static void Main(string[] args)
            // Normal Methos Call
            getName("By Normal Method call - Abhishek Singh ");

            //Method Call using delegates

            myTestDel del = new myTestDel(getName);

            del("By Delagete call-Abhishek singh");

            del.Invoke(" Using Invoke - Abhishek Singh ");

            del = new myTestDel(getLocation);

            //   Mutlticast implementation with void return type

            TestMutliCast delmultiCast = new TestMutliCast(Method1);

            delmultiCast += Method2;

            // Mutlticast implementation with void return type

            myTestDel testMulti = new myTestDel(getName);

            testMulti += getLocation;

            // Mutlticast implementation with int return type

            TestMutliCastint intMulti = new TestMutliCastint(Method3);

            intMulti += Method4;
            int i = intMulti();

            Console.WriteLine("Return Value is " + i);

        // public delegate int FunctionDelegate(int a, int b);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Simple Implementation
            //FunctionDelegate del = new FunctionDelegate(Method);
            FunctionDelegate del = Method;

            //del(2, 2);
            //del.Invoke(2, 2);

            Console.WriteLine(del(2, 2));

            //as a function parameter


            #region Multicast Implementation

            //   Mutlticast implementation with void return type

            TestMutliCast delmultiCast = Method1;
            delmultiCast += Method2;

            // Mutlticast implementation with int return type

            TestMutliCastint intMulti = Method3;
            intMulti += Method4;
            intMulti += Method5;
            int i = intMulti();

            Console.WriteLine("Return Value is " + i);
