public void Setup() { _textModule = TextModuleFactory.Get(); _command = new AddVersion { SiteId = Guid.NewGuid(), ModuleId = _textModule.ModuleId, Id = _textModule.Id, VersionId = Guid.NewGuid(), Content = "Content", Description = "Description", Status = TextVersionStatus.Published, VersionLocalisations = new List <AddVersion.VersionLocalisation>() { new AddVersion.VersionLocalisation { LanguageId = Guid.NewGuid(), Content = "Localised content" } } }; _validatorMock = new Mock <IValidator <AddVersion> >(); _validatorMock.Setup(x => x.Validate(_command)).Returns(new ValidationResult()); _textModule.AddVersion(_command, _validatorMock.Object); _newVersion = _textModule.TextVersions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == _command.VersionId); _event = _textModule.Events.OfType <VersionAdded>().SingleOrDefault(); }
public void Replace_PageNumber_10() { TextModule textModule = new TextModule(); string result = textModule.Replace_PageNumber("Page [PageNumber]", 10); Assert.AreEqual("Page 10", result); }
public void Create(TextModule text) { var textDbEntity = _mapper.Map <TextModuleDbEntity>(text); _texts.Add(textDbEntity); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public ActionResult Index() { TextModule tm = GetTextByLabel("Index", CultureUi.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); tm.Title = Resources.Language.Home_Index_Title; return(View("Index", tm)); }
public ActionResult About() { TextModule tm = GetTextByLabel("AboutUs", CultureUi.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); tm.Title = Resources.Language.Home_AboutUs_Title; return(View(tm)); }
public IEnumerable <IEvent> Handle(CreateTextModule command) { var textModule = TextModule.CreateNew(command, _validator); _textModuleRepository.Create(textModule); return(textModule.Events); }
public ICollection<IEvent> Handle(CreateTextModule command) { var textModule = TextModule.CreateNew(command, _validator); _textModuleRepository.Create(textModule); return textModule.Events; }
public async Task <IAggregateRoot> HandleAsync(CreateTextModule command) { var textModule = TextModule.CreateNew(command, _validator); await _textModuleRepository.CreateAsync(textModule); return(textModule); }
public async Task CreateAsync(TextModule text) { using (var context = _dbContextFactory.Create()) { var textDbEntity = _mapper.Map <TextModuleDbEntity>(text); context.TextModules.Add(textDbEntity); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
public void Create(TextModule text) { using (var context = _dbContextFactory.Create()) { var textDbEntity = _mapper.Map <TextModuleDbEntity>(text); context.TextModules.Add(textDbEntity); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void Update(TextModule textModule) { var textDbEntity = _texts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == textModule.Id); textDbEntity.Status = textModule.Status; UpdateTextVersions(textModule.TextVersions); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Update(TextModule textModule) { using (var context = _dbContextFactory.Create()) { var textDbEntity = context.TextModules.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == textModule.Id); textDbEntity.Status = textModule.Status; UpdateTextVersions(context, textModule.TextVersions); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void Setup() { _command = new CreateTextModule { SiteId = Guid.NewGuid(), ModuleId = Guid.NewGuid(), Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Content = "Content" }; _validatorMock = new Mock <IValidator <CreateTextModule> >(); _validatorMock.Setup(x => x.Validate(_command)).Returns(new ValidationResult()); _textModule = TextModule.CreateNew(_command, _validatorMock.Object); _event = _textModule.Events.OfType <TextModuleCreated>().SingleOrDefault(); }
