstance <RampCollectionData>();
                                if (rampCollectionName == null || rampCollectionName.Length == 0)
                                    rampCollectionName     = "New Ramp Collection";
                           = rampCollectionName;
                                Directory.CreateDirectory($"{Application.dataPath}/Toon Shader URP/Ramp Collections");
                                rampCollection = new SerializedObject(rampCollectionRaw);
                                SerializedProperty name = rampCollection.FindProperty(nameof(RampCollectionData.arrayName));
                                resolution = rampCollection.FindProperty(nameof(RampCollectionData.resolution));
                                height     = rampCollection.FindProperty(nameof(RampCollectionData.height));
                                ramps      = rampCollection.FindProperty(nameof(RampCollectionData.ramps));

                                name.stringValue    = rampCollectionName;
                                resolution.intValue = defaultRampResolution;
                                height.intValue     = defaultRowHeight;
                                rampCollection = null;
                                ramps          = null;

                    if (rampCollection != null && ramps != null)
                        resolution.intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField(rampResolutionLabel, resolution.intValue);
                        height.intValue     = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUILayout.IntField(rowHeightLabel, height.intValue), 1, int.MaxValue);

                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp ||
                            (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyUp &&
                             Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return))

                        using (var d = new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope())
                            if (GUILayout.Button(saveRampTextureArrayLabel))
                                Texture2DArray rasterizedRampArray = new Texture2DArray(
                                    resolution.intValue, 1, ramps.arraySize, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false)
                                    wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp,
                                    filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear,
                                    anisoLevel = 0
                                for (int i = 0; i < ramps.arraySize; ++i)
                                    Color32[] arrayRamp = new Color32[resolution.intValue];
                                    for (int j = 0; j < resolution.intValue; ++j)
                                        arrayRamp[j] = rampCollectionRaw.ramps[i].Evaluate((float)j / resolution.intValue);
                                    rasterizedRampArray.SetPixels32(arrayRamp, i);
                                string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject(
                                    "Save Texture Array", defaultRampTextureArrayName, "asset",
                                    "Select a location to save your generated texture array in.");

                                if (path.Length != 0)
                                    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(rasterizedRampArray, path);
                            else if (GUILayout.Button(saveRampTextureAtlasLabel))
                                Texture2D rasterizedRampAtlas = new Texture2D(
                                    resolution.intValue, ramps.arraySize * height.intValue, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false)
                                    wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp,
                                    filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear,
                                    anisoLevel = 0,
                                for (int i = 0; i < ramps.arraySize; ++i)
                                    Color32[] rampRow = new Color32[resolution.intValue];
                                    for (int j = 0; j < resolution.intValue; ++j)
                                        rampRow[j] = rampCollectionRaw.ramps[i].Evaluate((float)j / resolution.intValue);
                                    for (int k = 0; k < height.intValue; ++k)
                                        rasterizedRampAtlas.SetPixels32(0, k + (i * height.intValue), resolution.intValue, 1, rampRow);
                                string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject(
                                    "Save Texture Atlas", defaultRampTextureAtlasName, "png",
                                    "Select a location to save your generated texture atlas in.");

                                if (path.Length != 0)
                                    string localPath = path.Substring("Assets".Length);
                                    RampAtlasPreprocessor.isRampTexture = true;
                                    File.WriteAllBytes($"{Application.dataPath}/{localPath}", rasterizedRampAtlas.EncodeToPNG());
        private Texture2DArray InitTexture2DArray(Stream stream, AssetImportContext ctx)
            TextureFormat format = GetTextureFormat(ctx.selectedBuildTarget, compressed, transparent);

            Texture2DArray array = null;

            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Import Huge Texture", ctx.assetPath, 0);

                array          = new Texture2DArray(pageSize, pageSize, cols * rows, format, false);
                array.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                TextureFormat textureFormat = transparent ? TextureFormat.RGBA32 : TextureFormat.RGB24;
                Texture2D     texture       = new Texture2D(pageSize, pageSize, textureFormat, false);

                BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

                int       colorSize  = GetPixelSize(colorFormat);
                int       bufferSize = pageSize * colorSize * depth / 8;
                Color32[] colors     = new Color32[pageSize * pageSize];

                int lastY = rows * pageSize - 1;

                for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
                        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Import Huge Texture", ctx.assetPath, (row * cols + col) / (float)(cols * rows));

                        for (int y = 0; y < pageSize; y++)
                            int srow = lastY - row * pageSize - y;
                            int scol = col * pageSize;

                            long offset = ((long)srow * originalWidth + scol) * colorSize * depth / 8;
                            stream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                            byte[] buffer = reader.ReadBytes(bufferSize);
                            if (depth == 8)
                                Parse8BitRow(buffer, colors, y);
                                Parse16BitRow(buffer, colors, y);


                        if (compressed)
                            EditorUtility.CompressTexture(texture, format, quality);

                        array.SetPixelData(texture.GetRawTextureData(), 0, row * cols + col);

                        if (compressed)
                            texture = new Texture2D(pageSize, pageSize, textureFormat, false);





        public Texture2D GetTexture2D()
            Texture2D newTexture2D = null;

            if (texture is Cubemap)
                var format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
                if (isHDR)
                    format = TextureFormat.RGBAFloat;
                newTexture2D = new Texture2D(texture.width * 6, texture.height, format, texture.mipmapCount, true);

                for (var mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < texture.mipmapCount; mipLevel++)
                    var width  = (int)(texture.width / Math.Pow(2, mipLevel));
                    var height = (int)(texture.height / Math.Pow(2, mipLevel));

                    var array     = new Texture2DArray(texture.width, texture.height, 6, texture.graphicsFormat, UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags.MipChain);
                    var allPixels = new List <Color[]>();
                    for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        Graphics.CopyTexture(texture, i, array, i);

                        allPixels.Add(array.GetPixels(i, mipLevel));

                    var pixels = new List <Color>();
                    for (var h = 0; h < height; h++)
                        for (var fi = 0; fi < 6; fi++)
                            for (var w = 0; w < width; w++)
                                var colors = allPixels[fi];
                                pixels.Add(colors[w + h * width]);
                    newTexture2D.SetPixels(pixels.ToArray(), mipLevel);
            else if (texture is Texture2D)
                if (!texture.isReadable)
                    newTexture2D = new Texture2D(texture.width, texture.height, texture.graphicsFormat, UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags.MipChain);
                    Graphics.CopyTexture(texture, newTexture2D);
                    newTexture2D = texture as Texture2D;

                if (extName == ".psd")
                    flipY = !flipY;

Exemple #16
    void Start()
        m_Material = render_object.GetComponent <Renderer>().material;

        render_object.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetTexture("_ColorTex", scene_prepare.color_texture);
        render_object.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetTexture("_PosTex", scene_prepare.position_texture);
        render_object.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetTexture("_NormalsTex", scene_prepare.normals_texture);

        render_object.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2.0f * Screen.width / Screen.height, Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2.0f, 0.1f);

        int totalVertexes  = 0;
        int totalTriangles = 0;

        int       object_i = 0;
        const int max_triangles_per_object = 2048;
        const int max_objects = 9;

        float[]     triangles_per_object = new float[max_objects];
        Matrix4x4[] transform_matrices   = new Matrix4x4[max_objects];
        Vector4[]   transform_positions  = new Vector4[max_objects];
        float[]     aabbs  = new float[max_objects * 6];
        Color[]     colors = new Color[max_objects];

        Texture2DArray triangles_tex = new Texture2DArray(max_triangles_per_object, 3, max_objects, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false, true);

        m_Material.SetTexture("_TrianglesTex", triangles_tex);

        Texture2DArray triangle_normals_tex = new Texture2DArray(max_triangles_per_object, 1, max_objects, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false, true);

        m_Material.SetTexture("_TriangleNormalsTex", triangle_normals_tex);

        foreach (MeshFilter mf in FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MeshFilter)))
            if ( == transform.GetChild(0).name)

            print("Name: " +;
            print("Position: " + mf.transform.position);
            print("Transform Matrix: " + mf.transform.localToWorldMatrix);
            print("Vertices: " + mf.sharedMesh.vertexCount);
            print("Triangles: " + mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3);
            print("Normals: " + mf.sharedMesh.normals.Length);
            print("UVs: " + mf.sharedMesh.uv.Length);

