public void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int total;
            int clrIndex;
            int failed = 0;
            int fndExcep;

            object[] tmpArray;
            string[,] currList;
            string endTime;
            string hrs;
            string mins;
            string secs;
            string timeString;
            string dirPth;
            string suffFile;
            string slctString;
            string suiteName;
            string tmpID;
            string caseName;
            string fileName   = "";
            string fldrString = "";
            string pth        = "";

            Control.ControlCollection btnRadio;
            DateTime tmp;
            TimeSpan fnlTime;
            DateTime startTime;

            clrIndex = 0;
            suffFile = "";
            btnRadio = slctBrowser.Controls;

            //disable all the controls on the form
            lstTestSuite.Enabled          = false;
            btnOK.Enabled                 = false;
            btnCancel.Enabled             = false;
            btnDeslctAllAvailable.Enabled = false;
            btnSelect.Enabled             = false;
            btnSlctAllAvailable.Enabled   = false;
            lstAvailableTest.Enabled      = false;
            lstSelectedTest.Enabled       = false;
            lstCaseSelect.Enabled         = false;
            lstTestSuite.Enabled          = false;

            label11.Text = "Total Tests: ";
            label12.Text = "Passed Tests: ";
            label13.Text = "Failed Tests: ";

            //populate an array with the list of items currently in the Selected Items box
            currList = new string[lstCaseSelect.Items.Count, 2];
            total    = lstCaseSelect.Items.Count;

            if (datSource != "DB")
                for (int i = 0; i < lstCaseSelect.Items.Count; i++)
                    slctString = lstCaseSelect.Items[i].ToString();
                    getVal(slctString, out suiteName, out caseName);

                    currList[i, 0] = suiteName;
                    currList[i, 1] = caseName;
                for (int i = 0; i < lstCaseSelect.Items.Count; i++)
                    //set the test case variable
                    currList[i, 1] = lstCaseSelect.Items[i].ToString();

                    //get a one item array with the regression suite id from the test table
                    tmpArray = db_access("SELECT regression_suite_id FROM test WHERE name = '"
                                         + currList[i, 1] + "'");
                    tmpID = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0]);

                    tmpArray       = db_access("SELECT name FROM regression_suite WHERE id = '" + tmpID + "'");
                    currList[i, 0] = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0]);

                //there's no way to

            //Setup the directory where the results file will be stored
            dirPth   = Application.StartupPath + "\\Results";
            tmp      = DateTime.Now;                                                //date-time at the time of test running
            suffFile = tmp.Month.ToString() + tmp.Day.ToString() + tmp.Year.ToString().Substring(2, 2) + tmp.Hour.ToString() +
                       tmp.Minute.ToString() + tmp.Second.ToString();

            //set the date-time value to a string
            fileName   = "Result_" + suffFile + ".html";
            fldrString = "Result_" + suffFile;
            pth        = dirPth + "\\" + fileName;

            //create a result text file  and write a beginning message

            //start timer1 to calculate the complete test run
            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            tstObject_FF.faillst = "";

            for (int tst = 0; tst < currList.GetLength(0); tst++)
                //get the current date/time value and set to a string
                currTime = DateTime.Now;
                suffFile = currTime.ToString("MMddhhmmss");

                lstCaseSelect.SetSelected(tst, true);

                txtSuiteRunning.Text = currList[tst, 0];
                txtTestRunning.Text  = currList[tst, 1];


                //run this test
                runFunction(currList[tst, 0], currList[tst, 1], btnRadio, pth, out fndExcep);

                //stop test timer

                //set the final time and format each element
                fnlTime    = DateTime.Now - currTime;
                timeString = fnlTime.ToString();
                hrs        = fnlTime.Hours.ToString();
                hrs        = fmtTime(hrs);
                mins       = fnlTime.Minutes.ToString();
                mins       = fmtTime(mins);
                secs       = fnlTime.Seconds.ToString();
                secs       = fmtTime(secs);
                endTime    = hrs + ":" + mins + ":" + secs;

                //Write the endTime to the test results
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "This test run completed in: " + endTime + "\r\n", clrIndex = 0);
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "", clrIndex);

                lstCaseSelect.SetSelected(tst, false);

            //Send message to result file noting the end of the suite
            for (int a = 0; a < 1; a++)
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "End Test Run.........." + "\r\n", clrIndex);

