// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (gameObject.active == false)
        if (gameObject.tag != "DialogManager") // seta a tag se ainda nao possuir
            gameObject.tag = "DialogManager";
        canvasGroup = GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();

        Hide(); // esconde o painel de dialogo

        textTyper = gameObject.GetComponent <TextTyper>();
        Player    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        // Passa as informações do player para o dialogo
        if (Player != null)
            playerDialog.name          = Player.GetComponent <DialogueBoxInfo>().characterName;
            playerDialog.characterIcon = Player.GetComponent <DialogueBoxInfo>().characterImg;
            playerDialog.textsArrays   = Player.GetComponent <TextsArrays>();

        gameController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <GameController>();
Exemple #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        DialogueList  = FindObjectOfType <DialogueDataBase>();
        DialogueTemp  = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Item Database").GetComponent <DialogueGenerator>();
        QuestGenerate = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Item Database").GetComponent <QuestManager>();
        Talk          = FindObjectOfType <TextTyper>();
        //find The chatBubble
        // need to create one if it doesnt exit

         * int t = 0;
         * foreach (Text child in TextContainer.transform)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log(child);
         *      ChatLine2[t] = child;
         *      t++;
         * }*/

        //ChatLine   = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ChatText");

        //LineLength = ChatLine[0].GetComponent<Text>().text.Length;

        //ItemList = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Item Database").GetComponent<ItemDatabase> ();
                     "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" +
Exemple #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        DialogueList = FindObjectOfType<DialogueDataBase>();
        DialogueTemp = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Item Database").GetComponent<DialogueGenerator>();
        QuestGenerate    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Item Database").GetComponent<QuestManager>();
        Talk = FindObjectOfType<TextTyper>();
        //find The chatBubble
        // need to create one if it doesnt exit

        int t = 0;
        foreach (Text child in TextContainer.transform)
            ChatLine2[t] = child;

        //ChatLine   = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ChatText");

        //LineLength = ChatLine[0].GetComponent<Text>().text.Length;

        //ItemList = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Item Database").GetComponent<ItemDatabase> ();
            "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" +
Exemple #4
    private void init()
        GUI.backgroundColor = Color.blue;
        head = new SmallEducatorComposite(0, "Head", -1.0f);

        TextTyper textTyper = null;

        textFieldOne           = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TextFieldOne").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();
        textFieldTwo           = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TextFieldTwo").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();
        backgroundTextFieldOne = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BackgroundTextFieldOne").GetComponent <Image>();
        backgroundTextFieldTwo = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BackgroundTextFieldTwo").GetComponent <Image>();
        extraResourceButton    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ExtraResourceButton").GetComponent <Button>();
        textTyper = setTextTyper(textFieldOne);
        textTyper = setTextTyper(textFieldTwo);

        foreach (var lesson in lessons)

         * ILeafBehaviour textBehaviour = new VideoBehaviour(videoPlayer,
         * "/Users/mjgth/Videos/Dm1hrYJX0AA8b5V.mp4"
         * , false,
         * //"https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/DG8HO7UW0AAzsrL.mp4"
         * //, true,
         * new Vector2(0, 0), 1024, 1024, quad);
         * //VideoBehaviour(, new Vector2(0, 0), 400.0f, 400.0f);
        iterator = head.getIterator();
        timer    = 0.0f;
        done     = false;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //int private vars
        timeElapsed  = 0.0f;
        stage        = 0;
        SBStextIndex = 0;
        BStextIndex  = 0;

        //Get all needed compents
        Text             = TextGameObject.GetComponent <GUIText>();
        TextTyper        = TextGameObject.GetComponent <TextTyper>();
        TextBox          = TextBoxGameObject.GetComponent <GUITexture>();
        CharacterTalking = CharacterTalkingGameObject.GetComponent <GUITexture>();
        CombatMenu       = CombatMenuGameObject.GetComponent <GUITexture>();
        PickUp           = PickUpGameObject.GetComponent <PickupSpawner>();

        PokemonMusic = PokemonMusicGameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        XGonMusic    = XGonMusicGameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        //Turn off the text ui
        Text.enabled             = false;
        TextBox.enabled          = false;
        CharacterTalking.enabled = false;

        //init dialog
        SBSDialog[0] = "Ha! I have finally found you Mr. PotaTeo";
        SBSDialog[1] = "I am Captain Indecisive-SlowTalker";
        SBSDialog[2] = "And I have decided to take over this world ";
        SBSDialog[3] = "And for no reason at all";
        SBSDialog[4] = "I have chosen you to be my mortal enemy";
        SBSDialog[5] = "We will fight in turn based combat";
        SBSDialog[6] = "To see what will happen to your planet!";

