Exemple #1
 public ApiController(ILogger <ApiController> logger, IConfiguration config, IMemoryCache memoryCache)
     this.logger      = logger;
     this.config      = config;
     this.memoryCache = memoryCache;
     this.testTypes   = new TestTypes();
Exemple #2
 private void RemoveTestProc()
     if (SelectedTestType != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// create subtree for parentNode according to the testPriority, testType and testFilter
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateTestPrioritySubtree(TestPriorities testPriority, TestTypes testType, TreeNode parentNode, AutomationTestsFilter testFilter)
            //create node for the priority
            TreeNode priorityNode = new TreeNode(GetPriorityName(testPriority));

            TreeNode currentRootNode = priorityNode;

            //create filter for the priority
            AndFilter priorityFilter = new AndFilter(new TestFilterPriority(testPriority), testFilter);

            //for all filtered available automation tests lets create tree node
            foreach (AutomationTest test in AutomationTestCollection.Filter(priorityFilter))
                //lets make copy ot the test with only TestType and TestPriority belonging to this

                AutomationTest testClone = new AutomationTest(test, testPriority, testType);

                TreeNode testNode = new TreeNode(testClone.Name);
                testNode.Tag = testClone;


            //if no child currentTestTypeRootNode was added then remove priority currentTestTypeRootNode
            if (currentRootNode.Nodes.Count == 0)
Exemple #4
        private static void Fill(List <int> MyItemsToSort, int testT)
            if ((TestTypes)testT == TestTypes.Random)
                bool Ascending    = true;
                bool constantNums = false;

                TestTypes typeOfTest = (TestTypes)testT;

                switch (typeOfTest)
                case TestTypes.Ordered:
                    //Nums go up from 1

                case TestTypes.Reversed:
                    //nums go down to 1
                    Ascending = false;

                case TestTypes.Constant:
                    //All nums the same
                    constantNums = true;
                FillInts(MyItemsToSort, constantNums, Ascending);
 public WorkItem(INamedTypeSymbol testClass, INamedTypeSymbol classUnderTest, TestTypes testTypes, TestFramework testFramework)
     TestClass      = testClass ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(testClass));
     ClassUnderTest = classUnderTest ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(classUnderTest));
     TestTypes      = testTypes;
     TestFramework  = testFramework;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method extracts test type of the test.
        /// </summary>
        private void ExtractTestType()
            //we have to use hard-coded names because there is no other way how to get the type

            TestTypes testType = TestTypes.None;

            if (this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName.EndsWith(".AutomationElementTests"))
                testType |= TestTypes.AutomationElementTest;

            if (this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName.Contains(".Tests.Patterns."))
                testType |= TestTypes.PatternTest;
            else if (this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName.Contains(".Tests.Controls."))
                testType |= TestTypes.ControlTest;
            //else if (this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName.Contains(".Tests.Scenarios."))
            //    testType |= TestTypes.ScenarioTest;
            else if (this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName.EndsWith(".Tests.ControlObject"))
                testType |= TestTypes.ControlTest;
            //    //in debug mode we will notidy user about notsupported test
            //    //in release mode we will ignore this test
            //    Debug.Fail("not supported TestType: " + this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName);

            this._testType = testType;
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes new instance with the testPriority and testType
        /// </summary>
        public AutomationTest(AutomationTest originalTest, TestPriorities testPriority, TestTypes testType)
            this.TestCaseAttribute = originalTest.TestCaseAttribute;
            this.Method = originalTest.Method;

            this._testPriority = testPriority;
            this._testType = testType;
 internal TestCaseDescriptor(string suite, string name, string fullyQualifiedName, string displayName, TestTypes testType)
     Suite = suite;
     Name = name;
     DisplayName = displayName;
     FullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName;
     TestType = testType;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes new instance with the testPriority and testType
        /// </summary>
        public AutomationTest(AutomationTest originalTest, TestPriorities testPriority, TestTypes testType)
            this.TestCaseAttribute = originalTest.TestCaseAttribute;
            this.Method            = originalTest.Method;

            this._testPriority = testPriority;
            this._testType     = testType;
Exemple #10
        public void CanConvertEnumIntoFriendlyString(TestTypes value, string expected)
            // Arrange/Act
            var actual = value.ToFriendlyString();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actual, Is.Not.Null.And.EqualTo(expected));
Exemple #11
 internal TestCaseDescriptor(string suite, string name, string fullyQualifiedName, string displayName, TestTypes testType)
     Suite              = suite;
     Name               = name;
     DisplayName        = displayName;
     FullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName;
     TestType           = testType;
Exemple #12
        public void CanConvertEnumIntoFriendlyString(TestTypes value, string expected)
            // Arrange/Act
            var actual = value.ToFriendlyString();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemple #13
        private void AddNewTestProc()
            if (TestTypes.Any(c => c.Name == TestTypeModel.Name))

