internal MergedTextRunProperties( TextRunProperties runProperties, TextDecorationCollection textDecorations) { _runProperties = runProperties; _textDecorations = textDecorations; }
/// <summary> /// Creates WPF Run instances that can be used for TextBlock.Inlines. /// </summary> public TextRunProperties[] CreateRuns() { TextRunProperties[] runs = new TextRunProperties[stateChanges.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < runs.Length; i++) { int startOffset = stateChangeOffsets[i]; int endOffset = i + 1 < stateChangeOffsets.Count ? stateChangeOffsets[i + 1] : text.Length; string runString = text.Substring(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset); TextRunProperties r = new TextRunProperties(); HighlightingState state = stateChanges[i]; r.Foreground = state.Foreground; r.Background = state.Background; if (state.Weight != null) { r.FontWeight = state.Weight.Value; } if (state.Family != null) { r.FontFamily = state.Family.Value; } if (state.Style != null) { r.FontStyle = state.Style.Value; } runs[i] = r; } return(runs); }
public void AddContents(string text, TextRunProperties props) { for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { AddContents(new TextCharacters(text, i, text.Length - i, props)); } }
public ListParagraphProperties(TextMarkerProperties textMarkerProperties, TextRunProperties textRunProperties, bool firstLineInParagraph) { TextMarkerProperties = textMarkerProperties; DefaultTextRunProperties = textRunProperties; FirstLineInParagraph = firstLineInParagraph; TextDecorations = new TextDecorationCollection(); }
public TextLayer(TextView parent, TextDocument textDocument) : base(parent) { Document = textDocument; elementGenerators = new ObserveAddRemoveCollection <VisualLineElementGenerator>(ElementGenerator_Added, ElementGenerator_Removed); lineTransformers = new ObserveAddRemoveCollection <IVisualLineTransformer>(LineTransformer_Added, LineTransformer_Removed); heightTree = new HeightTree(textDocument, Skin.DefaultFont.Size); lines = new Dictionary <DocumentLine, VisualLine>(); GlobalTextRunProperties = new TextRunProperties { Foreground = Color.Black }; lineTransformers = new ObserveAddRemoveCollection <IVisualLineTransformer>(LineTransformer_Added, LineTransformer_Removed); HighlightingDefinition = HighlightingManager.DefaultHighlightingManager.Instance.GetDefinition("C#"); var colorizer = new HighlightingColorizer(highlightingDefinition.MainRuleSet); lineTransformers.Add(colorizer); weakLineTracker = WeakLineTracker.Register(textDocument, this); RebuildDocument(); }
public LinePart(int column, Span span, IAdornmentElement adornmentElement) { this.Column = column; this.Span = span; this.AdornmentElement = adornmentElement; this.TextRunProperties = null; }
// Token: 0x06006A2C RID: 27180 RVA: 0x001E3B87 File Offset: 0x001E1D87 internal InlineObjectRun(int cch, UIElement element, TextRunProperties textProps, TextParagraph host) { this._cch = cch; this._textProps = textProps; this._host = host; this._inlineUIContainer = (InlineUIContainer)LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(element); }
/// <summary> /// Updates properties from a change to the format map. Also forces a redraw of all the time stamped lines. /// </summary> private void SetFontFromClassification() { var font = _formatMap.GetTextProperties(_lineNumberClassification); _showHours = _textView.Options.GetOptionValue(TimeStampMarginShowHours.StaticKey); _showMilliseconds = _textView.Options.GetOptionValue(TimeStampMarginShowMilliseconds.StaticKey); // In the line number margin, we always enforce a 100% opacity. // This is to prevent mixing of the line number's background color // with its parent's background when the background brush of the // line number classified item is not opaque. Brush backgroundBrush = font.BackgroundBrush; if (backgroundBrush.Opacity != 1.0) { backgroundBrush = backgroundBrush.Clone(); backgroundBrush.Opacity = 1.0; backgroundBrush.Freeze(); font = font.SetBackgroundBrush(backgroundBrush); } base.Background = backgroundBrush; _formatting = font; this.SetClearTypeHint(font); this.DetermineMarginWidth(); // Reformat all the lines _translatedCanvas.Children.Clear(); this.UpdateLineNumbers(); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override TextRunProperties ModifyProperties(TextRunProperties properties) { Debug.Write($"KFT: {nameof(ModifyProperties)} called with "); // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse if (properties != null) { PropertiesDesc(s => Debug.Write("KFT " + s), properties); } Debug.WriteLine(""); if (properties != null) { return(new TextRunProperties1( properties.BackgroundBrush ?? Properties.BackgroundBrush, properties.BaselineAlignment, properties.CultureInfo ?? Properties.CultureInfo, properties.FontHintingEmSize, properties.FontRenderingEmSize, properties.ForegroundBrush ?? Properties.ForegroundBrush, properties.TextDecorations ?? Properties.TextDecorations, properties.TextEffects ?? properties.TextEffects, properties.Typeface ?? Properties.Typeface)); } return(Properties); }
