Exemple #1
    void Awake()
        terrain        = Track.Instance.Terrain;
        terrainToolkit = new TerrainToolkit();

        heightmapWidth  = terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth;
        heightmapHeight = terrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight;
Exemple #2
    public void Start()
        dungeonGenerator = GetComponent<DungeonGenerator> ();
        terrainCarver = GetComponent<TerrainCarver> ();
        textureGenerator = GetComponent<TerrainTextureGenerator> ();

        toolkit = ter.GetComponent<TerrainToolkit> ();
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        GameManager ss = mm.GetComponent <GameManager>();
        //MapGenerator tt = nn.GetComponent<MapGenerator>();
        MapGenerator tt = transform.parent.GetComponent <MapGenerator>();

        TerrainToolkit toolkit = GetComponent <TerrainToolkit>();

        Scene scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();

        switch ((int)scene.buildIndex)
        case 1:
            textures        = new Texture2D[] { cliffTexture, sandTexture, grassTexture, rockTexture };
            slopeStops      = new float[] { 30.0f, 45.0f };
            heightStops     = new float[] { .025f, .05f, .06f, .07f };
            normalizeFactor = 0.02f;
            toolkit.VoronoiGenerator(com.heparo.terrain.toolkit.TerrainToolkit.FeatureType.Hills, 20, 1, 0.75f, 0.25f);

        case 3:
            textures    = new Texture2D[] { Textures[18], Textures[19], Textures[20], Textures[19] };
            slopeStops  = new float[] { 30.025f, 30.05f };
            heightStops = new float[] { .025f, .05f, .06f, .07f };
            toolkit.VoronoiGenerator(com.heparo.terrain.toolkit.TerrainToolkit.FeatureType.Plateaus, 5, 1, 0.0f, 0.25f);
            //toolkit.PerlinGenerator(2, 0.5f, 9, 1.0f);
            normalizeFactor = 0.02f;

        case 5:
            textures    = new Texture2D[] { Textures[21], Textures[21], Textures[20], Textures[21] };
            slopeStops  = new float[] { 30.025f, 30.05f };
            heightStops = new float[] { .025f, .05f, .06f, .07f };
            toolkit.VoronoiGenerator(com.heparo.terrain.toolkit.TerrainToolkit.FeatureType.Mountains, 5, 1, 0.0f, 0.25f);
            //toolkit.PerlinGenerator(2, 0.5f, 9, 1.0f);
            normalizeFactor = 0.04f;

        *       //PerlinGenerator(int frequency, float amplitude, int octaves, float blend)
        //toolkit.PerlinGenerator(2, 0.5f, 9, 1.0f);

         * VoronoiGenerator(FeatureType featureType, int cells, float features, float scale, float blend)

        //TextureTerrain(float[] slopeStops, float[] heightStops, Texture2D[] textures)

        toolkit.TextureTerrain(slopeStops, heightStops, textures);
        //NormaliseTerrain(float minHeight, float maxHeight, float blend)
        toolkit.NormaliseTerrain(0f, normalizeFactor, 1.0f);
    void Start()
        terrain = GetComponent <Terrain>();
        if (terrain == null)

        toolkit = GetComponent <TerrainToolkit>();
        if (toolkit == null)

        // Thread thread = new Thread(GenerateTerrain);
        // thread.Start();
Exemple #5
 public void setWindErosionPreset(TerrainToolkit.windErosionPresetData preset)
     this.erosionTypeInt = 3;
     this.erosionType = TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Wind;
     this.windIterations = preset.windIterations;
     this.windDirection = preset.windDirection;
     this.windForce = preset.windForce;
     this.windLift = preset.windLift;
     this.windGravity = preset.windGravity;
     this.windCapacity = preset.windCapacity;
     this.windEntropy = preset.windEntropy;
     this.windSmoothing = preset.windSmoothing;
Exemple #6
 public void setVelocityHydraulicErosionPreset(TerrainToolkit.velocityHydraulicErosionPresetData preset)
     this.erosionTypeInt = 1;
     this.erosionType = TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Hydraulic;
     this.hydraulicTypeInt = 2;
     this.hydraulicType = TerrainToolkit.HydraulicType.Velocity;
     this.hydraulicIterations = preset.hydraulicIterations;
     this.hydraulicVelocityRainfall = preset.hydraulicVelocityRainfall;
     this.hydraulicVelocityEvaporation = preset.hydraulicVelocityEvaporation;
     this.hydraulicVelocitySedimentSolubility = preset.hydraulicVelocitySedimentSolubility;
     this.hydraulicVelocitySedimentSaturation = preset.hydraulicVelocitySedimentSaturation;
     this.hydraulicVelocity = preset.hydraulicVelocity;
     this.hydraulicMomentum = preset.hydraulicMomentum;
     this.hydraulicEntropy = preset.hydraulicEntropy;
     this.hydraulicDowncutting = preset.hydraulicDowncutting;
Exemple #7
 public void setThermalErosionPreset(TerrainToolkit.thermalErosionPresetData preset)
     this.erosionTypeInt = 0;
     this.erosionType = TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Thermal;
     this.thermalIterations = preset.thermalIterations;
     this.thermalMinSlope = preset.thermalMinSlope;
     this.thermalFalloff = preset.thermalFalloff;
Exemple #8
 public void setFullHydraulicErosionPreset(TerrainToolkit.fullHydraulicErosionPresetData preset)
     this.erosionTypeInt = 1;
     this.erosionType = TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Hydraulic;
     this.hydraulicTypeInt = 1;
     this.hydraulicType = TerrainToolkit.HydraulicType.Full;
     this.hydraulicIterations = preset.hydraulicIterations;
     this.hydraulicRainfall = preset.hydraulicRainfall;
     this.hydraulicEvaporation = preset.hydraulicEvaporation;
     this.hydraulicSedimentSolubility = preset.hydraulicSedimentSolubility;
     this.hydraulicSedimentSaturation = preset.hydraulicSedimentSaturation;
Exemple #9
 public void setFastHydraulicErosionPreset(TerrainToolkit.fastHydraulicErosionPresetData preset)
     this.erosionTypeInt = 1;
     this.erosionType = TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Hydraulic;
     this.hydraulicTypeInt = 0;
     this.hydraulicType = TerrainToolkit.HydraulicType.Fast;
     this.hydraulicIterations = preset.hydraulicIterations;
     this.hydraulicMaxSlope = preset.hydraulicMaxSlope;
     this.hydraulicFalloff = preset.hydraulicFalloff;
Exemple #10
 public void erodeAllTerrain(TerrainToolkit.ErosionProgressDelegate erosionProgressDelegate)
     int num;
     this.erosionMode = TerrainToolkit.ErosionMode.Filter;
     Terrain component = (Terrain)base.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain));
     if (component == null)
         TerrainData terrainDatum = component.terrainData;
         int num1 = terrainDatum.heightmapWidth;
         int num2 = terrainDatum.heightmapHeight;
         float[,] heights = terrainDatum.GetHeights(0, 0, num1, num2);
         switch (this.erosionType)
             case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Thermal:
                 num = this.thermalIterations;
                 heights = this.fastErosion(heights, new Vector2((float)num1, (float)num2), num, erosionProgressDelegate);
             case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Hydraulic:
                 num = this.hydraulicIterations;
                 switch (this.hydraulicType)
                     case TerrainToolkit.HydraulicType.Fast:
                         heights = this.fastErosion(heights, new Vector2((float)num1, (float)num2), num, erosionProgressDelegate);
                     case TerrainToolkit.HydraulicType.Full:
                         heights = this.fullHydraulicErosion(heights, new Vector2((float)num1, (float)num2), num, erosionProgressDelegate);
                     case TerrainToolkit.HydraulicType.Velocity:
                         heights = this.velocityHydraulicErosion(heights, new Vector2((float)num1, (float)num2), num, erosionProgressDelegate);
             case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Tidal:
                 Vector3 vector3 = terrainDatum.size;
                 if (this.tidalSeaLevel < base.transform.position.y || this.tidalSeaLevel > base.transform.position.y + vector3.y)
                     Debug.LogError("Sea level does not intersect terrain object. Erosion operation failed.");
                     num = this.tidalIterations;
                     heights = this.fastErosion(heights, new Vector2((float)num1, (float)num2), num, erosionProgressDelegate);
             case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Wind:
                 num = this.windIterations;
                 heights = this.windErosion(heights, new Vector2((float)num1, (float)num2), num, erosionProgressDelegate);
         terrainDatum.SetHeights(0, 0, heights);
     catch (Exception exception)
         Debug.LogError(string.Concat("An error occurred: ", exception));
Exemple #11
 private float[,] fastErosion(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, int iterations, TerrainToolkit.ErosionProgressDelegate erosionProgressDelegate)
     int num;
     int num1;
     int num2;
     int num3;
     int num4;
     int num5;
     int k;
     int j;
     int l;
     int m;
     float single;
     float single1;
     int num6 = (int)arraySize.y;
     int num7 = (int)arraySize.x;
     float[,] singleArray = new float[num6, num7];
     Vector3 component = ((Terrain)base.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain))).terrainData.size;
     float single2 = 0f;
     float single3 = 0f;
     float single4 = 0f;
     float single5 = 0f;
     float single6 = 0f;
     float single7 = 0f;
     float single8 = 0f;
     float single9 = 0f;
     float single10 = 0f;
     switch (this.erosionType)
         case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Thermal:
             single2 = component.x / (float)num6 * Mathf.Tan(this.thermalMinSlope * 0.0174532924f) / component.y;
             if (single2 > 1f)
                 single2 = 1f;
             if (this.thermalFalloff == 1f)
                 this.thermalFalloff = 0.999f;
             float single11 = this.thermalMinSlope + (90f - this.thermalMinSlope) * this.thermalFalloff;
             single3 = component.x / (float)num6 * Mathf.Tan(single11 * 0.0174532924f) / component.y;
             if (single3 > 1f)
                 single3 = 1f;
         case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Hydraulic:
             single5 = component.x / (float)num6 * Mathf.Tan(this.hydraulicMaxSlope * 0.0174532924f) / component.y;