            TestTypeModel = new TestType();
Exemple #14
        public void StorageScuMoveOriginatorTest()
            int port = 2112;


            /* Setup the Server */
            var  serverParameters = new ServerAssociationParameters("AssocTestServer", new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
            byte pcid             = serverParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);

            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrBigEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            _serverType = TestTypes.Receive;
            DicomServer.StartListening(serverParameters, ServerHandlerCreator);

            string     moveOriginatorAe = "ORIGINATOR";
            ushort     moveOriginatorId = 999;
            StorageScu scu = SetupScu(moveOriginatorAe, moveOriginatorId);

            IList <DicomAttributeCollection> list = SetupMRSeries(4, 2, DicomUid.GenerateUid().UID);

            foreach (DicomAttributeCollection collection in list)
                var file = new DicomFile("test", new DicomAttributeCollection(), collection)
                    TransferSyntax             = TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian,
                    MediaStorageSopClassUid    = SopClass.MrImageStorage.Uid,
                    MediaStorageSopInstanceUid = collection[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].ToString()

                scu.AddStorageInstance(new StorageInstance(file));


            Assert.AreEqual(scu.Status, ScuOperationStatus.NotRunning);

            var handler       = CollectionUtils.FirstElement(_serverHandlerList);
            var serverHandler = handler as ServerHandler;


            foreach (var message in serverHandler.MessagesReceived)
                Assert.AreEqual(message.MoveOriginatorApplicationEntityTitle, moveOriginatorAe);
                Assert.AreEqual(message.MoveOriginatorMessageId, moveOriginatorId);

            // StopListening
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(TestTypes testTypes)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //              _db.ProductTypes.Add(productTypes);
                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();


Exemple #16
        public void RejectTests()
            int port = 2112;

            /* Setup the Server */
            ServerAssociationParameters serverParameters = new ServerAssociationParameters("AssocTestServer", new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
            byte pcid = serverParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);

            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrBigEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            _serverType = TestTypes.AssociationReject;
            DicomServer.StartListening(serverParameters, ServerHandlerCreator);

            /* Setup the client */
            ClientAssociationParameters clientParameters = new ClientAssociationParameters("AssocTestClient", "AssocTestServer",
                                                                                           new System.Net.IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, port));

            pcid = clientParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.CtImageStorage);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            /* Open the association */
            ClientHandler handler = new ClientHandler(this, TestTypes.AssociationReject);
            DicomClient   client  = DicomClient.Connect(clientParameters, handler);


            _serverType = TestTypes.AssociationReject;

            /* Setup the client */
            clientParameters = new ClientAssociationParameters("AssocTestClient", "AssocTestServer",
                                                               new System.Net.IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, port));
            pcid = clientParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.Jpeg2000ImageCompressionLosslessOnly);

            /* Open the association */
            ClientHandler clientHandler = new ClientHandler(this, TestTypes.AssociationReject);

            client = DicomClient.Connect(clientParameters, clientHandler);


Exemple #17
 private void SetGraph()
     if (GradingSystem == null)
     foreach (var g in GradingSystem.TestTypes)
         TestTypes.Add(new TestForGraph()
             Test = Tests.Where(c => c.TestType == g).ToList(),
             Name = g.Name
        // returns true if an intformational option
        // was printed
        static bool PrintInformationalOptions (TestTypes setType) {

            // only print help if it is specified
            if (GetOption ("help").Set) {
                PrintUsage (true);
                return true;

            // list tests
            if (GetOption ("list").Set) {
                PrintTestList (setType, false);
                return true;
            } else if (GetOption ("listdesc").Set) {
                PrintTestList (setType, true);
                return true;
            // list valid sets
            if (GetOption ("setlist").Set) {
                Console.WriteLine ("Sets of tests:");
                foreach (TestTypeOption opt in testTypeOptions) {
                    Console.WriteLine ("-  " + opt.Name);
                return true;

            if (GetOption ("languagename").Set) {
                // lang is not supported in non-Whidbey environements
                ErrorWriteLine ("The /languagename (short: /lang) option was not compiled into this assembly, ");
                ErrorWriteLine ("and is not supported.  Did you compile with /d:WHIDBEY?");
                return true;

            // check for required options
            if ((!GetOption ("codedomprovider").Set || !GetOption ("languagename").Set) &&
                    !GetOption ("testcaselib").Set) {
                PrintUsage (false);
                ErrorWriteLine ();
                ErrorWriteLine ("Missing required options.");
                return true;

            return false;
        public static void TestByName(TestTypes testType)
            if (testType == TestTypes.battleRoyale)
                Test.Fight.BattleRoyaleTest(unit, unitMount);

            else if (testType == TestTypes.statisticTest)
                Test.Fight.StatisticTest(unit, unitMount, enemy, enemyMount);