public FrameworkElement Context(BlockColoring coloring, TextRunProperties properties) { Genero4glCodeBlock item = this; Stack <Genero4glCodeBlock> stack = new Stack <Genero4glCodeBlock>(); do { if (item.type == BlockType.Root) { break; } if (item.type != BlockType.Unknown) { stack.Push(item); } item = item.parent; }while (item.type != BlockType.Namespace); int repeatCount = 0; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (stack.Count != 0) { item = stack.Pop(); builder.Append(item.Statement(repeatCount)); repeatCount += 2; if (stack.Count != 0) { builder.Append('\r'); builder.Append(' ', repeatCount); } } return(new TextBlob(FormatStatements(builder.ToString(), coloring, properties))); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="characterString"></param> /// <param name="length"></param> /// <param name="textRunProperties"></param> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"></exception> public SyntaxTokenTextCharacters(string characterString, int length, TextRunProperties textRunProperties, SyntaxToken token, SyntaxNode node) : base(characterString, 0, length, textRunProperties, token.Span) { Token = token; #if SUPPORTVB Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.SyntaxKind kind; #endif SyntaxKind csKind; switch (token.Language) { #if SUPPORTVB case LanguageNames.VisualBasic: kind = VisualBasicExtensions.Kind(token); if (kind == Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.SyntaxKind.None) { throw new AppInvalidOperationException(token.Span.ToString()); } break; #endif case LanguageNames.CSharp: csKind = Token.Kind(); if (csKind == SyntaxKind.None) { throw new InvalidOperationException(token.Span.ToString()); } break; } Node = node; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a TextLine from a simple text. /// </summary> public static TextLine PrepareText(TextFormatter formatter, string text, TextRunProperties properties) { if (formatter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("formatter"); } if (text == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("text"); } if (properties == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("properties"); } return(formatter.FormatLine( new SimpleTextSource(text, properties), 0, 32000, new VisualLineTextParagraphProperties { defaultTextRunProperties = properties, textWrapping = TextWrapping.NoWrap, tabSize = 40 }, null)); }
internal void Update( string text, ITextViewLine line, IWpfTextView view, TextRunProperties formatting, double marginWidth, double verticalOffset) { LineTag = line.IdentityTag; if (_text == null || !string.Equals(_text, text, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { _text = text; _formattedText = new FormattedText( _text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, formatting.Typeface, formatting.FontRenderingEmSize, formatting.ForegroundBrush); _horizontalOffset = Math.Round(marginWidth - _formattedText.Width); InvalidateVisual(); } var num = line.TextTop - view.ViewportTop + verticalOffset; // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator if (num == _verticalOffset) { return; } _verticalOffset = num; InvalidateVisual(); }
public LinePart(int column, Span span, TextRunProperties textRunProperties) { this.Column = column; this.Span = span; this.AdornmentElement = null; this.TextRunProperties = textRunProperties; }