            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Failed Tests: ", clrIndex);
            switch (radnum)
            case 0:
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstObject_FF.faillst + "\r\n", clrIndex);
                foreach (char c in tstObject_FF.faillst)
                    if (c == ',')

            case 1:
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstObject_Chrome.faillst + "\r\n", clrIndex);
                foreach (char c in tstObject_Chrome.faillst)
                    if (c == ',')

            case 2:
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstObject_IE.faillst + "\r\n", clrIndex);
                foreach (char c in tstObject_IE.faillst)
                    if (c == ',')

                TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstObject_FF.faillst + "\r\n", clrIndex);

            label11.Text += total;
            label12.Text += (total - failed);
            label13.Text += failed;

            //write closing tags to result file
            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</html>", clrIndex = 100);
            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</body>", clrIndex = 100);

            //show the result file

            //re-enable all the controls on the form
            lstTestSuite.Enabled          = true;
            btnOK.Enabled                 = true;
            btnCancel.Enabled             = true;
            btnDeslctAllAvailable.Enabled = true;
            btnSelect.Enabled             = true;
            btnSlctAllAvailable.Enabled   = true;
            lstAvailableTest.Enabled      = true;
            lstSelectedTest.Enabled       = true;
            lstCaseSelect.Enabled         = true;
            lstTestSuite.Enabled          = true;

            //enable the test suite selector field at the conclusion of the test
            lstTestSuite.Enabled = true;

            //stop timer1 and post results to the GUI
            currTime = DateTime.Now;
            fnlTime  = (currTime - startTime);
            hrs      = fnlTime.Hours.ToString();
            hrs      = fmtTime(hrs);
            mins     = fnlTime.Minutes.ToString();
            mins     = fmtTime(mins);
            secs     = fnlTime.Seconds.ToString();
            secs     = fmtTime(secs);

            endTime       = hrs + ":" + mins + ":" + secs;
            lblTimer.Text = endTime;

Exemple #2
        public static void tstBrowser(string pth, string datSource, string steName, string tstName, int radnum, string baseURL, ref string[,] tstResult, ref string profilePath, out int fndExcep, out int fnlFail)
            testname = tstName;
            int eleNum;
            int maxCols;
            //int stpCount;
            //int itmCount;
            int  tstFail;
            char chr = Convert.ToChar(34);

            //object[,] tmpArray;
            string[] outArray;
            string[] lstTest;
            string[] dbArray;
            string[,] dataArray;
            string[,] rsltArray;
            //string argID;
            //string functionID;
            string getNeg;
            string lnNum;
            string nmFunc;
            string product;
            string step;
            //string strCon;
            //string strSQL;
            //string tmpString;
            //string tstID;
            string xlPath;
            //ADODB.Connection objCon;
            //ADODB.Recordset objRec;
            TestSuite lstObject;

            product  = "";
            getNeg   = "";
            tstFail  = 0;
            fnlFail  = 0;
            fndExcep = 0;
            DateTime tmp = DateTime.Now;                            //date-time at the time of test running

            rsltArray = new string[1, 6];

            //open browser based on selection on the GUI
            tstObject tstObj = new tstObject(radnum, ref profilePath, baseURL);

