public void ShouldNotRemoveOnlyRelativePart(string value) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(value); // Then path.FullPath.ShouldBe("/"); }
public void ShouldRemoveTrailingSlashes(string value, string expected) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(value); // Then Assert.AreEqual(expected, path.FullPath); }
public void WillTrimWhiteSpaceFromPath() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(" shaders/basic "); // Then Assert.AreEqual("shaders/basic", path.FullPath); }
public void ShouldNotPrependSlashForRootedPath() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("C:/shaders/basic"); // Then path.FullPath.ShouldBe("C:\\shaders/basic"); }
public void WillNotRemoveWhiteSpaceWithinPath() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("my awesome shaders/basic"); // Then Assert.AreEqual("my awesome shaders/basic", path.FullPath); }
public void CurrentDirectoryReturnsEmptyPath() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("./"); // Then Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, path.FullPath); }
public void WillNormalizePathSeparators() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("shaders\\basic"); // Then Assert.AreEqual("shaders/basic", path.FullPath); }
public void ShouldReturnWhetherOrNotAPathIsRelativeOnWindows(string fullPath, bool expected) { // Given, When var path = new TestPath(fullPath); // Then Assert.AreEqual(expected, path.IsRelative); }
public void Should_Return_The_Full_Path() { // Given, When var path = new TestPath("temp/hello"); // Then Assert.AreEqual("temp/hello", path.ToString()); }
public void ShouldReturnProvider(string provider, string pathName, string expectedProvider) { // Given, W TestPath path = new TestPath(provider, pathName); // Then Assert.AreEqual(expectedProvider, path.Provider); }
public void ShouldTrimWhiteSpaceFromPathAndLeaveSpaces() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("\t\r\nshaders/basic "); // Then Assert.AreEqual("shaders/basic ", path.FullPath); }
public void TestParse2() { var path = TestPath.Get(@"Parser/MissingTargetsAttribute.csproj"); new Action(() => _parser.Parse(path)) .ShouldThrow <ParseException>() .WithMessage("error : The required attribute \"Name\" is empty or missing from the element <Target>."); }
public void ShouldRemoveTrailingSlashes(string value, string expected) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(value); // Then path.FullPath.ShouldBe(expected); }
public void ShouldNotRemoveWhiteSpaceWithinPath() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("my awesome shaders/basic"); // Then path.FullPath.ShouldBe("my awesome shaders/basic"); }
public void ShouldReturnStringRepresentation(string path, string expected) { // Given, When TestPath testPath = new TestPath(path); // Then testPath.ToString().ShouldBe(expected); }
public void ShouldNormalizePathSeparators() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("shaders\\basic"); // Then path.FullPath.ShouldBe("shaders/basic"); }
public void ShouldNotRemoveSingleTrailingSlash(string value) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(value); // Then Assert.AreEqual("/", path.FullPath); }
public void ShouldTrimWhiteSpaceFromPathAndLeaveSpaces() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("\t\r\nshaders/basic "); // Then path.FullPath.ShouldBe("shaders/basic "); }
public void ShouldNotRemoveOnlyRelativePart(string value) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(value); // Then Assert.AreEqual("/", path.FullPath); }
public void ShouldRemoveRelativePrefix(string value, string expected) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(value); // Then Assert.AreEqual(expected, path.FullPath); }
public void ShouldSetProviderIfGivenOnlyScheme() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("foo", "/a/b"); // Then Assert.AreEqual(new Uri("foo:"), path.FileProvider); }
public void ExplicitNullProviderShouldStayNull() { // Given, When TestPath testPath = new TestPath((Uri)null, "/a/b/c", PathKind.Absolute); // Then Assert.IsNull(testPath.FileProvider); }
public void UnspecifiedProviderShouldUseDefault() { // Given, When TestPath testPath = new TestPath("/a/b/c", PathKind.Absolute); // Then Assert.AreEqual(new Uri("file:///"), testPath.FileProvider); }
public void ShouldRemoveRelativePrefix(string value, string expected) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(value); // Then path.FullPath.ShouldBe(expected); }
