Exemple #1
        public void InheritedExceptions1()
            // exception which is raised
            Exception exc = new Exception();

            // try
            TestSequence trySeq = new TestSequence();

            trySeq.Activities.Add(new TestWriteLine("Try", "Try"));
            TestThrow <Exception> tt = new TestThrow <Exception>("TestThrow1")
                ExceptionExpression = (context => new Exception())


            // catch
            TestCatch[] catches = new TestCatch[] { new TestCatch <ArgumentException>() };

            // create and run
            TestActivity act = CreateTryCatchFinally(trySeq, catches, null, WFType.SEQ, true);

            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateAbortedException(act, exc.GetType(),
                                                       new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Message", exc.Message }
Exemple #2
        public void RethrowExceptionFromInvokeMethodWithAllExceptionPropertiesSet()
            TestInvokeMethod im = new TestInvokeMethod
                TargetObject    = new TestArgument <CustomClassForRethrow>(Direction.In, "TargetObject", (context => new CustomClassForRethrow())),
                MethodName      = "M1",
                ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.CaughtException(typeof(TestCaseException)),
            TestTryCatch tc = new TestTryCatch();
            TestCatch <TestCaseException> tcCatch = new TestCatch <TestCaseException>
                Body = new TestRethrow
                    ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.UncaughtException(typeof(TestCaseException))

            tc.Try = im;

            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(tc))
                Exception outEx;
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForAborted(out outEx);
                Dictionary <string, string> errorProperty = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                errorProperty.Add("Message", "this should be caught");
                ExceptionHelpers.ValidateException(outEx, typeof(TestCaseException), errorProperty);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// TryCatchfinally that throws from the catch that doesn’t catch
        /// </summary>
        /// Disabled and failed in desktop
        public void TryCatchFinallyWithExceptionInUncatchingCatch()
            // try
            TestSequence trySeq = new TestSequence("Try");

            trySeq.Activities.Add(new TestThrow <ArgumentException>("ThrowFromInner"));

            // catch
            TestCatch[] catches = new TestCatch[] {
                new TestCatch <ArgumentException>()
                    HintHandleException = true,
                    Body = new TestWriteLine("Catch", "Catch")
                new TestCatch <UnauthorizedAccessException>()
                    HintHandleException = false,
                    Body = new TestThrow <UnauthorizedAccessException>("Throw from uncalled catch")

            // finally
            TestWriteLine finalWrite = new TestWriteLine("Final", "Final");

            // Run test
                (CreateTryCatchFinally(trySeq, catches, finalWrite, WFType.SEQ, false));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple tcf scenario in a sequential wf. Exception is thrown then caught.
        /// </summary>
        /// Disabled and failed in desktop
        public void SimpleTryCatchSequential()
            // try
            TestSequence trySeq = new TestSequence();

            trySeq.Activities.Add(new TestWriteLine("Try", "Try"));
            trySeq.Activities.Add(new TestThrow <ArgumentException>());

            // catch
            TestCatch[] catches = new TestCatch[] {
                new TestCatch <ArgumentException>()
                    HintHandleException = true,
                    Body = new TestWriteLine("Catch", "Catch")

            // finally
            TestSequence finalSeq = new TestSequence();

            finalSeq.Activities.Add(new TestWriteLine("Final", "Final"));

            // Run test
                (CreateTryCatchFinally(trySeq, catches, finalSeq, WFType.SEQ, false));
        public void TryCatchWithWorkflowInvoker()
            TestTryCatch tcf = new TestTryCatch
                // try
                Try = new TestThrow <ArgumentException>()
                    ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.CaughtException()

            // catch
            TestCatch <ArgumentException> tc = new TestCatch <ArgumentException>
                Body = new TestWriteLine("Hello world!", "Hello world!")


            // finally
            tcf.Finally = new TestWriteLine("Finally", "Finally");

            // Run test
            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateUsingWorkflowInvoker(tcf, null, null, null);
        public void TryCatchFinallyActivityOnly()
            TestTryCatch tcf = new TestTryCatch
                // try
                Try = new TestThrow <ArgumentException>()
                    ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.CaughtException()

            // catch
            TestCatch <ArgumentException> tc = new TestCatch <ArgumentException>
                Body = new TestWriteLine("Hello world!", "Hello world!")