        BSDialog[0] = "My turn!";
        BSDialog[1] = "Hmmmm.... what should I do?";
        BSDialog[2] = "I could do this move";
        BSDialog[3] = "Or this one!";
        BSDialog[4] = "Nah";
        BSDialog[5] = "What about this!";
        BSDialog[6] = "Ugh...... too many choices";

        FSDialog[0] = "What are you doing?";
        FSDialog[1] = "You can't move, it is my turn!";
        FSDialog[2] = "NO STOP!";
        FSDialog[3] = "Come on, that is not fair";
        FSDialog[4] = "Seriously, that's cheating";
        FSDialog[5] = "Staaaahpppppppppppp";
        FSDialog[6] = "Come on, wait your turn";

        //set gameobjects to be inactive

        //init public variables
        HasPickUpCrate = false;
        VillianDead    = false;
Exemple #6
    void Start()
        // check if we have all the input we need
        if (AnalysisPanel == null || ThreatAssessmentPanel == null || InfoPanel == null)

        // get the speech manager
        textToSpeechManager = GetComponent <TextToSpeech>();

        // set the 'typers' for the various output
        InfoPanelTyper             = InfoPanel.GetComponent <TextTyper>();
        AnalysisPanelTyper         = AnalysisPanel.GetComponent <TextTyper>();
        ThreatAssessmentPanelTyper = ThreatAssessmentPanel.GetComponent <TextTyper>();
        DiagnosticsPanelTyper      = DiagnosticPanel.GetComponent <TextTyper>();

        // show initialization in the UI
        ThreatAssessmentPanelTyper.TypeText("SCAN MODE XXXXX\nINITIALIZE");

        // Start the picture taking loop
 public TextBehaviour(TextTyper textTyper, List <string> linesOfText,
                      Vector2 position)
     this.textTyper   = textTyper;
     this.position    = position;
     this.linesOfText = linesOfText;
	void Start () {
		COMMANDS = new Dictionary<string[], Action> () {
			{ new []{ "hey", "hello", "hi", "sup", "yo", "cooldog" }, SayHello },
            { new []{ "who are you", "your name" }, Introduce },
			{ new []{ "batman" }, BecomeBatman },
			{ new []{ "email" }, OpenEmail },
			{ new []{ "note", "memo" }, TakeNotes },
			{ new []{ "remember", "remind" }, RememberThing },
			{ new []{ "trivia", "fact", "facts", "wiki" }, TellFact },
			{ new []{ "housekeeping", "poop", "pooping", "clean", "cleaning", "smell", "smelly" }, SuggestCleaning },
            { new []{ "bye", "cya", "quit", "exit"}, Quit }

		inputField.onEndEdit.AddListener (val => {
			if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Return) || Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.KeypadEnter)) {
				Parse (inputField.text.ToLower ());
				inputField.text = "";
				inputField.DeactivateInputField ();
				inputField.interactable = false;

		cooldog = GameObject.Find ("Cooldog").GetComponent<Cooldog>();
		typer = cooldog.GetComponent<TextTyper>();
		Facts = new Facts ();
Exemple #9
 // Use this for initialization
 public void StartDialog()
     done = false;
     if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex != 4 && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex != 5)
         enemyAI         = FindObjectOfType <EnemyAI>();
         enemyAI.enabled = false;
     Timer            = FindObjectOfType <Timer>();
     playerController = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>();
     waveSpawner      = GetComponent <WaveSpawner>();
     if (waveUI != null)
     textTyper = GetComponent <TextTyper>();
     if (sprite2 != null)
     if (sprite1 != null)
     playerController.enabled = false;
Exemple #10
 void Awake()
     interactableItems = GetComponent <InteractableItems>();
     roomNavigation    = GetComponent <RoomNavigation>();
     _source           = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     textTyper         = FindObjectOfType <TextTyper>();
Exemple #11
 public NotePad(TextTyper typer)
     this.typer     = typer;
     screen         = typer.Screen;
     position       = new Position();
     screenPosition = new Position();
Exemple #12
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake() // Or awake? haven't had problems.
        S = this;

        targetText = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>(); // Only if you place this on my specific object setup of UI Image with child UI Text.
        this.GetComponent <Image>().CrossFadeAlpha(0, 0, true);
        targetText.CrossFadeAlpha(0, 0, true);
Exemple #13
 void Start()
     typer = text.GetComponent <TextTyper>();
     typer.PrintCompleted.AddListener(() => {
         this.printCompleted = true;
Exemple #14
 private void Start()
     if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 1)
         tutorialSkip = GetComponent <TutorialSkip>();
     textTyper = GetComponent <TextTyper>();
Exemple #15
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake() // Or awake? haven't had problems.
        S = this;

