Exemple #1
        //redraws the StatisticsBackground SKImage.
        public void GenerateStatisticsBackground(GameplayGameState Self)
            using (SKBitmap sourcebit = new SKBitmap(new SKImageInfo(1120, 2576, SKColorType.Rgba8888)))
                Size BlockSize   = new Size(128, 128);
                int  ColumnCount = (sourcebit.Width / BlockSize.Width) + 1;
                int  RowCount    = (sourcebit.Height / BlockSize.Height) + 1;

                using (SKCanvas g = new SKCanvas(sourcebit))
                    for (int col = 0; col < ColumnCount; col++)
                        for (int row = 0; row < RowCount; row++)
                            int DrawBlockX = col * BlockSize.Width;
                            int DrawBlockY = row * BlockSize.Height;
                            StandardColouredBlock GenerateColorBlock = new StandardColouredBlock();
                            Nomino ArbitraryGroup = new Nomino();
                            ArbitraryGroup.AddBlock(new Point[] { Point.Empty }, GenerateColorBlock);
                            Self.PlayField.Theme.ApplyRandom(ArbitraryGroup, Self.GameHandler, Self.PlayField);
                            //this.PlayField.Theme.ApplyTheme(ArbitraryGroup, this.PlayField);
                            TetrisBlockDrawSkiaParameters tbd = new TetrisBlockDrawSkiaParameters(g, new SKRect(DrawBlockX, DrawBlockY, DrawBlockX + BlockSize.Width, DrawBlockY + BlockSize.Height), null, new SettingsManager());
                            RenderingProvider.Static.DrawElement(null, tbd.g, GenerateColorBlock, tbd);

                StatisticsBackground      = SKImage.FromBitmap(sourcebit);
                LastStatisticsTheme       = Self.PlayField.Theme;
                Self.f_RedrawStatusBitmap = false;
Exemple #2
        //SkiaSharp implementation of GetImage.
        public SKBitmap GetImageSK(SKSize BlockSize)
            Size        BitmapSize          = new Size((int)BlockSize.Width * (_GroupExtents.Width + 1), (int)BlockSize.Height * (_GroupExtents.Height + 1));
            SKImageInfo info                = new SKImageInfo(BitmapSize.Width, BitmapSize.Height, SKColorType.Rgba8888, SKAlphaType.Premul);
            SKBitmap    BuiltRepresentation = new SKBitmap(info, SKBitmapAllocFlags.ZeroPixels);

            using (SKCanvas DrawRep = new SKCanvas(BuiltRepresentation))
                foreach (NominoElement bge in this)
                    //RectangleF DrawPos = new RectangleF(BlockSize.Width * (bge.X - _GroupExtents.X), BlockSize.Height * (bge.Y - _GroupExtents.Y), BlockSize.Width, BlockSize.Height);
                    var    Left    = BlockSize.Width * (bge.X - _GroupExtents.X);
                    var    Top     = BlockSize.Height * (bge.Y - _GroupExtents.Y);
                    SKRect DrawPos = new SKRect(Left, Top, Left + BlockSize.Width, Top + BlockSize.Height);
                    TetrisBlockDrawSkiaParameters tbd = new TetrisBlockDrawSkiaParameters(DrawRep, DrawPos, this, new SettingsManager());
                    RenderingProvider.Static.DrawElement(null, tbd.g, bge.Block, tbd);