            Color[] _triangles = new Color[max_triangles_per_object * 3];
            Color[] _normals   = new Color[max_triangles_per_object];
            for (int i = 0; i < mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3; i++)
                _triangles[i] = new Color(mf.sharedMesh.vertices[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3]].x,
                                          mf.sharedMesh.vertices[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3]].y,
                                          mf.sharedMesh.vertices[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3]].z,
                _triangles[i + max_triangles_per_object] = new Color(mf.sharedMesh.vertices[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3 + 1]].x,
                                                                     mf.sharedMesh.vertices[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3 + 1]].y,
                                                                     mf.sharedMesh.vertices[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3 + 1]].z,
                _triangles[i + max_triangles_per_object * 2] = new Color(mf.sharedMesh.vertices[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3 + 2]].x,
                                                                         mf.sharedMesh.vertices[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3 + 2]].y,
                                                                         mf.sharedMesh.vertices[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3 + 2]].z,

                // HACKY normal calculation
                Vector3 normal = mf.sharedMesh.normals[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3]] + mf.sharedMesh.normals[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3 + 1]] + mf.sharedMesh.normals[mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i * 3 + 2]];
                normal     /= 3.0f;
                _normals[i] = new Color(normal.x,

            triangles_tex.SetPixels(_triangles, object_i);

            triangle_normals_tex.SetPixels(_normals, object_i);

            triangles_per_object[object_i] = mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3;
            transform_matrices[object_i]   = mf.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            transform_positions[object_i]  = mf.transform.position;

            aabbs[object_i * 6]     = mf.sharedMesh.bounds.min.x * 1.1f;
            aabbs[object_i * 6 + 1] = mf.sharedMesh.bounds.min.y * 1.1f;
            aabbs[object_i * 6 + 2] = mf.sharedMesh.bounds.min.z * 1.1f;
            aabbs[object_i * 6 + 3] = mf.sharedMesh.bounds.max.x * 1.1f;
            aabbs[object_i * 6 + 4] = mf.sharedMesh.bounds.max.y * 1.1f;
            aabbs[object_i * 6 + 5] = mf.sharedMesh.bounds.max.z * 1.1f;

            colors[object_i] = mf.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color");

            totalTriangles += mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3;

        m_Material.SetInt("objects", object_i);
        m_Material.SetFloatArray("triangles_per_object", triangles_per_object);
        m_Material.SetMatrixArray("transform_matrices", transform_matrices);
        m_Material.SetVectorArray("transform_positions", transform_positions);
        m_Material.SetFloatArray("aabbs", aabbs);
        m_Material.SetColorArray("object_diffuse_colors", colors);

        print("Total Vertices: " + totalVertexes);
        print("Total Triangles: " + totalTriangles);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets terrain metallic gloss map texture array containing each terrain tile in a seperate array slice.        
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="archive">Archive index.</param>
        /// <param name="stayReadable">Texture should stay readable.</param>
        /// <param name="nonAlphaFormat">Non-alpha TextureFormat.</param>
        /// <returns>Texture2DArray or null</returns>
        public Texture2DArray GetTerrainMetallicGlossMapTextureArray(
            int archive,
            bool stayReadable = false)
            Color32 defaultMetallicGlossColor = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255);
            Color32[] defaultMetallicGlossMap;

            // Load texture file and check count matches terrain tiles
            TextureFile textureFile = new TextureFile(Path.Combine(Arena2Path, TextureFile.IndexToFileName(archive)), FileUsage.UseMemory, true);
            int numSlices = 0;
            if (textureFile.RecordCount == 56)
                numSlices = textureFile.RecordCount;
                return null;

            Texture2DArray textureArray;
            if (!stayReadable && TextureReplacement.TryImportTextureArray(archive, numSlices, TextureMap.MetallicGloss, defaultMetallicGlossColor, out textureArray))
                return textureArray;

            int width;
            int height;

            // try to import first replacement texture for tile archive to determine width and height of replacement texture set (must be the same for all replacement textures for Texture2DArray)
            Texture2D metallicGlossMap;
            if (TextureReplacement.TryImportTexture(archive, 0, 0, TextureMap.MetallicGloss, false, out metallicGlossMap))
                width = metallicGlossMap.width;
                height = metallicGlossMap.height;                
                // create default texture array (1x1 texture)
                width = 1;
                height = 1;

            textureArray = new Texture2DArray(width, height, numSlices, TextureFormat.ARGB32, MipMaps);

            defaultMetallicGlossMap = new Color32[width*height];
            for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
                defaultMetallicGlossMap[i] = defaultMetallicGlossColor;

            // Rollout tiles into texture array
            for (int record = 0; record < textureFile.RecordCount; record++)
                // Import custom texture(s)
                if (!TextureReplacement.TryImportTexture(archive, record, 0, TextureMap.MetallicGloss, false, out metallicGlossMap))
                    metallicGlossMap = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, MipMaps);

                // enforce that all custom metallicgloss map textures have the same dimension (requirement of Texture2DArray)
                if ((metallicGlossMap.width != width) || (metallicGlossMap.height != height))
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Terrain: failed to inject metallicgloss maps for archive {0}, incorrect size at record {1}.", archive, record);
                    return null;

                // Insert into texture array
                textureArray.SetPixels32(metallicGlossMap.GetPixels32(), record, 0);
            textureArray.Apply(true, !stayReadable);

            // Change settings for these textures
            textureArray.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            textureArray.anisoLevel = 8;

            return textureArray;
    public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] props)
        if (GUI.enabled == false)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You must edit the template material, not the instance being used", MessageType.Info);
        EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); // sync materials
        Material       targetMat = as Material;
        Texture2DArray diff      = targetMat.GetTexture("_Diffuse") as Texture2DArray;

        // must unpack everything before the generator draws- otherwise we get IMGUI errors
        for (int i = 0; i < compiler.extensions.Count; ++i)
            var ext = compiler.extensions[i];

        string shaderName =;


        EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); // needs compile

        if (MicroSplatUtilities.DrawRollup("Shader Generator"))
            shaderName = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField(CShaderName, shaderName);

            if (DrawRenderLoopGUI(targetMat))
                needsCompile = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < compiler.extensions.Count; ++i)
                var e = compiler.extensions[i];
                if (e.GetVersion() == MicroSplatVersion)
                    //using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope(
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Extension : " + e + " is version " + e.GetVersion() + " and MicroSplat is version " + MicroSplatVersion + ", please update", MessageType.Error);

            for (int i = 0; i < availableRenderLoops.Count; ++i)
                var rl = availableRenderLoops[i];
                if (rl.GetVersion() != MicroSplatVersion)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Render Loop : " + rl.GetDisplayName() + " is version " + rl.GetVersion() + " and MicroSplat is version " + MicroSplatVersion + ", please update", MessageType.Error);
        needsCompile = needsCompile || EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck();

        int featureCount = targetMat.shaderKeywords.Length;

        // note, ideally we wouldn't draw the GUI for the rest of stuff if we need to compile.
        // But we can't really do that without causing IMGUI to split warnings about
        // mismatched GUILayout blocks
        if (!needsCompile)
            for (int i = 0; i < compiler.extensions.Count; ++i)
                var ext = compiler.extensions[i];
                if (ext.GetVersion() == MicroSplatVersion)
                    ext.DrawShaderGUI(this, targetMat, materialEditor, props);
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Extension : " + ext + " is version " + ext.GetVersion() + " and MicroSplat is version " + MicroSplatVersion + ", please update so that all modules are using the same version.", MessageType.Error);

            if (diff != null && MicroSplatUtilities.DrawRollup("Per Texture Properties"))
                var propTex = FindOrCreatePropTex(targetMat);
                perTexIndex = MicroSplatUtilities.DrawTextureSelector(perTexIndex, diff);
                for (int i = 0; i < compiler.extensions.Count; ++i)
                    var ext = compiler.extensions[i];
                    if (ext.GetVersion() == MicroSplatVersion)
                        ext.DrawPerTextureGUI(perTexIndex, targetMat, propTex);

        if (!needsCompile)
            if (featureCount != targetMat.shaderKeywords.Length)
                needsCompile = true;

        int arraySampleCount   = 0;
        int textureSampleCount = 0;
        int maxSamples         = 0;
        int tessSamples        = 0;
        int depTexReadLevel    = 0;

        builder.Length = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < compiler.extensions.Count; ++i)
            var ext = compiler.extensions[i];
            if (ext.GetVersion() == MicroSplatVersion)
                ext.ComputeSampleCounts(targetMat.shaderKeywords, ref arraySampleCount, ref textureSampleCount, ref maxSamples, ref tessSamples, ref depTexReadLevel);
        if (MicroSplatUtilities.DrawRollup("Debug"))
            string shaderModel = compiler.GetShaderModel(targetMat.shaderKeywords);
            builder.Append("Shader Model : ");
            if (maxSamples != arraySampleCount)
                builder.Append("Texture Array Samples : ");

                builder.Append("Regular Samples : ");
                builder.Append("Texture Array Samples : ");
                builder.Append("Regular Samples : ");
            if (tessSamples > 0)
                builder.Append("Tessellation Samples : ");
            if (depTexReadLevel > 0)
                builder.AppendLine(" areas with dependent texture reads");

