internal static string ToSerializedValue(this TextSplitMode value)
            switch (value)
            case TextSplitMode.Pages:

            case TextSplitMode.Sentences:
 public static string ToSerialString(this TextSplitMode value) => value switch
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>Gets a line of text with a maximal width from the specified string (metric version).</summary>
 /// <param name="sText">Text</param>
 /// <param name="rWidthMaxMM">Maximal width of the text in millimeters</param>
 /// <param name="iStart">Start position in sText</param>
 /// <param name="textSplitMode">Text split mode</param>
 /// <returns>Text with the specified maximal width</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The reference parameter <paramref name="iStart"/> must be initialized with the start position.
 /// After the call, it contains the new start position that can be used for a call of this method for the next line of text.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <example>Multiline text sample in <see cref="FontProp.sGetTextLine"/></example>
 public String sGetTextLineMM(String sText, Double rWidthMaxMM, ref Int32 iStart, TextSplitMode textSplitMode)
     return(sGetTextLine(sText, RT.rPointFromMM(rWidthMaxMM), ref iStart, textSplitMode));
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>Gets a line of text with a maximal width from the specified string.</summary>
 /// <param name="sText">Text</param>
 /// <param name="rWidthMax">Maximal width of the text in points (1/72 inch)</param>
 /// <param name="iStart">Start position in sText</param>
 /// <param name="textSplitMode">Text split mode</param>
 /// <returns>Text with the specified maximal width</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The reference parameter <paramref name="iStart"/> must be initialized with the start position.
 /// After the call, it contains the new start position that can be used for a call of this method for the next line of text.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <example>Multiline text sample:
 /// <code>
 /// using Root.Reports;
 /// using System;
 /// public class FontPropSample : Report {
 ///   public static void Main() {
 ///     PdfReport&lt;FontPropSample&gt; pdfReport = new PdfReport&lt;FontPropSample&gt;();
 ///     pdfReport.View("FontPropSample.pdf");
 ///   }
 ///   protected override void Create() {
 ///     FontDef fontDef = new FontDef(this, FontDef.StandardFont.Helvetica);
 ///     FontProp fontProp = new FontPropMM(fontDef, 15);
 ///     new Page(this);
 ///     String sText = "Once upon a time there was a miller who was poor, but he had a beautiful daughter.";
 ///     Double rY = 20;
 ///     Int32 iStart = 0;
 ///     while (iStart &lt;= sText.Length) {
 ///       String sLine = fontProp.sGetTextLineMM(sText, 170, ref iStart, TextSplitMode.Line);
 ///       page_Cur.AddMM(20, rY, new RepString(fontProp, sLine));
 ///       rY += fontProp.rLineFeedMM;
 ///     }
 ///   }
 /// }
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public String sGetTextLine(String sText, Double rWidthMax, ref Int32 iStart, TextSplitMode textSplitMode)
     return(fontData.sGetTextLine(sText, rWidthMax * 1000.0 / rSizePoint, ref iStart, textSplitMode));
        private static Skillset CreateTestSkillsetOcrSplitText(OcrSkillLanguage ocrLanguageCode, SplitSkillLanguage splitLanguageCode, TextSplitMode textSplitMode)
            var skills = new List <Skill>();

            var inputs = new List <InputFieldMappingEntry>()
                new InputFieldMappingEntry {
                    Name = "url", Source = "/document/url"
                new InputFieldMappingEntry {
                    Name = "queryString", Source = "/document/queryString"

            var outputs = new List <OutputFieldMappingEntry>()
                new OutputFieldMappingEntry {
                    Name = "text", TargetName = "mytext"

            skills.Add(new OcrSkill(inputs, outputs, "Tested OCR skill", RootPathString)
                TextExtractionAlgorithm = TextExtractionAlgorithm.Printed,
                DefaultLanguageCode     = ocrLanguageCode

            var inputs1 = new List <InputFieldMappingEntry>()
                new InputFieldMappingEntry
                    Name   = "text",
                    Source = "/document/mytext"

            var outputs1 = new List <OutputFieldMappingEntry>()
                new OutputFieldMappingEntry
                    Name       = "textItems",
                    TargetName = "myTextItems"

            skills.Add(new SplitSkill(inputs1, outputs1, "Tested Split skill", RootPathString)
                TextSplitMode       = textSplitMode,
                DefaultLanguageCode = splitLanguageCode

            return(new Skillset("testskillset", "Skillset for testing", skills));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>Gets a text line for the specified width.</summary>
        /// <param name="sText">Text</param>
        /// <param name="rWidthMax">Width</param>
        /// <param name="iStart">Start position in sText</param>
        /// <param name="textSplitMode">Text split mode</param>
        /// <returns>Line of text</returns>
        internal String sGetTextLine(String sText, Double rWidthMax, ref Int32 iStart, TextSplitMode textSplitMode)
            if (iStart > sText.Length)
                throw new ReportException("start position out of range");
            if (iStart == sText.Length)
            Int32 iStartCopy = iStart;

