Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the user non-saved test file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns no value.</returns>
        private async Task LoadDummyTestFileAsync(string currentFile)
            await IoC.Task.Run(() =>
                // generate a TestFileListItems temporarily.
                ObservableCollection <TestFileListItemViewModel> tempFileList = new ObservableCollection <TestFileListItemViewModel>()

                if (IoC.Communication.TestFileListItems.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in IoC.Communication.TestFileListItems)

                // store file names to TestFileListItemViewModel
                // initialize a new test file list
                TestFileListItemViewModel testFile = new TestFileListItemViewModel
                    // since this is the first loading...
                    IsDeletable             = false,                                         // so the user have chance to fix their mistakes and such...
                    ShortTestFileName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currentFile), // the file name only...
                    TestDeleteToolTip       = $"{Strings.tooltips_remove_file}",
                    TestStepBackgroundColor = $"{Strings.color_test_enqueued}",
                    TestToolTip             = $"{Path.GetFileName(currentFile)}.{Environment.NewLine}{Strings.test_status_enqueued}",
                    FullFileName            = $"{currentFile}",

                // add new generated to tempFileList.

                // add the new test list to the multi-test list.
                IoC.Communication.TestFileListItems = tempFileList;

                // always show multiple test user interface.
                IoC.Communication.IsMultipleTest = true; // (IoC.Communication.TestFileListItems.Count > 0) ? true : false;

                // fill TestDetails view with first file == 0
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the user selects a file name by either clicking the Open button of the OpenFileDialog
        /// or the Save button of the SaveFileDialog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Dlg_FileOk(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
            // Sender is a FileDialog
            var dlg = sender as FileDialog;

            // handles "SaveFileDialog"
            if (Equals(dlg.Tag, FileDialogOption.Save))
                // update TestFileName
                IoC.TestDetails.TestFileName = dlg.SafeFileName;

                // generate a new Test Steps Logger
                var fileOkTask =
                    IoC.Task.Run(() => new TestStepsLogger(
                                     // file location and name as specified by the user
                                     filePath: dlg.FileName,
                                     // don't need to save time
                                     logTime: false,
                                     // test details need to be saved
                                     test: IoC.TestDetails

                // saving completed successfully.
                if (TaskStatus.RanToCompletion == fileOkTask.Status)
                    // dispose dialog box
                    dlg = null;
                // saving the file failed.
                else if (TaskStatus.Faulted == fileOkTask.Status)
                    // inform the developer about error

                    // update the user about the error.
                    IoC.Communication.Log = fileOkTask.Exception.GetBaseException().Message;
            // handles "OpenFileDialog"
            else if (Equals(dlg.Tag, FileDialogOption.Open))
                // grab all the file name(s) selected by the user.
                foreach (var currentFile in dlg.FileNames)
                    // store file names to TestFileListItemViewModel
                    // initialize a new test file list
                    TestFileListItemViewModel testFile = new TestFileListItemViewModel
                        // since this is the first loading...
                        IsDeletable             = true,                                          // so the user have chance to fix their mistakes and such...
                        ShortTestFileName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currentFile), // the file name only...
                        TestDeleteToolTip       = $"{Strings.tooltips_remove_file}",
                        TestStepBackgroundColor = $"{Strings.color_test_enqueued}",
                        TestToolTip             = $"{Path.GetFileName(currentFile)}.{Environment.NewLine}{Strings.test_status_enqueued}",
                        FullFileName            = $"{currentFile}",

                    // add the new test file to the multi-test list.

                // always show multiple test user interface.
                IoC.Communication.IsMultipleTest = true; // (IoC.Communication.TestFileListItems.Count > 0) ? true : false;

                // clear previous test values.

                // dispose dialog box
                dlg = null;

                // fill TestDetails view with first file == 0
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads multiple tests in order
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadTestFile(int testFileNumber)
            if (IoC.Communication.TestFileListItems.Count > 0)
                // initialize multiple test view model.
                TestFileListItemViewModel currentTestFile = new TestFileListItemViewModel();
                // retrieve the first test
                currentTestFile = IoC.Communication.TestFileListItems[testFileNumber];

                // convert a JSON file to a TestDetailsViewModel to show it the user.
                using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(currentTestFile.FullFileName))
                    // initialize a new TestDetailsViewModel
                    TestDetailsViewModel test = new TestDetailsViewModel();

                    // initialize JsonSerializer
                    JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();

                    // convert the JsonSerializer to TestDetailsViewModel
                    test = (TestDetailsViewModel)serializer.Deserialize(file, typeof(TestDetailsViewModel));