            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(builder.ToString(), MessageType.Info);

        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && !needsCompile)

        if (needsCompile)
            needsCompile             = false;
            targetMat.shaderKeywords = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < compiler.extensions.Count; ++i)
            if (compiler.renderLoop != null)

            // horrible workaround to GUI warning issues
            compileMat     = targetMat;
            compileName    = shaderName;
            targetCompiler = compiler;
            EditorApplication.delayCall += TriggerCompile;
        private void BuildArray()
            int sizeX = m_sizes[m_selectedSizeX];
            int sizeY = m_sizes[m_selectedSizeY];

            Texture2DArray textureArray = new Texture2DArray(sizeX, sizeY, m_allTextures.Count, m_formats[m_selectedFormat], m_mipMaps, m_linearMode);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_allTextures.Count; i++)
                // build report
                int widthChanges = m_allTextures[i].width <sizeX ? -1 : m_allTextures[i].width> sizeX ? 1 : 0;
                int heightChanges = m_allTextures[i].height <sizeY ? -1 : m_allTextures[i].height> sizeY ? 1 : 0;
                if ((widthChanges < 0 && heightChanges <= 0) || (widthChanges <= 0 && heightChanges < 0))
                    m_message += m_allTextures[i].name + " was upscaled\n";
                else if ((widthChanges > 0 && heightChanges >= 0) || (widthChanges >= 0 && heightChanges > 0))
                    m_message += m_allTextures[i].name + " was downscaled\n";
                else if ((widthChanges > 0 && heightChanges < 0) || (widthChanges < 0 && heightChanges > 0))
                    m_message += m_allTextures[i].name + " changed dimensions\n";

                // blit image to upscale or downscale the image to any size
                RenderTexture rt    = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(sizeX, sizeY, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default, 8);
                RenderTexture cache =;
       = rt;
                bool cachedsrgb = GL.sRGBWrite;
                GL.sRGBWrite = true;
                Graphics.Blit(m_allTextures[i], rt);
                GL.sRGBWrite = cachedsrgb;
                Texture2D t2d = new Texture2D(sizeX, sizeY);
                t2d.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, sizeX, sizeY), 0, 0);
       = cache;
                textureArray.SetPixels(t2d.GetPixels(0), i, 0);

            if (m_message.Length > 0)
                m_message = m_message.Substring(0, m_message.Length - 1);

            textureArray.wrapMode   = m_wrapMode;
            textureArray.filterMode = m_filterMode;
            textureArray.anisoLevel = m_anisoLevel;

            string         path    = m_folderPath + m_fileName + ".asset";
            Texture2DArray outfile = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(path) as Texture2DArray;

            if (outfile != null)
                EditorUtility.CopySerialized(textureArray, outfile);
                m_lastSaved = outfile;
                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(textureArray, path);
                m_lastSaved = textureArray;
Exemple #20
        public static void GetShaderArrays(out Texture2DArray texArray, out Matrix4x4[] worldToCameraMatrixArray, out Matrix4x4[] projectionMatrixArray)
            string[]   clippedTexFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Constants.Folders.ClippedRoomTextureFolderPath);
            string[]   cameraLocFiles  = Directory.GetFiles(Constants.Folders.CameraLocationFolderPath);
            Resolution camRes          = Constants.Camera.CameraResolution();
            Resolution downgradedRes   = GetDowngradedResolution(camRes);

            int numLegitimateTextureFiles = 0;

            foreach (string texFile in clippedTexFiles)
                string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(texFile);
                if (!fileExtension.Equals(Constants.Suffixes.FileSuffix_PNG) &&


            if (clippedTexFiles.Length > 0)
                texArray = new Texture2DArray(downgradedRes.width, downgradedRes.height, numLegitimateTextureFiles, Constants.Camera.Format, false);
                texArray = null;
            worldToCameraMatrixArray = new Matrix4x4[cameraLocFiles.Length];
            projectionMatrixArray    = new Matrix4x4[cameraLocFiles.Length];

            int arrayIndex = 0;

            foreach (string texFile in clippedTexFiles)
                string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(texFile);
                if (!fileExtension.Equals(Constants.Suffixes.FileSuffix_PNG) &&

                // ERROR TESTING REMOVE
                // Adjust the texture filepath to ready it for loading by Resources.Load, which requires a relative path with NO file extension
                //string correctFilepath = Constants.Folders.ClippedRoomTextureFolderPath_Load + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(texFile);

                Texture2D tex           = LoadTexture.Load(texFile);
                Texture2D downgradedTex = DowngradeTexture(tex, downgradedRes);

                // copy texture into texture array
                texArray.SetPixels32(downgradedTex.GetPixels32(), arrayIndex);

                // ERROR TESTING REMOVE
                //Graphics.CopyTexture(downgradedTex, 0, 0, texArray, arrayIndex, 0);

                CameraLocation camLoc = CameraLocation.Load(Constants.Folders.CameraLocationFolderPath + FileNameTranslator.ClippedTextureToCameraLocation(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(texFile)) + Constants.Suffixes.FileSuffix_CameraLocation);

                if (camLoc != null)
                    worldToCameraMatrixArray[arrayIndex] = camLoc.WorldToCameraTransform;
                    projectionMatrixArray[arrayIndex]    = camLoc.ProjectionTransform;

Exemple #21
        public override void Draw(DrawInfo drawInfo)

            if (m_isEditingPicker && m_drawPicker)
                Rect hitRect = m_previewRect;
                hitRect.height = 14 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
                hitRect.y      = m_previewRect.yMax - hitRect.height;
                hitRect.width  = 4 * 14 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;

                bool restoreMouse = false;
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && hitRect.Contains(drawInfo.MousePosition))
                    restoreMouse       = true;
                    Event.current.type = EventType.Ignore;

                m_colorBuffer = GUI.color;
                GUI.color     = Color.clear;
                if (m_materialMode)
                    m_materialTextureArray = EditorGUIObjectField(m_previewRect, m_materialTextureArray, typeof(Texture2DArray), false) as Texture2DArray;
                    m_defaultTextureArray = EditorGUIObjectField(m_previewRect, m_defaultTextureArray, typeof(Texture2DArray), false) as Texture2DArray;
                GUI.color = m_colorBuffer;

                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    SetAdditonalTitleText(string.Format(Constants.PropertyValueLabel, GetPropertyValStr()));
                    m_requireMaterialUpdate = true;

                if (restoreMouse)
                    Event.current.type = EventType.MouseDown;

                if ((drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.MouseDown || drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.MouseUp))
                    DrawPreviewMaskButtonsLayout(drawInfo, m_previewRect);

            if (drawInfo.CurrentEventType != EventType.Repaint)

            switch (m_state)
            case ReferenceState.Self:
                if (drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.Repaint)
                    m_drawPreview = false;
                    m_drawPicker  = true;


            case ReferenceState.Connected:
                if (drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.Repaint)
                    m_drawPreview = true;
                    m_drawPicker  = false;

                    if (m_previewTextProp != null)
                        SetTitleTextOnCallback(m_previewTextProp.TitleContent.text, (instance, newTitle) => instance.TitleContent.text = newTitle + " (Input)");

                    // Draw chain lock
                    GUI.Label(m_iconPos, string.Empty, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerTextureIcon));

