Exemple #1
        public void BuildChunk()
            TerrainMeshPool pool = TerrainMeshPool.Instance;

            TerrainMeshPool.MemoryFlag flag = pool.memoryFlag;


            /*int trianglesCount = triangles.Length;
             * for (int idx = 0; idx < trianglesCount; ++idx)
             * {
             * if(triangles[idx].RebuildTriangle(this, pool,ref flag ,idx))
             * {
             * if(flag.verticeCount !=0 || flag.indiceCount != 0)
             * {
             * pool.ChunkMemoryCopy(this);
             * flag.flagOldPoint = false;
             * flag.verticeCount = 0;
             * flag.indiceCount = 0;
             * }
             * flag.verticeNewStart = pool.vertticeIndex;
             * flag.indiceNewStart = pool.IndicesIndex;
             * }
             * }
             * if (flag.verticeCount != 0 || flag.indiceCount != 0)
             * {
             * pool.ChunkMemoryCopy(this);
             * }*/

            int boxCount = boxs.Length;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < boxCount; ++idx)
                if (boxs[idx].RebuildTriangle(this, pool, ref flag, idx))
                    if (flag.verticeCount != 0 || flag.indiceCount != 0)
                        flag.flagOldPoint = false;
                        flag.verticeCount = 0;
                        flag.indiceCount  = 0;
                    flag.verticeNewStart = pool.vertticeIndex;
                    flag.indiceNewStart  = pool.IndicesIndex;
            if (flag.verticeCount != 0 || flag.indiceCount != 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据高度图,重建三角面
        /// </summary>
        public bool RebuildTriangle(TerrainChunk chunk, TerrainMeshPool pool, ref TerrainMeshPool.MemoryFlag flag, int index)
            if (groupInfo != null)
                int value0 = groupInfo.CopyData[chunkIndex.v0Index];
                int value1 = groupInfo.CopyData[chunkIndex.v1Index];
                int value2 = groupInfo.CopyData[chunkIndex.v2Index];

                int valueSurface0 = groupInfo.CopySurfaceData[chunkIndex.v0Index];
                int valueSurface1 = groupInfo.CopySurfaceData[chunkIndex.v1Index];
                int valueSurface2 = groupInfo.CopySurfaceData[chunkIndex.v2Index];

                bool hasShowSurface = false;

                if (value0 != valueSurface0)
                    hasShowSurface = true;

                if (value1 != valueSurface1)
                    hasShowSurface = true;

                if (value2 != valueSurface2)
                    hasShowSurface = true;

                if (value0 == v0value && value1 == v1value && value2 == v2value && hasShowSurface == false)
                    if (pool.vertticeIndex != verticesStart)
                        int det        = pool.vertticeIndex - verticesStart;
                        int indexCount = indicesCount;
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < indexCount; ++idx)
                            chunk.indicesAry[IndicesStart + idx] = chunk.indicesAry[IndicesStart + idx] + det;

                    if (flag.flagOldPoint == false)
                        flag.verticeOldStart = verticesStart;
                        flag.indiceOldStart  = IndicesStart;
                        flag.flagOldPoint    = true;
                    flag.verticeCount += verticesCount;
                    flag.indiceCount  += indicesCount;

                    verticesStart       = pool.vertticeIndex;
                    IndicesStart        = pool.IndicesIndex;
                    pool.IndicesIndex  += indicesCount;
                    pool.vertticeIndex += verticesCount;
                    v0value = value0;
                    v1value = value1;
                    v2value = value2;

                float maxValue = (float)ushort.MaxValue;
                _v0.y = (value0 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                _v1.y = (value1 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                _v2.y = (value2 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;


                /*if (hasShowSurface)
                 * {
                 *  colorConfig.testSurface = true;
                 * }*/

                buildTriangle(pool, _v0, _v1, _v2);

                // buildTriangle(pool, _v0, _v1, _v2);

                if (hasShowSurface)
                    int minSurfaceValue = Mathf.Min(valueSurface0, valueSurface1, valueSurface2);
                    _v0.y = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    _v1.y = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    _v2.y = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    buildTriangle(pool, _v0, _v1, _v2);
                //colorConfig.testSurface = false;
        private bool buildTriangle(TerrainMeshPool pool, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3)
            Vector3[] verticesAry = pool.verticesAry;
            Vector2[] uv0Ary      = pool.uvAry;
            Color32[] colorsAry   = pool.ColorsAry;
            int[]     indicesAry  = pool.indicesBuffer;

            verticesStart = pool.vertticeIndex;
            verticesCount = 0;
            IndicesStart  = pool.IndicesIndex;
            indicesCount  = 0;