             if (this.hydraulicFalloff == 0f)
                 this.hydraulicFalloff = 0.001f;
             float single12 = this.hydraulicMaxSlope * (1f - this.hydraulicFalloff);
             single4 = component.x / (float)num6 * Mathf.Tan(single12 * 0.0174532924f) / component.y;
         case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Tidal:
             float single13 = this.tidalSeaLevel - base.transform.position.y;
             Vector3 vector3 = base.transform.position;
             single6 = single13 / (vector3.y + component.y);
             float single14 = this.tidalSeaLevel;
             Vector3 vector31 = base.transform.position;
             float single15 = single14 - vector31.y - this.tidalRangeAmount;
             Vector3 vector32 = base.transform.position;
             single7 = single15 / (vector32.y + component.y);
             float single16 = this.tidalSeaLevel;
             Vector3 vector33 = base.transform.position;
             float single17 = single16 - vector33.y + this.tidalRangeAmount;
             Vector3 vector34 = base.transform.position;
             single8 = single17 / (vector34.y + component.y);
             single9 = single8 - single6;
             single10 = component.x / (float)num6 * Mathf.Tan(this.tidalCliffLimit * 0.0174532924f) / component.y;
             return heightMap;
     for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
             if (j == 0)
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = 0;
                 num5 = 0;
             else if (j != num7 - 1)
                 num1 = 3;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
             for (k = 0; k < num6; k++)
                 if (k == 0)
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = 0;
                     num4 = 0;
                 else if (k != num6 - 1)
                     num = 3;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                 float single18 = 1f;
                 float single19 = 0f;
                 float single20 = 0f;
                 float single21 = heightMap[k + num4 + num2, j + num5 + num3];
                 float single22 = single21;
                 int num8 = 0;
                 for (l = 0; l < num1; l++)
                     for (m = 0; m < num; m++)
                         if ((m != num4 || l != num5) && (this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.Moore || this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (m == num4 || l == num5)))
                             float single23 = heightMap[k + m + num2, j + l + num3];
                             single22 = single22 + single23;
                             single = single21 - single23;
                             if (single > 0f)
                                 single20 = single20 + single;
                                 if (single < single18)
                                     single18 = single;
                                 if (single > single19)
                                     single19 = single;
                 float single24 = single20 / (float)num8;
                 bool flag = false;
                 switch (this.erosionType)
                     case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Thermal:
                         if (single24 >= single2)
                             flag = true;
                     case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Hydraulic:
                         if (single24 > 0f && single24 <= single5)
                             flag = true;
                     case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Tidal:
                         if (single24 > 0f && single24 <= single10 && single21 < single8 && single21 > single7)
                             flag = true;
                         return heightMap;
                 if (flag)
                     if (this.erosionType != TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Tidal)
                         if (this.erosionType == TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Thermal)
                             single1 = (single24 <= single3 ? (single24 - single2) / (single3 - single2) : 1f);
                         else if (single24 >= single4)
                             float single25 = single5 - single4;
                             single1 = 1f - (single24 - single4) / single25;
                             single1 = 1f;
                         float single26 = single18 / 2f * single1;
                         float single27 = heightMap[k + num4 + num2, j + num5 + num3];
                         if (this.erosionMode == TerrainToolkit.ErosionMode.Filter || this.erosionMode == TerrainToolkit.ErosionMode.Brush && this.useDifferenceMaps)
                             float single28 = singleArray[k + num4 + num2, j + num5 + num3];
                             float single29 = single28 - single26;
                             singleArray[k + num4 + num2, j + num5 + num3] = single29;
                             float single30 = single27 - single26;
                             if (single30 < 0f)
                                 single30 = 0f;
                             heightMap[k + num4 + num2, j + num5 + num3] = single30;
                         for (l = 0; l < num1; l++)
                             for (m = 0; m < num; m++)
                                 if ((m != num4 || l != num5) && (this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.Moore || this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (m == num4 || l == num5)))
                                     float single31 = heightMap[k + m + num2, j + l + num3];
                                     single = single27 - single31;
                                     if (single > 0f)
                                         float single32 = single26 * (single / single20);
                                         if (this.erosionMode == TerrainToolkit.ErosionMode.Filter || this.erosionMode == TerrainToolkit.ErosionMode.Brush && this.useDifferenceMaps)
                                             float single33 = singleArray[k + m + num2, j + l + num3];
                                             float single34 = single33 + single32;
                                             singleArray[k + m + num2, j + l + num3] = single34;
                                             single31 = single31 + single32;
                                             if (single31 < 0f)
                                                 single31 = 0f;
                                             heightMap[k + m + num2, j + l + num3] = single31;
                         float single35 = single22 / (float)(num8 + 1);
                         float single36 = Mathf.Abs(single6 - single21);
                         single1 = single36 / single9;
                         float single37 = single21 * single1 + single35 * (1f - single1);
                         float single38 = Mathf.Pow(single36, 3f);
                         heightMap[k + num4 + num2, j + num5 + num3] = single6 * single38 + single37 * (1f - single38);
         if ((this.erosionMode == TerrainToolkit.ErosionMode.Filter || this.erosionMode == TerrainToolkit.ErosionMode.Brush && this.useDifferenceMaps) && this.erosionType != TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Tidal)
             for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
                 for (k = 0; k < num6; k++)
                     float single39 = heightMap[k, j] + singleArray[k, j];
                     if (single39 > 1f)
                         single39 = 1f;
                     else if (single39 < 0f)
                         single39 = 0f;
                     heightMap[k, j] = single39;
                     singleArray[k, j] = 0f;
         if (this.erosionMode == TerrainToolkit.ErosionMode.Filter)
             string empty = string.Empty;
             string str = string.Empty;
             switch (this.erosionType)
                 case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Thermal:
                     empty = "Applying Thermal Erosion";
                     str = "Applying thermal erosion.";
                 case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Hydraulic:
                     empty = "Applying Hydraulic Erosion";
                     str = "Applying hydraulic erosion.";
                 case TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Tidal:
                     empty = "Applying Tidal Erosion";
                     str = "Applying tidal erosion.";
                     return heightMap;
             float single40 = (float)i / (float)iterations;
             erosionProgressDelegate(empty, str, i, iterations, single40);
     return heightMap;
Exemple #12
 public void VoronoiGenerator(TerrainToolkit.FeatureType featureType, int cells, float features, float scale, float blend)
     this.generatorTypeInt = 0;
     this.generatorType = TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Voronoi;
     switch (featureType)
         case TerrainToolkit.FeatureType.Mountains:
             this.voronoiTypeInt = 0;
             this.voronoiType = TerrainToolkit.VoronoiType.Linear;
         case TerrainToolkit.FeatureType.Hills:
             this.voronoiTypeInt = 1;
             this.voronoiType = TerrainToolkit.VoronoiType.Sine;
         case TerrainToolkit.FeatureType.Plateaus:
             this.voronoiTypeInt = 2;
             this.voronoiType = TerrainToolkit.VoronoiType.Tangent;
     this.voronoiCells = cells;
     this.voronoiFeatures = features;
     this.voronoiScale = scale;
     this.voronoiBlend = blend;
     this.generateTerrain(new TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate(this.dummyGeneratorProgress));
	private void OnTexturingInspectorGUI(TerrainToolkit terrain)
		Rect buttonRect;
		Terrain ter = (Terrain) terrain.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain));
		if (ter == null) {
		TerrainData terData = ter.terrainData;
		terrain.splatPrototypes = terData.splatPrototypes;
		float mouseX;
		GUI.skin = terrain.guiSkin;
		GUILayout.Label("Texture Slope");
		GUI.skin = null;
		Rect gradientRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
		float gradientWidth = gradientRect.width - 55;
		gradientRect.width = 15;
		gradientRect.height = 19;
		GUI.skin = terrain.guiSkin;
		// Slope stop 1...