            // finally
            tcf.Finally = new TestWriteLine("Finally", "Finally");

            // Run test
Exemple #7
        public void EmptyTry()
            // catch
            TestCatch <Exception>             testcatch1 = new TestCatch <Exception>();
            TestCatch <MemberAccessException> testcatch2 = new TestCatch <MemberAccessException>();

            TestCatch[] catches = new TestCatch[] { testcatch1, testcatch2 };

            // finally
            TestSequence finalSeq = new TestSequence();

            finalSeq.Activities.Add(new TestWriteLine("Final", "Final"));

            // Run test
                CreateTryCatchFinally(null, catches, finalSeq, WFType.SEQ, false));
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Exception is thrown in try and caught.
        /// Exception is thrown in try and caught. Catch contains a base of thrown child exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// Disabled and failed in desktop
        public void InheritedExceptions2()
            // try
            TestSequence trySeq = new TestSequence();

            trySeq.Activities.Add(new TestWriteLine("Try", "Try"));
            trySeq.Activities.Add(new TestThrow <ArgumentException>("TestThrow1"));

            // catch
            TestCatch[] catches = new TestCatch[] { new TestCatch <Exception>() };
            catches[0].HintHandleException = true;

            // create and run
            TestActivity act = CreateTryCatchFinally(trySeq, catches, null, WFType.SEQ, true);

Exemple #9
        public void CatchBothUnhandledExceptionHandlerAndInCatch()
            // try
            // Throws a handled exception, then a caught exception
            TestSequence trySeq = new TestSequence("Try")
                Activities =
                    new TestThrow <FormatException>("ThrowFormat")
                        ExceptionExpression = (context => new FormatException(CustomUtility.CustomMessage)),
                        ExpectedOutcome     = Outcome.HandledException(),

                ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Canceled

            // catch
            // Should not catch anything
            TestCatch[] catches = new TestCatch[]
                new TestCatch <ArgumentException>()

            // finally
            // Just confirm it executed
            TestWriteLine finalSeq = new TestWriteLine("Final", "Final");

            // Run test
            TestActivity act = CreateTryCatchFinally(trySeq, catches, finalSeq, WFType.SEQ, false);

            // Run and validate trace
            using (TestWorkflowRuntime runtime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(act))
                // Add the unhandled handler
                runtime.WorkflowRuntimeAdapterType = typeof(AddHandleExceptionRuntimeAdapter);
Exemple #10
        public void CatchWithEmptyHandler()
            TestTryCatch tcf = new TestTryCatch();

            // try
            tcf.Try = new TestThrow <IOException>()
                ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.CaughtException()

            // catch
            TestCatch <IOException> tc = new TestCatch <IOException>();

            // do not add to tc.Body, want empty Action.Handler

            // Run test
Exemple #11
        public void TryCatchFinallyCustomException()
            // try
            TestThrow <CustomException> custromTry = new TestThrow <CustomException>("custom exception")
                ExceptionExpression = (context => new CustomException("Invalid department")),
                ExpectedOutcome     = Outcome.CaughtException()

            // catch
            TestCatch[] catches = new TestCatch[] { new TestCatch <CustomException>() };

            // finally
            TestWriteLine finallyWrite = new TestWriteLine("FinallyCatchingCustomException", "FinallyCatchingCustomException");

            // create and run
            TestActivity act = CreateTryCatchFinally(custromTry, catches, finallyWrite, WFType.SEQ, true);

Exemple #12
        public void UncaughtExceptionFlowchart()
            // exception which is raised
            ArithmeticException exc = new ArithmeticException();

            // try
            TestThrow <ArithmeticException> tt = new TestThrow <ArithmeticException>("Test Throw")
                ExceptionExpression = (context => new ArithmeticException())

            // catch
            TestCatch[] catches = new TestCatch[] { new TestCatch <FileNotFoundException>(),
                                                    new TestCatch <ArgumentException>(),
                                                    new TestCatch <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>() };

            // finally
            TestSequence finallySeq = new TestSequence("Finally");

            // create and run
            TestActivity act = CreateTryCatchFinally(tt, catches, finallySeq, WFType.FLOW, true);

            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateAbortedException(act, exc.GetType(), null);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple tcf scenario in a flowchart wf. Exception is thrown then caught.
        /// </summary>
        /// Disabled and failed in desktop
        public void SimpleTryCatchFlowchart()
            // try
            TestSequence trySeq = new TestSequence();

            trySeq.Activities.Add(new TestWriteLine("Try", "Try"));
            trySeq.Activities.Add(new TestThrow <ArgumentException>());
            trySeq.Activities.Add(new TestWriteLine("NotCalled", "NotCalled"));

            // catch
            TestCatch[] catches = new TestCatch[] {
                new TestCatch <ArgumentException>()
            catches[0].HintHandleException = true;
            catches[0].Body = new TestWriteLine("Catch", "Catch");

            // finally
            TestSequence finalSeq = new TestSequence();

            finalSeq.Activities.Add(new TestWriteLine("Final", "Final"));

                (CreateTryCatchFinally(trySeq, catches, finalSeq, WFType.FLOW, false));