                Test.Fight.FullTest(unit, unitMount, enemy, enemyMount);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, int code, int specialtag, TestTypes testTypes)
            if (id != testTypes.Id)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //              _db.ProductTypes.Add(productTypes);
                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();


Exemple #21
        public void ScuAbortTest()
            int port = 2112;

            /* Setup the Server */
            var  serverParameters = new ServerAssociationParameters("AssocTestServer", new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
            byte pcid             = serverParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);

            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrBigEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            _serverType = TestTypes.Receive;
            DicomServer.StartListening(serverParameters, ServerHandlerCreator);

            StorageScu scu = SetupScu();

            IList <DicomAttributeCollection> list = SetupMRSeries(4, 2, DicomUid.GenerateUid().UID);

            foreach (DicomAttributeCollection collection in list)
                var file = new DicomFile("test", new DicomAttributeCollection(), collection)
                    TransferSyntax             = TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian,
                    MediaStorageSopClassUid    = SopClass.MrImageStorage.Uid,
                    MediaStorageSopInstanceUid = collection[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].ToString()

                scu.AddStorageInstance(new StorageInstance(file));

            scu.ImageStoreCompleted += delegate(object o, StorageInstance instance)
                // Test abort


            Assert.AreEqual(scu.Status, ScuOperationStatus.NetworkError);

            // StopListening
Exemple #22
        public List <string> GetOfType(Family[] families)
            if (families.Length == 0)

            if (families.Length > 4)
                throw new ArgumentException("There cannot be more than 4 families to pick!");

            var set = new List <string>();

            families.ToList().ForEach(x => set.AddRange(GetFamily(x)));

Exemple #23
        private void testTypesMenuToolStrip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ToolStripMenuItem senderMenu = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender;

            Debug.Assert(senderMenu.Tag is TestTypes, "MainWindow design is broken!");
            TestTypes testType = (TestTypes)senderMenu.Tag;

            TestTypes newValue = _automationTests.Types;

            if (senderMenu.Checked)
                newValue |= testType; //add flag
                newValue &= ~testType; //remove flag
            _automationTests.Types = newValue;
Exemple #24
		public void ScuAbortTest()
			int port = 2112;

			/* Setup the Server */
			ServerAssociationParameters serverParameters = new ServerAssociationParameters("AssocTestServer", new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
			byte pcid = serverParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);
			serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
			serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrBigEndian);
			serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

			_serverType = TestTypes.Receive;
			DicomServer.StartListening(serverParameters, ServerHandlerCreator);

			StorageScu scu = SetupScu();

			IList<DicomAttributeCollection> list = SetupMRSeries(4, 2, DicomUid.GenerateUid().UID);

			foreach (DicomAttributeCollection collection in list)
				DicomFile file = new DicomFile("test",new DicomAttributeCollection(),collection );
				file.TransferSyntax = TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian;
				file.MediaStorageSopClassUid = SopClass.MrImageStorage.Uid;
				file.MediaStorageSopInstanceUid = collection[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].ToString();

				scu.AddStorageInstance(new StorageInstance(file));

			scu.ImageStoreCompleted += delegate(object o, StorageInstance instance)
											// Test abort


			Assert.AreEqual(scu.Status, ScuOperationStatus.NetworkError);

			// StopListening
        public List <TestTypes> GetAllTestType()
            List <TestTypes> allTestTypes = new List <TestTypes>();

            Query   = "SELECT * FROM TestType ORDER BY testType";
            Command = new SqlCommand(Query, Connection);
            Reader = Command.ExecuteReader();
            while (Reader.Read())
                TestTypes testTypes = new TestTypes();
                string    testType  = Reader["testType"].ToString();
                testTypes.TestTypeName = testType;
                testTypes.Index        = Convert.ToInt32(Reader["ID"]);
Exemple #26
        private List <string> GetFamily(Family family)
            switch (family)
            case Family.ANAEROBIC:

            case Family.GRAM_MINUS:

            case Family.GRAM_PLUS:

            case Family.FUNGI:

                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown family type!");
Exemple #27
 // Overrides everything with the sum of its parts
 int FixBitmask(int mask)
     if (mask == -1)                                           // If set to everything
         int typeCount = TestTypes.GetTypeStringList().Length; // Get type count
         int value     = 0;                                    // Create an integer to track value
         for (int i = 0; i < typeCount; i++)                   // Iterate types
             int checkBit = mask & (int)Mathf.Pow(2, i);
             if (checkBit != 0)
                 value |= (int)Mathf.Pow(2, i);
         return(value); // Set value to the sum
        public double GetTestTypeValue(string testtype)
            var types  = testtype.Split(',');
            var values = new List <double>();

            foreach (var type in types)
                var trimmedType = type.Trim();
                var value       = TestTypes.ContainsKey(trimmedType) ? TestTypes[trimmedType] : 1.0;

            if (values.Count > 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// returns user friendly name for testType
        /// </summary>
        private string GetTestTypeName(TestTypes testType)
            string name;

            switch (testType)
            case TestTypes.AutomationElementTest: name = "Automation Element Tests"; break;

            case TestTypes.PatternTest: name = "Pattern Tests"; break;

            case TestTypes.ControlTest: name = "Control Tests"; break;
            //case TestTypes.ScenarioTest: name = "Scenario Tests"; break;

                Debug.Fail("unexpected TestTypes value");
                name = Enum.GetName(typeof(TestTypes), testType);

Exemple #30
        public List <TestTypes> GetAllTestType()
            List <TestTypes> testTypes = new List <TestTypes>();
            string           query     = "SELECT *FROM TestTypes";

            Command.CommandText = query;
            SqlDataReader reader = Command.ExecuteReader();

            if (reader.HasRows)
                int count = 0;
                while (reader.Read())
                    TestTypes aTestType = new TestTypes();
                    aTestType.Sl       = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]);
                    aTestType.TestType = reader["Name"].ToString();
Exemple #31
        public void ServerTest()
            const int port = 2112;

            /* Setup the Server */
            var  serverParameters = new ServerAssociationParameters("AssocTestServer", new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
            byte pcid             = serverParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);

            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrBigEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            _serverType = TestTypes.SendMR;
            DicomServer.StartListening(serverParameters, ServerHandlerCreator);

            /* Setup the client */
            var clientParameters = new ClientAssociationParameters("AssocTestClient", "AssocTestServer",
                                                                   new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, port));

            pcid = clientParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            pcid = clientParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.CtImageStorage);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            /* Open the association */
            var         handler = new ClientHandler(this, TestTypes.SendMR);
            DicomClient client  = DicomClient.Connect(clientParameters, handler);



 public ClientHandler(AbstractTest test, TestTypes type)
     _test = test;
     _type = type;
        public void ServerTest()
            int port = 2112;

            /* Setup the Server */
            ServerAssociationParameters serverParameters = new ServerAssociationParameters("AssocTestServer",new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any,port));
            byte pcid = serverParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrBigEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            _serverType = TestTypes.SendMR;
            DicomServer.StartListening(serverParameters, ServerHandlerCreator);

            /* Setup the client */
            ClientAssociationParameters clientParameters = new ClientAssociationParameters("AssocTestClient","AssocTestServer",
                                                                                           new System.Net.IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback,port));
            pcid = clientParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            pcid = clientParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.CtImageStorage);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            /* Open the association */
            ClientHandler handler = new ClientHandler(this,TestTypes.SendMR);
            DicomClient client = DicomClient.Connect(clientParameters, handler);



 public ServerHandler(AbstractTest test, TestTypes type)
     _test = test;
     _type = type;
 public TestFilterType(TestTypes testType)
     this._testType = testType;
        /// <summary>
        /// returns user friendly name for testType
        /// </summary>
        private string GetTestTypeName(TestTypes testType)
            string name;

            switch (testType)
                case TestTypes.AutomationElementTest: name = "Automation Element Tests"; break;
                case TestTypes.PatternTest: name = "Pattern Tests"; break;
                case TestTypes.ControlTest: name = "Control Tests"; break;
                //case TestTypes.ScenarioTest: name = "Scenario Tests"; break;

                        Debug.Fail("unexpected TestTypes value");
                        name = Enum.GetName(typeof(TestTypes), testType);

            return name;
Exemple #37
        public void StorageScuFromDisk()
            int port = 2112;


            /* Setup the Server */
            var serverParameters = new ServerAssociationParameters("AssocTestServer", new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
            byte pcid = serverParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrBigEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            _serverType = TestTypes.Receive;
            DicomServer.StartListening(serverParameters, ServerHandlerCreator);

            StorageScu scu = SetupScu();

            IList<DicomAttributeCollection> list = SetupMRSeries(4, 2, DicomUid.GenerateUid().UID);

            foreach (DicomAttributeCollection collection in list)
                var file = new DicomFile("test", new DicomAttributeCollection(), collection)
                    TransferSyntax = TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian,
                    MediaStorageSopClassUid = SopClass.MrImageStorage.Uid,
                    MediaStorageSopInstanceUid = collection[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].ToString()

				string instancePath = file.MediaStorageSopInstanceUid + ".dcm";


				var instance = new StorageInstance(instancePath)
						SopClass = file.SopClass,
						TransferSyntax = file.TransferSyntax,
						SopInstanceUid = file.MediaStorageSopClassUid,
						PatientId = file.DataSet[DicomTags.PatientId].GetString(0, string.Empty),
						PatientsName = file.DataSet[DicomTags.PatientsName].GetString(0, string.Empty),
						StudyInstanceUid = file.DataSet[DicomTags.StudyInstanceUid].GetString(0, string.Empty)



