Exemple #1
        async public Task TestTextTemplate()
            var scotchMode = ScotchMode.Replaying;
            var client     = HttpClients.NewHttpClient("IntegrationTests/Cassettes/TextTemplate.json", scotchMode);

            string tokenKey    = "key";
            string tokenSecret = "secret";
            string host        = "https://dvfoa3pu2rxx6.cloudfront.net/api/v1/";

            OmnigageClient.Init(tokenKey, tokenSecret, host, client);

            TextTemplateResource textTemplate = new TextTemplateResource();

            textTemplate.Name = "Text Template";
            textTemplate.Body = "Sample body";

            await textTemplate.Create();

            TextMessageResource textMessage = new TextMessageResource();

            textMessage.TextTemplate = textTemplate;

            await textMessage.Create();

            // The message instance should derive the body from the template
            Assert.AreEqual(textMessage.Body, textTemplate.Body);

            TextResource text = new TextResource();

            text.To          = "+14076413749";
            text.TextMessage = textMessage;
            text.PhoneNumber = new PhoneNumberResource
                Id = "GncieHvbCKfMYXmeycoWZm"

            await text.Create();
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// To run this application, the following is required:
        /// - API token key/secret from Account -> Developer -> API Tokens
        /// - A verified Phone Number UUID from Account -> Telephony -> Phone Numbers -> Edit (in the URI)
        /// - Fill in variables to run example
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        async static Task Main(string[] args)
            var tokenKey    = "";
            var tokenSecret = "";

            // Set the Phone Number ID (e.g., GncieHvbCKfMYXmeycoWZm)
            var phoneNumberId = "";

            // Sample contact information to call
            var firstName   = "";
            var lastName    = "";
            var phoneNumber = ""; // In E.164 format (such as +1xxxxxxxxx)

            // Initialize SDK
            OmnigageClient.Init(tokenKey, tokenSecret);

            var engagement = new EngagementResource
                Name      = "Example SMS Blast",
                Direction = "outbound"
            await engagement.Create();

            var template = new TextTemplateResource
                Name = "Text Template",
                Body = "Sample body"
            await template.Create();

            var activity = new ActivityResource
                Name         = "SMS Blast",
                Kind         = ActivityKind.Text,
                Engagement   = engagement,
                TextTemplate = template,
                PhoneNumber  = new PhoneNumberResource
                    Id = phoneNumberId
            await activity.Create();

            var envelope = new EnvelopeResource
                PhoneNumber = phoneNumber,
                Engagement  = engagement,
                Meta        = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "first-name", firstName },
                    { "last-name", lastName }

            // Push one or more envelopes into list
            List <EnvelopeResource> envelopes = new List <EnvelopeResource> {


            // Populate engagement queue
            await Client.PostBulkRequest("envelopes", EnvelopeResource.SerializeBulk(envelopes));

            // Schedule engagement for processing
            engagement.Status = "scheduled";
            await engagement.Update();
        async public Task TestTextEngagement()
            var scotchMode = ScotchMode.Replaying;
            var client     = HttpClients.NewHttpClient("IntegrationTests/Cassettes/EngagementTextTests.json", scotchMode);

            string tokenKey    = "key";
            string tokenSecret = "secret";
            string host        = "https://dvfoa3pu2rxx6.cloudfront.net/api/v1/";

            OmnigageClient.Init(tokenKey, tokenSecret, host, client);

            EngagementResource engagement = new EngagementResource();

            engagement.Name      = "Example Text Blast";
            engagement.Direction = "outbound";

            await engagement.Create();

            TextTemplateResource textTemplate = new TextTemplateResource();

            textTemplate.Name = "Text Template";
            textTemplate.Body = "Sample body";

            await textTemplate.Create();

            ActivityResource activity = new ActivityResource();

            activity.Name         = "Text Blast";
            activity.Kind         = ActivityKind.Text;
            activity.Engagement   = engagement;
            activity.TextTemplate = textTemplate;
            activity.PhoneNumber  = new PhoneNumberResource
                Id = "GncieHvbCKfMYXmeycoWZm"

            await activity.Create();

            EnvelopeResource envelope = new EnvelopeResource();

            envelope.PhoneNumber = "+14076413749";
            envelope.Engagement  = engagement;
            envelope.Meta        = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "first-name", "Omnigage" },
                { "last-name", "Demo" }

            // Push one or more envelopes into list
            List <EnvelopeResource> envelopes = new List <EnvelopeResource> {


            // Populate engagement queue
            await Client.PostBulkRequest("envelopes", EnvelopeResource.SerializeBulk(envelopes));

            // Schedule engagement for processing
            engagement.Status = "scheduled";
            await engagement.Update();