        targetText = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>(); // Only if you place this on my specific object setup of UI Image with child UI Text.
        this.GetComponent<Image>().CrossFadeAlpha(0, 0, true);
        targetText.CrossFadeAlpha(0, 0, true);
Exemple #16
    private TextTyper setTextTyper(TextMeshProUGUI textField)
        TextTyper textTyper = textField.GetComponent <TextTyper>();

        textTyper.TextField   = textField;
        textTyper.TextSetting = new List <TextInit>();
Exemple #17
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        th       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Tree").GetComponent <TreeHealth>();
        gm       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>();
        spawners = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("SoulSpawner");

        textTyper          = typerGameObject.GetComponent <TextTyper>();
        nextWaveLabelText  = nextWaveLabel.GetComponent <Text>();
        nextWaveNumberText = nextWaveNumber.GetComponent <Text>();
	void Start()
		exeDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Application.dataPath).Parent.FullName;
		poopTimer = PoopDelay * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f);

		var texture = Resources.Load("Poop") as Texture2D;
		crunchedPoop = texture.EncodeToPNG();

		audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
		cooldog = GetComponent<Cooldog>();
		textTyper = GetComponent<TextTyper>();
		scratch = GetComponentInChildren<Scratch>();
Exemple #19
    void Start()
        // set the 'typers' for the various output
        InfoPanelTyper             = InfoPanel.GetComponent <TextTyper>();
        AnalysisPanelTyper         = AnalysisPanel.GetComponent <TextTyper>();
        ThreatAssessmentPanelTyper = ThreatAssessmentPanel.GetComponent <TextTyper>();
        DiagnosticsPanelTyper      = DiagnosticPanel.GetComponent <TextTyper>();

        InfoPanelTyper.TypeText("Connecting to Microsoft AZURE Service");

        // Start the picture taking loop
Exemple #20
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        DialogueList  = FindObjectOfType <DialogueDataBase>();
        DialogueTemp  = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Item Database").GetComponent <DialogueGenerator>();
        QuestGenerate = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Item Database").GetComponent <QuestManager>();
        inventory     = FindObjectOfType <Inventory>();
        Talk          = FindObjectOfType <TextTyper>();

                     "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" +
Exemple #21
    private void Awake()
        if (!instance)
            instance = this;
        dialogTyper = dialogBox.GetComponent <TextTyper>();

Exemple #22
    private void init()
        GUI.backgroundColor = Color.blue;
        head = new SmallEducatorComposite(0, "Head", -1.0f);

        TextTyper textTyper = null;

        textFieldOne           = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TextFieldOne").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();
        textFieldTwo           = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TextFieldTwo").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();
        backgroundTextFieldOne = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BackgroundTextFieldOne").GetComponent <Image>();
        backgroundTextFieldTwo = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BackgroundTextFieldTwo").GetComponent <Image>();
        extraResourceButton    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ExtraResourceButton").GetComponent <Button>();
        textTyper = setTextTyper(textFieldOne);
        textTyper = setTextTyper(textFieldTwo);


         * ILeafBehaviour textBehaviour = new VideoBehaviour(videoPlayer,
         * "/Users/mjgth/Videos/Dm1hrYJX0AA8b5V.mp4"
         * , false,
         * //"https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/DG8HO7UW0AAzsrL.mp4"
         * //, true,
         * new Vector2(0, 0), 1024, 1024, quad);
         * //VideoBehaviour(, new Vector2(0, 0), 400.0f, 400.0f);