            StringBuilder sb            = new StringBuilder(120);
            Double        rWidth        = 0;
            Int32         iPos          = iStart;
            Int32         iResultLength = 0;
            LastChar      lastChar      = LastChar.Space;

            while (true)
                Char c = sText[iPos];
                Double          rWidthChar      = rGetRawWidth(c);
                UnicodeCategory unicodeCategory = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c);
                switch (unicodeCategory)
                case UnicodeCategory.Control: { // control character
                    if (c == '\n')
                        goto case UnicodeCategory.LineSeparator;
                    if (lastChar != LastChar.Space)
                        iResultLength = sb.Length;
                        lastChar      = LastChar.Space;
                    iStart = iPos;

                case UnicodeCategory.LineSeparator:
                case UnicodeCategory.ParagraphSeparator: {
                    iResultLength = sb.Length;
                    iStart        = iPos;
                    goto EndLoop;

                case UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation: // connects two characters
                case UnicodeCategory.EnclosingMark:        // nonspacing combining character that surrounds all previous characters up to and including a base character
                case UnicodeCategory.Format:               // not normally rendered but affects the layout of text or the operation of text processes
                case UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter:       // free-standing spacing character that indicates modifications of a preceding letter
                case UnicodeCategory.ModifierSymbol:       // indicates modifications of surrounding characters
                case UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark:       // indicates modifications of a base character
                case UnicodeCategory.PrivateUse:           // private-use character with unicode value in the range U+E000 through U+F8FF
                case UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark: // indicates modifications of a base character and affects the width of the glyph for that base character
                case UnicodeCategory.Surrogate: {          // high-surrogate or a low-surrogate with code values in the range U+D800 through U+DFFF

                case UnicodeCategory.SpaceSeparator: { // space
                    if (lastChar != LastChar.Space)
                        iResultLength = sb.Length;
                        lastChar      = LastChar.Space;
                    rWidth += rWidthChar;
                    iStart = iPos;

                case UnicodeCategory.ClosePunctuation: // separator on this line: )]}
                case UnicodeCategory.DashPunctuation:  // -
                case UnicodeCategory.FinalQuotePunctuation: {
                    rWidth += rWidthChar;
                    if (rWidth > rWidthMax)
                        goto EndLoop;
                    lastChar = LastChar.SeparatorAtEndOfLine;

                case UnicodeCategory.CurrencySymbol:          // separator for next line: €
                case UnicodeCategory.InitialQuotePunctuation: // opening or initial quotation mark
                case UnicodeCategory.OpenPunctuation: {       // ([{
                    if (lastChar == LastChar.SeparatorAtEndOfLine || lastChar == LastChar.Word)
                        iResultLength = sb.Length;
                        iStart        = iPos - 1;
                    rWidth += rWidthChar;
                    if (rWidth > rWidthMax)
                        goto EndLoop;
                    lastChar = LastChar.SeparatorAtStartOfLine;

                case UnicodeCategory.OtherPunctuation: { // .,
                    rWidth += rWidthChar;
                    if (rWidth > rWidthMax)
                        goto EndLoop;
                    lastChar = LastChar.Word;

                case UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber: // character
                case UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber:
                case UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter:
                case UnicodeCategory.MathSymbol: // + =
                case UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter:
                case UnicodeCategory.OtherNotAssigned:
                case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter:
                case UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter: {
                    if (lastChar == LastChar.SeparatorAtEndOfLine)
                        iResultLength = sb.Length;
                        iStart        = iPos;
                    rWidth += rWidthChar;
                    if (rWidth > rWidthMax)
                        goto EndLoop;
                    lastChar = LastChar.Word;

                default: {
                    Debug.Fail("unknown unicode category");
                if (iPos >= sText.Length)
                    iResultLength = sb.Length;
                    iStart        = iPos + 1;
                    goto EndLoop;
            if (textSplitMode == TextSplitMode.Truncate)
                iStart = sb.Length;
            if (iStart == iStartCopy)
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    iStart = iPos;
                return(sText[iStart - 1].ToString());
            return(sb.ToString(0, iResultLength));