            switch (datSource)
                /* #region DB
                 * case "DB":
                 * {
                 *       //db connection string
                 *       strCon = //insert connection string
                 *       //database connections objects
                 *       objCon = new ADODB.Connection();
                 *       objRec = new ADODB.Recordset();
                 *       //open the connection to the database
                 *       objCon.Open(strCon);
                 *       //get the product from the regression suite in the database
                 *       //strSQL = "SELECT product FROM regression_suite WHERE name = '" + steName + "'";
                 *       //SQL to execute
                 *       strSQL = "SELECT id, product FROM test WHERE name = '" + tstName + "'";
                 *       //open recordset and get test id with SQL
                 *       try
                 *       {
                 *           objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *       }
                 *       catch(COMException e)
                 *       {
                 *           if (e.Message != "")
                 *           {
                 *               //db connection string
                 *               strCon = "driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};server=;uid=qa_people;pwd=thehandcontrols;" +
                 *                           "database=functional_test_data;option=3";
                 *               objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *               //Record failed result
                 *               tmpString = "COMException was thrown. Reopening connection" + e.Message;
                 *               tstResult = tstObject.arrayAppend("False", tmpString, "-1", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, tstResult);
                 *           }
                 *       }
                 *       //set test id to a string variable
                 *       tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();
                 *       tstID = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0, 0]);
                 *       product = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[1, 0]);
                 *       //close the recordset
                 *       objRec.Close();
                 *       //SQL to execute
                 *       strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM step WHERE test_id = '" + tstID + "'";
                 *       //open recordset and get the number of stepsto execute with SQL
                 *       try
                 *       {
                 *           objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *       }
                 *       catch (COMException e)
                 *       {
                 *           if (e.Message != "")
                 *           {
                 *               //db connection string
                 *               strCon = "driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};server=;uid=qa_people;pwd=thehandcontrols;" +
                 *                           "database=functional_test_data;option=3";
                 *               objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *               //Record failed result
                 *               tmpString = "COMException was throw. Reopening connection" + e.Message;
                 *               tstResult = tstObject.arrayAppend("False", tmpString, "-1", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, tstResult);
                 *           }
                 *       }
                 *       //get the count value from the recordset and convert to an int fpor use in the step loop
                 *       tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();
                 *       stpCount = Convert.ToInt32(tmpArray[0, 0]);
                 *       //close the recordset
                 *       objRec.Close();
                 *       //set up a for loop to run all steps in a test
                 *       for (int stp = 0; stp < stpCount; stp++)
                 *       {
                 *           if (stp == 23)
                 *               stp = 23;
                 *           step = "Step " + Convert.ToString(stp + 1);
                 *           //SQL to execute
                 *           strSQL = "SELECT function_id, argument_set_id, lineNumber FROM step WHERE (test_id = '" + tstID + "') AND (number = " + (stp + 1) + ")";
                 *           //open recordset and get all the ids necessary for this step
                 *           try
                 *           {
                 *               objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *           }
                 *           catch (COMException e)
                 *           {
                 *               if (e.Message != "")
                 *               {
                 *                   //db connection string
                 *                   strCon = "driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};server=;uid=qa_people;pwd=thehandcontrols;" +
                 *                               "database=functional_test_data;option=3";
                 *                   objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *                   //Record failed result
                 *                   tmpString = "COMException was throw. Reopening connection" + e.Message;
                 *                   tstResult = tstObject.arrayAppend("False", tmpString, "-1", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, tstResult);
                 *               }
                 *           }
                 *           tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();
                 *           //set the function id
                 *           functionID = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0, 0]);
                 *           //set the hash string for the argument set
                 *           argID = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[1, 0]);
                 *           //set the line number from the original Excel spreadsheet for reference
                 *           lnNum = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[2, 0]);
                 *           //close the recordset
                 *           objRec.Close();
                 *           //get the function name
                 *           strSQL = "SELECT function_name FROM function WHERE id = '" + functionID + "'";
                 *           try
                 *           {
                 *               objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *           }
                 *           catch (COMException e)
                 *           {
                 *               if (e.Message != "")
                 *               {
                 *                   //db connection string
                 *                   strCon = "driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};server=;uid=qa_people;pwd=thehandcontrols;" +
                 *                               "database=functional_test_data;option=3";
                 *                   objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *                   //Record failed result
                 *                   tmpString = "COMException was throw. Reopening connection" + e.Message;
                 *                   tstResult = tstObject.arrayAppend("False", tmpString, "-1", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, tstResult);
                 *               }
                 *           }
                 *           tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();
                 *           //set the function name variable
                 *           nmFunc = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0, 0]);
                 *           //close the recordset
                 *           objRec.Close();
                 *           // get the number of argments to be set to the application
                 *           strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM argument WHERE argument_set_id = '" + argID + "'";
                 *           try
                 *           {
                 *               objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *           }
                 *           catch (COMException e)
                 *           {
                 *               if (e.Message != "")
                 *               {
                 *                   //db connection string
                 *                   strCon = "driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};server=;uid=qa_people;pwd=thehandcontrols;" +
                 *                               "database=functional_test_data;option=3";
                 *                   objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *                   //Record failed result
                 *                   tmpString = "COMException was throw. Reopening connection" + e.Message;
                 *                   tstResult = tstObject.arrayAppend("False", tmpString, "-1", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, tstResult);
                 *               }
                 *           }
                 *           tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();
                 *           //set the itmCount varable
                 *           itmCount = Convert.ToInt32(tmpArray[0, 0]);
                 *           //close the recordset
                 *           objRec.Close();
                 *           if (itmCount > 0)
                 *           {
                 *               //set the array size for the inArray parameter of the drive function
                 *               dbArray = new string[itmCount];
                 *               //set the array with blank values
                 *               for (int x = 0; x < itmCount; x++)
                 *                   dbArray[x] = String.Empty;
                 *               //get the argument data from the database and populate into the dbArray
                 *               strSQL = "SELECT value FROM argument WHERE argument_set_id = '" + argID + "' ORDER BY seq ASC";
                 *               try
                 *               {
                 *                   objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *               }
                 *               catch (COMException e)
                 *               {
                 *                   if (e.Message != "")
                 *                   {
                 *                       //db connection string
                 *                       strCon = "driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};server=;uid=qa_people;pwd=thehandcontrols;" +
                 *                                   "database=functional_test_data;option=3";
                 *                       objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                 *                       //Record failed result
                 *                       tmpString = "COMException was throw. Reopening connection" + e.Message;
                 *                       tstResult = tstObject.arrayAppend("False", tmpString, "-1", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, tstResult);
                 *                   }
                 *               }
                 *               tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();
                 *               //close the recordset
                 *               objRec.Close();
                 *               for (int stpData = 0; stpData < tmpArray.Length; stpData++)
                 *               {
                 *                   if (stpData != tmpArray.Length)
                 *                       dbArray[stpData] = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0, stpData]);
                 *               }
                 *           }
                 *           else
                 *           {
                 *               dbArray = new string[1];
                 *               dbArray[0] = "";
                 *           }
                 *           //call driveFunction to execute the step noted in dataArray[tstSuite. 0]
                 *           TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<li>", 100);
                 *           //initialize anm array to hold all of the test results that wiill be written to the results file
                 *           tstResult = new string[1, 9];
                 *           //pass the appropriate vars to the drivefunction
                 *           tstObj.driveFunction(tstObj, nmFunc, lnNum, step, dbArray, baseURL, product, datSource, pth, ref getNeg, ref tstResult, out fndExcep, out tstFail);
                 *           //log the step result
                 *           logStep(tstResult, fndExcep, tstFail, getNeg, step, ref fnlFail, pth);
                 *           if (fndExcep == -1)
                 *           {
                 *               break;
                 *           }
                 *           //reset the tstResult array to log step result
                 *           tstResult = null;
                 *       }
                 *   TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</ul>", 100);
                 *   break;
                 * }