private static CultureInfo GetNumberCulture(TextRunProperties properties, out NumberSubstitutionMethod method, out bool ignoreUserOverride) { ignoreUserOverride = true; NumberSubstitution sub = properties.NumberSubstitution; if (sub == null) { method = NumberSubstitutionMethod.AsCulture; return(CultureMapper.GetSpecificCulture(properties.CultureInfo)); } method = sub.Substitution; switch (sub.CultureSource) { case NumberCultureSource.Text: return(CultureMapper.GetSpecificCulture(properties.CultureInfo)); case NumberCultureSource.User: ignoreUserOverride = false; return(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); case NumberCultureSource.Override: return(sub.CultureOverride); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a TextLine from a simple text. /// </summary> internal static TextLine PrepareText(TextFormatter formatter, string text, TextRunProperties properties) { if (formatter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(formatter)); } if (text == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text)); } if (properties == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(properties)); } return(formatter.FormatLine( new SimpleTextSource(text, properties), 0, 32000, new TextParagraphProperties { DefaultTextRunProperties = properties, TextWrapping = TextWrapping.NoWrap, DefaultIncrementalTab = 40 })); }
public FormattedTextSource(ReadOnlySlice <char> text, TextRunProperties defaultProperties, IReadOnlyList <ValueSpan <TextRunProperties> > textModifier) { _text = text; _defaultProperties = defaultProperties; _textModifier = textModifier; }
public TextRunProperties GetHighlightedTextRunProperties(TextRunProperties defaultHighlightedTextRunProperties) { var item = (CompletionItem as DescriptionModifyingCompletionItem)?.CompletionItem ?? CompletionItem; return((item.CompletionProvider as ICustomCompletionItemFormatter)?.GetHighlightedTextRunProperties(item, defaultHighlightedTextRunProperties) ?? defaultHighlightedTextRunProperties); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new VisualLineElementTextRunProperties instance that copies its values /// from the specified <paramref name="textRunProperties"/>. /// For the <see cref="TextDecorations"/> and <see cref="TextEffects"/> collections, deep copies /// are created if those collections are not frozen. /// </summary> public VisualLineElementTextRunProperties(TextRunProperties textRunProperties) { if (textRunProperties == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("textRunProperties"); } backgroundBrush = textRunProperties.BackgroundBrush; baselineAlignment = textRunProperties.BaselineAlignment; cultureInfo = textRunProperties.CultureInfo; fontHintingEmSize = textRunProperties.FontHintingEmSize; fontRenderingEmSize = textRunProperties.FontRenderingEmSize; foregroundBrush = textRunProperties.ForegroundBrush; typeface = textRunProperties.Typeface; textDecorations = textRunProperties.TextDecorations; if (textDecorations != null && !textDecorations.IsFrozen) { textDecorations = textDecorations.Clone(); } textEffects = textRunProperties.TextEffects; if (textEffects != null && !textEffects.IsFrozen) { textEffects = textEffects.Clone(); } typographyProperties = textRunProperties.TypographyProperties; numberSubstitution = textRunProperties.NumberSubstitution; }
static VisualElement() { Symbol = GetSymbol(); runProperties = TextConfiguration.GetGlobalTextRunProperties(); textSource = new SimpleTextSource(Symbol, runProperties); charSize = TextConfiguration.GetCharSize(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="dcp">Text position of the inline object in the text array.</param> /// <param name="cch">Number of text position in the text array occupied by the inline object.</param> /// <param name="element">UIElement representing the inline object.</param> /// <param name="textProps">Text run properties for the inline object.</param> /// <param name="host">TextBlock element - the host of the inline object.</param> internal InlineObject(int dcp, int cch, UIElement element, TextRunProperties textProps, System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock host) { _dcp = dcp; _cch = cch; _element = element; _textProps = textProps; _host = host; }
internal MergedTextRunProperties( TextRunProperties runProperties, TextDecorationCollection textDecorations) { _runProperties = runProperties; _textDecorations = textDecorations; PixelsPerDip = _runProperties.PixelsPerDip; }
// Token: 0x0600661F RID: 26143 RVA: 0x001CB699 File Offset: 0x001C9899 internal InlineObject(int dcp, int cch, UIElement element, TextRunProperties textProps, TextBlock host) { this._dcp = dcp; this._cch = cch; this._element = element; this._textProps = textProps; this._host = host; }
public override TextRun CreateTextRun(int startVisualColumn, ITextRunConstructionContext context) { if (ForegroundBrush != null) { TextRunProperties.SetForegroundBrush(ForegroundBrush); } return(base.CreateTextRun(startVisualColumn, context)); }
