Exemple #1
 private void Tentacle(TentacleState state)
     if (state == TentacleState.idle)
         if (Input.GetAxis(attackAxis) > 0.5f)
             _tentacle.Invoke("Fire", 0.0f);
             _canMove = true;
             _canAim  = true;
     else if (state == TentacleState.grabbing)
         _canMove = false;
         _canAim  = false;
     else if (state == TentacleState.holding)
         if (Input.GetAxis(attackAxis) > 0.5f)
             _tentacle.Invoke("Fire", 0.0f);
             _canMove = true;
             _canAim  = true;
     this.tentacleState = _tentacle.state;
 void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
     if (state == TentacleState.grabbing)
         if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Moveable" || collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy")
             holding = collision.gameObject;
             Rigidbody rigBod = holding.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
             rigBod.isKinematic = true;
             holding.layer      = 9;
             state = TentacleState.holding;
         if (holding.tag == "Enemy")
             ParentEnemy enemy = holding.GetComponent <ParentEnemy>();
             enemy.isGrabbed = true;
     if (state == TentacleState.holding)
         if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Wall")
             inWall = true;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (Time.time > NextFireBubble)

        if (Time.time > 10)

        if (RTentacleReady && Time.time > RTentacleNF)
            RTentacleState = TentacleState.Attack;
        else if (!RTentacleReady && Time.time > RTentacleNF && RTentacleState == TentacleState.Stop)
            RTentacleState = TentacleState.Reset;
            ShootingBubble = true;

        if (LTentacleReady && Time.time > LTentacleNF)
            LTentacleState = TentacleState.Attack;
        else if (!LTentacleReady && Time.time > LTentacleNF && LTentacleState == TentacleState.Stop)
            LTentacleState = TentacleState.Reset;
            ShootingBubble = true;

        determineTentacleStateAction(RTentacleState, true);
        determineTentacleStateAction(LTentacleState, false);
Exemple #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (lineRenderer.enabled)
            //disables around corners
            lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, gameObject.transform.parent.position);

            Vector3 direction = lineRenderer.GetPosition(1) - lineRenderer.GetPosition(0);
            float   dist      = (Vector2.Distance(lineRenderer.GetPosition(1), lineRenderer.GetPosition(0)));
            //lineRenderer.material.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(dist * 2, 1);
            if (dist > maxLength)
                tentacleState        = TentacleState.disabled;
                lineRenderer.enabled = false;

            RaycastHit2D ray = Physics2D.Raycast(lineRenderer.GetPosition(0), direction, dist, mask);

            if (ray.collider != null)
                if (Vector2.Distance(ray.point, lineRenderer.GetPosition(1)) > allowedDiff)
                    tentacleState        = TentacleState.disabled;
                    lineRenderer.enabled = false;
    public virtual void HitFloor(string partName, Collider col)
        if (partName != "tip")
        isAttacking = false;

        state = TentacleState.FadeOut;
Exemple #6
 void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
     if (state == TentacleState.grabbing)
         if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Moveable")
             holding = collision.gameObject;
             Rigidbody rigBod = holding.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
             rigBod.isKinematic = true;
             state = TentacleState.holding;
    IEnumerator Attacking()
        isAttacking = true;
        Rigidbody[] bodys       = new Rigidbody[others.Length + 1];
        float       coefficient = 0.5f;

        bodys[0] = tip.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        for (int i = 1; i < bodys.Length; i++)
            bodys[i] = others[i - 1].GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        // = tip.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

        WaitForSeconds wait = new WaitForSeconds(0.7f);

        state = TentacleState.Attack;

        Vector3 targetDirection;
        Vector3 cross;

        if (player != null)
            targetDirection = Vector3.Normalize(player.transform.position - tip.transform.position);
            targetDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.zero - tip.transform.position);
        cross       = Vector3.Cross(targetDirection, Vector3.up).normalized;
        coefficient = 0.0f;
        int patten = 0;

        while (true)
            patten = Random.Range(0, 3);

            if (patten != 0)
                coefficient = Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f);
                AddForce(bodys, cross * Time.deltaTime * powar * coefficient);
                AddForce(bodys, targetDirection * Time.deltaTime * powar * 2.0f);
            yield return(wait);
Exemple #8
 void Fire()
     if (state == TentacleState.idle)
         state  = TentacleState.grabbing;
         target = _player._aim;
         //target too far
     else if (state == TentacleState.holding)
         state  = TentacleState.throwing;
         target = _player._aim;
Exemple #9
    public IEnumerator ExtendTentacle(float time, Vector2 destination)
        tentacleState = TentacleState.casting;
        float elapsedTime = 0;