            Assert.AreEqual(scu.Status, ScuOperationStatus.NotRunning);

            var handler = CollectionUtils.FirstElement(_serverHandlerList);
            var serverHandler = handler as ServerHandler;


            foreach (var message in serverHandler.MessagesReceived)
				foreach (var file in list)
					if (message.AffectedSopInstanceUid.Equals(file[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].ToString()))

            // StopListening
            public TestTypeOption (string optionName, TestTypes types, Version runtimeVersion) {
                if (optionName == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException ("optionName");
                if (runtimeVersion == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException ("runtimeVersion");

                this.optionName = optionName;
                this.types = types;
                this.runtimeVersion = runtimeVersion;
        public void RejectTests()
            const int port = 2112;

            /* Setup the Server */
            var serverParameters = new ServerAssociationParameters("AssocTestServer", new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
            byte pcid = serverParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrBigEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            _serverType = TestTypes.AssociationReject;
            DicomServer.StartListening(serverParameters, ServerHandlerCreator);

            /* Setup the client */
            var clientParameters = new ClientAssociationParameters("AssocTestClient", "AssocTestServer",
                                                                                           new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, port));
            pcid = clientParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.CtImageStorage);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            /* Open the association */
            var handler = new ClientHandler(this, TestTypes.AssociationReject);
            DicomClient client = DicomClient.Connect(clientParameters, handler);


            _serverType = TestTypes.AssociationReject;

            /* Setup the client */
            clientParameters = new ClientAssociationParameters("AssocTestClient", "AssocTestServer",
                                                               new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, port));
            pcid = clientParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);
            clientParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.Jpeg2000ImageCompressionLosslessOnly);

            /* Open the association */
            var clientHandler = new ClientHandler(this, TestTypes.AssociationReject);
            client = DicomClient.Connect(clientParameters, clientHandler);



 public ServerHandler(AbstractTest test, TestTypes type)
     _test = test;
     _type = type;
     MessagesReceived = new List<DicomMessage>();
        /// <summary>
        /// this method creates automation tests subtree for particular test type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testType"></param>
        /// <param name="testFilter">filter to be applied on all available automation tests collection</param>
        private void CreateTestTypeNodeSubtree(TestTypes testType, AutomationTestsFilter testFilter)
            //create root currentTestTypeRootNode for the currentTestTypeRootNode type
            TreeNode currentTestTypeRootNode = new TreeNode(GetTestTypeName(testType));

            if (testType == TestTypes.ControlTest)
                //if ControlTest test type is required then let's get automation ControlType
                //for the selected automation element. If we are showing all tests, not only for selected
                //elements then let's get all automation element ControlTypes.
                //for all grabbed ControlTypes let's create subtree with tests

                ControlType[] controlTypes;

                if (this._scope == TestsScope.SelectedElementTests)
                        //get control type if selected automation element
                        controlTypes = new ControlType[] { this._selectedElement.Current.ControlType };
                    catch (ElementNotAvailableException)
                        //if there are problems with the elements then ignore it
                        controlTypes = new ControlType[] { };
                    // let's get all automation technology ControlTypes
                    controlTypes = AutomationHelper.GetAllAutomationControlTypes();

                //fore each control type, let's create subtree
                foreach (ControlType controlType in controlTypes)
                    //create automation tests filter for the controlType
                    FilterControlTypeTests controlTypeFilter = new FilterControlTypeTests(controlType);

                    //create tree currentTestTypeRootNode for the control type
                    TreeNode controlTypeNode = new TreeNode(controlTypeFilter.ControlTypeName);

                    //create priority subtree for the controlType
                    CreatePrioritySubtreesForTestType(controlTypeNode, new AndFilter(testFilter, controlTypeFilter), testType);

                    //if the currentRootNode has no children nodes then remove it
                    if (controlTypeNode.Nodes.Count == 0)
                if (testType == TestTypes.PatternTest)
                    //if PatternTest test type is required then let's get all supported patterns
                    //for the selected automation element. If we are showing all tests, not only for selected
                    //elements then let's get all automation element Patterns.
                    //for all grabbed Patterns let's create subtree with tests

                    IEnumerable<AutomationPattern> supportedPatterns;

                    if (this._scope == TestsScope.SelectedElementTests)
                            //get all supported patterns
                            supportedPatterns = this._selectedElement.GetSupportedPatterns();
                        catch (ElementNotAvailableException)
                            //is there is problem with the element then ignore his patterns
                            supportedPatterns = new AutomationPattern[0];
                        //let's get all automation technology patterns
                        supportedPatterns = AutomationHelper.GetAllAutomationPatterns();