                #region EX
            case "EX":
                //Initialize Firefox and construct the dataArray
                //the out parameter is the maxColumns in what will be the fnlArray and hence the width of each item in the array
                xlPath = TestSuite.getXlPath(steName);

                lstObject = new TestSuite();
                lstObject.getTestListing(out lstTest, xlPath);

                //string step1 = dataArray[runStep, 2];

                dataArray = tstObj.xlFunctions(tstObj, xlPath, tstName, "Master", out maxCols, ref product);

                //set eleNum (number of elements) to 0
                for (int runStep = 0; runStep < dataArray.GetLength(0); runStep++)
                    eleNum = 0;
                    for (int stpNum = 3; stpNum < dataArray.GetLength(1); stpNum++)
                        //Get the number of elements in this step data from dataArray
                        if (dataArray[runStep, stpNum] != null)
                            eleNum++;                               //increment elenum in the presence of a value
                        }                                           //in dataArray[tstSuite, stpNum]

                    //initialize and set outArray with all data values in the dataArray line item
                    if (eleNum != 0)
                        outArray = new string[eleNum];          //set outArray to eleNum

                        //set the outarray with all data values or passing to driveFunction
                        for (int setArray = 0; setArray < eleNum; setArray++)
                            outArray[setArray] = dataArray[runStep, setArray + 3];
                        outArray    = new string[1];
                        outArray[0] = "";

                    nmFunc  = dataArray[runStep, 0];
                    lnNum   = dataArray[runStep, 1];
                    step    = dataArray[runStep, 2];
                    dbArray = outArray;

                    //call driveFunction to execute the step noted in dataArray[tstSuite. 0]
                    TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<li>", 100);

                    //initialize anm array to hold all of the test results that wiill be written to the results file
                    tstResult = new string[1, 9];