public static TextModule Get() { var siteId = Guid.NewGuid(); var createCommand = new CreateTextModule { SiteId = siteId, ModuleId = Guid.NewGuid(), Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Content = "Content" }; var createValidatorMock = new Mock <IValidator <CreateTextModule> >(); createValidatorMock.Setup(x => x.Validate(createCommand)).Returns(new ValidationResult()); var textModule = TextModule.CreateNew(createCommand, createValidatorMock.Object); var addVersionCommand = new AddVersion { SiteId = siteId, ModuleId = textModule.ModuleId, Id = textModule.Id, VersionId = Guid.NewGuid(), Content = "Content", Description = "Description", Status = TextVersionStatus.Published, VersionLocalisations = new List <AddVersion.VersionLocalisation>() { new AddVersion.VersionLocalisation { LanguageId = Guid.NewGuid(), Content = "Localised content" } } }; _addVersionValidatorMock = new Mock <IValidator <AddVersion> >(); _addVersionValidatorMock.Setup(x => x.Validate(addVersionCommand)).Returns(new ValidationResult()); textModule.AddVersion(addVersionCommand, _addVersionValidatorMock.Object); textModule.Events.Clear(); return(textModule); }
private TextModule GetTextByLabel(string label, string culture) { TextModule tm = null; try { tm = Factory.TextModuleBll.GetByLabel(label, culture); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error($"TextModule with `{label}` (culture: {culture}) is not found, use default", ex); tm = new TextModule(); tm.Text = Resources.Language.SystemMessage_NotFound; } return(tm); }
public void ConvertToTextlines_Text() { Page page = new Page(new Document(), "PAGE", "200mm", "200mm", "rgb", "3mm", 1); Font f = new Font("FONT", @"C:\Windows\Fonts", "UTF-8", "false", "10pt"); FontStyle fs = new FontStyle(f, "STYLE", "arial.ttf"); f.AddStyle(fs); Content container = new Content(page); object[] paramList = new object[2]; paramList[0] = container; paramList[1] = "TEXT"; OpenTemplater.Models.Text.Text text = MockRepository.GeneratePartialMock <OpenTemplater.Models.Text.Text>(paramList); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(text, "10pt", "left"); TextElement te = new TextElement(p, "Dit is een hele mooie tekst.", fs, new Unit(10), new Color("blue")); p.Add(te); p.Add(te); p.Add(te); text.Add(p); TextModule tm = new TextModule(); TextlineCollection textlineCollection = tm.ConvertToTextlines(new Unit("35mm"), text); // There should be 4 texlines. Assert.AreEqual(4, textlineCollection.Count); // Each textline should be shorter than 35 milimeters. foreach (Textline textline in textlineCollection) { Assert.AreEqual(true, textline.Width.Points <= new Unit("35mm").Points); } // The total height of the textlines should be 40mm. Assert.AreEqual(40, textlineCollection.Height.Points); }
public void SetTextlines() { var textModule = new TextModule(); TextlineCollection lines = textModule.ConvertToTextlines(LayoutContainer.Layout.Width, this); TextlineMeasuringOutput output = textModule.SplitTextlines(lines, LayoutContainer.Layout.Height.Points); if (Textlines == null) { Textlines = output.FittingLines; LayoutContainer.TryResize(Textlines.Width, Textlines.Height); var overflowText = OverflowElement as Text; if (overflowText != null) { overflowText.Textlines.AddRange(output.NotFittingLines); } } }
public async Task <ActionResult> RssFeed(Guid moduleGuid) { TextModule mod = (TextModule)await ModuleDefinition.LoadAsync(moduleGuid, AllowNone : true); if (mod == null || !mod.Feed) { throw new Error(this.__ResStr("noFeed", "The feed is no longer available")); } ModuleAction action = await mod.GetAction_RssFeedAwait(mod.ModuleGuid); string url = action.GetCompleteUrl(); SyndicationFeed feed; List <SyndicationItem> items = new List <SyndicationItem>(); feed = new SyndicationFeed(mod.FeedTitle, mod.FeedSummary, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mod.FeedMainUrl) ? new Uri(url) : new Uri(Manager.CurrentSite.MakeUrl(mod.FeedMainUrl)), items); action = await mod.GetAction_RssDetailAsync(mod.FeedDetailUrl, mod.ModuleGuid, mod.AnchorId); url = action.GetCompleteUrl(); SyndicationItem sItem = new SyndicationItem(mod.Title, mod.Contents, new Uri(url)); sItem.PublishDate = mod.FeedPublishDate ?? DateTime.MinValue; items.Add(sItem); if (mod.FeedImage != null) { feed.ImageUrl = new Uri(Manager.CurrentSite.MakeUrl(ImageHTML.FormatUrl(YetaWF.Core.Modules.ModuleImageSupport.ImageType, null, mod.FeedImage, CacheBuster: mod.DateUpdated.Ticks.ToString()))); } feed.LastUpdatedTime = mod.FeedUpdateDate ?? DateTime.MinValue; return(new RssResult(feed)); }
public Mother3ModuleCollection(Mother3RomConfig romConfig) { Data = new DataModule(romConfig); Text = new TextModule(romConfig); }