            /* Vector3 v1 = _v0;
             * Vector3 v2 = _v1;
             * Vector3 v3 = _v2;*/

            int h_min = (int)Mathf.Floor(Mathf.Min(Mathf.Min(v1.y, v2.y), v3.y));
            int h_max = (int)Mathf.Floor(Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(v1.y, v2.y), v3.y));

            float h1      = v1.y;
            float h2      = v2.y;
            float h3      = v3.y;
            int   detSpil = 1;

            //bool isMultiLayer = (h_max - h_min) > 3;
            for (int Spil = h_min; Spil <= h_max; Spil += detSpil)
                int point_above = 0;

                if (h1 < Spil)
                    if (h2 < Spil)
                        if (h3 < Spil)
                            //v3 在 上面,根据下面,lerp公式,不需要改变v3的位置
                            //  t1 = (h1 - h) / (h1 - h3)  // Interpolation value for v1 and v3
                            // t2 = (h2 - h) / (h2 - h3)  // Interpolation value for v2 and v3
                            point_above = 1;
                        if (h3 < Spil)
                            point_above = 1;
                            //v2 在 上面,根据下面,交换 v3 和v2 还得保持三角面顺时针的渲染顺序
                            // 比如 正常是 v1->v2->v3 现在交换v2 v3 => v1 v3 v2 变成逆时针了。 v3 v1 v2 只能把v3 放在v1位置
                            //保持三角面的 顺时针的渲染顺序
                            //  t1 = (h1 - h) / (h1 - h3)  // Interpolation value for v1 and v3
                            // t2 = (h2 - h) / (h2 - h3)  // Interpolation value for v2 and v3
                            Vector3 v1Temp = v1;
                            Vector3 v2Temp = v2;
                            Vector3 v3Temp = v3;
                            v1 = v3Temp;
                            v2 = v1Temp;
                            v3 = v2Temp;
                            //v2 v3 都在上面,交换v1 v3
                            point_above = 2;
                            Vector3 v1Temp = v1;
                            Vector3 v2Temp = v2;
                            Vector3 v3Temp = v3;

                            v1 = v2Temp;
                            v2 = v3Temp;
                            v3 = v1Temp;
                    if (h2 < Spil)
                        if (h3 < Spil)
                            //v1 高于切割面,交换 v1 v3

                            point_above = 1;
                            Vector3 v1Temp = v1;
                            Vector3 v2Temp = v2;
                            Vector3 v3Temp = v3;
                            v1 = v2Temp;
                            v2 = v3Temp;
                            v3 = v1Temp;
                            //v1 v3 高于切割面,交换 v3 v2
                            point_above = 2;

                            Vector3 v1Temp = v1;
                            Vector3 v2Temp = v2;
                            Vector3 v3Temp = v3;
                            v1 = v3Temp;
                            v2 = v1Temp;
                            v3 = v2Temp;
                        if (h3 < Spil)
                            //v1 v2 高于切割面 不用交换
                            point_above = 2;
                            point_above = 3;
                            //不需要切割 都高于所有平面
                float spilValue = Spil * chunkConfig.LayerHeight;
                v1_c.x = v1.x;
                v1_c.y = spilValue;
                v1_c.z = v1.z;

                v2_c.x = v2.x;
                v2_c.y = spilValue;
                v2_c.z = v2.z;
                //v2_c = new Vector3(v2.x, spilValue, v2.z);
                v3_c.x = v3.x;
                v3_c.y = spilValue;
                v3_c.z = v3.z;
                // v3_c =  new Vector3(v3.x, spilValue, v3.z);
                v1_b.x = v1.x;
                v1_b.y = (Spil - detSpil) * chunkConfig.LayerHeight;
                v1_b.z = v1.z;

                //v1_b =  new Vector3(v1.x, (Spil - detSpil) * chunkConfig.LayerHeight, v1.z);
                v2_b.x = v2.x;
                v2_b.y = (Spil - detSpil) * chunkConfig.LayerHeight;
                v2_b.z = v2.z;
                //v2_b =  new Vector3(v2.x, (Spil - detSpil) * chunkConfig.LayerHeight, v2.z);

                v3_b.x = v3.x;
                v3_b.y = (Spil - detSpil) * chunkConfig.LayerHeight;
                v3_b.z = v3.z;
                //v3_b =  new Vector3(v3.x, (Spil - detSpil) * chunkConfig.LayerHeight, v3.z);