                    //pass the appropriate vars to the drivefunction
                    tstObj.driveFunction(tstObj, nmFunc, lnNum, step, dbArray, baseURL, product, datSource, pth, ref getNeg, ref tstResult, out fndExcep, out tstFail);

                    if (fndExcep == -1 || tstFail == -1)
                        tstFail = -1;

                    if (nmFunc != "vfyNote")
                        //log the step result
                        logStep(tstResult, fndExcep, tstFail, getNeg, step, ref fnlFail, pth);

                        if (fndExcep == -1)

                    //reset the tstResult array to log step result
                    tstResult = null;

            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</ul>", 100);

            switch (radnum)
            case 1:
                //close Chrome
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Closing Chrome..........\r\n", 80);

            case 2:
                //close IE
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Closing Internet Explorer..........\r\n", 80);

                //close Firefox
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Closing Firefox..........\r\n", 80);

            //exit chromedriver.exe if Chrome is the browser being used if niot here by an exception
            if (radnum == 1 || radnum == 2)

            //put a couple newlines in the result file to seperate results
            for (int a = 0; a < 1; a++)
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "\r\n", 0);
Exemple #3
        private static void logStep(string[,] tstResult, int fndExcep, int tstFail, string getNeg, string step, ref int fnlFail, string pth)
            int excepLogged;

            excepLogged = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < tstResult.GetLength(0); x++)
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<div>", 100);

                if (tstResult[x, 2] == "-1")
                    TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Error Found........(" + step + ")\r\n", -1);
                    TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<br />", -1);
                    TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstResult[x, 1].ToString(), -1);

                    if (fndExcep == -1)
                        excepLogged = 1;
                    if (tstResult[x, 0] == "verify")
                        switch (tstResult[x, 1].Trim())
                        case "button":
                            Recorder.btnVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], pth, getNeg);

                        case "dropdown":
                            Recorder.dropdownListVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 3], pth, getNeg);

                        case "field":
                            Recorder.fldVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                        case "grades":
                            Recorder.gradeVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 6], tstResult[x, 7], tstResult[x, 8], pth);

                        case "image":
                            Recorder.imgVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], pth, getNeg);

                        case "link":
                            Recorder.lnkVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                        case "table":
                            Recorder.tblVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                        case "text":
                        case "field text":
                            Recorder.txtVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                        case "outcome":
                            Recorder.outcomeVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 6], tstResult[x, 7], tstResult[x, 8], pth);

                        case "percentage":
                            Recorder.pctVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 6], pth);

                        case "weight":
                            Recorder.weightWrite(tstResult[x, 2], tstResult[x, 3], pth);

                        case "tooltip":
                            Recorder.tooltipVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], pth);

                        case "popup":
                            Recorder.popupVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 6], tstResult[x, 7], pth, getNeg);
                        TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstResult[x, 1].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(tstResult[x, 2]));
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</div>", 100);
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</li>", 100);

                if (tstFail == -1)
                    fnlFail = -1;

                if (excepLogged == -1)

            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<br />", 100);
        public static void tstBrowser(string pth, string datSource, string steName, string tstName, int radnum, string baseURL, ref string[,] tstResult, out int fndExcep, out int fnlFail)
            testname = tstName;
            int  vfyFunc;
            int  eleNum;
            int  maxCols;
            int  stpCount;
            int  itmCount;
            int  tstFail;
            char chr = Convert.ToChar(34);

            object[,] tmpArray;
            string[] outArray;
            string[] lstTest;
            string[] dbArray;
            string[,] dataArray;
            string[,] rsltArray;
            string argID;
            string functionID;
            string getNeg;
            string nmFunc;
            string step;
            string strCon;
            string strSQL;
            string tstID;
            string xlPath;

            ADODB.Connection objCon;
            ADODB.Recordset  objRec;
            TestSuite        lstObject;

            getNeg   = "";
            tstFail  = 0;
            fnlFail  = 0;
            fndExcep = 0;
            DateTime tmp = DateTime.Now;                            //date-time at the time of test running

            vfyFunc   = 0;
            rsltArray = new string[1, 6];

            //open browser based on selection on the GUI
            tstObject tstObj = new tstObject(radnum);

            //TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<li>", 100);

            switch (datSource)
            case "DB":
                //db connection string
                strCon = "driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};server=;uid=qa_people;pwd=thehandcontrols;" +

                //database connections objects
                objCon = new ADODB.Connection();
                objRec = new ADODB.Recordset();
                //open the connection to the database