		if (dragControl == "slopeStop1" && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) {
			mouseX = Event.current.mousePosition.x - 7;
			if (mouseX < 20) {
				mouseX = 20;
			} else if (mouseX > 19 + gradientWidth * (terrain.slopeBlendMaxAngle / 90)) {
				mouseX = 19 + gradientWidth * (terrain.slopeBlendMaxAngle / 90);
			gradientRect.x = mouseX;
			terrain.slopeBlendMinAngle = ((mouseX - 20) / (gradientWidth + 1)) * 90;
		} else {
			gradientRect.x = 20 + gradientWidth * (terrain.slopeBlendMinAngle / 90);
		if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && gradientRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) {
			dragControl = "slopeStop1";
		if (dragControl == "slopeStop1" && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) {
			dragControl = "";
		GUI.Box(gradientRect, "", "slopeStop1");
		// Slope stop 2...
		if (dragControl == "slopeStop2" && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) {
			mouseX = Event.current.mousePosition.x - 7;
			if (mouseX < 21 + gradientWidth * (terrain.slopeBlendMinAngle / 90)) {
				mouseX = 21 + gradientWidth * (terrain.slopeBlendMinAngle / 90);
			} else if (mouseX > 21 + gradientWidth) {
				mouseX = 21 + gradientWidth;
			gradientRect.x = mouseX;
			terrain.slopeBlendMaxAngle = ((mouseX - 20) / (gradientWidth + 1)) * 90;
		} else {
			gradientRect.x = 20 + gradientWidth * (terrain.slopeBlendMaxAngle / 90);
		if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && gradientRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) {
			dragControl = "slopeStop2";
		if (dragControl == "slopeStop2" && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) {
			dragControl = "";
		GUI.Box(gradientRect, "", "slopeStop2");
		gradientRect.y += 19;
		gradientRect.width = gradientWidth * (terrain.slopeBlendMinAngle / 90);
		gradientRect.x = 27;
		GUI.Box(gradientRect, "", "black");
		gradientRect.width = gradientWidth * ((terrain.slopeBlendMaxAngle / 90) - (terrain.slopeBlendMinAngle / 90));
		gradientRect.x = 27 + gradientWidth * (terrain.slopeBlendMinAngle / 90);
		GUI.Box(gradientRect, "", "blackToWhite");
		gradientRect.width = gradientWidth - gradientWidth * (terrain.slopeBlendMaxAngle / 90);
		gradientRect.x = 27 + gradientWidth * (terrain.slopeBlendMaxAngle / 90);
		GUI.Box(gradientRect, "", "white");
		GUI.skin = null;
		EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Cliff start");
		terrain.slopeBlendMinAngle = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(terrain.slopeBlendMinAngle);
		EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Cliff end");
		terrain.slopeBlendMaxAngle = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(terrain.slopeBlendMaxAngle);
		GUI.skin = terrain.guiSkin;
		GUILayout.Label("Texture Height");
		GUI.skin = null;
		gradientRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
		gradientWidth = gradientRect.width - 55;
		gradientRect.width = 15;
		gradientRect.height = 19;
		Rect gradientRect2 = gradientRect;
		gradientRect2.y += 19;
		GUI.skin = terrain.guiSkin;
		string[] gradientStyles = new string[9];
		gradientStyles[0] = "red";
		gradientStyles[1] = "redToYellow";
		gradientStyles[2] = "yellow";
		gradientStyles[3] = "yellowToGreen";
		gradientStyles[4] = "green";
		gradientStyles[5] = "greenToCyan";
		gradientStyles[6] = "cyan";
		gradientStyles[7] = "cyanToBlue";
		gradientStyles[8] = "blue";
		List<float> heightBlendPoints = terrain.heightBlendPoints;
		int numPoints = heightBlendPoints.Count;
		float firstLimit = 1;
		if (numPoints > 0) {
			firstLimit = (float) heightBlendPoints[0];
		} else {
			gradientRect.x = 20;
			GUI.Box(gradientRect, "", "greyStop");
			gradientRect.x = 20 + gradientWidth;
			GUI.Box(gradientRect, "", "greyStop");
		gradientRect2.width = gradientWidth * firstLimit;
		gradientRect2.x = 27;
		if (terrain.splatPrototypes.Length < 2) {
			GUI.Box(gradientRect2, "", "grey");
		} else {
			GUI.Box(gradientRect2, "", "red");
		for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
			// Height stop...