                    // Draw frame around preview
                    GUI.Label(m_previewRect, string.Empty, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerFrame));

            case ReferenceState.Instance:
                m_drawPreview = true;
                m_drawPicker  = false;

                if (m_referenceSampler != null)
                    SetTitleTextOnCallback(m_referenceSampler.PreviewTextProp.TitleContent.text, (instance, newTitle) => instance.TitleContent.text = newTitle + Constants.InstancePostfixStr);

                // Draw chain lock
                GUI.Label(m_iconPos, string.Empty, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerTextureIcon));

                // Draw frame around preview
                GUI.Label(m_previewRect, string.Empty, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerFrame));
    public void CreateStyleShapes()
        string fileNormal     = TextureFolder + "/Normal/normal_{0:000}";
        string fileAO         = TextureFolder + "/AO/ao_{0:000}";
        string fileBlindsMask = TextureFolder + "/BlindsGradient/depth_{0:000}";
        string mask           = TextureFolder + "/Mask/diff_{0:000}";
        string depth          = TextureFolder + "/Depth/depth_{0:000}";

        Texture2DArray textureArray = new Texture2DArray(size, size, slices * 2, compressionFormat, true, true);

        for (int i = 0; i < slices; i++)
            string filename    = string.Format(fileNormal, i + 1);
            string filenameAO  = string.Format(fileAO, i + 1);
            string filenameAdd = string.Format(fileBlindsMask, i + 1);
            Debug.Log("Loading " + filename);
            Texture2D tex    = (Texture2D)Resources.Load(filename);
            Texture2D texAO  = (Texture2D)Resources.Load(filenameAO);
            Texture2D texAdd = (Texture2D)Resources.Load(filenameAdd);

            Texture2D scaleTex     = scaled(tex, size, size, 0);
            Texture2D scaleTexAO   = scaled(texAO, size, size, 0);
            Texture2D scaleTexAdd  = scaled(texAdd, size, size, 0);
            Color[]   texCol       = scaleTex.GetPixels(0);
            Color[]   texColAO     = scaleTexAO.GetPixels(0);
            Color[]   texColAdd    = scaleTexAdd.GetPixels(0);
            Color[]   texComposite = texCol;
            for (int j = 0; j < texCol.Length; j++)
                texComposite[j] = new Color(texCol[j].r, texCol[j].g, texColAdd[j].r, texColAO[j].r);
            Texture2D final = new Texture2D(size, size, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);

            EditorUtility.CompressTexture(final, compressionFormat, 100);

            for (int mip = 0; mip < MipCount[size]; mip++)
                Graphics.CopyTexture(final, 0, mip, textureArray, i, mip);

            string filenameMask  = string.Format(mask, i + 1);
            string filenameDepth = string.Format(depth, i + 1);
            Debug.Log("Loading " + filenameMask);
            tex   = (Texture2D)Resources.Load(filenameMask);
            texAO = (Texture2D)Resources.Load(filenameDepth);

            scaleTex     = scaled(tex, size, size, 0);
            scaleTexAO   = scaled(texAO, size, size, 0);
            texCol       = scaleTex.GetPixels(0);
            texColAO     = scaleTexAO.GetPixels(0);
            texComposite = texCol;
            for (int j = 0; j < texCol.Length; j++)
                texComposite[j] = new Color(texColAO[j].b, texCol[j].g, texCol[j].b, texColAO[j].r);

            final = new Texture2D(size, size, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);

            EditorUtility.CompressTexture(final, compressionFormat, 100);

            for (int mip = 0; mip < MipCount[size]; mip++)
                Graphics.CopyTexture(final, 0, mip, textureArray, i + slices, mip);
        System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("Assets/CScape/Editor/Resources/TextureArrays/" + TextureFolder);
        string path = "Assets/CScape/Editor/Resources/TextureArrays/" + TextureFolder + "/NormaltextureArray.asset";

        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(textureArray, path);
        Debug.Log("Saved asset to " + path);
        normalArray = Resources.Load("TextureArrays/" + TextureFolder + "/NormaltextureArray") as Texture2DArray;
        cityMaterial.SetTexture("_MaskTexArray", normalArray);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Unity Material from Daggerfall terrain using texture arrays.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="archive">Archive index.</param>
        /// <returns>Material or null.</returns>
        public Material GetTerrainTextureArrayMaterial(int archive)
            // Ready check
            if (!IsReady)

            // Return from cache if present
            int key = MakeTextureKey((short)archive, (byte)0, (byte)0, TileMapKeyGroup);

            if (materialDict.ContainsKey(key))
                CachedMaterial cm = GetMaterialFromCache(key);
                if (cm.filterMode == MainFilterMode)
                    // Properties are the same
                    // Properties don't match, remove material and reload

            // Generate texture array
            Texture2DArray textureArrayTerrainTiles              = textureReader.GetTerrainTextureArray(archive, TextureMap.Albedo);
            Texture2DArray textureArrayTerrainTilesNormalMap     = textureReader.GetTerrainTextureArray(archive, TextureMap.Normal);
            Texture2DArray textureArrayTerrainTilesParallaxMap   = textureReader.GetTerrainTextureArray(archive, TextureMap.Height);
            Texture2DArray textureArrayTerrainTilesMetallicGloss = textureReader.GetTerrainTextureArray(archive, TextureMap.MetallicGloss);

            textureArrayTerrainTiles.filterMode = MainFilterMode;

            Shader   shader   = Shader.Find(_DaggerfallTilemapTextureArrayShaderName);
            Material material = new Material(shader);

   = string.Format("TEXTURE.{0:000} [TilemapTextureArray]", archive);

            material.SetTexture(TileTexArrUniforms.TileTexArr, textureArrayTerrainTiles);
            if (textureArrayTerrainTilesNormalMap != null)
                // If normal map texture array was loaded successfully enable _NORMALMAP in shader and set texture
                material.SetTexture(TileTexArrUniforms.TileNormalMapTexArr, textureArrayTerrainTilesNormalMap);
                //textureArrayTerrainTilesNormalMap.filterMode = MainFilterMode;
            if (textureArrayTerrainTilesParallaxMap != null)
                // If parallax map texture array was loaded successfully enable _PARALLAXMAP in shader and set texture
                material.SetTexture(TileTexArrUniforms.TileParallaxMapTexArr, textureArrayTerrainTilesParallaxMap);
                //textureArrayTerrainTilesParallaxMap.filterMode = MainFilterMode;
            if (textureArrayTerrainTilesMetallicGloss != null)
                // If metallic gloss map texture array was loaded successfully enable _METALLICGLOSSMAP in shader and set texture
                material.SetTexture(TileTexArrUniforms.TileMetallicGlossMapTexArr, textureArrayTerrainTilesMetallicGloss);
                material.SetFloat(Uniforms.Smoothness, 0.35f);
                //textureArrayTerrainTilesMetallicGloss.filterMode = MainFilterMode;

            CachedMaterial newcm = new CachedMaterial()
                key        = key,
                keyGroup   = TileMapKeyGroup,
                material   = material,
                filterMode = MainFilterMode,

            materialDict.Add(key, newcm);

Exemple #24
    public void Load()
        // ------------------ CONFIGURATION DATA ---------------------------------
        Debug.Log("Loading Quantum System Configuration.");
        ImportData importData = JsonUtility.FromJson <ImportData>(systemConfig.ToString());

        numberOfStates = importData.numberOfStates;
        energyLevels   = new float[numberOfStates];
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++)
            energyLevels[i] = (float)importData.energyLevels[i];
        resolution     = importData.resolution;
        length         = (float)importData.length;
        mass           = (float)importData.mass;
        potentialMin   = (float)importData.potentialMin;
        potentialMax   = (float)importData.potentialMax;
        dx             = length / (resolution - 1);
        stateChannels  = importData.statesAtlasChannels;
        numberOfStates = Mathf.Min(numberOfStates, stateChannels * MaterialController.instance.shaderMaxReservedIndex);

        qMath = new QMath(resolution, length);

        // ------------------- POTENTAL ----------------------------
        potentialTexture = new Texture2D(resolution, resolution, TextureFormat.RFloat, false);
        Color[] textureData = potentialTextureEXR.GetPixels(0);

        float maximumPotentialCompressed = 0.0f;
        float potentialValue;

        for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < resolution; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < importData.potentialAtlasChannels; k++)
                    potentialValue = 0.5f * (1.0f + Mathf.Log(textureData[j + i * resolution][k]));
                    textureData[j + i * resolution][k] = potentialValue;
                    if (potentialValue > maximumPotentialCompressed)
                        maximumPotentialCompressed = potentialValue;

