void Ex02()
     Extension = new TestExtension();
     Given("a controller", () => Controller = new TestUwpControllers.TestUwpController());
     When("an extension is added", () => UwpController.AddExtension(Extension));
     Then("the container of the extension should be retrieved", () => UwpController.Retrieve <TestExtension, object>(Controller) == TestExtension.TestExtensionContainer);
Exemple #2
        public void Fetch_ClearsCachedExtension_AndFetchesNewExtension_WhenUnderlyingCollectionChanged()
            // Arrange
            int           revision             = 1;
            var           createdExtension     = new TestExtension();
            var           replacementExtension = new TestExtension();
            TestExtension capturedExtension    = null;
            var           collection           = CreateCollection <TestExtension>(
                onRevision: () => revision,
                extension: null,
                onSet: e => capturedExtension = e);
            var refs = new WorkContextExtensionReferences <ExtensionCache>(collection);

            refs.Fetch <TestExtension>(ref refs.Cache.Test, e => createdExtension);

            // Act
            var extension = refs.Fetch <TestExtension>(ref refs.Cache.Test, e => replacementExtension);

            // Assert
            Assert.Same(replacementExtension, extension);
            Assert.Equal(2, refs.Revision);
            Assert.Same(replacementExtension, capturedExtension);
        public void Test()
            MyProg prog      = new MyProg();
            var    activator = new FakeActivator();


            JobHostConfiguration config = TestHelpers.NewConfig <MyProg>(activator);

            var ext = new TestExtension();


            var host = new TestJobHost <MyProg>(config);
            IJobHostMetadataProvider metadataProvider = host.CreateMetadataProvider();

            Assert.Equal(1, ext._counter);

            // Callable
            Assert.Equal(1, ext._counter);

            // Fact that we registered a Widget converter is enough to add the assembly
            Assembly asm;
            bool     resolved;

            resolved = metadataProvider.TryResolveAssembly(typeof(Widget).Assembly.GetName().Name, out asm);
            Assert.Same(asm, typeof(Widget).Assembly);

            // check with full name
            resolved = metadataProvider.TryResolveAssembly(typeof(Widget).Assembly.GetName().FullName, out asm);
            Assert.Same(asm, typeof(Widget).Assembly);

            // This requires the target attribute to be unique within the assembly.
            var attrType = metadataProvider.GetAttributeTypeFromName("Test9");

            Assert.Equal(typeof(Test9Attribute), attrType);

            // JObject --> Attribute
            var attr = GetAttr <Test9Attribute>(metadataProvider, new { Flag = "xyz" });

            Assert.Equal("xyz", attr.Flag);

            // Getting default type.
            var defaultType = metadataProvider.GetDefaultType(attr, FileAccess.Read, null);

            Assert.Equal(typeof(JObject), defaultType);

            // If we have no match for output, we'll try IAsyncCollector<string>
            Assert.Equal(typeof(IAsyncCollector <string>), metadataProvider.GetDefaultType(attr, FileAccess.Write, typeof(object)));
        public void Test()
            MyProg prog      = new MyProg();
            var    activator = new FakeActivator();


            JobHostConfiguration config = TestHelpers.NewConfig <MyProg>(activator);

            var ext = new TestExtension();


            IJobHostMetadataProvider tooling = config.CreateMetadataProvider();

            Assert.Equal(1, ext._counter);

            // Callable
            var host = new TestJobHost <MyProg>(config);

            Assert.Equal(1, ext._counter);

            // Fact that we registered a Widget converter is enough to add the assembly
            Assembly asm;
            bool     resolved;

            resolved = tooling.TryResolveAssembly(typeof(Widget).Assembly.GetName().Name, out asm);
            Assert.Same(asm, typeof(Widget).Assembly);

            // check with full name
            resolved = tooling.TryResolveAssembly(typeof(Widget).Assembly.GetName().FullName, out asm);
            Assert.Same(asm, typeof(Widget).Assembly);

            var attrType = tooling.GetAttributeTypeFromName("Test");

            Assert.Equal(typeof(TestAttribute), attrType);

            // JObject --> Attribute
            var attr = GetAttr <TestAttribute>(tooling, new { Flag = "xyz" });

            Assert.Equal("xyz", attr.Flag);

            // Getting default type.
            var defaultType = tooling.GetDefaultType(attr, FileAccess.Read, null);

            Assert.Equal(typeof(JObject), defaultType);

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => tooling.GetDefaultType(attr, FileAccess.Write, typeof(object)));
Exemple #5
 private static void ClearDB(ISession session)
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <PlanReceiptOrderPersonalAccount>(session.SessionFactory);
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <PlanCertificate>(session.SessionFactory);
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <Destination>(session.SessionFactory);
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <Pass>(session.SessionFactory);
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <CertificateQuality>(session.SessionFactory);
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <PlanReceiptOrder>(session.SessionFactory);
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <ChemicalIndicatorValue>(session.SessionFactory);
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <MechanicIndicatorValue>(session.SessionFactory);
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <DictionaryChemicalIndicator>(session.SessionFactory);
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <DictionaryMechanicalIndicator>(session.SessionFactory);
     TestExtension.CleanUpTable <DictionaryPass>(session.SessionFactory);
Exemple #6
        public void Fetch_FetchesExtension_FromCollection_WhenNotCached_AndExtensionExists()
            // Arrange
            var           existingExtension = new TestExtension();
            TestExtension capturedExtension = null;
            var           collection        = CreateCollection <TestExtension>(
                revision: 1,
                extension: existingExtension,
                onSet: e => capturedExtension = e);
            var refs = new WorkContextExtensionReferences <ExtensionCache>(collection);

