// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape)) { SceneManager.LoadScene(9); } // texto -> clica -> texto +1 if (_effect.endText == false && index <= texts.Length) { if (index == 0) { _effect.fullText = texts[index]; StartCoroutine(_effect.ShowText()); index++; _effect.endText = false; } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { _effect.fullText = texts[index]; StartCoroutine(_effect.ShowText()); index++; } } }
public void Hit(float amount) { mCurrentHP -= amount; //Show HPBar if (mHPBar == null) { mHPBar = GaugeBarPool.Instance.GetFromPool(); } if (mCurrentHP <= 0) { mState = eEnemyState.Die; mDelayCount = 0; mController.AddCoin(mReward); mHPBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); mHPBar = null; TextEffect textEffect = mController.GetTextEffect(); textEffect.ShowText(mReward); textEffect.transform.position = mHPBarPos.position;// 월드좌표 카메라 //textEffect.transform.position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(mHPBarPos.position);// 오버레이일때 tag가 MainCamera돼어야 Camera.가능 //text effect } else { mHPBar.SetGauge(mCurrentHP, mMaxHP); mHPBar.transform.position = mHPBarPos.position; // 위치 변경하려면 Update에 넣으면됨. } }
public void useGun() { Debug.Log("usou arma"); // Destroy(this.gameObject); Destroy(doppelganger); _text.fullText = "the shadow figure just vanished !\nYou must find the creature and end this nightmare.\nPress esc to finish."; StartCoroutine(_text.ShowText()); creatureDown = true; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { isDeath = false; _text = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("gametext").GetComponent <TextEffect>(); _gun = GameObject.Find("gun"); if (_gun == null) { Death(); } else { _text.fullText = "A shadow figure attacks you."; StartCoroutine(_text.ShowText()); } }
public void Hit(float amount) { mCurrentHP -= amount; //Show HPBar if (mCurrentHP <= 0) { mState = eEnemyState.Die; mDelayCount = 0; mController.AddCoin(mReward); TextEffect textEffect = mController.GetTextEffect(); textEffect.ShowText(mReward); textEffect.transform.position = mHPBarPos.position;// 월드좌표 카메라 //textEffect.transform.position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(mHPBarPos.position);// 오버레이일때 tag가 MainCamera돼어야 Camera.가능 //text effect } }
public void JobFinish(int id, Vector3 pos) { ColleagueData data = mDataArr[id]; switch (data.JobType) { case eJobType.Gold: GameController.Instance.Gold += data.ValueCurrent; TextEffect effect = mTextEffectPool.GetFromPool((int)eTextEffectType.ColleagueIncome); effect.ShowText(UnitBuilder.GetUnitStr(data.ValueCurrent)); effect.transform.position = pos; break; case eJobType.Touch: GameController.Instance.Touch(); break; default: Debug.LogError("Wrong job type " + data.JobType); break; } }
public void Death() { _text.fullText = "A shadow figure attacks you. \nSadly, you dont' have any way to defend yourself and died. \n Press ESC to return to the Main Menu"; StartCoroutine(_text.ShowText()); isDeath = true; }