Exemple #1
    private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
        if (collision.collider.gameObject.tag == "PlayerGoal") // Ball collided with far left wall
            enemyScore++;                                      // increment enemy score
            if (hasText)                                       // update text fields
            ResetBall();                                           // position the ball at the halfway point
            audioManager.Play("enemyScore");                       // play the enemyScore sound through the audio manager
        else if (collision.collider.gameObject.tag == "EnemyGoal") // Ball collided with far right wall
            playerScore++;                                         // increment player score
            if (hasText)                                           // update text fields
            ResetBall();                                      // position the ball at the halfway point
            audioManager.Play("playerScore");                 // play the playerScore sound through the audio manager
        else if (collision.collider.gameObject.tag != "Wall") // Ball collided with a paddle
            float paddleWidth    = collision.collider.bounds.size.y;
            float collisionPoint = collision.contacts[0].point.y;
            float paddlePos      = collision.collider.bounds.center.y; // position of the centerpoint of the paddle

            bool upwards;
            if (paddlePos < collisionPoint) // if the ball hit below the middle of the paddle, it will reflect downwards
                upwards = true;
                upwards = false;
            bool rightwards;
            if (collision.collider.gameObject.tag == "PlayerPaddle") // if the ball hit the player's paddle, it will reflect rightwards
                rightwards = true;
                rightwards = false;

            // if the ball hits the paddle in the center, it will reflect straight forward (0 degree angle)
            // if the ball hits the paddle on the edges, it will reflect at 45 degrees
            float angle = Mathf.Abs(paddlePos - collisionPoint) / (paddleWidth / 2.0f) * 45f; // 45 degrees is the max angle
            angle *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;                                                           // convert it to radians

            SetAngle(angle, upwards, rightwards);                                             // set the velocity of the ball at a certain angle