                    //for each pattern let's create subtree
                    foreach (AutomationPattern pattern in supportedPatterns)
                        //create filter filtering automation tests testing this pattern
                        FilterPatternTests patternFilter = new FilterPatternTests(pattern);

                        //create tree currentRootNode for the pattern
                        TreeNode patternNode = new TreeNode(patternFilter.PatternName);

                        //create priority subtree for the pattern
                        CreatePrioritySubtreesForTestType(patternNode, new AndFilter(testFilter, patternFilter), testType);

                        //if the currentRootNode has no children nodes then remove it
                        if (patternNode.Nodes.Count == 0)
                    //if other TestType than ControlTests or PatternTests is required then
                    //create subtree for it
                    CreatePrioritySubtreesForTestType(currentTestTypeRootNode, testFilter, testType);

            //if there are no children then remove the currentTestTypeRootNode
            if (currentTestTypeRootNode.Nodes.Count == 0)
 /// <summary>
 /// create subtree for currentRootNode according to the testType and testFilter
 /// </summary>
 private void CreatePrioritySubtreesForTestType(TreeNode node, AutomationTestsFilter testFilter, TestTypes testType)
     //go thru all test priorities and create subtree for each
     foreach (TestPriorities priority in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TestPriorities)))
         if (priority != TestPriorities.None && (this._priorities & priority) == priority)
             CreateTestPrioritySubtree(priority, testType, node, testFilter);
        /// <summary>
        /// create subtree for parentNode according to the testPriority, testType and testFilter
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateTestPrioritySubtree(TestPriorities testPriority, TestTypes testType, TreeNode parentNode, AutomationTestsFilter testFilter)
            //create node for the priority
            TreeNode priorityNode = new TreeNode(GetPriorityName(testPriority));
            TreeNode currentRootNode = priorityNode;

            //create filter for the priority
            AndFilter priorityFilter = new AndFilter(new TestFilterPriority(testPriority), testFilter);

            //for all filtered available automation tests lets create tree node
            foreach (AutomationTest test in AutomationTestCollection.Filter(priorityFilter))
                //lets make copy ot the test with only TestType and TestPriority belonging to this

                AutomationTest testClone = new AutomationTest(test, testPriority, testType);

                TreeNode testNode = new TreeNode(testClone.Name);
                testNode.Tag = testClone;


            //if no child currentTestTypeRootNode was added then remove priority currentTestTypeRootNode
            if (currentRootNode.Nodes.Count == 0)
Exemple #44
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MakeTestsAttribute"></see> class.</summary>
 public MakeTestsAttribute(Type typeUnderTest, TestTypes testTypes)
     TypeUnderTest = typeUnderTest;
     TestTypes     = testTypes;
Exemple #45
        public void StorageScuMoveOriginatorTest()
            int port = 2112;


            /* Setup the Server */
            var serverParameters = new ServerAssociationParameters("AssocTestServer", new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
            byte pcid = serverParameters.AddPresentationContext(SopClass.MrImageStorage);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrBigEndian);
            serverParameters.AddTransferSyntax(pcid, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian);

            _serverType = TestTypes.Receive;
            DicomServer.StartListening(serverParameters, ServerHandlerCreator);

            string moveOriginatorAe = "ORIGINATOR";
            ushort moveOriginatorId = 999;
            StorageScu scu = SetupScu(moveOriginatorAe, moveOriginatorId);

            IList<DicomAttributeCollection> list = SetupMRSeries(4, 2, DicomUid.GenerateUid().UID);

            foreach (DicomAttributeCollection collection in list)
                var file = new DicomFile("test", new DicomAttributeCollection(), collection)
                    TransferSyntax = TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian,
                    MediaStorageSopClassUid = SopClass.MrImageStorage.Uid,
                    MediaStorageSopInstanceUid = collection[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].ToString()

                scu.AddStorageInstance(new StorageInstance(file));


            Assert.AreEqual(scu.Status, ScuOperationStatus.NotRunning);

            var handler = CollectionUtils.FirstElement(_serverHandlerList);
            var serverHandler = handler as ServerHandler;


            foreach (var message in serverHandler.MessagesReceived)
                Assert.AreEqual(message.MoveOriginatorApplicationEntityTitle, moveOriginatorAe);
                Assert.AreEqual(message.MoveOriginatorMessageId, moveOriginatorId);

            // StopListening
        static void PrintTestList (TestTypes setType, bool printDescriptions) {
            // check for required option
            if (!GetOption ("testcaselib").Set) {
                ErrorWriteLine ("You must specify a test case library to list available tests.");
                ErrorWriteLine ();

            if (GetOption ("set").Set)
                Console.WriteLine ("Available tests in {0}:", setType);
                Console.WriteLine ("Available tests:");

            if (!printDescriptions)
                Console.WriteLine (" (Use -listdesc to get a full description for each test.)");