         * listOfLines.Clear();
         * listOfLines.Add("hahaha ha hahahaha hahaha ha");
         * listOfLines.Add("bla bla bla bla");
         * listOfLines.Add("lalala lala lalalala lalala");
         * //Typed text
         * textBehaviour = new TextBehaviour(textTyper, listOfLines, new Vector2(-100, 100));
         * addLeafWithText(head, 0.0f, 11.0f, textBehaviour);
         * //ImageBehaviour(SmallEducator smallEducator, string url, GameObject quad,
         * //Vector2 position, Texture2D tex, float timer)
         * Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(680, 577, TextureFormat.DXT1, false);
         * textBehaviour = new ImageBehaviour(this, "https://www.uml-diagrams.org/class-diagrams/class-diagram-domain-overview.png", quad, new Vector2(0, 0), tex, 10.0f);
         * addLeafWithText(head, 0.0f, 11.0f, textBehaviour);
        iterator = head.getIterator();
        timer    = 0.0f;
        done     = false;
Exemple #23
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        controlMovement = FindObjectOfType <ControlMovement>();
        ButtomRect      = GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        MinOrigin = ButtomRect.offsetMin;
        MaxOrigin = ButtomRect.offsetMax;
        //TargetPosition = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y - TargetY);
        MinEnd      = new Vector2(MinOrigin.x, MinOrigin.y - TargetY);
        MaxEnd      = new Vector2(MaxOrigin.x, MaxOrigin.y - TargetY);;
        button      = this.GetComponent <Button>();
        buttonState = ButtonState.Attack;
        player      = FindObjectOfType <Player>();
        textTyper   = FindObjectOfType <TextTyper>();
        //Initail call of SwitchButton so we can attack at start
        buttonState = ButtonState.Attack;
    public TerminalConsole(DisplaySystem screen, Terminal terminal)
        _terminal       = terminal;
        _screen         = screen;
        Typer           = new TextTyper(screen, this);
        _runEventsTimer = new Timer(_outDeltaTime, RunEvents);
        _buffer         = new CommandBuffer(10);
        _dynamicCode    = new DynamicCode(this, screen);
        _clipTimer      = new Timer(_startClipDelay, StartClip);
        _tick           = _tickDelay;
        _fileController = new FileController(this);
        _runner = new CommandRunner(Typer, _fileController, this);

        Writter = new ConsoleWriter(Typer);
        Invoker = new ActionInvoker();

Exemple #25
        private void TextInputChanged(object obj)
            if (obj as string is null or "")

            Combination[] combinations = new Combination[((string)obj).Length];
            int           i            = 0;

            foreach (char ch in (string)obj)
                combinations[i] = Combination.TriggeredBy(TextTyper.ConvertCharToKey(ch));
            Sequence sequence = Sequence.Of(combinations);

            _globalHook = Hook.GlobalEvents();
            _globalHook.OnSequence(new KeyValuePair <Sequence, Action>[] { new KeyValuePair <Sequence, Action>(sequence, ActivateTriggerOnKeyUp) });
 public KeysController(TextTyper typer)
     this.typer    = typer;
     stickingStart = new Timer(startSticking, () => isSticking = true);
     sticking      = new Timer(stickingDelay, () => typer.OnKeyDown('\b'));
    void Start()
		Body = GameObject.Find("Body").GetComponent<DogPart>();
		Face = GameObject.Find("Face").GetComponent<DogPart>();
		Headdress = GameObject.Find("Headdress").GetComponent<DogPart>();
		Arms = GameObject.Find("Arms").GetComponent<DogPart>();
		Eyes = GameObject.Find("Eyes").GetComponent<DogPart>();
		NeckDecoration = GameObject.Find("NeckDecoration").GetComponent<DogPart>();
		Overlay = GameObject.Find("Overlay").GetComponent<DogPart>();
		OtherOverlay = GameObject.Find("OtherOverlay").GetComponent<DogPart>();

		PoopSack = GetComponent<PoopProduction>();
        textTyper = GetComponent<TextTyper>();

        toNextBlink = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10);
Exemple #28
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     _textTyper = FindObjectOfType <TextTyper>();
     _textTyper.OnTypingEnd += OnBossDescriptionTypeEnd;
	public void Start()
		Cooldog = transform.parent.GetComponent<Cooldog>();
		textTyper = transform.parent.GetComponent<TextTyper>();
Exemple #30
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        controlMovement = FindObjectOfType<ControlMovement>();
        ButtomRect = GetComponent<RectTransform>();

        MinOrigin = ButtomRect.offsetMin;
        MaxOrigin = ButtomRect.offsetMax;
        //TargetPosition = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y - TargetY);
        MinEnd = new Vector2(MinOrigin.x, MinOrigin.y - TargetY);
        MaxEnd = new Vector2(MaxOrigin.x, MaxOrigin.y - TargetY);;
        button = this.GetComponent<Button>();
        buttonState = ButtonState.Attack;
        player = FindObjectOfType<Player>();
        textTyper = FindObjectOfType<TextTyper>();
        //Initail call of SwitchButton so we can attack at start
        buttonState = ButtonState.Attack;
 public ConsoleWriter(TextTyper typer)
     _typer = typer;
 public CommandRunner(TextTyper typer, FileController fileController, TerminalConsole console)
     _console       = console;
     _typer         = typer;
     FileController = fileController;
Exemple #33
 private void Start()
     m_TextTyper     = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TextTyper>();
     m_currentString = -1;