        // the only reason the EXR does not fill the potential range is if
        // the potenital is constant every where. in that case the potentialMax
        // would have been set to potentialMin + 1 to avoid division by zero.
        if (maximumPotentialCompressed < 0.1f)
            potentialMax = potentialMin;

        potentialTexture.SetPixels(textureData, 0);
        MaterialController.currentMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", potentialTexture);

        // ------------------- STATES ----------------------------
        // load state data to states
        textureData = statesTextureEXR.GetPixels(0);

        int stateIndex = 0;

        // initalize states
        states = new float[numberOfStates][, ];
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++)
            states[i] = new float[resolution, resolution];

        // get states data from EXR texture and decode by takig the Log
        // read in textures from grid red channel to green channel, left to right, top to bottom
        for (int grid_i = importData.statesAtlasGrid - 1; grid_i >= 0; grid_i--)
            for (int grid_j = 0; grid_j < importData.statesAtlasGrid; grid_j++)
                for (int grid_c = 0; grid_c < stateChannels; grid_c++)
                    for (int pixel_i = 0; pixel_i < resolution; pixel_i++)
                        for (int pixel_j = 0; pixel_j < resolution; pixel_j++)
                            states[stateIndex][pixel_i, pixel_j] = Mathf.Log(textureData[pixel_j + resolution * (grid_j + importData.statesAtlasGrid * (pixel_i + grid_i * resolution))][grid_c]);

                    if (stateIndex >= numberOfStates)
                        break;                               // cascading breaks
                if (stateIndex >= numberOfStates)
                    break;                               // cascading breaks
            if (stateIndex >= numberOfStates)
                break;                               // cascading breaks

        if (numberOfStates % stateChannels != 0)
            Debug.LogError("Error: " + numberOfStates + " quantum states can not fit into an integer number of " + importData.statesAtlasChannels + " channel textures.");

        // pack states as triplets in a color texture2DArray
        maxTextureLayer = numberOfStates / stateChannels;
        statesTexture   = new Texture2DArray(resolution, resolution, maxTextureLayer, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);
        for (int layer = 0; layer < maxTextureLayer; layer++)
            Color[] tempState = new Color[resolution * resolution];

            for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < resolution; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < stateChannels; k++)
                        tempState[j + i * resolution][k] = states[k + layer * stateChannels][i, j];

            statesTexture.SetPixels(tempState, layer);
        MaterialController.currentMaterial.SetTexture("_States", statesTexture);
        MaterialController.currentMaterial.SetInt("_MaxIndex", maxTextureLayer);
        Debug.Log("Texture Loaded!");
        public void ApplyTexture(Texture2DArray texture2DArray, List <Matrix4x4> world2cameraList, List <Matrix4x4> projectionMatrixList)
            Mesh mesh = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;

            Vector3[] vertecs  = mesh.vertices;
            int       photoNum = world2cameraList.Count;

            var uvArray = new float[vertecs.Length * 2 * photoNum];

            var textureIdxArray = new int[vertecs.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < uvArray.Length; i++)
                uvArray[i] = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertecs.Length; i++)
                textureIdxArray[i] = -1;

            int vertecsIdx = 0;

            foreach (var v in vertecs)
                int   textureIdx = -1;
                float score      = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < photoNum; i++)
                    Vector3 worldSpacePosition = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z));

                    Matrix4x4 world2CameraMatrix = world2cameraList[i];
                    Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix   = projectionMatrixList[i];

                    Vector3 cameraSpacePosition = world2CameraMatrix.MultiplyPoint(worldSpacePosition);

                    if (0 <= cameraSpacePosition.z)

                    //(あの空間のことをhomogeneous coordinatesっていうところもあるみたいだけど。
                    //同次座標って意味だとなんか違うのでprojected spaceとかにしておきます。)

                    Vector3 projectedSpacePosition = projectionMatrix.MultiplyPoint(cameraSpacePosition);

                    Vector2 projectedPanelPosition = new Vector2(projectedSpacePosition.x, projectedSpacePosition.y);

                    if (float.IsNaN(projectedPanelPosition.x) || float.IsNaN(projectedPanelPosition.y))

                    if (Mathf.Abs(projectedPanelPosition.x) <= 1f && Mathf.Abs(projectedPanelPosition.y) <= 1f)
                        Vector2 normalizedProjectPosition = 0.5f * + 0.5f * projectedPanelPosition;

                        if (CameraManager.Instance.CorrespondingPositionInTexture(normalizedProjectPosition))
                            Vector2 uvPos    = CameraManager.Instance.ConvertTexturePoint(normalizedProjectPosition);
                            float   newScore = 10 - Mathf.Abs(uvPos.x - 0.5f) - Mathf.Abs(uvPos.y - 0.5f);
                            if (score < newScore)
                                score      = newScore;
                                textureIdx = i;

                            uvArray[2 * vertecsIdx * photoNum + 2 * i]     = uvPos.x;
                            uvArray[2 * vertecsIdx * photoNum + 2 * i + 1] = uvPos.y;

                textureIdxArray[vertecsIdx] = textureIdx;
            }//foreach (var v in vertecs)

            if (vertecs.Length == 0)

            Material material = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material;

            uvBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(vertecs.Length * photoNum, sizeof(float) * 2);
            material.SetBuffer("_UVArray", uvBuffer);

            textureIndexBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(textureIdxArray.Length, sizeof(int));
            material.SetBuffer("_TextureIdxArray", textureIndexBuffer);

            material.SetInt("_TextureCount", photoNum);
            material.SetTexture("_TextureArray", texture2DArray);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Unity Material from Daggerfall terrain using texture arrays.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="archive">Archive index.</param>
        /// <returns>Material or null.</returns>
        public Material GetTerrainTextureArrayMaterial(int archive)
            // Ready check
            if (!IsReady)

            // Return from cache if present
            int key = MakeTextureKey((short)archive, (byte)0, (byte)0, TileMapKeyGroup);

            if (materialDict.ContainsKey(key))
                CachedMaterial cm = materialDict[key];
                if (cm.filterMode == MainFilterMode)
                    // Properties are the same
                    // Properties don't match, remove material and reload

            // Generate texture array
            Texture2DArray textureArrayTerrainTiles              = textureReader.GetTerrainAlbedoTextureArray(archive);
            Texture2DArray textureArrayTerrainTilesNormalMap     = textureReader.GetTerrainNormalMapTextureArray(archive);
            Texture2DArray textureArrayTerrainTilesMetallicGloss = textureReader.GetTerrainMetallicGlossMapTextureArray(archive);

            textureArrayTerrainTiles.filterMode = MainFilterMode;

            Shader   shader   = Shader.Find(_DaggerfallTilemapTextureArrayShaderName);
            Material material = new Material(shader);

   = string.Format("TEXTURE.{0:000} [TilemapTextureArray]", archive);

            material.SetTexture("_TileTexArr", textureArrayTerrainTiles);
            if (textureArrayTerrainTilesNormalMap != null)
                // if normal map texture array was loaded successfully enable normalmap in shader and set texture
                material.SetTexture("_TileNormalMapTexArr", textureArrayTerrainTilesNormalMap);
            if (textureArrayTerrainTilesMetallicGloss != null)
                // if metallic gloss map texture array was loaded successfully set texture (should always contain a valid texture array - since it defaults to 1x1 textures)
                material.SetTexture("_TileMetallicGlossMapTexArr", textureArrayTerrainTilesMetallicGloss);

            CachedMaterial newcm = new CachedMaterial()
                key        = key,
                keyGroup   = TileMapKeyGroup,
                material   = material,
                filterMode = MainFilterMode,

            materialDict.Add(key, newcm);

        public override void Draw(DrawInfo drawInfo)
            if (m_forceSamplerUpdate)
                m_forceSamplerUpdate = false;
                m_referenceSampler   = UIUtils.GetNode(m_referenceNodeId) as TextureArrayNode;
                m_referenceArrayId   = UIUtils.GetTextureArrayNodeRegisterId(m_referenceNodeId);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())

            bool instanced = CheckReference();

            if (m_referenceType == TexReferenceType.Instance && m_referenceSampler != null)
                SetTitleText(m_referenceSampler.PropertyInspectorName + Constants.InstancePostfixStr);

            if (m_tittleOverlayIndex == -1)
                m_tittleOverlayIndex = Array.IndexOf <GUIStyle>(,"ObjectFieldThumbOverlay"));

            m_titleOverlay =[m_tittleOverlayIndex];

            int fontSizeUpper = m_titleOverlay.fontSize;

