public virtual void ProcessWhiteSpaceBreakLine()
            //Create tree
            TextSvgBranchRenderer   root       = new TextSvgBranchRenderer();
            TextLeafSvgNodeRenderer textBefore = new TextLeafSvgNodeRenderer();

            textBefore.SetAttribute(SvgConstants.Attributes.TEXT_CONTENT, "\n" + "            text\n" + "            "
            TextSvgBranchRenderer   span       = new TextSvgBranchRenderer();
            TextLeafSvgNodeRenderer textInSpan = new TextLeafSvgNodeRenderer();

            textInSpan.SetAttribute(SvgConstants.Attributes.TEXT_CONTENT, "\n" + "                tspan text\n" + "            "
            TextLeafSvgNodeRenderer textAfter = new TextLeafSvgNodeRenderer();

            textAfter.SetAttribute(SvgConstants.Attributes.TEXT_CONTENT, "\n" + "            after text\n" + "        "
            SvgTextUtil.ProcessWhiteSpace(root, true);
            //Create result array
            String[] actual = new String[] { root.GetChildren()[0].GetAttribute(SvgConstants.Attributes.TEXT_CONTENT),
                                                                                                                          ), root.GetChildren()[2].GetAttribute(SvgConstants.Attributes.TEXT_CONTENT) };
            //Create expected
            String[] expected = new String[] { "text", " tspan text", " after text" };
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        /// <summary>Process the whitespace inside the Text Tree.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Process the whitespace inside the Text Tree.
        /// Whitespace is collapsed and new lines are handled
        /// A leading element in each subtree is handled different: the preceding whitespace is trimmed instead of kept
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="root">root of the text-renderer subtree</param>
        /// <param name="isLeadingElement">true if this element is a leading element(either the first child or the first element after an absolute position change)
        ///     </param>
        public static void ProcessWhiteSpace(TextSvgBranchRenderer root, bool isLeadingElement)
            // when svg is parsed by jsoup it leaves all whitespace in text element as is. Meaning that
            // tab/space indented xml files will retain their tabs and spaces.
            // The following regex replaces all whitespace with a single space.
            bool performLeadingTrim = isLeadingElement;

            foreach (ISvgTextNodeRenderer child in root.GetChildren())
                //If leaf, process contents, if branch, call function again
                if (child is TextSvgBranchRenderer)
                    //Branch processing
                    ProcessWhiteSpace((TextSvgBranchRenderer)child, child.ContainsAbsolutePositionChange());
                if (child is TextLeafSvgNodeRenderer)
                    //Leaf processing
                    TextLeafSvgNodeRenderer leafRend = (TextLeafSvgNodeRenderer)child;
                    //Process text
                    String toProcess = leafRend.GetAttribute(SvgConstants.Attributes.TEXT_CONTENT);
                    toProcess = iText.IO.Util.StringUtil.ReplaceAll(toProcess, "\\s+", " ");
                    toProcess = WhiteSpaceUtil.CollapseConsecutiveSpaces(toProcess);
                    if (performLeadingTrim)
                        //Trim leading white spaces
                        toProcess          = TrimLeadingWhitespace(toProcess);
                        toProcess          = TrimTrailingWhitespace(toProcess);
                        performLeadingTrim = false;
                        //only collapse whitespace
                        toProcess = TrimTrailingWhitespace(toProcess);
                    leafRend.SetAttribute(SvgConstants.Attributes.TEXT_CONTENT, toProcess);