                //因为交换过点 重新计算
                h1 = v1.y;
                h2 = v2.y;
                h3 = v3.y;

                if (point_above == 3)
                    int verIndex     = verticesStart + verticesCount;
                    int indicesIndex = IndicesStart + indicesCount;

                    indicesAry[indicesIndex + 0] = verIndex + 0;
                    indicesAry[indicesIndex + 1] = verIndex + 1;
                    indicesAry[indicesIndex + 2] = verIndex + 2;
                    indicesCount += 3;

                    verticesAry[verIndex + 0] = v1_c;
                    verticesAry[verIndex + 1] = v2_c;
                    verticesAry[verIndex + 2] = v3_c;

                    colorsAry[verIndex + 0] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                    colorsAry[verIndex + 1] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                    colorsAry[verIndex + 2] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);

                    uv0Ary[verIndex + 0].x = v1_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                    uv0Ary[verIndex + 0].y = v1_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;

                    //uv0Ary[verIndex + 0] = new Vector2(v1_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v1_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);

                    uv0Ary[verIndex + 1].x = v2_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                    uv0Ary[verIndex + 1].y = v2_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;

                    //uv0Ary[verIndex + 1] = new Vector2(v2_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v2_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                    uv0Ary[verIndex + 2].x = v3_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                    uv0Ary[verIndex + 2].y = v3_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;

                    //uv0Ary[verIndex + 2] = new Vector2(v3_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v3_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);

                    verticesCount += 3;
                else if (point_above == 2 || point_above == 1)
                    //插值计算出 v1---v3 这条线跟平面的焦点

                    float t1 = (h1 - Spil) / (h1 - h3);
                    v1_c_n.x = v1_c.x * (1.0f - t1) + v3_c.x * t1;
                    v1_c_n.y = v1_c.y * (1.0f - t1) + v3_c.y * t1;
                    v1_c_n.z = v1_c.z * (1.0f - t1) + v3_c.z * t1;

                    v1_b_n.x = v1_b.x * (1.0f - t1) + v3_b.x * t1;
                    v1_b_n.y = v1_b.y * (1.0f - t1) + v3_b.y * t1;
                    v1_b_n.z = v1_b.z * (1.0f - t1) + v3_b.z * t1;

                    //Vector3 v1_b_n = Vector3.Lerp(v1_b, v3_b, t1);

                    //插值计算出 v2---v3 这条线跟平面的焦点
                    float t2 = (h2 - Spil) / (h2 - h3);
                    v2_c_n.x = v2_c.x * (1.0f - t2) + v3_c.x * t2;
                    v2_c_n.y = v2_c.y * (1.0f - t2) + v3_c.y * t2;
                    v2_c_n.z = v2_c.z * (1.0f - t2) + v3_c.z * t2;

                    //Vector3 v2_c_n = Vector3.Lerp(v2_c, v3_c, t2);
                    v2_b_n.x = v2_b.x * (1.0f - t2) + v3_b.x * t2;
                    v2_b_n.y = v2_b.y * (1.0f - t2) + v3_b.y * t2;
                    v2_b_n.z = v2_b.z * (1.0f - t2) + v3_b.z * t2;

                    //Vector3 v2_b_n = Vector3.Lerp(v2_b, v3_b, t2);

                    if (point_above == 1)
                            int verIndex     = verticesStart + verticesCount;
                            int indicesIndex = IndicesStart + indicesCount;

                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 0] = verIndex + 0;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 1] = verIndex + 1;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 2] = verIndex + 2;
                            indicesCount += 3;


                            verticesAry[verIndex + 0] = v3_c;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 1] = v1_c_n;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 2] = v2_c_n;

                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 0].x = v3_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 0].y = v3_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;

                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 0] = new Vector2(v3_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v3_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 1].x = v1_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 1].y = v1_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 1] = new Vector2(v1_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v1_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 2].x = v2_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 2].y = v2_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 2] = new Vector2(v2_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v2_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);

                            colorsAry[verIndex + 0] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 1] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 2] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);

                            verticesCount += 3;