                    // Update values in the single instance of TestDetailsViewModel
                    // update AnalogSignals
                    IoC.TestDetails.AnalogSignals = test.AnalogSignals;

                    // Select Ramping Signal property
                    // Ramping Signal property is Magnitude.
                    // This is also default setting for this property.
                    IoC.TestDetails.IsMagnitude = string.Equals(test.SelectedRampingSignal, nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Magnitude)) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(test.SelectedRampingSignal);
                    // Ramping Signal property is Phase.
                    IoC.TestDetails.IsPhase = string.Equals(test.SelectedRampingSignal, nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Phase));
                    // Ramping Signal property is Frequency.
                    IoC.TestDetails.IsFrequency = string.Equals(test.SelectedRampingSignal, nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Frequency));
                    // Ramping Signal property is Harmonics.
                    IoC.TestDetails.IsHarmonics = string.Equals(test.SelectedRampingSignal, nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Harmonics));

                    // update Harmonics Order
                    IoC.TestDetails.HarmonicsOrder = test.HarmonicsOrder;

                    // update Register
                    IoC.TestDetails.Register = test.Register;

                    // update DwellTime
                    IoC.TestDetails.DwellTime = test.DwellTime;

                    // update StartDelayTime
                    IoC.TestDetails.StartDelayTime = test.StartDelayTime;

                    // update MeasurementInterval
                    IoC.TestDetails.MeasurementInterval = test.MeasurementInterval;

                    // update StartMeasurementDelay
                    IoC.TestDetails.StartMeasurementDelay = test.StartMeasurementDelay;

                    // update SelectedRampingSignal
                    IoC.TestDetails.SelectedRampingSignal = test.SelectedRampingSignal;

                    // update Link Ramping Signals status
                    // If SelectedRampingSignal == "Frequency" or If SelectedRampingSignal == "Harmonics"
                    if (Equals(nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Frequency), test.SelectedRampingSignal) || Equals(nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Harmonics), test.SelectedRampingSignal))
                        // frequencies are linked.
                        IoC.TestDetails.IsLinked = test.IsLinked;
                        // frequencies are not linked
                        IoC.TestDetails.IsLinked = false;

                    // update Hardware Configuration = Voltage
                    IoC.TestDetails.SelectedVoltageConfiguration = test.SelectedVoltageConfiguration;

                    // update Hardware Configuration = Current
                    IoC.TestDetails.SelectedCurrentConfiguration = test.SelectedCurrentConfiguration;

                    // update TestFileName
                    IoC.TestDetails.TestFileName = test.TestFileName;

                    // update Settings view model
                    IoC.Settings.SelectedCurrent = test.SelectedCurrentConfiguration.WiringDiagramString;
                    IoC.Settings.SelectedVoltage = test.SelectedVoltageConfiguration.WiringDiagramString;

                    // if the test file is old,
                    // add a new fileName attribute,
                    // add some missing attributes to "SelectedVoltageConfiguration",
                    // add some missing attributes to "SelectedCurrentConfiguration".
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(IoC.TestDetails.TestFileName))
                        // add saved file name
                        IoC.TestDetails.TestFileName = Path.GetFileName(currentTestFile.FullFileName);

                        // add new "WiringDiagramFileLocation"
                        test.SelectedVoltageConfiguration.WiringDiagramFileLocation = "../Images/Omicron/not used voltage.png";
                        test.SelectedCurrentConfiguration.WiringDiagramFileLocation = "../Images/Omicron/not used current.png";

                        // add new SelectedCurrent and SelectedVoltage

                    // update Settings view model
                    IoC.Settings.CurrentDiagramLocation = test.SelectedCurrentConfiguration.WiringDiagramFileLocation;
                    IoC.Settings.VoltageDiagramLocation = test.SelectedVoltageConfiguration.WiringDiagramFileLocation;

                    // change CancelForegroundColor to Red
                    IoC.Commands.CancelForegroundColor = "ff0000";

                    // set Command buttons
                    IoC.Commands.StartTestAvailable       = true;
                    IoC.Commands.NewTestAvailable         = false;
                    IoC.Commands.Cancellation             = true;
                    IoC.Commands.ConfigurationAvailable   = true;
                    IoC.Commands.IsConfigurationAvailable = false;

                    // Show TestDetails page
                    IoC.Application.GoToPage(ApplicationPage.TestDetails, IoC.TestDetails);

                    test       = null;
                    serializer = null;

                // dispose dialog box
                Dlg = null;

                // dispose temp multiple test view model.
                currentTestFile = null;