			float lowerLimit = 0;
			float upperLimit = 1;
			if (i > 0) {
				lowerLimit = (float) heightBlendPoints[i - 1];
			if (i < numPoints - 1) {
				upperLimit = (float) heightBlendPoints[i + 1];
			if (dragControl == "heightStop"+i && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) {
				mouseX = Event.current.mousePosition.x - 7;
				if (mouseX < 20 + gradientWidth * lowerLimit) {
					mouseX = 20 + gradientWidth * lowerLimit;
				} else if (mouseX > 19 + gradientWidth * upperLimit) {
					mouseX = 19 + gradientWidth * upperLimit;
				gradientRect.x = mouseX;
				heightBlendPoints[i] = (mouseX - 20) / (gradientWidth + 1);
			} else {
				gradientRect.x = 20 + gradientWidth * (float) heightBlendPoints[i];
			if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && gradientRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) {
				dragControl = "heightStop"+i;
			if (dragControl == "heightStop"+i && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) {
				dragControl = "";
			int stopNum = (int) Mathf.Ceil((float) i / 2) + 1;
			if (i % 2 == 0) {
				GUI.Box(gradientRect, ""+stopNum, "blackStop");
			} else {
				GUI.Box(gradientRect, ""+stopNum, "whiteStop");
			gradientRect2.width = gradientWidth * (upperLimit - (float) heightBlendPoints[i]);
			gradientRect2.x = 27 + gradientWidth * (float) heightBlendPoints[i];
			GUI.Box(gradientRect2, "", gradientStyles[i + 1]);
		GUI.skin = null;
		string startOrEnd = "end";
		for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
			int floatFieldNum = (int) Mathf.Ceil((float) i / 2) + 1;
			EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Texture "+floatFieldNum+" "+startOrEnd);
			heightBlendPoints[i] = EditorGUILayout.FloatField((float) heightBlendPoints[i]);
			if (startOrEnd == "end") {
				startOrEnd = "start";
			} else {
				startOrEnd = "end";
		terrain.heightBlendPoints = heightBlendPoints;
		GUI.skin = terrain.guiSkin;
		GUI.skin = null;
		int nTextures = 0;
		if (GUI.changed) {
		GUI.changed = false;
		EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(80, 0);
		foreach (SplatPrototype splatPrototype in terrain.splatPrototypes) {
			Rect textureRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
			if (nTextures == 0) {
				splatPrototype.texture = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Cliff texture", splatPrototype.texture, typeof(Texture2D), false) as Texture2D;
			} else {
				splatPrototype.texture = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Texture "+nTextures, splatPrototype.texture, typeof(Texture2D), false) as Texture2D;
			GUI.skin = terrain.guiSkin;
			textureRect.x += 146;
			textureRect.width = 18;
			textureRect.height = 18;
			if (GUI.Button(textureRect, "", "deleteButton")) {
				GUI.changed = true;
				terrain.deleteSplatPrototype(terrain.tempTexture, nTextures);
			GUI.skin = null;
			if (nTextures % 2 == 1) {
			if (nTextures > 5) {
		if (GUI.changed) {
			terData.splatPrototypes = terrain.splatPrototypes;
		if (nTextures == 0 && !assignTexture) {
			GUI.skin = terrain.guiSkin;
			GUILayout.Label("No textures have been assigned! Assign a texture.", "errorText");
			GUI.skin = null;
		if (nTextures < 6) {
			buttonRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
			buttonRect.x = buttonRect.width / 2 - 50;
			buttonRect.width = 100;
			buttonRect.height = 18;
			if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, "Add texture")) {
				terrain.addSplatPrototype(terrain.defaultTexture, nTextures);
				terData.splatPrototypes = terrain.splatPrototypes;
		buttonRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
		buttonRect.x = buttonRect.width / 2 - 100;
		buttonRect.width = 200;
		buttonRect.height = 18;
		GUI.skin = terrain.guiSkin;
		if (nTextures < 2) {
			GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Apply procedural texture", "disabledButton");
			GUILayout.Label("This feature is disabled! You must assign at least 2 textures.", "errorText");
		} else {
			if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, "Apply procedural texture")) {
				// Undo not supported!
				TerrainToolkit.TextureProgressDelegate textureProgressDelegate = new TerrainToolkit.TextureProgressDelegate(updateTextureProgress);
		GUI.skin = null;
		// If the user has added or removed textures in the Terrain component, correct the number of blend points...
		if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) {
			if (numPoints % 2 != 0) {
			int correctNumPoints = (nTextures - 2) * 2;
			if (nTextures < 3) {
				correctNumPoints = 0;
			if (numPoints < correctNumPoints) {
			} else if (numPoints > correctNumPoints) {
Exemple #14
 private void Start()
     tk = FindObjectOfType <TerrainToolkit>();
Exemple #15
 private float[,] windErosion(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, int iterations, TerrainToolkit.ErosionProgressDelegate erosionProgressDelegate)
     int num;
     int num1;
     int num2;
     int num3;
     int num4;
     int num5;
     int j;
     int i;
     float single;
     float single1;
     TerrainData component = ((Terrain)base.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain))).terrainData;
     Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(0f, this.windDirection + 180f, 0f);
     Vector3 vector3 = quaternion * Vector3.forward;
     int num6 = (int)arraySize.x;
     int num7 = (int)arraySize.y;
     float[,] singleArray = new float[num6, num7];
     float[,] singleArray1 = new float[num6, num7];
     float[,] singleArray2 = new float[num6, num7];
     float[,] singleArray3 = new float[num6, num7];
     float[,] singleArray4 = new float[num6, num7];
     float[,] singleArray5 = new float[num6, num7];
     float[,] singleArray6 = new float[num6, num7];
     for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
             singleArray[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray1[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray2[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray3[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray4[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray5[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray6[j, i] = 0f;
     for (int k = 0; k < iterations; k++)
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 single1 = singleArray2[j, i];
                 float single2 = heightMap[j, i];
                 float single3 = singleArray4[j, i];
                 float single4 = single3 * this.windGravity;
                 singleArray4[j, i] = single3 - single4;
                 heightMap[j, i] = single2 + single4;
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 float single5 = heightMap[j, i];
                 Vector3 interpolatedNormal = component.GetInterpolatedNormal((float)j / (float)num6, (float)i / (float)num7);
                 float single6 = (Vector3.Angle(interpolatedNormal, vector3) - 90f) / 90f;
                 if (single6 < 0f)
                     single6 = 0f;
                 singleArray[j, i] = single6 * single5;
                 float single7 = 1f - Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Angle(interpolatedNormal, vector3) - 90f) / 90f;
                 singleArray1[j, i] = single7 * single5;
                 float single8 = single7 * single5 * this.windForce;
                 float single9 = singleArray2[j, i] + single8;
                 singleArray2[j, i] = single9;
                 single = singleArray4[j, i];
                 float single10 = this.windLift * single9;
                 if (single + single10 > this.windCapacity)
                     single10 = this.windCapacity - single;
                 singleArray4[j, i] = single + single10;
                 heightMap[j, i] = single5 - single10;
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             if (i == 0)
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = 0;
                 num5 = 0;
             else if (i != num7 - 1)
                 num1 = 3;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 if (j == 0)
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = 0;
                     num4 = 0;
                 else if (j != num6 - 1)
                     num = 3;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                 float single11 = singleArray1[j, i];
                 float single12 = singleArray[j, i];
                 single = singleArray4[j, i];
                 for (int l = 0; l < num1; l++)
                     for (int m = 0; m < num; m++)
                         if ((m != num4 || l != num5) && (this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.Moore || this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (m == num4 || l == num5)))
                             Vector3 vector31 = new Vector3((float)(m + num2), 0f, (float)(-1 * (l + num3)));
                             float single13 = (90f - Vector3.Angle(vector31, vector3)) / 90f;
                             if (single13 < 0f)
                                 single13 = 0f;
                             float single14 = singleArray3[j + m + num2, i + l + num3];
                             float single15 = single13 * (single11 - single12) * 0.1f;
                             if (single15 < 0f)
                                 single15 = 0f;
                             float single16 = single14 + single15;
                             singleArray3[j + m + num2, i + l + num3] = single16;
                             float single17 = singleArray3[j, i];
                             singleArray3[j, i] = single17 - single15;
                             float single18 = singleArray5[j + m + num2, i + l + num3];
                             float single19 = single * single15;
                             float single20 = single18 + single19;
                             singleArray5[j + m + num2, i + l + num3] = single20;