public static bool Equals(TextRunProperties a, TextRunProperties b) { if (a == b) { return(true); } if (a == null || b == null) { return(false); } if (a.FontHintingEmSize != b.FontHintingEmSize) { return(false); } if (a.FontRenderingEmSize != b.FontRenderingEmSize) { return(false); } if (a.TextDecorations != b.TextDecorations) // We don't use it so this is enough { return(false); } if (a.TextEffects != b.TextEffects) // We don't use it so this is enough { return(false); } if (!a.CultureInfo.Equals(b.CultureInfo)) { return(false); } if (!a.Typeface.Equals(b.Typeface)) { return(false); } if (!Equals(a.BackgroundBrush, b.BackgroundBrush)) { return(false); } if (!Equals(a.ForegroundBrush, b.ForegroundBrush)) { return(false); } if (a.BaselineAlignment != b.BaselineAlignment) { return(false); } if (!Equals(a.NumberSubstitution, b.NumberSubstitution)) { return(false); } if (!Equals(a.TypographyProperties, b.TypographyProperties)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public TextEmbeddedObject1(CharacterBufferReference characterBufferReference, int length, TextRunProperties properties, bool hasFixedSize, UIElement uiElement) { CharacterBufferReference = characterBufferReference; Length = length; Properties = properties; HasFixedSize = hasFixedSize; UiElement = uiElement; }
public static TextRunProperties GetGlobalTextRunProperties() { if (textRunProperties == null) { textRunProperties = CreateGlobalTextRunProperties(); } return(textRunProperties); }
public TabGlyphRun(TabTextElement element, TextRunProperties properties) { if (properties == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("properties"); } = properties; this.element = element; }
public FormattableTextSource(string text, TextRunProperties defaultStyle, ReadOnlySlice <ValueSpan <TextRunProperties> > styleSpans) { _text = text.AsMemory(); _defaultStyle = defaultStyle; _styleSpans = styleSpans; }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override TextRun CreateTextRun(int startVisualColumn, ITextRunConstructionContext context) { TextRunProperties.SetForegroundBrush(context.TextView.LinkTextForegroundBrush); TextRunProperties.SetBackgroundBrush(context.TextView.LinkTextBackgroundBrush); if (context.TextView.LinkTextUnderline) { TextRunProperties.SetTextDecorations(TextDecorations.Underline); } return(base.CreateTextRun(startVisualColumn, context)); }
public TextRunProperties Apply(TextRunProperties textRunProperties) { if (Foreground != null) textRunProperties.Foreground = Foreground.Value; if (Background != null) textRunProperties.Background = Background.Value; if (FontWeight != null) textRunProperties.FontWeight = FontWeight.Value; if (FontStyle != null) textRunProperties.FontStyle = FontStyle.Value; return textRunProperties; }
public TextLayer(TextView parent, TextDocument textDocument) : base(parent) { Document = textDocument; elementGenerators = new ObserveAddRemoveCollection<VisualLineElementGenerator>(ElementGenerator_Added, ElementGenerator_Removed); lineTransformers = new ObserveAddRemoveCollection<IVisualLineTransformer>(LineTransformer_Added, LineTransformer_Removed); heightTree = new HeightTree(textDocument, 16); //TODO Skin.DefaultFont.Size lines = new Dictionary<DocumentLine, VisualLine>(); GlobalTextRunProperties = new TextRunProperties { Foreground = Color.Black}; lineTransformers = new ObserveAddRemoveCollection<IVisualLineTransformer>(LineTransformer_Added,LineTransformer_Removed); HighlightingDefinition = HighlightingManager.DefaultHighlightingManager.Instance.GetDefinition("C#"); var colorizer = new HighlightingColorizer(highlightingDefinition.MainRuleSet); lineTransformers.Add(colorizer); weakLineTracker = WeakLineTracker.Register(textDocument, this); RebuildDocument(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates WPF Run instances that can be used for TextBlock.Inlines. /// </summary> public TextRunProperties[] CreateRuns() { TextRunProperties[] runs = new TextRunProperties[stateChanges.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < runs.Length; i++) { int startOffset = stateChangeOffsets[i]; int endOffset = i + 1 < stateChangeOffsets.Count ? stateChangeOffsets[i + 1] : text.Length; string runString = text.Substring(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset); TextRunProperties r = new TextRunProperties(); HighlightingState state = stateChanges[i]; r.Foreground = state.Foreground; r.Background = state.Background; if (state.Weight != null) r.FontWeight = state.Weight.Value; if (state.Family != null) r.FontFamily = state.Family.Value; if (state.Style != null) r.FontStyle = state.Style.Value; runs[i] = r; } return runs; }