            // Act
            var extension = refs.Fetch <TestExtension>(ref refs.Cache.Test, e => new TestExtension());

            // Assert
            Assert.Same(existingExtension, extension);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new test extension.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TTestExtension">Type of test extension.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TType">Type the test extension is for.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="type">Object which is passed to the test extension constructor.</param>
        /// <param name="currentTestExtension">TestExtension from where this is called.</param>
        /// <returns>Test extension created.</returns>
        public static TTestExtension Create <TTestExtension, TType>(TType type, TestExtension currentTestExtension)
            where TType : class
            where TTestExtension : TestExtension
            Type testExtensionType = typeof(TTestExtension);

            object[]       parameters = { type };
            TTestExtension extension  = (TTestExtension)testExtensionType.InvokeMember(null, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, parameters, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            LifeTimeManagmentServiceTestExtension lifeTimeManagmentService = currentTestExtension.Container.GetFirstTestExtension <LifeTimeManagmentServiceTestExtension>();

            // This is a temporary workaround to get any test extension to be able to get the lifetime managment service till we implement our own test extension factory.
            if (extension.Container == null)
                extension.Container = currentTestExtension.Container;


Exemple #8
        public void Fetch_ReturnsCachedExtension_WhenCollectionUnchanged()
            // Arrange
            int           revision          = 1;
            var           createdExtension  = new TestExtension();
            TestExtension capturedExtension = null;
            var           collection        = CreateCollection <TestExtension>(
                onRevision: () => revision,
                onGet: () => createdExtension,
                onSet: e => capturedExtension = e);
            var refs = new WorkContextExtensionReferences <ExtensionCache>(collection);

            refs.Fetch <TestExtension>(ref refs.Cache.Test, e => createdExtension);

            // Act
            var extension = refs.Fetch <TestExtension>(ref refs.Cache.Test, e => new TestExtension());

            // Assert
            Assert.Same(createdExtension, extension);
            Assert.Equal(1, refs.Revision);
Exemple #9
        public void Fetch_CreatesExtension_UsingFactory_WhenNotCached_AndExtensionDoesNotExist()
            // Arrange
            int           revision          = 1;
            var           existingExtension = new TestExtension();
            TestExtension capturedExtension = null;
            var           collection        = CreateCollection <TestExtension>(
                onRevision: () => revision,
                extension: null,
                onSet: e => capturedExtension = e);
            var refs = new WorkContextExtensionReferences <ExtensionCache>(collection);

            // Act
            var extension = refs.Fetch <TestExtension>(ref refs.Cache.Test, e => new TestExtension());

            // Assert
            Assert.NotSame(existingExtension, extension);
            Assert.Equal(2, refs.Revision);
Exemple #10
        public TestControl(SimFeedbackExtensionFacade facade, TestExtension extension, int startStopButton = -1, int decreaseIntensity1Button = -1, int increaseIntensity1Button = -1, int decreaseIntensity5Button = -1, int increaseIntensity5Button = -1, int decreaseIntensity10Button = -1, int increaseIntensity10Button = -1, int decreaseIntensity20Button = -1, int increaseIntensity20Button = -1)
            this.startStopButton           = startStopButton;
            this.decreaseIntensity1Button  = decreaseIntensity1Button;
            this.increaseIntensity1Button  = increaseIntensity1Button;
            this.decreaseIntensity5Button  = decreaseIntensity5Button;
            this.increaseIntensity5Button  = increaseIntensity5Button;
            this.decreaseIntensity10Button = decreaseIntensity10Button;
            this.increaseIntensity10Button = increaseIntensity10Button;
            this.decreaseIntensity20Button = decreaseIntensity20Button;
            this.increaseIntensity20Button = increaseIntensity20Button;
            this.facade    = facade;
            this.extension = extension;
            directInput    = new DirectInput();

            startStopDelay = extension.GetStartStopDelay();
            refreshBtn_Click(null, null);
            if (joystickList.Count > 0)
                enableExtensionButton_Click(null, null);

Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Responsible for creating the build manager.
        /// For MSBuild backend testing BuildManager is the Entry point for all tests. That is - the environment
        /// for testing starts with the BuildManager. Configuration can specify which components should be mocked
        /// and which test extension should be attached to which component.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>TextExtensions created.</returns>
        protected override TestExtensionContainer Generate()
            List <TestExtension> testExtensions = new List <TestExtension>();

            // To workaround the problem where extensions derived out from Testextension does not have a LifeTimeManagmentService.
            LifeTimeManagmentServiceTestExtension lifetimeServiceExtension = new LifeTimeManagmentServiceTestExtension(LifetimeService);


            // Create the build manager and the associated test extension first.
            BuildManagerTestExtension buildManagerTestExtension = new BuildManagerTestExtension(BuildManager.DefaultBuildManager);


            // When the BuildManager is created it registers a default set of components.
            // Loop through each of the components that we want to mock and then replace the component in the BuildManager.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <ComponentType, string> componentTypePair in this.Configuration.ComponentsToMock)
                buildManagerTestExtension.ReplaceRegisterdFactory(GetBuildComponentTypeFromComponentType(componentTypePair.Key.ToString()), this.CreateMockComponent);

            // Loop through each of the components that we want to wrap with a test extension - create the test extension and aggregate the internal component.
            // This component could be a mock that we create above or the real implementation.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <ComponentType, string> componentTypePair in this.Configuration.TestExtensionForComponents)
                TestExtension extension = CreateTestExtensionForComponent(componentTypePair.Key.ToString(), componentTypePair.Value, buildManagerTestExtension);

            TestExtensionContainer testContainer = new TestExtensionContainer(testExtensions);

    static void Main()
        var testExtension = new TestExtension();