                             float single21 = singleArray5[j, i];
                             singleArray5[j, i] = single21 - single19;
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 float single22 = singleArray4[j, i] + singleArray5[j, i];
                 if (single22 > 1f)
                     single22 = 1f;
                 else if (single22 < 0f)
                     single22 = 0f;
                 singleArray4[j, i] = single22;
                 singleArray5[j, i] = 0f;
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 single1 = singleArray2[j, i] + singleArray3[j, i];
                 single1 = single1 * (1f - this.windEntropy);
                 if (single1 > 1f)
                     single1 = 1f;
                 else if (single1 < 0f)
                     single1 = 0f;
                 singleArray2[j, i] = single1;
                 singleArray3[j, i] = 0f;
         this.smoothIterations = 1;
         this.smoothBlend = 0.25f;
         float[,] singleArray7 = (float[,])heightMap.Clone();
         TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate = new TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate(this.dummyGeneratorProgress);
         singleArray7 = this.smooth(singleArray7, arraySize, generatorProgressDelegate);
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 float single23 = heightMap[j, i];
                 float single24 = singleArray7[j, i];
                 float single25 = singleArray[j, i] * this.windSmoothing;
                 float single26 = single24 * single25 + single23 * (1f - single25);
                 heightMap[j, i] = single26;
         float single27 = (float)k / (float)iterations;
         erosionProgressDelegate("Applying Wind Erosion", "Applying wind erosion.", k, iterations, single27);
     return heightMap;
Exemple #16
 public voronoiPresetData(string pn, TerrainToolkit.VoronoiType vt, int c, float vf, float vs, float vb)
     this.presetName = pn;
     this.voronoiType = vt;
     this.voronoiCells = c;
     this.voronoiFeatures = vf;
     this.voronoiScale = vs;
     this.voronoiBlend = vb;
Exemple #17
 private float[,] fullHydraulicErosion(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, int iterations, TerrainToolkit.ErosionProgressDelegate erosionProgressDelegate)
     int j;
     int i;
     int num;
     int num1;
     int num2;
     int num3;
     int num4;
     int num5;
     int m;
     int l;
     float single;
     float single1;
     float single2;
     float single3;
     float single4;
     float single5;
     int num6 = (int)arraySize.x;
     int num7 = (int)arraySize.y;
     float[,] singleArray = new float[num6, num7];
     float[,] singleArray1 = new float[num6, num7];
     float[,] singleArray2 = new float[num6, num7];
     float[,] singleArray3 = new float[num6, num7];
     for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
             singleArray[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray1[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray2[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray3[j, i] = 0f;
     for (int k = 0; k < iterations; k++)
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 float single6 = singleArray[j, i] + this.hydraulicRainfall;
                 if (single6 > 1f)
                     single6 = 1f;
                 singleArray[j, i] = single6;
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 float single7 = singleArray2[j, i];
                 single3 = singleArray[j, i] * this.hydraulicSedimentSaturation;
                 if (single7 < single3)
                     float single8 = singleArray[j, i] * this.hydraulicSedimentSolubility;
                     if (single7 + single8 > single3)
                         single8 = single3 - single7;
                     single1 = heightMap[j, i];
                     if (single8 > single1)
                         single8 = single1;
                     singleArray2[j, i] = single7 + single8;
                     heightMap[j, i] = single1 - single8;
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             if (i == 0)
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = 0;
                 num5 = 0;
             else if (i != num7 - 1)
                 num1 = 3;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 if (j == 0)
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = 0;
                     num4 = 0;
                 else if (j != num6 - 1)
                     num = 3;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                 float single9 = 0f;
                 float single10 = 0f;
                 single1 = heightMap[j + num4 + num2, i + num5 + num3];
                 float single11 = singleArray[j + num4 + num2, i + num5 + num3];
                 float single12 = single1;
                 int num8 = 0;
                 for (l = 0; l < num1; l++)
                     for (m = 0; m < num; m++)
                         if ((m != num4 || l != num5) && (this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.Moore || this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (m == num4 || l == num5)))
                             single2 = heightMap[j + m + num2, i + l + num3];
                             single5 = singleArray[j + m + num2, i + l + num3];
                             single = single1 + single11 - (single2 + single5);
                             if (single > 0f)
                                 single9 = single9 + single;
                                 single12 = single12 + (single2 + single5);
                                 if (single > single10)
                                     single = single10;
                 float single13 = single12 / (float)(num8 + 1);
                 float single14 = single1 + single11 - single13;
                 float single15 = Mathf.Min(single11, single14);
                 float single16 = singleArray1[j + num4 + num2, i + num5 + num3];
                 float single17 = single16 - single15;
                 singleArray1[j + num4 + num2, i + num5 + num3] = single17;
                 float single18 = singleArray2[j + num4 + num2, i + num5 + num3];
                 float single19 = single18 * (single15 / single11);
                 float single20 = singleArray3[j + num4 + num2, i + num5 + num3];
                 float single21 = single20 - single19;
                 singleArray3[j + num4 + num2, i + num5 + num3] = single21;
                 for (l = 0; l < num1; l++)
                     for (m = 0; m < num; m++)
                         if ((m != num4 || l != num5) && (this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.Moore || this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (m == num4 || l == num5)))
                             single2 = heightMap[j + m + num2, i + l + num3];
                             single5 = singleArray[j + m + num2, i + l + num3];
                             single = single1 + single11 - (single2 + single5);
                             if (single > 0f)
                                 float single22 = singleArray1[j + m + num2, i + l + num3];
                                 float single23 = single22 + single15 * (single / single9);
                                 singleArray1[j + m + num2, i + l + num3] = single23;
                                 float single24 = singleArray3[j + m + num2, i + l + num3];
                                 float single25 = single24 + single19 * (single / single9);
                                 singleArray3[j + m + num2, i + l + num3] = single25;
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 float single26 = singleArray[j, i] + singleArray1[j, i];
                 single26 = single26 - single26 * this.hydraulicEvaporation;
                 if (single26 < 0f)
                     single26 = 0f;
                 singleArray[j, i] = single26;
                 singleArray1[j, i] = 0f;
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 single4 = singleArray2[j, i] + singleArray3[j, i];
                 if (single4 > 1f)
                     single4 = 1f;
                 else if (single4 < 0f)
                     single4 = 0f;
                 singleArray2[j, i] = single4;
                 singleArray3[j, i] = 0f;
         for (i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 single3 = singleArray[j, i] * this.hydraulicSedimentSaturation;
                 single4 = singleArray2[j, i];
                 if (single4 > single3)
                     float single27 = single4 - single3;
                     singleArray2[j, i] = single3;
                     float single28 = heightMap[j, i];
                     heightMap[j, i] = single28 + single27;
         float single29 = (float)k / (float)iterations;
         erosionProgressDelegate("Applying Hydraulic Erosion", "Applying hydraulic erosion.", k, iterations, single29);
     return heightMap;
Exemple #18
 public void generateTerrain(TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     Terrain component = (Terrain)base.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain));
     if (component == null)
     TerrainData terrainDatum = component.terrainData;
     int num = terrainDatum.heightmapWidth;
     int num1 = terrainDatum.heightmapHeight;
     float[,] heights = terrainDatum.GetHeights(0, 0, num, num1);
     float[,] singleArray = (float[,])heights.Clone();
     switch (this.generatorType)
         case TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Voronoi:
             singleArray = this.generateVoronoi(singleArray, new Vector2((float)num, (float)num1), generatorProgressDelegate);
         case TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.DiamondSquare:
             singleArray = this.generateDiamondSquare(singleArray, new Vector2((float)num, (float)num1), generatorProgressDelegate);