public void ShouldNotRemoveSingleTrailingSlash(string value) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(value); // Then path.FullPath.ShouldBe("/"); }
public void CurrentDirectoryReturnsDot() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("./"); // Then Assert.AreEqual(".", path.FullPath); }
public void ShouldReturnWhetherOrNotAPathIsRelativeOnWindows(string fullPath, bool expected) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(fullPath); // Then path.IsRelative.ShouldBe(expected); }
public void ShouldNormalizePathSeparators() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("shaders\\basic"); // Then Assert.AreEqual("shaders/basic", path.FullPath); }
public void CurrentDirectoryReturnsDot() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("./"); // Then path.FullPath.ShouldBe("."); }
public void ShouldReturnStringRepresentation(string provider, string path, string expected) { // Given, When TestPath testPath = new TestPath(provider == null ? null : new Uri(provider), path); // Then Assert.AreEqual(expected, testPath.ToString()); }
public void ShouldReturnFullPath() { // Given, When const string expected = "shaders/basic"; TestPath path = new TestPath(expected); // Then Assert.AreEqual(expected, path.FullPath); }
public void ShouldReturnProvider(string provider, string pathName, string expectedProvider) { // Given, W TestPath path = new TestPath(provider, pathName); // Then Assert.AreEqual(expectedProvider == null ? null : new Uri(expectedProvider), path.FileProvider); }
public void ShouldReturnSegmentsOfPath(string pathName) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(pathName); // Then Assert.AreEqual(2, path.Segments.Length); Assert.AreEqual("Hello", path.Segments[0]); Assert.AreEqual("World", path.Segments[1]); }
public void ShouldReturnDottedRootForExplicitRelativePath(string fullPath) { // Given TestPath path = new TestPath(fullPath, PathKind.Relative); // When DirectoryPath root = path.Root; // Then Assert.AreEqual(".", root.FullPath); }
public void ShouldReturnRootPath(string fullPath, string expected) { // Given TestPath path = new TestPath(fullPath); // When DirectoryPath root = path.Root; // Then Assert.AreEqual(expected, root.FullPath); }
public void ShouldReturnWhetherOrNotAPathIsRelativeOnWindows(string fullPath, bool expected) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(fullPath); // Then Assert.AreEqual(expected, path.IsRelative); }
public void ShouldTrimWhiteSpaceFromPath() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(" shaders/basic "); // Then Assert.AreEqual("shaders/basic", path.FullPath); }
public void ShouldNotRemoveWhiteSpaceWithinPath() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("my awesome shaders/basic"); // Then Assert.AreEqual("my awesome shaders/basic", path.FullPath); }
public void ShouldUsePathAsFullPathIfNoPathInString() { // Given, When TestPath testPath = new TestPath("foo:"); // Then Assert.AreEqual(null, testPath.FileProvider); Assert.AreEqual("foo:/", testPath.FullPath); // The slash is appended w/ assumption this is a file path }
public void ShouldSetUriAsRelativePathIfNoLeftPart(string path) { // Given, When TestPath testPath = new TestPath(new Uri(path, UriKind.Relative)); // Then Assert.AreEqual(null, testPath.FileProvider); Assert.AreEqual(path, testPath.FullPath); Assert.IsTrue(testPath.IsRelative); }
public void ShouldSetRootPathIfOnlyRootInUri(string path) { // Given, When TestPath testPath = new TestPath(new Uri(path)); // Then Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(path), testPath.FileProvider); Assert.AreEqual("/", testPath.FullPath); }
public void ShouldSetNullProviderForFirstCharDelimiter() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath("|foo://a/b/c"); // Then Assert.AreEqual(null, path.FileProvider); Assert.AreEqual("foo://a/b/c", path.FullPath); }
public void ShouldSplitUriPathWithDelimiter() { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath(new Uri("foo:///a/b|c/d/e")); // Then Assert.AreEqual(new Uri("foo:///a/b"), path.FileProvider); Assert.AreEqual("c/d/e", path.FullPath); Assert.IsTrue(path.IsAbsolute); }
public void ShouldRemoveTrailingSlashes(string value, string expected) { // Given, When TestPath path = new TestPath((Uri)null, value); // Then Assert.AreEqual(expected, path.FullPath); }