                            int verIndex     = verticesStart + verticesCount;
                            int indicesIndex = IndicesStart + indicesCount;

                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 0] = verIndex + 0;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 1] = verIndex + 1;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 2] = verIndex + 3;

                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 3] = verIndex + 1;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 4] = verIndex + 2;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 5] = verIndex + 3;
                            indicesCount += 6;

                            verticesAry[verIndex + 0] = v2_c_n;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 1] = v1_c_n;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 2] = v1_b_n;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 3] = v2_b_n;

                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 0].x = v2_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 0].y = v2_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 0] = new Vector2(v2_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v2_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 1].x = v1_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 1].y = v1_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 1] = new Vector2(v1_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v1_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 2].x = v1_b_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 2].y = v1_b_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 2] = new Vector2(v1_b_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v1_b_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 3].x = v2_b_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 3].y = v2_b_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 3] = new Vector2(v2_b_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v2_b_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);

                            colorsAry[verIndex + 0] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 1] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 2] = colorConfig.bottomColor;
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 3] = colorConfig.bottomColor;

                            verticesCount += 4;
                            int verIndex     = verticesStart + verticesCount;
                            int indicesIndex = IndicesStart + indicesCount;

                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 0] = verIndex + 0;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 1] = verIndex + 1;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 2] = verIndex + 2;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 3] = verIndex + 2;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 4] = verIndex + 3;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 5] = verIndex + 0;
                            indicesCount += 6;

                            verticesAry[verIndex + 0] = v1_c;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 1] = v2_c;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 2] = v2_c_n;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 3] = v1_c_n;

                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 0].x = v1_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 0].y = v1_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 0] = new Vector2(v1_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v1_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 1].x = v2_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 1].y = v2_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 1] = new Vector2(v2_c.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v2_c.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 2].x = v2_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 2].y = v2_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 2] = new Vector2(v2_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v2_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 3].x = v1_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 3].y = v1_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 3] = new Vector2(v1_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v1_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);

                            colorsAry[verIndex + 0] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 1] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 2] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 3] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);

                            verticesCount += 4;

                            int verIndex     = verticesStart + verticesCount;
                            int indicesIndex = IndicesStart + indicesCount;

                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 0] = verIndex + 0;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 1] = verIndex + 1;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 2] = verIndex + 2;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 3] = verIndex + 0;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 4] = verIndex + 2;
                            indicesAry[indicesIndex + 5] = verIndex + 3;
                            indicesCount += 6;

                            verticesAry[verIndex + 0] = v1_c_n;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 1] = v2_c_n;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 2] = v2_b_n;
                            verticesAry[verIndex + 3] = v1_b_n;

                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 0].x = v1_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 0].y = v1_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 0] = new Vector2(v1_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v1_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 1].x = v2_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 1].y = v2_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 1] = new Vector2(v2_c_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v2_c_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 2].x = v2_b_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 2].y = v2_b_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 2] = new Vector2(v2_b_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v2_b_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 3].x = v1_b_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x;
                            uv0Ary[verIndex + 3].y = v1_b_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y;
                            //uv0Ary[verIndex + 3] = new Vector2(v1_b_n.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, v1_b_n.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y);
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 0] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 1] = colorConfig.GetColorWithLayer(Spil);
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 2] = colorConfig.bottomColor;
                            colorsAry[verIndex + 3] = colorConfig.bottomColor;

                            verticesCount += 4;
            pool.vertticeIndex += verticesCount;
            pool.IndicesIndex  += indicesCount;
        public bool RebuildTriangleEx(TerrainChunk chunk, TerrainMeshPool pool, ref TerrainMeshPool.MemoryFlag flag)
            Vector3[] verticesAry = pool.verticesAry;
            Vector2[] uv0Ary      = pool.uvAry;
            Color32[] colorsAry   = pool.ColorsAry;
            int[]     indicesAry  = pool.indicesBuffer;

            float value0   = groupInfo.GetValue(chunkIndex.v0Index);
            float value1   = groupInfo.GetValue(chunkIndex.v1Index);
            float value2   = groupInfo.GetValue(chunkIndex.v2Index);
            float maxValue = (float)ushort.MaxValue;