                //SQL to execute
                strSQL = "SELECT id FROM test WHERE name = '" + tstName + "'";

                //open recordset and get test id with SQL
                objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);

                //set test id to a string variable
                tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();
                tstID    = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0, 0]);

                //close the recordset

                //SQL to execute
                strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM step WHERE test_id = '" + tstID + "'";

                //open recordset and get the number of stepsto execute with SQL
                objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);

                //get the count value from the recordset and convert to an int fpor use in the step loop
                tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();
                stpCount = Convert.ToInt32(tmpArray[0, 0]);

                //close the recordset

                //set up a for loop to run all steps in a test
                for (int stp = 0; stp < stpCount; stp++)
                    if (stp == 23)
                        stp = 23;
                    step = "Step " + Convert.ToString(stp + 1);
                    //SQL to execute
                    strSQL = "SELECT function_id, argument_set_id FROM step WHERE (test_id = '" + tstID + "') AND (number = " + (stp + 1) + ")";

                    //open recordset and get all the ids necessary for this step
                    objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                    tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();

                    //set the function id
                    functionID = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0, 0]);

                    //set the hash string for the argument set
                    argID = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[1, 0]);

                    //close the recordset

                    //get the function name
                    strSQL = "SELECT function_name FROM function WHERE id = '" + functionID + "'";
                    objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                    tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();

                    //set the function name variable
                    nmFunc = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0, 0]);

                    //close the recordset

                    // get the number of argments to be set to the application
                    strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM argument WHERE argument_set_id = '" + argID + "'";
                    objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                    tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();

                    //set the itmCount varable
                    itmCount = Convert.ToInt32(tmpArray[0, 0]);

                    //close the recordset

                    if (itmCount > 0)
                        //set the array size for the inArray parameter of the drive function
                        dbArray = new string[itmCount];

                        //set the array with blank values
                        for (int x = 0; x < itmCount; x++)
                            dbArray[x] = String.Empty;

                        //get the argument data from the database and populate into the dbArray
                        strSQL = "SELECT value FROM argument WHERE argument_set_id = '" + argID + "' ORDER BY seq ASC";
                        objRec.Open(strSQL, objCon);
                        tmpArray = objRec.GetRows();

                        //close the recordset

                        for (int stpData = 0; stpData < tmpArray.Length; stpData++)
                            if (stpData != tmpArray.Length)
                                dbArray[stpData] = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0, stpData]);
                        dbArray    = new string[1];
                        dbArray[0] = "";

                    //call driveFunction to execute the step noted in dataArray[tstSuite. 0]
                    TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<li>", 100);

                    //initialize anm array to hold all of the test results that wiill be written to the results file
                    tstResult = new string[1, 9];

                    //pass the appropriate vars to the drivefunction
                    tstObj.driveFunction(tstObj, nmFunc, step, dbArray, baseURL, datSource, pth, ref getNeg, ref tstResult, out fndExcep, out tstFail);

                    for (int x = 0; x < tstResult.GetLength(0); x++)
                        TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<div>", 100);

                        if (fndExcep != -1)
                            if (tstResult[x, 0] == "verify")
                                switch (tstResult[x, 1].Trim())
                                case "button":
                                    Recorder.btnVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], pth, getNeg);

                                case "dropdown":
                                    Recorder.dropdownListVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 3], pth, getNeg);

                                case "field":
                                    Recorder.fldVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                                case "grades":
                                    Recorder.gradeVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 6], tstResult[x, 7], tstResult[x, 8], pth);

                                case "image":
                                    Recorder.imgVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                                case "link":
                                    Recorder.lnkVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                                case "table":
                                    Recorder.tblVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                                case "text":
                                case "field text":
                                    Recorder.txtVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                                case "outcome":
                                    Recorder.outcomeVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 6], tstResult[x, 7], tstResult[x, 8], pth);

                                case "percentage":
                                    Recorder.pctVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], pth);
                                TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstResult[x, 1].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(tstResult[x, 2]));
                            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<div>", 100);
                            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Exception Found.............(" + step + ")", 80);
                            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<br />", 100);
                            TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstResult[x, 1].ToString(), -1);

                        TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</div>", 100);

                    tstResult = null;

