Exemple #1
        public void SimpleFlowTest_OneWayIn_OneWayOut()
            var castingMock = new TestCasting <TestMockAddresses>();

            // Here the syntax is a bit confusing - we setup a receive for a corresponding send port
            // If the intention is to retain the semantics of setting up receive for a corresponding receive location
            // then the implementation of the method should be reversed - it shuold implement a send operation, and vice versa.
            .SetupReceive(r => r.ReceiveFirstMessage_FILE)
            .SetupSend(s => s.SendFirstMessage_FILE);

            var mold = new TestMold <TestMockAddresses>(castingMock);

            // What if we use the already set up receive endpoint instead of creating a new one.
            // It creates even further confusion
            // Something like mold.Send( adr => adr.ReceiveFirstMessage_FILE,
            //      op => { op.MessageEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; op.RequestFilePath = "TestFileIn.txt"},
            //      ctx => ctx.LogInfo("Sending message to the integration"))
            mold.Send((c, ma) => new ReceiveEndpoint()
                URL              = ma.ReceiveFirstMessage_FILE,
                MessageEncoding  = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8,
                RequestFilePath  = "TestFileIn.txt",
                TimeoutInSeconds = 10
            .Receive((c, ma) => new SendEndpoint()
                URL = ma.SendFirstMessage_FILE,
                TimeoutInSeconds = 10
                     // TODO: Validation helpers for performing the reading and looking up inside messages
                     //       a piece of joyful cake
                     (i, v) =>
                string fileContents;
                using (var sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(v))
                    fileContents = sr.ReadToEnd();

                Assert.AreEqual("This is a test file", fileContents, "The contents of the received file differs");

Exemple #2
        public void SimpleFlowTest_TwoWayIn_TwoWayOut()
            var castingMock = new TestCasting <TestMockAddresses>();

            // Here the syntax is a bit confusing - we setup a receive to a receive location
            // If the intention is to retain the semantics of setting up receive for a corresponding receive location
            // then the implementation of the method should be reversed - it shuold implement a send operation, and vice versa.
            .SetupSendRequestAndReceiveResponse(r => r.TwoWayReceive_WebHTTP)
            .SetupReceiveRequestAndSendResponse(s => s.TwoWaySend_WebHTTP);

            var mold = new TestMold <TestMockAddresses>(castingMock);

            mold.InParallel((tm) =>
                                (ctx, adr) => new SendEndpoint()
                URL             = adr.TwoWaySend_WebHTTP,
                MessageEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8,
                // DONE: This serves well for static responses, but one of the main challanges
                // with the BizUnit based implementation is the need to identify and send content
                // dynamically based on the contents of the request
                //ResponseFilePath = "TestFileResponse.txt",
                TimeoutInSeconds = 10
                                (i, v) =>
                string fileContents;
                using (var sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(v))
                    fileContents = sr.ReadToEnd();

                // TODO: Handle errors correctly in parallel scenarios
                //       In case a validation fails here, the process hangs
                Assert.AreEqual("This is a test request file", fileContents, "The contents of the received file differs");
                                // TODO: consider to set the response strategy in the first parameter
                                // by specifying it as a property on a composit operation config object
                                resp =>
                var strategy      = new StaticFileResponseStrategy();
                strategy.FilePath = "TestFileResponse.txt";

                            ) // End of parallel actions
                (c, ma) => new ReceiveEndpoint()
                URL              = ma.TwoWayReceive_WebHTTP,
                MessageEncoding  = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8,
                RequestFilePath  = "TestFileRequest.txt",
                TimeoutInSeconds = 10
                v =>
                string fileContents;
                using (var sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(v))
                    fileContents = sr.ReadToEnd();

                Assert.AreEqual("This is a test response file", fileContents, "The contents of the received file differs");

            .CleanUp(); // We call cleanup at the end