         case TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Perlin:
             singleArray = this.generatePerlin(singleArray, new Vector2((float)num, (float)num1), generatorProgressDelegate);
         case TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Smooth:
             singleArray = this.smooth(singleArray, new Vector2((float)num, (float)num1), generatorProgressDelegate);
         case TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Normalise:
             singleArray = this.normalise(singleArray, new Vector2((float)num, (float)num1), generatorProgressDelegate);
     for (int i = 0; i < num1; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
             float single = heights[j, i];
             float single1 = singleArray[j, i];
             float single2 = 0f;
             switch (this.generatorType)
                 case TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Voronoi:
                     single2 = single1 * this.voronoiBlend + single * (1f - this.voronoiBlend);
                 case TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.DiamondSquare:
                     single2 = single1 * this.diamondSquareBlend + single * (1f - this.diamondSquareBlend);
                 case TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Perlin:
                     single2 = single1 * this.perlinBlend + single * (1f - this.perlinBlend);
                 case TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Smooth:
                     single2 = single1 * this.smoothBlend + single * (1f - this.smoothBlend);
                 case TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Normalise:
                     single2 = single1 * this.normaliseBlend + single * (1f - this.normaliseBlend);
             heights[j, i] = single2;
     terrainDatum.SetHeights(0, 0, heights);
Exemple #19
 private float[,] generateDiamondSquare(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     int num = (int)arraySize.x;
     int num1 = (int)arraySize.y;
     float single = 1f;
     int num2 = num - 1;
     heightMap[0, 0] = 0.5f;
     heightMap[num - 1, 0] = 0.5f;
     heightMap[0, num1 - 1] = 0.5f;
     heightMap[num - 1, num1 - 1] = 0.5f;
     generatorProgressDelegate("Fractal Generator", "Generating height map. Please wait.", 0f);
     while (num2 > 1)
         for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i = i + num2)
             for (int j = 0; j < num1 - 1; j = j + num2)
                 int num3 = i + (num2 >> 1);
                 int num4 = j + (num2 >> 1);
                 Vector2[] vector2 = new Vector2[] { new Vector2((float)i, (float)j), new Vector2((float)(i + num2), (float)j), new Vector2((float)i, (float)(j + num2)), new Vector2((float)(i + num2), (float)(j + num2)) };
                 this.dsCalculateHeight(heightMap, arraySize, num3, num4, vector2, single);
         for (int k = 0; k < num - 1; k = k + num2)
             for (int l = 0; l < num1 - 1; l = l + num2)
                 int num5 = num2 >> 1;
                 int num6 = k + num5;
                 int num7 = l;
                 int num8 = k;
                 int num9 = l + num5;
                 Vector2[] vector2Array = new Vector2[] { new Vector2((float)(num6 - num5), (float)num7), new Vector2((float)num6, (float)(num7 - num5)), new Vector2((float)(num6 + num5), (float)num7), new Vector2((float)num6, (float)(num7 + num5)) };
                 Vector2[] vector21 = new Vector2[] { new Vector2((float)(num8 - num5), (float)num9), new Vector2((float)num8, (float)(num9 - num5)), new Vector2((float)(num8 + num5), (float)num9), new Vector2((float)num8, (float)(num9 + num5)) };
                 this.dsCalculateHeight(heightMap, arraySize, num6, num7, vector2Array, single);
                 this.dsCalculateHeight(heightMap, arraySize, num8, num9, vector21, single);
         single = single * this.diamondSquareDelta;
         num2 = num2 >> 1;
     generatorProgressDelegate("Fractal Generator", "Generating height map. Please wait.", 1f);
     return heightMap;
Exemple #20
 public void setFractalPreset(TerrainToolkit.fractalPresetData preset)
     this.generatorTypeInt = 1;
     this.generatorType = TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.DiamondSquare;
     this.diamondSquareDelta = preset.diamondSquareDelta;
     this.diamondSquareBlend = preset.diamondSquareBlend;
Exemple #21
 private float[,] generatePerlin(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     int k;
     int num = (int)arraySize.x;
     int num1 = (int)arraySize.y;
     for (int i = 0; i < num1; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
             heightMap[j, i] = 0f;
     TerrainToolkit.PerlinNoise2D[] perlinNoise2D = new TerrainToolkit.PerlinNoise2D[this.perlinOctaves];
     int num2 = this.perlinFrequency;
     float single = 1f;
     for (k = 0; k < this.perlinOctaves; k++)
         perlinNoise2D[k] = new TerrainToolkit.PerlinNoise2D(num2, single);
         num2 = num2 * 2;
         single = single / 2f;
     for (k = 0; k < this.perlinOctaves; k++)
         double frequency = (double)((float)num / (float)perlinNoise2D[k].Frequency);
         double frequency1 = (double)((float)num1 / (float)perlinNoise2D[k].Frequency);
         for (int l = 0; l < num; l++)
             for (int m = 0; m < num1; m++)
                 int num3 = (int)((double)l / frequency);
                 int num4 = num3 + 1;
                 int num5 = (int)((double)m / frequency1);
                 int num6 = num5 + 1;
                 double interpolatedPoint = perlinNoise2D[k].getInterpolatedPoint(num3, num4, num5, num6, (double)l / frequency - (double)num3, (double)m / frequency1 - (double)num5);
                 heightMap[l, m] = heightMap[l, m] + (float)(interpolatedPoint * (double)perlinNoise2D[k].Amplitude);
         float single1 = (float)((k + 1) / this.perlinOctaves);
         generatorProgressDelegate("Perlin Generator", "Generating height map. Please wait.", single1);
     TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate1 = new TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate(this.dummyGeneratorProgress);
     float single2 = this.normaliseMin;
     float single3 = this.normaliseMax;
     float single4 = this.normaliseBlend;
     this.normaliseMin = 0f;
     this.normaliseMax = 1f;
     this.normaliseBlend = 1f;
     heightMap = this.normalise(heightMap, arraySize, generatorProgressDelegate1);
     this.normaliseMin = single2;
     this.normaliseMax = single3;
     this.normaliseBlend = single4;
     for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
         for (int o = 0; o < num1; o++)
             heightMap[n, o] = heightMap[n, o] * this.perlinAmplitude;
     for (k = 0; k < this.perlinOctaves; k++)
         perlinNoise2D[k] = null;
     perlinNoise2D = null;
     return heightMap;
Exemple #22
 public void setPerlinPreset(TerrainToolkit.perlinPresetData preset)
     this.generatorTypeInt = 2;
     this.generatorType = TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Perlin;
     this.perlinFrequency = preset.perlinFrequency;
     this.perlinAmplitude = preset.perlinAmplitude;
     this.perlinOctaves = preset.perlinOctaves;
     this.perlinBlend = preset.perlinBlend;
Exemple #23
 private float[,] generateVoronoi(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     int i;
     int k;
     int j;
     float single;
     int num = (int)arraySize.x;
     int num1 = (int)arraySize.y;
     ArrayList arrayLists = new ArrayList();
     for (i = 0; i < this.voronoiCells; i++)
         TerrainToolkit.Peak vector2 = new TerrainToolkit.Peak();
         int num2 = (int)Mathf.Floor(UnityEngine.Random.@value * (float)num);
         int num3 = (int)Mathf.Floor(UnityEngine.Random.@value * (float)num1);
         float single1 = UnityEngine.Random.@value;
         if (UnityEngine.Random.@value > this.voronoiFeatures)
             single1 = 0f;
         vector2.peakPoint = new Vector2((float)num2, (float)num3);
         vector2.peakHeight = single1;
     float single2 = 0f;
     for (j = 0; j < num1; j++)
         for (k = 0; k < num; k++)
             ArrayList arrayLists1 = new ArrayList();
             for (i = 0; i < this.voronoiCells; i++)
                 Vector2 item = ((TerrainToolkit.Peak)arrayLists[i]).peakPoint;
                 float single3 = Vector2.Distance(item, new Vector2((float)k, (float)j));
                 TerrainToolkit.PeakDistance peakDistance = new TerrainToolkit.PeakDistance()
                     id = i,
                     dist = single3
             TerrainToolkit.PeakDistance item1 = (TerrainToolkit.PeakDistance)arrayLists1[0];
             TerrainToolkit.PeakDistance peakDistance1 = (TerrainToolkit.PeakDistance)arrayLists1[1];
             int num4 = item1.id;
             float single4 = item1.dist;
             float single5 = peakDistance1.dist;
             float single6 = Mathf.Abs(single4 - single5) / ((float)(num + num1) / Mathf.Sqrt((float)this.voronoiCells));
             float item2 = (float)((TerrainToolkit.Peak)arrayLists[num4]).peakHeight;
             float single7 = item2 - Mathf.Abs(single4 / single5) * item2;
             switch (this.voronoiType)
                 case TerrainToolkit.VoronoiType.Sine:
                     single = single7 * 3.14159274f - 1.57079637f;
                     single7 = 0.5f + Mathf.Sin(single) / 2f;
                 case TerrainToolkit.VoronoiType.Tangent:
                     single = single7 * 3.14159274f / 2f;
                     single7 = 0.5f + Mathf.Tan(single) / 2f;
             single7 = single7 * single6 * this.voronoiScale + single7 * (1f - this.voronoiScale);
             if (single7 < 0f)
                 single7 = 0f;
             else if (single7 > 1f)
