public async Task Should_Parse_Number_Followed_By_Parenthesis(string query, int[] expected)
                // Given, When
                var result = await TestQueryRunner.Execute(query, DefaultSeeder);

                // Then
            public async Task Navigational_Property(string query, int[] expected)
                // Given, When
                var result = await TestQueryRunner.Execute(query, DefaultSeeder);

                // Then
            public async Task Nullable_Decimal(string query, int[] expected)
                // Given, When
                var result = await TestQueryRunner.Execute(query, DefaultSeeder);

                // Then
            public async Task Should_Throw_If_Decimal_Has_Invalid_Format(string query)
                // Given, When
                var result = await Record.ExceptionAsync(
                    () => TestQueryRunner.Execute(query, DefaultSeeder));

                // Then
                .ShouldBeOfType <InvalidOperationException>()
                .And().Message.ShouldBe("Invalid number format.");
            public async Task Should_Throw_If_Trying_To_Map_Non_Entity_Type_Property()
                // Given, When
                var result = await Record.ExceptionAsync(async() =>
                    await TestQueryRunner.Execute("Foo = 'Contoso'", DefaultSeeder,
                                                  options =>
                        options.Configure <Document>(document =>
                            document.Map <Invoice>(invoice => { invoice.Map("Foo", e => e.Dummy); });

                // Then
                .ShouldBeOfType <InvalidOperationException>()
                .And().Message.ShouldBe("The property 'Invoice.Dummy' is not mapped to an entity.");
            public async Task Should_Throw_If_Trying_To_Map_Navigational_Property_Directly()
                // Given, When
                var result = await Record.ExceptionAsync(async() =>
                    await TestQueryRunner.Execute("Foo = 'Contoso'", DefaultSeeder,
                                                  options =>
                        options.Configure <Document>(document =>
                            document.Map <Invoice>(invoice => { invoice.Map("Foo", e => e.Company); });

                // Then
                .ShouldBeOfType <InvalidOperationException>()
                .And().Message.ShouldBe("Cannot map the navigational property 'Company' directly.");
            public async Task Should_Throw_If_Trying_To_Map_Inherited_Parameter_With_Already_Existing_Name()
                // Given, When
                var result = await Record.ExceptionAsync(async() =>
                    await TestQueryRunner.Execute("Foo = 1", DefaultSeeder, options =>
                        options.Configure <Document>(document =>
                            document.Map("Foo", e => e.DocumentId);
                            document.Map <Invoice>(invoice => { invoice.Map("Foo", e => e.Cancelled); });

                // Then
                .ShouldBeOfType <InvalidOperationException>()
                .And().Message.ShouldBe("The property 'Foo' have been defined twice.");