            _v0.y = (value0 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
            _v1.y = (value1 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
            _v2.y = (value2 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;

            verticesStart = pool.vertticeIndex;
            verticesCount = 0;
            IndicesStart  = pool.IndicesIndex;
            indicesCount  = 0;

            verticesAry[verticesStart]     = (_v0);
            verticesAry[verticesStart + 1] = (_v1);
            verticesAry[verticesStart + 2] = (_v2);

            colorsAry[verticesStart + 0] = colorConfig.bottomColor;
            colorsAry[verticesStart + 1] = colorConfig.bottomColor;
            colorsAry[verticesStart + 2] = colorConfig.bottomColor;

            uv0Ary[verticesStart + 0] = (new Vector2(_v0.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, _v0.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y));
            uv0Ary[verticesStart + 1] = (new Vector2(_v1.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, _v1.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y));
            uv0Ary[verticesStart + 2] = (new Vector2(_v2.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, _v2.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y));

            indicesAry[IndicesStart + 0] = verticesStart;
            indicesAry[IndicesStart + 1] = verticesStart + 1;
            indicesAry[IndicesStart + 2] = verticesStart + 2;

            verticesCount = 3;
            indicesCount  = 3;

            pool.vertticeIndex += 3;
            pool.IndicesIndex  += 3;

             * clear();
             * //TODO:
             * if (groupInfo != null)
             * {
             *  float value0 = groupInfo.GetValue(chunkIndex.v0Index);
             *  float value1 = groupInfo.GetValue(chunkIndex.v1Index);
             *  float value2 = groupInfo.GetValue(chunkIndex.v2Index);
             *                  float maxValue  = (float)ushort.MaxValue;
             *                  _v0.y = (value0 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
             *                  _v1.y = (value1 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
             *                  _v2.y = (value2 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
             *  verticesAry[0] = (_v0);
             *  verticesAry[1] = (_v1);
             *  verticesAry[2] = (_v2);
             *  colorsAry[0] = colorConfig.bottomColor;
             *  colorsAry[1] = colorConfig.bottomColor;
             *  colorsAry[2] = colorConfig.bottomColor;
             *  uv0Ary[0] = (new Vector2(_v0.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, _v0.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y));
             *  uv0Ary[1] = (new Vector2(_v1.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, _v1.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y));
             *  uv0Ary[2] = (new Vector2(_v2.x / chunkConfig.uvReslution.x, _v2.z / chunkConfig.uvReslution.y));
             *  indexBuffer.Add(IndexBufferIndex + 0);
             *  indexBuffer.Add(IndexBufferIndex + 1);
             *  indexBuffer.Add(IndexBufferIndex + 2);
             *  verticesCount = 3;
             * return IndexBufferIndex + 3;
             * }
             * return IndexBufferIndex;
        public bool RebuildTriangle(TerrainChunk chunk, TerrainMeshPool pool, ref TerrainMeshPool.MemoryFlag flag, int boxindex)
            int value0 = groupInfo.CopyData[v0Index];
            int value1 = groupInfo.CopyData[v1Index];
            int value2 = groupInfo.CopyData[v2Index];
            int value3 = groupInfo.CopyData[v3Index];

            int valueSurface0 = groupInfo.CopySurfaceData[v0Index];
            int valueSurface1 = groupInfo.CopySurfaceData[v1Index];
            int valueSurface2 = groupInfo.CopySurfaceData[v2Index];
            int valueSurface3 = groupInfo.CopySurfaceData[v3Index];

            int valueCull0 = groupInfo.copyCullfaceData[v0Index];
            int valueCull1 = groupInfo.copyCullfaceData[v1Index];
            int valueCull2 = groupInfo.copyCullfaceData[v2Index];
            int valueCull3 = groupInfo.copyCullfaceData[v3Index];

            bool hasShowSurface = false;

            if (value0 != valueSurface0)
                hasShowSurface = true;

            if (value1 != valueSurface1)
                hasShowSurface = true;

            if (value2 != valueSurface2)
                hasShowSurface = true;

            if (value3 != valueSurface3)
                hasShowSurface = true;

            bool hasCullFace = false;

            if (value0 != valueCull0)
                hasCullFace = true;

            if (value1 != valueCull1)
                hasCullFace = true;

            if (value2 != valueCull2)
                hasCullFace = true;

            if (value3 != valueCull3)
                hasCullFace = true;