            Rect newRect = m_globalPosition;

            newRect.width  = (128) * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
            newRect.height = (128) * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
            newRect.x      = m_previewRect.x;
            newRect.y      = m_previewRect.y;

            m_titleOverlay.fontSize = ( int )(9 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom);

            Rect smallButton = newRect;

            smallButton.height = 14 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
            smallButton.y      = newRect.yMax - smallButton.height - 2;
            smallButton.width  = 40 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
            smallButton.x      = newRect.xMax - smallButton.width - 2;

            m_showPreview = true;

            if (instanced)
                DrawPreview(drawInfo, m_previewRect);

                if (GUI.Button(newRect, string.Empty, GUIStyle.none))
                    UIUtils.FocusOnNode(m_referenceSampler, 1, true);

                if (m_materialMode)
                    if (m_materialTextureArray == null)
                        GUI.Box(newRect, "", UIUtils.ObjectFieldThumb);

                        Color temp = GUI.color;
                        GUI.color = Color.clear;
                        m_materialTextureArray = EditorGUIObjectField(newRect, m_materialTextureArray, typeof(Texture2DArray), false) as Texture2DArray;
                        GUI.color = temp;

                        GUI.Button(smallButton, "Select", UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerButton));
                        if (ContainerGraph.LodLevel <= ParentGraph.NodeLOD.LOD2)
                            GUI.Label(newRect, "None (Texture2DArray)", UIUtils.ObjectFieldThumbOverlay);
                        Rect butRect = m_previewRect;
                        butRect.y -= 1;
                        butRect.x += 1;

                        Rect hitRect = butRect;
                        hitRect.height = 14 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
                        hitRect.y      = butRect.yMax - hitRect.height;
                        hitRect.width  = 4 * 14 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;

                        Color temp = GUI.color;
                        GUI.color = Color.clear;
                        bool restoreMouse = false;
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown && hitRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            restoreMouse       = true;
                            Event.current.type = EventType.ignore;

                        m_materialTextureArray = EditorGUIObjectField(newRect, m_materialTextureArray, typeof(Texture2DArray), false) as Texture2DArray;
                        if (restoreMouse)
                            Event.current.type = EventType.mouseDown;

                        GUI.color = temp;

                        DrawPreview(drawInfo, m_previewRect);
                        DrawPreviewMaskButtons(drawInfo, butRect);

                        GUI.Box(newRect, string.Empty, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerFrame));
                        GUI.Box(smallButton, "Select", UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerButton));
                    if (m_defaultTextureArray == null)
                        GUI.Box(newRect, "", UIUtils.ObjectFieldThumb);

                        Color temp = GUI.color;
                        GUI.color             = Color.clear;
                        m_defaultTextureArray = EditorGUIObjectField(newRect, m_defaultTextureArray, typeof(Texture2DArray), false) as Texture2DArray;
                        GUI.color             = temp;

                        GUI.Button(smallButton, "Select", UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerButton));
                        if (ContainerGraph.LodLevel <= ParentGraph.NodeLOD.LOD2)
                            GUI.Label(newRect, "None (Texture2DArray)", UIUtils.ObjectFieldThumbOverlay);
                        Rect butRect = m_previewRect;
                        butRect.y -= 1;
                        butRect.x += 1;

                        Rect hitRect = butRect;
                        hitRect.height = 14 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;
                        hitRect.y      = butRect.yMax - hitRect.height;
                        hitRect.width  = 4 * 14 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom;

                        Color temp = GUI.color;
                        GUI.color = Color.clear;
                        bool restoreMouse = false;
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown && hitRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            restoreMouse       = true;
                            Event.current.type = EventType.ignore;

                        m_defaultTextureArray = EditorGUIObjectField(newRect, m_defaultTextureArray, typeof(Texture2DArray), false) as Texture2DArray;
                        if (restoreMouse)
                            Event.current.type = EventType.mouseDown;

                        GUI.color = temp;

                        DrawPreview(drawInfo, m_previewRect);
                        DrawPreviewMaskButtons(drawInfo, butRect);

                        GUI.Box(newRect, string.Empty, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerFrame));
                        GUI.Box(smallButton, "Select", UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerButton));

                //if ( m_materialMode )
                //	m_materialTextureArray = ( Texture2DArray ) EditorGUI.ObjectField( newRect, m_materialTextureArray, typeof( Texture2DArray ), false );
                //	m_defaultTextureArray = ( Texture2DArray ) EditorGUI.ObjectField( newRect, m_defaultTextureArray, typeof( Texture2DArray ), false );

                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    SetAdditonalTitleText(string.Format(Constants.PropertyValueLabel, GetPropertyValStr()));
                    m_requireMaterialUpdate = true;

                m_titleOverlay.fontSize = fontSizeUpper;
Exemple #28
    void GenerateArrays()
        int AlbedoSize  = 256;
        int MipMapCount = 10;

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            if (Textures[i + 1].Albedo.width > AlbedoSize)
                AlbedoSize  = Textures[i + 1].Albedo.width;
                MipMapCount = Textures[i + 1].Albedo.mipmapCount;
            if (Textures[i + 1].Albedo.height > AlbedoSize)
                AlbedoSize  = Textures[i + 1].Albedo.height;
                MipMapCount = Textures[i + 1].Albedo.mipmapCount;

        Texture2DArray AlbedoArray = new Texture2DArray(AlbedoSize, AlbedoSize, 8, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            if (Textures[i + 1].Albedo.width <= 4 && Textures[i + 1].Albedo.height <= 4)

            if (Textures[i + 1].Albedo.width != AlbedoSize || Textures[i + 1].Albedo.height != AlbedoSize)
                //Debug.Log("Rescale texture from" + Textures[i + 1].Albedo.width + "x" + Textures[i + 1].Albedo.height + " to: " + AlbedoSize);
                Textures[i + 1].Albedo = TextureScale.Bilinear(Textures[i + 1].Albedo, AlbedoSize, AlbedoSize);

            //if (i == 0)
            //	MipMapCount = Textures[i + 1].Albedo.mipmapCount;

            if (MipMapCount != Textures[i + 1].Albedo.mipmapCount)
                Debug.LogWarning("Wrong mipmap Count: " + Textures[i + 1].Albedo.mipmapCount + " for texture" + Textures[i + 1].AlbedoPath);
            for (int m = 0; m < MipMapCount; m++)
                AlbedoArray.SetPixels(Textures[i + 1].Albedo.GetPixels(m), i, m);

        //AlbedoArray.mipMapBias = 0.5f;
        AlbedoArray.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        AlbedoArray.anisoLevel = 4;
        AlbedoArray.mipMapBias = 0.0f;

        TerrainMaterial.SetTexture("_SplatAlbedoArray", AlbedoArray);

        AlbedoSize = 256;

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            if (Textures[i + 1].Normal == null)
            if (Textures[i + 1].Normal.width > AlbedoSize)
                AlbedoSize = Textures[i + 1].Normal.width;
            if (Textures[i + 1].Normal.height > AlbedoSize)
                AlbedoSize = Textures[i + 1].Normal.height;

        Texture2DArray NormalArray = new Texture2DArray(AlbedoSize, AlbedoSize, 8, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            if (Textures[i + 1].Normal == null)

            if (Textures[i + 1].Normal.width != 1024 || Textures[i + 1].Normal.height != 1024)
                Textures[i + 1].Normal = TextureScale.Bilinear(Textures[i + 1].Normal, AlbedoSize, AlbedoSize);

            for (int m = 0; m < Textures[i + 1].Normal.mipmapCount; m++)
                NormalArray.SetPixels(Textures[i + 1].Normal.GetPixels(m), i, m);

        //NormalArray.mipMapBias = -0.5f;
        NormalArray.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        NormalArray.anisoLevel = 2;

