Exemple #1
        public async Task Post_to_items_endpoint_adds_new_item_to_list()
            var listId = Guid.NewGuid();

            using var client = _factory.CreateDefaultClient();
            await TestingDatabase.Execute(

                /* There seems to be a bug in SQLite data provider for EF Core where Guids saved in the
                 * database as lower-cased strings do not work in queries.
                 * See https://github.com/dotnet/efcore/issues/19651. */
                $"INSERT INTO TodoLists VALUES ('{listId.ToString().ToUpper()}', 'test list')");

            using var response =
                      await client.PostAsync(
                              new ItemsController.ItemsPostRequestDto
                ListId = listId,
                Value  = "do stuff"

            using var _ = new AssertionScope();
            var items =
                await TestingDatabase.Query <TodoItem>(
                    "SELECT * FROM TodoItems");

            items.Should().Contain(ti =>
                                   ti.Value == "do stuff" &&
                                   ti.TodoListId == listId);
            /* TODO it would be worth to assert that IBus sends a message to message broker */
Exemple #2
        public async Task Post_to_lists_endpoint_adds_new_list_to_database()
            using var client = _factory.CreateDefaultClient();

            using var response =
                      await client.PostAsync(
                              new ListsController.ListPostRequestDto
                Name = "test list"

            using var _ = new AssertionScope();
            var lists =
                await TestingDatabase.Query <TodoList>(
                    "SELECT * FROM TodoLists");

            lists.Should().Contain(tl =>
                                   tl.Name == "test list");