            Console.WriteLine ();

            foreach (Assembly asm in LoadTestAssemblies ()) {
                bool foundAtLeastOne = false;

                foreach (Type type in asm.GetTypes ())
                    if (type.IsSubclassOf (typeof (CodeDomTest))) {

                        // instantiate the test to get the name, description
                        // and type
                        CodeDomTest test = null;
                        try {
                            ConstructorInfo cons = type.GetConstructor (new Type[0]);
                            test = (CodeDomTest) cons.Invoke (new Object[0]);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            ErrorWriteLine ("Couldn't create instance of '{0}'.", type);
                            ErrorWriteLine ("Exception stack: {0}", e.ToString ());

                        foundAtLeastOne = true;

                        if (test != null && (GetOption ("set").Set ? (test.TestType & setType) > 0 : true))
                            if (printDescriptions)
                                Console.WriteLine (" {0}{1}   * Set: {3}{1}    {2}{1}", test.Name,
                                    Environment.NewLine, test.Description,
                                    Enum.Format (typeof (TestTypes), test.TestType, "F"));
                                Console.WriteLine (" - {0}", test.Name);

                if (!foundAtLeastOne) {
                    ErrorWriteLine ("Couldn't find at least one type that inherits from CodeDomTest in");
                    ErrorWriteLine (asm.CodeBase);
                    ErrorWriteLine ("Make sure your test case assembly references the same CodeDomTest.dll");
                    ErrorWriteLine ("that the current program ({0}) does.", (Environment.GetCommandLineArgs ())[0]);
Exemple #47
 public TestCondition(TestTypes test)
     TestType = test;
        // Load tests from the test case assemblies
        static ArrayList LoadTests (ArrayList testAssemblies, TestTypes setType) {
            // determine specific tests to run from the commandline
            // if none are given, list.Count=0 signals to run them all
            ArrayList runTests = new ArrayList ();
            StringCollection specTests = GetOption ("runtestcase").Values;
            StringCollection dontRun = GetOption ("dontruntestcase").Values;

            StringCollection duplicateCheck = new StringCollection ();

            // while looping through the assemblies, this will reflect
            // whether or not a certain test was found
            BitArray specTestFound = new BitArray (specTests.Count);

            // check to see if there are any tests that were both
            // specified to run and specified NOT to run
            foreach (string specTest in specTests) {
                if (StringCollectionContainsIgnoreCase (dontRun, specTest)) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                "Test '{0}' was both specified to run and *not* to run. " +
                            "This is ambiguous. Giving up.", specTest));

            foreach (Assembly asm in testAssemblies) {
                bool foundAtLeastOneTest = false;

                foreach (Type type in asm.GetTypes ()) {
                    if (!type.Equals (typeof (CodeDomTest)) &&
                            !type.Equals (typeof (CodeDomTestTree)) &&
                            type.IsSubclassOf (typeof (CodeDomTest))) {
                        CodeDomTest test = null;
                        try {
                            ConstructorInfo cons = type.GetConstructor (new Type[0]);
                            test = (CodeDomTest) cons.Invoke (new Object[0]);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                        "Couldn't create instance of '{0}': {1}", type, e.Message));

                        // check for duplicate names
                        if (test != null && StringCollectionContainsIgnoreCase (duplicateCheck, test.Name)) {
                            throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                        " *** Found a duplicate test name '{0}' among test case assemblies. Check your test cases.", test.Name));
                        } else if (test != null) {
                            duplicateCheck.Add (test.Name);

                        // if we got here, we found at least one type that inherits
                        // from CodeDomTest and we were able to instantiate it
                        if (test != null)
                            foundAtLeastOneTest = true;

                        // if certain tests were specified attempt to find them
                        // NOTE: All test cases that match the given name will be
                        //       picked up for running.  This includes test cases
                        //       that share the same name
                        if (test != null && (GetOption ("set").Set ?
                                (test.TestType & setType) > 0 : true) &&
                                !StringCollectionContainsIgnoreCase (dontRun, test.Name)) {
                            if (specTests.Count > 0) {

                                int index = -1;
                                for (int i = 0; i < specTests.Count; i++)
                                    if (String.Compare ((string) specTests[i], test.Name, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) {
                                        index = i;