        TerrainMaterial.SetTexture("_SplatNormalArray", NormalArray);
        void DrawScatterGUI()
            if (MicroSplatUtilities.DrawRollup("Brush Settings"))
                brushSize    = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Brush Size", brushSize, 0.01f, 30.0f);
                brushFlow    = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Brush Flow", brushFlow, 0.1f, 128.0f);
                brushFalloff = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Brush Falloff", brushFalloff, 0.1f, 3.5f);

                Material tempMat = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < rawTerrains.Count; ++i)
                    Terrain           t   = rawTerrains [i];
                    MicroSplatTerrain mst = t.GetComponent <MicroSplatTerrain> ();
                    if (mst != null)
                        if (mst.templateMaterial != null && mst.templateMaterial.HasProperty("_ScatterDiffuse"))
                            Texture2DArray diff = mst.templateMaterial.GetTexture("_ScatterDiffuse") as Texture2DArray;
                            scatterIndex = MicroSplatUtilities.DrawTextureSelector(scatterIndex, diff, false);
                            tempMat      = mst.templateMaterial;
                            scatterIndex = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Scatter Index", scatterIndex);
                        scatterIndex = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Scatter Index", scatterIndex);

                //EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider (CSlopeRange, ref slopeRange.x, ref slopeRange.y, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                paintValue = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Target Opacity", paintValue, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                if (tempMat != null)
                    scatterLayer = (ScatterLayer)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(CScatterLayer, scatterLayer);

                    using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope(
                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Per Texture Properties");
                        bool changed = MicroSplatScatter.DrawPerTexExternal(tempMat, scatterIndex);
                        // sync compile changes
                        if (changed)
                            MicroSplatShaderGUI.MicroSplatCompiler comp = new MicroSplatShaderGUI.MicroSplatCompiler();
                        // sync property changes
                        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                GUILayout.Box("", new GUILayoutOption [] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Height(1) });
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets terrain normal map texture array containing each terrain tile in a seperate array slice.        
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="archive">Archive index.</param>
        /// <param name="stayReadable">Texture should stay readable.</param>
        /// <param name="nonAlphaFormat">Non-alpha TextureFormat.</param>
        /// <returns>Texture2DArray or null</returns>
        public Texture2DArray GetTerrainNormalMapTextureArray(
            int archive,
            bool stayReadable = false,
            SupportedAlphaTextureFormats alphaFormat = SupportedAlphaTextureFormats.ARGB32)
            // Load texture file and check count matches terrain tiles
            TextureFile textureFile = new TextureFile(Path.Combine(Arena2Path, TextureFile.IndexToFileName(archive)), FileUsage.UseMemory, true);
            int numSlices = 0;
            if (textureFile.RecordCount == 56)
                numSlices = textureFile.RecordCount;
                return null;

            Texture2DArray textureArray;
            if (!stayReadable && TextureReplacement.TryImportTextureArray(archive, numSlices, TextureMap.Normal, null, out textureArray))
                return textureArray;

            int width;
            int height;

            // try to import first replacement texture for tile archive to determine width and height of replacement texture set (must be the same for all replacement textures for Texture2DArray)
            Texture2D normalMap;
            if (TextureReplacement.TryImportTexture(archive, 0, 0, TextureMap.Normal, false, out normalMap))
                width = normalMap.width;
                height = normalMap.height;
                return null;

            textureArray = new Texture2DArray(width, height, numSlices, ParseTextureFormat(alphaFormat), MipMaps);

            // Rollout tiles into texture array
            for (int record = 0; record < textureFile.RecordCount; record++)
                // Import custom texture(s)
                if (!TextureReplacement.TryImportTexture(archive, record, 0, TextureMap.Normal, false, out normalMap))
                    // if current texture does not exist
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Terrain: imported archive {0} does not contain normal for record {1}.", archive, record);
                    return null;

                // enforce that all custom normal map textures have the same dimension (requirement of Texture2DArray)
                if ((normalMap.width != width) || (normalMap.height != height))
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Terrain: failed to inject normal maps for archive {0}, incorrect size at record {1}.", archive, record);
                    return null;

                // Insert into texture array
                textureArray.SetPixels32(normalMap.GetPixels32(), record, 0);
            textureArray.Apply(true, !stayReadable);

            // Change settings for these textures
            textureArray.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            textureArray.anisoLevel = 8;

            return textureArray;
Exemple #31
        public SceneControl(ScreenComponent manager, string style = "")
            : base(manager, style)
            player = manager.Player;
            camera = manager.Camera;
            assets = manager.Game.Assets;

            Manager = manager;

            simpleShader = manager.Game.Content.Load<Effect>("simple");
            sunTexture = assets.LoadTexture(typeof(ScreenComponent), "sun");

            //List<Bitmap> bitmaps = new List<Bitmap>();
            var definitions = DefinitionManager.Instance.GetBlockDefinitions();
            int textureCount = 0;
            foreach (var definition in definitions)
                textureCount += definition.Textures.Length;
            int bitmapSize = 128;
            blockTextures = new Texture2DArray(manager.GraphicsDevice, 1, bitmapSize, bitmapSize, textureCount);
            int layer = 0;
            foreach (var definition in definitions)
                foreach (var bitmap in definition.Textures)
                    System.Drawing.Bitmap texture = manager.Game.Assets.LoadBitmap(definition.GetType(), bitmap);

                    var scaled = texture;//new Bitmap(bitmap, new System.Drawing.Size(bitmapSize, bitmapSize));
                    int[] data = new int[scaled.Width * scaled.Height];
                    var bitmapData = scaled.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, scaled.Width, scaled.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bitmapData.Scan0, data, 0, data.Length);
                    blockTextures.SetData(data, layer);

            /*int size = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(bitmaps.Count));
            Bitmap blocks = new Bitmap(size * TEXTURESIZE, size * TEXTURESIZE);
            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(blocks))
                int counter = 0;
                foreach (var bitmap in bitmaps)
                    int x = counter % size;
                    int y = (int)(counter / size);
                    g.DrawImage(bitmap, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(TEXTURESIZE * x, TEXTURESIZE * y, TEXTURESIZE, TEXTURESIZE));

            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                blocks.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
                stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                blockTextures = Texture2D.FromStream(manager.GraphicsDevice, stream);

            planet = ResourceManager.Instance.GetPlanet(0);

            // TODO: evtl. Cache-Size (Dimensions) VIEWRANGE + 1

            int range = ((int)Math.Pow(2, VIEWRANGE) - 2) / 2;
            localChunkCache = new LocalChunkCache(ResourceManager.Instance.GlobalChunkCache, VIEWRANGE, range);

            chunkRenderer = new ChunkRenderer[
                (int)Math.Pow(2, VIEWRANGE) * (int)Math.Pow(2, VIEWRANGE),
            orderedChunkRenderer = new List<ChunkRenderer>(
                (int)Math.Pow(2, VIEWRANGE) * (int)Math.Pow(2, VIEWRANGE) * planet.Size.Z);

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkRenderer.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < chunkRenderer.GetLength(1); j++)
                    ChunkRenderer renderer = new ChunkRenderer(simpleShader, manager.GraphicsDevice, camera.Projection, blockTextures);
                    chunkRenderer[i, j] = renderer;

            backgroundThread = new Thread(BackgroundLoop);
            backgroundThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
            backgroundThread.IsBackground = true;

            var selectionVertices = new[]
                new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(-0.001f, +1.001f, +1.001f), Color.Black * 0.5f),
                new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(+1.001f, +1.001f, +1.001f), Color.Black * 0.5f),
                new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(-0.001f, -0.001f, +1.001f), Color.Black * 0.5f),
                new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(+1.001f, -0.001f, +1.001f), Color.Black * 0.5f),
                new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(-0.001f, +1.001f, -0.001f), Color.Black * 0.5f),
                new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(+1.001f, +1.001f, -0.001f), Color.Black * 0.5f),
                new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(-0.001f, -0.001f, -0.001f), Color.Black * 0.5f),
                new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(+1.001f, -0.001f, -0.001f), Color.Black * 0.5f),

            var billboardVertices = new[]
                new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0), new Vector2(0, 0)),
                new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0), new Vector2(1, 0)),
                new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0), new Vector2(0, 1)),
                new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0), new Vector2(1, 0)),
                new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, 0), new Vector2(1, 1)),
                new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0), new Vector2(0, 1)),

            var selectionIndices = new short[]
                0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6, 7,
                0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7

            selectionLines = new VertexBuffer(manager.GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionColor.VertexDeclaration, selectionVertices.Length);

            selectionIndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(manager.GraphicsDevice, DrawElementsType.UnsignedShort, selectionIndices.Length);

            billboardVertexbuffer = new VertexBuffer(manager.GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionTexture.VertexDeclaration, billboardVertices.Length);

            sunEffect = new BasicEffect(manager.GraphicsDevice);
            sunEffect.TextureEnabled = true;

            selectionEffect = new BasicEffect(manager.GraphicsDevice);
            selectionEffect.VertexColorEnabled = true;