            if (value0 == v0value && value1 == v1value && value2 == v2value && value3 == v3value && hasShowSurface == false && hasCullFace == false)
                if (pool.vertticeIndex != verticesStart)
                    int det        = pool.vertticeIndex - verticesStart;
                    int indexCount = indicesCount;
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < indexCount; ++idx)
                        chunk.indicesAry[IndicesStart + idx] = chunk.indicesAry[IndicesStart + idx] + det;
                if (flag.flagOldPoint == false)
                    flag.verticeOldStart = verticesStart;
                    flag.indiceOldStart  = IndicesStart;
                    flag.flagOldPoint    = true;
                flag.verticeCount += verticesCount;
                flag.indiceCount  += indicesCount;

                verticesStart       = pool.vertticeIndex;
                IndicesStart        = pool.IndicesIndex;
                pool.IndicesIndex  += indicesCount;
                pool.vertticeIndex += verticesCount;
                v0value = value0;
                v1value = value1;
                v2value = value2;
                v3value = value3;

            float maxValue = (float)ushort.MaxValue;

            _v0.y = (value0 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
            _v1.y = (value1 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
            _v2.y = (value2 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
            _v3.y = (value3 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;

            if (hasCullFace)
                valueCull0 = (int)((valueCull0 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z);
                valueCull1 = (int)((valueCull1 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z);
                valueCull2 = (int)((valueCull2 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z);
                valueCull3 = (int)((valueCull3 / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z);

            verticesStart = pool.vertticeIndex;
            verticesCount = 0;
            IndicesStart  = pool.IndicesIndex;
            indicesCount  = 0;
            //Debug.Log (chunk.name +  v0Index + ":" + v1Index + ":" + v2Index + ":" + v3Index);

            /*switch (TestCode)
             *          {
             *          case 1:
             *                  {
             *                          colorConfig.testSurface = true;
             *                          colorConfig.Red.r = 255;
             *                          colorConfig.Red.b = 0;
             *                          colorConfig.Red.g = 0;
             *                  }break;
             *     case 2:
             *                  {
             *                          colorConfig.testSurface = true;
             *                          colorConfig.Red.r = 0;
             *                          colorConfig.Red.b = 0;
             *                          colorConfig.Red.g = 255;
             *                  }
             *                  break;
             *          }

            //colorConfig.testSurface = hasCullFace;

            if (Mathf.Max(_v0.y, _v2.y) > Mathf.Max(_v1.y, _v3.y))
                int CullFaca = -1;
                if (hasCullFace)
                    CullFaca = Mathf.Max(valueCull0, valueCull1, valueCull3);

                buildTriangleLeft(pool, _v0, _v1, _v3, CullFaca);
                if (hasCullFace)
                    CullFaca = Mathf.Max(valueCull2, valueCull1, valueCull3);
                buildTriangleLeft(pool, _v3, _v1, _v2, CullFaca);

                if (hasShowSurface)
                    int minSurfaceValue = Mathf.Min(valueSurface0, valueSurface1, valueSurface3);
                    _v0.y = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    _v1.y = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    _v3.y = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    buildTriangleLeft(pool, _v0, _v1, _v3);
                    minSurfaceValue = Mathf.Min(valueSurface2, valueSurface1, valueSurface3);
                    _v2.y           = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    _v1.y           = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    _v3.y           = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    buildTriangleLeft(pool, _v3, _v1, _v2);
                int CullFaca = -1;
                if (hasCullFace)
                    CullFaca = Mathf.Max(valueCull0, valueCull1, valueCull2);
                buildTriangleLeft(pool, _v0, _v1, _v2, CullFaca);
                if (hasCullFace)
                    CullFaca = Mathf.Max(valueCull0, valueCull2, valueCull3);

                buildTriangleLeft(pool, _v0, _v2, _v3, CullFaca);

                if (hasShowSurface)
                    int minSurfaceValue = Mathf.Min(valueSurface0, valueSurface1, valueSurface2);
                    _v0.y = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    _v1.y = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    _v2.y = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    buildTriangleLeft(pool, _v0, _v1, _v2);

                    minSurfaceValue = Mathf.Min(valueSurface0, valueSurface2, valueSurface3);
                    _v0.y           = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    _v2.y           = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;
                    _v3.y           = (minSurfaceValue / maxValue) * groupInfo.worldSize.z;

                    buildTriangleLeft(pool, _v0, _v1, _v2);
                    buildTriangleLeft(pool, _v0, _v2, _v3);
            // colorConfig.testSurface = false;
            pool.vertticeIndex += verticesCount;
            pool.IndicesIndex  += indicesCount;
