public void Setup()
            string fileContent =
                "// I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places.\n" +
                "// He told me to stop going to those places.\n" +
                "//                               - Henny Youngman\n" +
                "\n" +
                "[Imperative]\n" +
                "{\n" +
                "\t    aVar = 2;\n" +
                "\t    nVar = -4.5678; // Assign value of -4.5678\n" +
                "\t    bVar = aVar;\n" +
                "\t    sVar = (32.7654 + 5) + bVar;\n" +
                "\n" +
                "\t    // An associative block.\n" +
                "\t    [Associative]\n" +
                "\t    {\n" +
                "\t    \tsVar = 3;\n" +
                "\t    }\n" +

            testSolution = Solution.CreateTemporary();

            textCore = TextEditorCore.CreateTemporary();
        public void Setup()
            string fileContent =
                "// I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places.\n" +
                "// He told me to stop going to those places.\n" +
                "//                               - Henny Youngman\n" +
                "\n" +
                "[Imperative]\n" +
                "{\n" +
                "\t    aVar = 2;\n" +
                "\t    nVar = -4.5678; // Assign value of -4.5678\n" +
                "\t    bVar = aVar;\n" +
                "\t    sVar = (32.7654 + 5) + bVar;\n" +
                "\n" +
                "\t    // An associative block.\n" +
                "\t    [Associative]\n" +
                "\t    {\n" +
                "\t    \tsVar = 3;\n" +
                "\t    }\n" +

            testSolution = Solution.CreateTemporary();

            textCore = TextEditorCore.CreateTemporary();
        public void Setup()
            string fileContent =
                "hello\n" +
                "\n" +
                "\t\tcruel\n" +

            testSolution = Solution.CreateTemporary();

            textCore = TextEditorCore.CreateTemporary();
        public void Setup()
            string fileContent =
                "hello\n" +
                "\n" +
                "\t\tcruel\n" +

            testSolution = Solution.CreateTemporary();

            textCore = TextEditorCore.CreateTemporary();
        public void TestCommentedLines()
            string fileContent =
                "// This case tests the ability to format embedded comments\n" +
                "// properly. These include both multi-line and single-line\n" +
                "// comments syntax.                                       \n" +
                "                                                          \n" +
                "// This line by itself should not be modified.            \n" +
                "                                                          \n" +
                "a=2;// This line should be formatted (not indented).      \n" +
                "                                                          \n" +
                "/* This is the beginning of a multi-line comment block    \n" +
                "                                                          \n" +
                "    This is a line within a multi-line comment block.     \n" +
                "    It is indented now but should not be indented further.\n" +
                "                                                          \n" +
                "This marks the end of a multi-line comment block */       \n" +
                "                                                          \n" +
                "    [Imperative] // This should be un-indented.           \n" +
                "{                                                         \n" +
                "    /*  This  is another multi-line                       \n" +
                "        comment block, only that it                       \n" +
                "        is  indented  for the scope */                    \n" +
                "                                                          \n" +
                "                   //   This should be indented.          \n" +
                "                                                          \n" +
                "b=3;// Formatting should resume on this line.             \n" +
                "         c     =    4    ; // And this line, too.         \n" +
                "}                                                         \n" +
                "                                                          \n" +
                "   //   Spaces in comments  shouldn't   be  normalized!   \n";

            Solution testSolution = Solution.CreateTemporary();


            TextEditorCore textCore = TextEditorCore.Instance;


            SmartFormatter.Instance.AlternateEditorCore = textCore;
            bool formatted = textCore.FormatDocument();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, formatted);
            SmartFormatter.Instance.AlternateEditorCore = null;

            Assert.AreEqual("// This case tests the ability to format embedded comments\n", textCore.GetLine(0));
            Assert.AreEqual("// properly. These include both multi-line and single-line\n", textCore.GetLine(1));
            Assert.AreEqual("// comments syntax.                                       \n", textCore.GetLine(2));
            Assert.AreEqual("\n", textCore.GetLine(3));
            Assert.AreEqual("// This line by itself should not be modified.            \n", textCore.GetLine(4));
            Assert.AreEqual("\n", textCore.GetLine(5));
            Assert.AreEqual("a = 2; // This line should be formatted (not indented).      \n", textCore.GetLine(6));
            Assert.AreEqual("\n", textCore.GetLine(7));
            Assert.AreEqual("/* This is the beginning of a multi-line comment block    \n", textCore.GetLine(8));
            Assert.AreEqual("\n", textCore.GetLine(9));
            Assert.AreEqual("    This is a line within a multi-line comment block.     \n", textCore.GetLine(10));
            Assert.AreEqual("    It is indented now but should not be indented further.\n", textCore.GetLine(11));
            Assert.AreEqual("\n", textCore.GetLine(12));
            Assert.AreEqual("This marks the end of a multi-line comment block */       \n", textCore.GetLine(13));
            Assert.AreEqual("\n", textCore.GetLine(14));
            Assert.AreEqual("[Imperative] // This should be un-indented.           \n", textCore.GetLine(15));
            Assert.AreEqual("{\n", textCore.GetLine(16));
            Assert.AreEqual("    /*  This  is another multi-line                       \n", textCore.GetLine(17));
            Assert.AreEqual("        comment block, only that it                       \n", textCore.GetLine(18));
            Assert.AreEqual("        is  indented  for the scope */                    \n", textCore.GetLine(19));
            Assert.AreEqual("    \n", textCore.GetLine(20));
            Assert.AreEqual("    //   This should be indented.          \n", textCore.GetLine(21));
            Assert.AreEqual("    \n", textCore.GetLine(22));
            Assert.AreEqual("    b = 3; // Formatting should resume on this line.             \n", textCore.GetLine(23));
            Assert.AreEqual("    c = 4; // And this line, too.         \n", textCore.GetLine(24));
            Assert.AreEqual("}\n", textCore.GetLine(25));
            Assert.AreEqual("\n", textCore.GetLine(26));
            Assert.AreEqual("//   Spaces in comments  shouldn't   be  normalized!   \n", textCore.GetLine(27));