                    TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<br />", 100);
                    TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</li>", 100);

                    if (tstFail == -1)
                        fnlFail = -1;

                    if (fndExcep == -1)


            case "EX":
                //Initialize Firefox and construct the dataArray
                //the out parameter is the maxColumns in what will be the fnlArray and hence the width of each item in the array
                xlPath = TestSuite.getXlPath(steName);

                lstObject = new TestSuite();
                lstObject.getTestListing(out lstTest, xlPath);

                dataArray = tstObj.xlFunctions(tstObj, xlPath, tstName, "Master", out maxCols);

                //set eleNum (number of elements) to 0
                for (int runStep = 0; runStep < dataArray.GetLength(0); runStep++)
                    eleNum = 0;
                    for (int stpNum = 3; stpNum < dataArray.GetLength(1); stpNum++)
                        //Get the number of elements in this step data from dataArray
                        if (dataArray[runStep, stpNum] != null)
                            eleNum++;                               //increment elenum in the presence of a value
                        }                                           //in dataArray[tstSuite, stpNum]

                    //initialize and set outArray with all data values in the dataArray line item
                    if (eleNum != 0)
                        outArray = new string[eleNum];          //set outArray to eleNum

                        //set the outarray with all data values or passing to driveFunction
                        for (int setArray = 0; setArray < eleNum; setArray++)
                            outArray[setArray] = dataArray[runStep, setArray + 3];
                        outArray    = new string[1];
                        outArray[0] = "";

                    nmFunc  = dataArray[runStep, 0];
                    step    = dataArray[runStep, 2];
                    dbArray = outArray;

                    //call driveFunction to execute the step noted in dataArray[tstSuite. 0]
                    TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<li>", 100);

                    //initialize anm array to hold all of the test results that wiill be written to the results file
                    tstResult = new string[1, 9];

                    //pass the appropriate vars to the drivefunction
                    tstObj.driveFunction(tstObj, nmFunc, step, dbArray, baseURL, datSource, pth, ref getNeg, ref tstResult, out fndExcep, out tstFail);

                    for (int x = 0; x < tstResult.GetLength(0); x++)
                        TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<div>", 100);

                        if (fndExcep != -1)
                            if (tstResult[x, 0] == "verify")
                                switch (tstResult[x, 1].Trim())
                                case "button":
                                    Recorder.btnVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], pth, getNeg);

                                case "dropdown":
                                    Recorder.dropdownListVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 3], pth, getNeg);

                                case "field":
                                    Recorder.fldVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                                case "grades":
                                    Recorder.gradeVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 6], tstResult[x, 7], tstResult[x, 8], pth);

                                case "image":
                                    Recorder.imgVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                                case "link":
                                    Recorder.lnkVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                                case "table":
                                    Recorder.tblVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                                case "text":
                                case "field text":
                                    Recorder.txtVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 5], pth, getNeg);

                                case "outcome":
                                    Recorder.outcomeVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], tstResult[x, 6], tstResult[x, 7], tstResult[x, 8], pth);

                                case "percentage":
                                    Recorder.pctVerify(Convert.ToBoolean(tstResult[x, 2]), tstResult[x, 3], tstResult[x, 4], tstResult[x, 5], pth);

                                case "weight":
                                    Recorder.weightWrite(tstResult[x, 2], tstResult[x, 3], pth);
                                TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstResult[x, 1].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(tstResult[x, 2]));
                            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<div>", 100);
                            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Exception Found.............(" + step + ")", 80);
                            TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstResult[x, 1].ToString(), -1);

                        TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</div>", 100);

                    vfyFunc   = 0;
                    tstResult = null;

                    TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<br />", 100);

                    //call driveFunction to execute the step noted in dataArray[tstSuite. 0]
                    TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</li>", 100);

                    if (tstFail == -1)
                        fnlFail = -1;

                    if (fndExcep == -1)


            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</ul>", 100);

            switch (radnum)
            case 1:
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<li>", 80);
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Closing Chrome..........\r\n", 80);
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</li>", 80);

            case 2:
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<li>", 80);
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Closing Internet Explorer..........\r\n", 80);
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</li>", 80);

                //close Firefox
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "<li>", 80);
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Closing Firefox..........\r\n", 80);
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</li>", 80);

            //exit chromedriver.exe if Chrome is the browser being used if niot here by an exception
            if (fndExcep != -1)
                if (radnum == 1 || radnum == 2)
            //put a couple newlines in the result file to seperate results
            for (int a = 0; a < 1; a++)
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "\r\n", 0);