            MiniMapTexture = new RenderTarget2D(manager.GraphicsDevice, 128, 128, PixelInternalFormat.Rgb8); // , false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
            miniMapProjectionMatrix = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(128, 128, 1, 10000);
        void LoadWorldTextures()
            requireTextureArrayUpdate = false;

            // Init texture array
            if (worldTextures == null)
                worldTextures = new List <WorldTexture> ();
            if (worldTexturesDict == null)
                worldTexturesDict = new Dictionary <Texture2D, int> ();

            // Clear definitions
            if (voxelDefinitions != null)
                // Voxel Definitions no longer are added to the dictionary, clear the index field.
                for (int k = 0; k < voxelDefinitionsCount; k++)
                    if (voxelDefinitions [k] != null)
                        voxelDefinitions [k].Reset();
                voxelDefinitions = new VoxelDefinition [128];
            voxelDefinitionsCount = 0;
            if (voxelDefinitionsDict == null)
                voxelDefinitionsDict = new Dictionary <string, VoxelDefinition> ();
            if (sessionUserVoxels == null)
                sessionUserVoxels = new List <VoxelDefinition> ();

            // The null voxel definition
            VoxelDefinition nullVoxelDefinition = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <VoxelDefinition> ();

             = "Null";
            nullVoxelDefinition.hidden         = true;
            nullVoxelDefinition.canBeCollected = false;
            nullVoxelDefinition.ignoresRayCast = true;
            nullVoxelDefinition.renderType     = RenderType.Empty;

            // Check default voxel
            if (defaultVoxel == null)
                defaultVoxel = Resources.Load <VoxelDefinition> ("VoxelPlay/Defaults/DefaultVoxel");

            // Add all biome textures
            if (world.biomes != null)
                for (int k = 0; k < world.biomes.Length; k++)
                    BiomeDefinition biome = world.biomes [k];
                    if (biome == null)
                    if (biome.voxelTop != null)
                        if (biome.voxelTop.biomeDirtCounterpart == null)
                            biome.voxelTop.biomeDirtCounterpart = biome.voxelDirt;
                    if (biome.vegetation != null)
                        for (int v = 0; v < biome.vegetation.Length; v++)
                            AddVoxelTextures(biome.vegetation [v].vegetation);
                    if (biome.trees != null)
                        for (int t = 0; t < biome.trees.Length; t++)
                            ModelDefinition tree = biome.trees [t].tree;
                            if (tree == null)
                            for (int b = 0; b < tree.bits.Length; b++)
                                AddVoxelTextures(tree.bits [b].voxelDefinition);
                    if (biome.ores != null)
                        for (int v = 0; v < biome.ores.Length; v++)
                            // ensure proper size
                            if (biome.ores [v].veinMinSize == biome.ores [v].veinMaxSize && biome.ores [v].veinMaxSize == 0)
                                biome.ores [v].veinMinSize   = 2;
                                biome.ores [v].veinMaxSize   = 6;
                                biome.ores [v].veinsCountMin = 1;
                                biome.ores [v].veinsCountMax = 2;
                            AddVoxelTextures(biome.ores [v].ore);

            // Special voxels
            if (enableClouds)
                if (world.cloudVoxel == null)
                    world.cloudVoxel = Resources.Load <VoxelDefinition> ("VoxelPlay/Defaults/VoxelCloud");

            // Add additional world voxels
            if (world.moreVoxels != null)
                for (int k = 0; k < world.moreVoxels.Length; k++)
                    AddVoxelTextures(world.moreVoxels [k]);

            // Add all items' textures are available
            if (world.items != null)
                int itemCount = world.items.Length;
                for (int k = 0; k < itemCount; k++)
                    ItemDefinition item = world.items [k];
                    if (item != null && item.category == ItemCategory.Voxel)

            // Add any other voxel found inside Defaults
            VoxelDefinition [] vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> ("VoxelPlay/Defaults");
            for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

            // Add any other voxel found inside World directory
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(
                vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> ("Worlds/" +;
                for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                    AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

                // Add any other voxel found inside a resource directory with same name of world (if not placed into Worlds directory)
                vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> (;
                for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                    AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

            // Add any other voxel found inside a resource directory under the world definition asset
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(world.resourceLocation))
                vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> (world.resourceLocation);
                for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                    AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

            // Add connected textures
            ConnectedTexture [] ctt = Resources.LoadAll <ConnectedTexture> ("");
            for (int k = 0; k < ctt.Length; k++)
                ConnectedTexture ct = ctt [k];
                VoxelDefinition  vd = ctt [k].voxelDefinition;
                if (vd == null || vd.index == 0)
                for (int j = 0; j < ct.config.Length; j++)
                    ct.config [j].textureIndex = AddTexture(ct.config [j].texture, null, null, null);

            // Add user provided voxels during playtime
            int count = sessionUserVoxels.Count;

            for (int k = 0; k < count; k++)
                AddVoxelTextures(sessionUserVoxels [k]);
            sessionUserVoxelsLastIndex = voxelDefinitionsCount - 1;

            // Add transparent voxel definitions for the see-through effect
            if (seeThrough)
                int lastOne = voxelDefinitionsCount; // this loop will add voxels so end at the last regular voxel definition (don't process see-through versions)
                for (int k = 0; k < lastOne; k++)
                    VoxelDefinition vd = voxelDefinitions [k];
                    if (vd.renderType == RenderType.CutoutCross)
                        vd.seeThroughMode = SeeThroughMode.FullyInvisible;
                        if (vd.seeThroughMode == SeeThroughMode.Transparency)
                            if (vd.renderType.supportsAlphaSeeThrough())
                                vd.seeThroughVoxelTempTransp = CreateSeeThroughVoxelDefinition(vd);
                                vd.seeThroughMode = SeeThroughMode.FullyInvisible;

            // Create array texture
            int textureCount = worldTextures.Count;

            if (textureCount > 0)
                Texture2DArray pointFilterTextureArray = new Texture2DArray(textureSize, textureSize, textureCount, TextureFormat.ARGB32, hqFiltering);
                if (enableReliefMapping || !enableSmoothLighting)
                    pointFilterTextureArray.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
                    pointFilterTextureArray.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                pointFilterTextureArray.filterMode = hqFiltering ? FilterMode.Bilinear : FilterMode.Point;
                pointFilterTextureArray.mipMapBias = -mipMapBias;
                for (int k = 0; k < textureCount; k++)
                    if (worldTextures [k].colorsAndEmission != null)
                        pointFilterTextureArray.SetPixels32(worldTextures [k].colorsAndEmission, k);
                    else if (worldTextures [k].normalsAndElevation != null)
                        pointFilterTextureArray.SetPixels32(worldTextures [k].normalsAndElevation, k);

                pointFilterTextureArray.Apply(hqFiltering, true);

                // Assign textures to materials
                if (renderingMaterials != null)
                    for (int k = 0; k < renderingMaterials.Length; k++)
                        if (renderingMaterials [k].usesTextureArray)
                            Material mat = renderingMaterials [k].material;
                            if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_MainTex"))
                                mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", pointFilterTextureArray);
                matDynamicOpaque.SetTexture("_MainTex", pointFilterTextureArray);
                matDynamicCutout.SetTexture("_MainTex", pointFilterTextureArray);

                if (modelHighlightMat == null)
                    modelHighlightMat = Instantiate <Material> (Resources.Load <Material> ("VoxelPlay/Materials/VP Highlight Model")) as Material;
                modelHighlightMat.SetTexture("_MainTex", pointFilterTextureArray);