                                if (index >= 0) {
                                    specTestFound[index] = true;
                                    runTests.Add (test);
                            } else {
                                // run them all
                                runTests.Add (test);

                if (!foundAtLeastOneTest) {
                    ErrorWriteLine ("Couldn't find at least one type that inherits from CodeDomTest in");
                    ErrorWriteLine (asm.CodeBase);
                    ErrorWriteLine ("Make sure your test case assembly references the same CodeDomTest.dll");
                    ErrorWriteLine ("that the current program ({0}) does.", (Environment.GetCommandLineArgs ())[0]);
                    ErrorWriteLine ("Continuing...");

            if (specTests.Count > 0) {
                // check if any specified tests weren't found
                for (int i = 0; i < specTestFound.Count; i++) {
                    if (!specTestFound[i]) {
                        PrintTestList (setType, false);
                        if (GetOption ("set").Set) {
                            throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                        "Can't find test '{0}' in the set '{1}'." +
                                        " Above is the list of available test cases.",
                                        specTests[i], GetOption ("set").GetSingleValue ()));
                        } else {
                            throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                        "Can't find test '{0}' in any test case assemblies. " +
                                        " Above is the list of available test cases.", specTests[i]));

            return runTests;
Exemple #49
        public EngineSpeedTest(SymmetricEngines Engine, CipherModes Mode, int DataSize, int KeySize, int Rounds, bool Encryption, bool Parallel, TestTypes TestType = TestTypes.FileIO)
            _cipherType = Mode;
            _dataSize = DataSize;
            _roundCount = Rounds;
            _engineType = Engine;
            _isEncryption = Encryption;
            _isParallel = Parallel;
            _keySize = KeySize;
            _keyParam = GetKeyParams();
            _testType = TestType;

            if (IsStreamCipher())
                _streamCipher = GetStreamEngine();

                if (_isParallel && _engineType == SymmetricEngines.Fusion || _engineType == SymmetricEngines.Salsa)
                    if (_dataSize > MB100)
                        _blockSize = MB100;
                    else if (DataSize > MB10)
                        _blockSize = MB10;
                    else if (DataSize > MB1)
                        _blockSize = MB1;
                        _blockSize = 1024;
                    _blockSize = 64000;
                _cipherEngine = GetCipher();
                _cipherEngine.Initialize(_isEncryption, _keyParam);

                // set parallel
                if (_cipherEngine.GetType().Equals(typeof(CTR)))
                    ((CTR)_cipherEngine).IsParallel = _isParallel;
                else if (_cipherEngine.GetType().Equals(typeof(CBC)))
                    ((CBC)_cipherEngine).IsParallel = _isParallel;
                else if (_cipherEngine.GetType().Equals(typeof(CFB)))
                    ((CFB)_cipherEngine).IsParallel = _isParallel;

                // set block
                if (_isParallel && (_cipherType.Equals(CipherModes.CTR) ||
                    _cipherType.Equals(CipherModes.CBC) && !_isEncryption ||
                    _cipherType.Equals(CipherModes.CFB) && !_isEncryption))
                    if (_dataSize > MB100)
                        _blockSize = MB100;
                    else if (DataSize > MB10)
                        _blockSize = MB10;
                    else if (DataSize > MB1)
                        _blockSize = MB1;
                        _blockSize = 1024;

                    if (_cipherEngine.GetType().Equals(typeof(CTR)))
                        ((CTR)_cipherEngine).ParallelBlockSize = _blockSize;
                    else if (_cipherEngine.GetType().Equals(typeof(CBC)))
                        ((CBC)_cipherEngine).ParallelBlockSize = _blockSize;
                    else if (_cipherEngine.GetType().Equals(typeof(CFB)))
                        ((CFB)_cipherEngine).ParallelBlockSize = _blockSize;
                    _blockSize = _cipherEngine.BlockSize;

            _inputBuffer = new byte[_blockSize];
            _outputBuffer = new byte[_blockSize];
        /// <summary>
        /// This method extracts test type of the test.
        /// </summary>
        private void ExtractTestType()
            //we have to use hard-coded names because there is no other way how to get the type

            TestTypes testType = TestTypes.None;

            if (this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName.EndsWith(".AutomationElementTests"))
                testType |= TestTypes.AutomationElementTest;

            if (this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName.Contains(".Tests.Patterns."))
                testType |= TestTypes.PatternTest;
            else if (this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName.Contains(".Tests.Controls."))
                testType |= TestTypes.ControlTest;
            //else if (this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName.Contains(".Tests.Scenarios."))
            //    testType |= TestTypes.ScenarioTest;
            else if (this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName.EndsWith(".Tests.ControlObject"))
                testType |= TestTypes.ControlTest;
            //    //in debug mode we will notidy user about notsupported test
            //    //in release mode we will ignore this test
            //    Debug.Fail("not supported TestType: " + this.Method.ReflectedType.FullName);

            this._testType = testType;
 public TestFilterType(TestTypes testType)
     this._testType = testType;
Exemple #52
 public TestCondition(TestTypes test)
     TestType = test;