                 single7 = 1f;
             heightMap[k, j] = single7;
             if (single7 > single2)
                 single2 = single7;
         float single8 = (float)(j * num1);
         float single9 = (float)(num * num1);
         generatorProgressDelegate("Voronoi Generator", "Generating height map. Please wait.", single8 / single9);
     for (j = 0; j < num1; j++)
         for (k = 0; k < num; k++)
             float single10 = heightMap[k, j] * (1f / single2);
             heightMap[k, j] = single10;
     return heightMap;
Exemple #24
 public void setTidalErosionPreset(TerrainToolkit.tidalErosionPresetData preset)
     this.erosionTypeInt = 2;
     this.erosionType = TerrainToolkit.ErosionType.Tidal;
     this.tidalIterations = preset.tidalIterations;
     this.tidalRangeAmount = preset.tidalRangeAmount;
     this.tidalCliffLimit = preset.tidalCliffLimit;
Exemple #25
 private float[,] normalise(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     int j;
     int i;
     int num = (int)arraySize.x;
     int num1 = (int)arraySize.y;
     float single = 0f;
     float single1 = 1f;
     generatorProgressDelegate("Normalise Filter", "Normalising height map. Please wait.", 0f);
     for (i = 0; i < num1; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < num; j++)
             float single2 = heightMap[j, i];
             if (single2 < single1)
                 single1 = single2;
             else if (single2 > single)
                 single = single2;
     generatorProgressDelegate("Normalise Filter", "Normalising height map. Please wait.", 0.5f);
     float single3 = single - single1;
     float single4 = this.normaliseMax - this.normaliseMin;
     for (i = 0; i < num1; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < num; j++)
             float single5 = (heightMap[j, i] - single1) / single3 * single4;
             heightMap[j, i] = this.normaliseMin + single5;
     generatorProgressDelegate("Normalise Filter", "Normalising height map. Please wait.", 1f);
     return heightMap;
Exemple #26
 public void setVoronoiPreset(TerrainToolkit.voronoiPresetData preset)
     this.generatorTypeInt = 0;
     this.generatorType = TerrainToolkit.GeneratorType.Voronoi;
     this.voronoiTypeInt = (int)preset.voronoiType;
     this.voronoiType = preset.voronoiType;
     this.voronoiCells = preset.voronoiCells;
     this.voronoiFeatures = preset.voronoiFeatures;
     this.voronoiScale = preset.voronoiScale;
     this.voronoiBlend = preset.voronoiBlend;
Exemple #27
 private float[,] smooth(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, TerrainToolkit.GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     int num;
     int num1;
     int num2;
     int num3;
     int num4;
     int num5;
     int num6 = (int)arraySize.x;
     int num7 = (int)arraySize.y;
     for (int i = 0; i < this.smoothIterations; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < num7; j++)
             if (j == 0)
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = 0;
                 num5 = 0;
             else if (j != num7 - 1)
                 num1 = 3;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
             for (int k = 0; k < num6; k++)
                 if (k == 0)
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = 0;
                     num4 = 0;
                 else if (k != num6 - 1)
                     num = 3;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                 float single = 0f;
                 int num8 = 0;
                 for (int l = 0; l < num1; l++)
                     for (int m = 0; m < num; m++)
                         if (this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.Moore || this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (m == num4 || l == num5))
                             float single1 = heightMap[k + m + num2, j + l + num3];
                             single = single + single1;
                 float single2 = single / (float)num8;
                 heightMap[k + num4 + num2, j + num5 + num3] = single2;
         float single3 = (float)((i + 1) / this.smoothIterations);
         generatorProgressDelegate("Smoothing Filter", "Smoothing height map. Please wait.", single3);
     return heightMap;
Exemple #28
 public void textureTerrain(TerrainToolkit.TextureProgressDelegate textureProgressDelegate)
     int num;
     int num1;
     int num2;
     int num3;
     int num4;
     int num5;
     int n;
     int m;
     Terrain component = (Terrain)base.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain));
     if (component == null)
     TerrainData terrainDatum = component.terrainData;
     this.splatPrototypes = terrainDatum.splatPrototypes;
     int length = (int)this.splatPrototypes.Length;
     if (length < 2)
         Debug.LogError("Error: You must assign at least 2 textures.");
     textureProgressDelegate("Procedural Terrain Texture", "Generating height and slope maps. Please wait.", 0.1f);
     int num6 = terrainDatum.heightmapWidth - 1;
     int num7 = terrainDatum.heightmapHeight - 1;
     float[,] singleArray = new float[num6, num7];
     float[,] singleArray1 = new float[num6, num7];
     terrainDatum.alphamapResolution = num6;
     float[,,] alphamaps = terrainDatum.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, num6, num6);
     Vector3 vector3 = terrainDatum.size;
     float single = vector3.x / (float)num6 * Mathf.Tan(this.slopeBlendMinAngle * 0.0174532924f) / vector3.y;
     float single1 = vector3.x / (float)num6 * Mathf.Tan(this.slopeBlendMaxAngle * 0.0174532924f) / vector3.y;
         float single2 = 0f;
         float[,] heights = terrainDatum.GetHeights(0, 0, num6, num7);
         for (int i = 0; i < num7; i++)
             if (i == 0)
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = 0;
                 num5 = 0;
             else if (i != num7 - 1)
                 num1 = 3;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
             for (int j = 0; j < num6; j++)
                 if (j == 0)
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = 0;
                     num4 = 0;
                 else if (j != num6 - 1)
                     num = 3;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                 float single3 = heights[j + num4 + num2, i + num5 + num3];
                 if (single3 > single2)
                     single2 = single3;
                 singleArray[j, i] = single3;
                 float single4 = 0f;
                 float single5 = (float)(num * num1 - 1);
                 for (int k = 0; k < num1; k++)
                     for (int l = 0; l < num; l++)
                         if (l != num4 || k != num5)
                             float single6 = Mathf.Abs(single3 - heights[j + l + num2, i + k + num3]);
                             single4 = single4 + single6;
                 singleArray1[j, i] = single4 / single5;
         for (m = 0; m < num7; m++)
             for (n = 0; n < num6; n++)
                 float single7 = singleArray1[n, m];
                 if (single7 < single)
                     single7 = 0f;
                 else if (single7 < single1)
                     single7 = (single7 - single) / (single1 - single);
                 else if (single7 > single1)
                     single7 = 1f;
                 singleArray1[n, m] = single7;
                 alphamaps[n, m, 0] = single7;
         for (int o = 1; o < length; o++)
             for (m = 0; m < num7; m++)
                 for (n = 0; n < num6; n++)
                     float item = 0f;
                     float item1 = 0f;
                     float item2 = 1f;
                     float item3 = 1f;
                     float single8 = 0f;
                     if (o > 1)
                         item = (float)this.heightBlendPoints[o * 2 - 4];
                         item1 = (float)this.heightBlendPoints[o * 2 - 3];
                     if (o < length - 1)
                         item2 = (float)this.heightBlendPoints[o * 2 - 2];
                         item3 = (float)this.heightBlendPoints[o * 2 - 1];
                     float single9 = singleArray[n, m];
                     if (single9 >= item1 && single9 <= item2)
                         single8 = 1f;
                     else if (single9 >= item && single9 < item1)
                         single8 = (single9 - item) / (item1 - item);
                     else if (single9 > item2 && single9 <= item3)
                         single8 = 1f - (single9 - item2) / (item3 - item2);
                     single8 = single8 - singleArray1[n, m];
                     if (single8 < 0f)
                         single8 = 0f;
                     alphamaps[n, m, o] = single8;
         textureProgressDelegate("Procedural Terrain Texture", "Generating splat map. Please wait.", 0.9f);
         terrainDatum.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphamaps);
         singleArray = null;
         singleArray1 = null;
         alphamaps = null;
     catch (Exception exception1)
         Exception exception = exception1;
         singleArray = null;
         singleArray1 = null;
         alphamaps = null;
         Debug.LogError(string.Concat("An error occurred: ", exception));
Exemple #29
 private float[,] velocityHydraulicErosion(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, int iterations, TerrainToolkit.ErosionProgressDelegate erosionProgressDelegate)
     int j;
     int i;
     int num;
     int num1;
     int num2;
     int num3;
     int num4;
     int num5;
     float single;
     float single1;
     int l;
     int k;
     float single2;
     float single3;
     float single4;
     int num6;
     float single5;
     float single6;
     float single7;
     float single8;
     int num7 = (int)arraySize.x;
     int num8 = (int)arraySize.y;
