public int callDelegate2(TestDelegate2 del) { int a = 3; int b = del(2, out a); return(a + b); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Original delegate syntax required // initialization with a named method. TestDelegate testDelA = new TestDelegate(M); // C# 2.0: A delegate can be initialized with // inline code, called an "anonymous method." This // method takes a string as an input parameter. TestDelegate testDelB = delegate(string s) { Console.WriteLine(s); }; // C# 3.0. A delegate can be initialized with // a lambda expression. The lambda also takes a string // as an input parameter (x). The type of x is inferred by the compiler. TestDelegate testDelC = (x) => { Console.WriteLine(x); }; // Invoke the delegates. testDelA("This is TestDelA"); testDelB("This is TestDelB"); testDelC("This is TestDelC"); TestDelegate2 testDelD = x => x * x; Console.WriteLine(testDelD(12)); Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void lambda() { // () => expression TestDelegate2 lambdaDel = (x) => x * x; Console.WriteLine(lambdaDel(5)); // 25 Func <int, bool> myFunc = (x) => x == 5; Console.WriteLine(myFunc(4)); // false }
public void TestAlternateConstructor() { var called = new AtomicBoolean(false); var dele = new TestDelegate2(called); adapter = new MessageListenerAdapter(null, dele, "MyPojoMessageMethod"); var bytes = EncodingUtils.GetDefaultEncoding().GetBytes("foo"); adapter.OnMessage(Message.Create(bytes, messageProperties), null); Assert.True(called.Value); }
public static void Excute() { TestDelegate2 td = Double; TestDelegate f = D; Console.WriteLine(td(4, 7)); f("44147"); anoy d = (m, n) => { return(m + n); }; Console.Write(d("g", "rr")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { TestDelegate testDelegate = new TestDelegate(MethodOne); testDelegate += MethodTwo; testDelegate += MethodThree; testDelegate -= MethodTwo; testDelegate.Invoke("Isaac"); TestDelegate2 testDelegate2 = new TestDelegate2(MethodOne); testDelegate2.Invoke("Mpho", 20); }
public int callDelegate2(TestDelegate2 del) { int a = 3; int b = del(2, out a); return a + b; }
private void TestFun2(TestDelegate2 <string, int> de) { de("test", 1000); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { mDelegate1 = new TestDelegate1(StaticDelegateFun); mDelegate2 = new TestDelegate2 <string, int>(StaticDelegateFun); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Generic Action Action<string, ConsoleColor, int> actionTarget = new Action<string, ConsoleColor, int>(ActionFuncDel.DisplayMessage); actionTarget("yo action", ConsoleColor.Yellow, 5); Func<int, int, int> funcTarget1 = new Func<int, int, int>(ActionFuncDel.Add); int ret = funcTarget1(70, 80); Console.WriteLine("Func<int,int,int> ret = {0}", ret); Func<int, int, string> funcTarget2 = new Func<int, int, string>(ActionFuncDel.SumToString); string strRet = funcTarget2(90, 300); Console.WriteLine("Func<int,int,string> ret = {0}", strRet); // Generic Delegate demo GenDel.TestGenDelegate(); TestCar(); TestMath(); TestDelegate1 td1 = new TestDelegate1(); td1.TestNumberChanger(); TestDelegate2 td2 = new TestDelegate2(); int[] iArray = {3,5,1,3,8}; td2.TestCompareInt(TestDelegate2.SortType.Ascending, iArray); td2.TestCompareInt(TestDelegate2.SortType.Descending, iArray); }
static void Main(string[] args) { TestDelegate td = null; td = new TestDelegate(Giants); td += Jets; td(); TestDelegate td2 = null; td2 = new TestDelegate(Giants); td2 += Jets; Z(td2); Team t = new Team(); t.m_Name = "Boys"; TestDelegate td3 = new TestDelegate(t.ShowName); td3(); t.m_Name = "Girls"; td(); TestDelegate2 td4 = new TestDelegate2(Show); td4("C# is awesome"); // no parameter version Action ad1 = null; ad1 = new Action(Giants); ad1(); // one parameter version Action <string> ad2 = null; ad2 = new Action <string>(Show); ad2("C# is awesome"); //Action<string, int> ad3 = null; //ad3 = new Action<string, int>(ShowTwo); Func <int> fd = null; fd = new Func <int>(GetNum); int num = fd(); // Calls GetNum method Func <string, int> fd2 = null; fd2 = new Func <string, int>(ConvertStringToNum); int num2 = fd2("100"); Action <string> anonDel = delegate(string s) { Console.WriteLine(s); }; Action <string> annonDel = s => { Console.WriteLine(s); }; annonDel("WOoow"); Func <int, int> f = y => { return(y * y); }; int sqNum; sqNum = f(20); Console.WriteLine(sqNum); anonDel("Go mom!"); Secretary s = new Secretary(); Employee e1 = new Employee(); Employee e2 = new Employee(); = "Jane"; = "Bob"; s.CallEvent += e1.HandlePhoneCall; s.CallEvent += e2.HandlePhoneCall; s.FireCallEvent(); Console.WriteLine("Remove e1 as listener..."); s.CallEvent -= e1.HandlePhoneCall; s.FireCallEvent(); void Giants() { Console.WriteLine("Go Giants"); } void Jets() { Console.WriteLine("Go Jets"); } void Cowboys() { Console.WriteLine("Go Cowboys"); } Console.ReadLine(); // method that takes a delegate as a parameter void Z(TestDelegate e) { // the delegate will run both giants and jets e(); } void Show(string displayString) { Console.WriteLine(displayString); } int GetNum() { return(Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())); } }