     float[,] singleArray = new float[num7, num8];
     float[,] singleArray1 = new float[num7, num8];
     float[,] singleArray2 = new float[num7, num8];
     float[,] singleArray3 = new float[num7, num8];
     float[,] singleArray4 = new float[num7, num8];
     float[,] singleArray5 = new float[num7, num8];
     float[,] singleArray6 = new float[num7, num8];
     float[,] singleArray7 = new float[num7, num8];
     for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
             singleArray2[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray3[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray4[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray5[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray6[j, i] = 0f;
             singleArray7[j, i] = 0f;
     for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
             singleArray[j, i] = heightMap[j, i];
     for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
         if (i == 0)
             num1 = 2;
             num3 = 0;
             num5 = 0;
         else if (i != num8 - 1)
             num1 = 3;
             num3 = -1;
             num5 = 1;
             num1 = 2;
             num3 = -1;
             num5 = 1;
         for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
             if (j == 0)
                 num = 2;
                 num2 = 0;
                 num4 = 0;
             else if (j != num7 - 1)
                 num = 3;
                 num2 = -1;
                 num4 = 1;
                 num = 2;
                 num2 = -1;
                 num4 = 1;
             single1 = 0f;
             single3 = heightMap[j + num4 + num2, i + num5 + num3];
             num6 = 0;
             for (k = 0; k < num1; k++)
                 for (l = 0; l < num; l++)
                     if ((l != num4 || k != num5) && (this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.Moore || this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (l == num4 || k == num5)))
                         single4 = heightMap[j + l + num2, i + k + num3];
                         single2 = Mathf.Abs(single3 - single4);
                         single1 = single1 + single2;
             float single9 = single1 / (float)num6;
             singleArray1[j + num4 + num2, i + num5 + num3] = single9;
     for (int m = 0; m < iterations; m++)
         for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
                 float single10 = singleArray2[j, i] + singleArray[j, i] * this.hydraulicVelocityRainfall;
                 if (single10 > 1f)
                     single10 = 1f;
                 singleArray2[j, i] = single10;
         for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
                 float single11 = singleArray6[j, i];
                 single = singleArray2[j, i] * this.hydraulicVelocitySedimentSaturation;
                 if (single11 < single)
                     float single12 = singleArray2[j, i] * singleArray4[j, i] * this.hydraulicVelocitySedimentSolubility;
                     if (single11 + single12 > single)
                         single12 = single - single11;
                     single3 = heightMap[j, i];
                     if (single12 > single3)
                         single12 = single3;
                     singleArray6[j, i] = single11 + single12;
                     heightMap[j, i] = single3 - single12;
         for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
             if (i == 0)
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = 0;
                 num5 = 0;
             else if (i != num8 - 1)
                 num1 = 3;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
                 num1 = 2;
                 num3 = -1;
                 num5 = 1;
             for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
                 if (j == 0)
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = 0;
                     num4 = 0;
                 else if (j != num7 - 1)
                     num = 3;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                     num = 2;
                     num2 = -1;
                     num4 = 1;
                 single1 = 0f;
                 single3 = heightMap[j, i];
                 float single13 = single3;
                 float single14 = singleArray2[j, i];
                 num6 = 0;
                 for (k = 0; k < num1; k++)
                     for (l = 0; l < num; l++)
                         if ((l != num4 || k != num5) && (this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.Moore || this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (l == num4 || k == num5)))
                             single4 = heightMap[j + l + num2, i + k + num3];
                             single5 = singleArray2[j + l + num2, i + k + num3];
                             single2 = single3 + single14 - (single4 + single5);
                             if (single2 > 0f)
                                 single1 = single1 + single2;
                                 single13 = single13 + (single3 + single14);
                 float single15 = singleArray4[j, i];
                 float single16 = singleArray1[j, i];
                 float single17 = singleArray6[j, i];
                 float single18 = single15 + this.hydraulicVelocity * single16;
                 float single19 = single13 / (float)(num6 + 1);
                 float single20 = single3 + single14 - single19;
                 float single21 = Mathf.Min(single14, single20 * (1f + single15));
                 float single22 = singleArray3[j, i];
                 singleArray3[j, i] = single22 - single21;
                 float single23 = single18 * (single21 / single14);
                 float single24 = single17 * (single21 / single14);
                 for (k = 0; k < num1; k++)
                     for (l = 0; l < num; l++)
                         if ((l != num4 || k != num5) && (this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.Moore || this.neighbourhood == TerrainToolkit.Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (l == num4 || k == num5)))
                             single4 = heightMap[j + l + num2, i + k + num3];
                             single5 = singleArray2[j + l + num2, i + k + num3];
                             single2 = single3 + single14 - (single4 + single5);
                             if (single2 > 0f)
                                 float single25 = singleArray3[j + l + num2, i + k + num3];
                                 float single26 = single25 + single21 * (single2 / single1);
                                 singleArray3[j + l + num2, i + k + num3] = single26;
                                 float single27 = singleArray5[j + l + num2, i + k + num3];
                                 float single28 = single23 * this.hydraulicMomentum * (single2 / single1);
                                 float single29 = single27 + single28;
                                 singleArray5[j + l + num2, i + k + num3] = single29;
                                 float single30 = singleArray7[j + l + num2, i + k + num3];
                                 float single31 = single24 * this.hydraulicMomentum * (single2 / single1);
                                 float single32 = single30 + single31;
                                 singleArray7[j + l + num2, i + k + num3] = single32;
                 float single33 = singleArray5[j, i];
                 singleArray5[j, i] = single33 - single23;
         for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
                 single6 = singleArray4[j, i] + singleArray5[j, i];
                 single6 = single6 * (1f - this.hydraulicEntropy);
                 if (single6 > 1f)
                     single6 = 1f;
                 else if (single6 < 0f)
                     single6 = 0f;
                 singleArray4[j, i] = single6;
                 singleArray5[j, i] = 0f;
         for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
                 float single34 = singleArray2[j, i] + singleArray3[j, i];
                 single34 = single34 - single34 * this.hydraulicVelocityEvaporation;
                 if (single34 > 1f)
                     single34 = 1f;
                 else if (single34 < 0f)
                     single34 = 0f;
                 singleArray2[j, i] = single34;
                 singleArray3[j, i] = 0f;
         for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
                 single7 = singleArray6[j, i] + singleArray7[j, i];
                 if (single7 > 1f)
                     single7 = 1f;
                 else if (single7 < 0f)
                     single7 = 0f;
                 singleArray6[j, i] = single7;
                 singleArray7[j, i] = 0f;
         for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
                 single = singleArray2[j, i] * this.hydraulicVelocitySedimentSaturation;
                 single7 = singleArray6[j, i];
                 if (single7 > single)
                     float single35 = single7 - single;
                     singleArray6[j, i] = single;
                     single8 = heightMap[j, i];
                     heightMap[j, i] = single8 + single35;
         for (i = 0; i < num8; i++)
             for (j = 0; j < num7; j++)
                 single6 = singleArray2[j, i];
                 single8 = heightMap[j, i];
                 float single36 = 1f - Mathf.Abs(0.5f - single8) * 2f;
                 single8 = single8 - this.hydraulicDowncutting * single6 * single36;
                 heightMap[j, i] = single8;
         float single37 = (float)m / (float)iterations;
         erosionProgressDelegate("Applying Hydraulic Erosion", "Applying hydraulic erosion.", m, iterations, single37);
     return heightMap;