        while (elapsedTime < time)
            Vector2 position = Vector2.Lerp(lineRenderer.GetPosition(0), destination, (elapsedTime / time));
            lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, position);
            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
            yield return(null);
        tentacleState = TentacleState.extended;
 void Fire()
     if (state == TentacleState.idle)
         state  = TentacleState.grabbing;
         target = _player._aim;
         if (Vector3.Distance(target, _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position) > maxRange)
             Vector3 direction = GetDirection(target, _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position, maxRange);
             //Vector3 direction = target - _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position;
             //direction *= maxRange;
             target = _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position + direction;
         else if (Vector3.Distance(target, _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position) < minRange)
             Vector3 direction = target - _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position;
             target = _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position + direction;
     else if (state == TentacleState.holding)
         state  = TentacleState.throwing;
         target = _player._aim;
         Rigidbody rigBod = holding.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
         rigBod.isKinematic = false;
         holding.layer      = 0;
         Vector3 direction = GetDirection(target, _player.transform.position, maxSpeed);
         rigBod.velocity = direction;
         if (holding.tag == "Enemy")
             ParentEnemy enemy = holding.GetComponent <ParentEnemy>();
             enemy.isGrabbed = false;
             rigBod.mass -= .01f;
             if (rigBod.mass < .98)
                 Destroy(holding, 1);
Exemple #11
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (state == TentacleState.grabbing)
         if (grabCounter != grabDuration / 2)
             velocity = target - transform.position;
             Vector3 pos;
             pos.x = transform.position.x + velocity.x * Time.deltaTime * 11;
             pos.y = transform.position.y;
             pos.z = transform.position.z + velocity.z * Time.deltaTime * 11;
             transform.position = pos;
             if (grabCounter == grabDuration)
                 transform.position = _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position;
                 grabCounter        = 0;
                 state = TentacleState.idle;
         else if (grabCounter == grabDuration / 2)
             target = _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position;
     else if (state == TentacleState.holding)
         holding.transform.position = this.transform.position;
         velocity = _player._aim - transform.position;
         Vector3 pos;
         pos.x = transform.position.x + velocity.x * Time.deltaTime * 11;
         pos.y = transform.position.y;
         pos.z = transform.position.z + velocity.z * Time.deltaTime * 11;
         transform.position = pos;
     else if (state == TentacleState.throwing)
         holding = null;
         state   = TentacleState.idle;
    float initialAttackDelay; // To allow the scene transition to fade in. One delay for all attack Types

    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        initialAttackDelay = 3.5f;

        RTentacleRB2D = RightTentacle.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        LTentacleRB2D = LeftTentacle.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        if (this.player == null)
            PlayerBehavior temp = FindObjectOfType <PlayerBehavior>();
            this.player = temp.gameObject;
        LTentacleState = RTentacleState = TentacleState.Stop;
        RTentacleFR    = 7.1f;
        LTentacleFR    = 11.3f;
        RTentacleNF    = Time.time + RTentacleFR + initialAttackDelay;
        LTentacleNF    = Time.time + LTentacleFR + initialAttackDelay;
        RTentacleReady = LTentacleReady = true;

        FireIntervalLaser = 12f;
        FireRateLaser     = 0.15f;
        NextFireLaser     = Time.time + FireRateLaser + initialAttackDelay;
        rand       = new System.Random();
        Speed      = 3f;
        startAngle = currentAngle = 260;
        endAngle   = 100;
        Direction  = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
        pc2D       = GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();

        radius = 15f;

        fireBubbleTimeBeforeLaser = 6;
        FireRateBubble            = 2f;
        NextFireBubble            = NextFireLaser - fireBubbleTimeBeforeLaser;

        ShootingBubble = true;
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (state == TentacleState.grabbing)
         if (grabCounter != grabDuration / 2)
             velocity = GetDirection(target, transform.position, 0);
             Vector3 pos;
             pos.x = transform.position.x + velocity.x * Time.deltaTime * 13;
             pos.y = transform.position.y;
             pos.z = transform.position.z + velocity.z * Time.deltaTime * 13;
             transform.position = pos;
             if (grabCounter == grabDuration)
                 transform.position = _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position;
                 grabCounter        = 0;
                 state = TentacleState.cooldown;
         else if (grabCounter == grabDuration / 2)
             target = _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position;
     else if (state == TentacleState.holding)
         target = _player._aim;
         //If to far
         if (Vector3.Distance(target, _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position) > maxRange)
             //Max range
             Vector3 direction = GetDirection(target, _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position, maxRange);
             target = _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position + direction;
         //If to close
         else if (Vector3.Distance(target, _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position) < 2)
             //Min Range 1
             Vector3 direction = GetDirection(target, _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position, 2);
             target = _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position + direction;
         if (!inWall)
             lastPosition               = transform.position;
             transform.position         = target;
             holding.transform.position = this.transform.position;
             transform.position = lastPosition;
             inWall             = false;
     else if (state == TentacleState.throwing)
         transform.position = _player.tentaclePoint.transform.position;
         holding            = null;
         state = TentacleState.cooldown;
     else if (state == TentacleState.cooldown)
         if (cooldownCounter < cooldown)
             cooldownCounter = 0;
             state           = TentacleState.idle;
 public virtual void Attack()
     coroutine = StartCoroutine(Attacking());
     state     = TentacleState.Attack;
    void determineTentacleStateAction(TentacleState tentacleState, bool right) // right is the right tentacle. if false, it is the left tentacle
        if (RightTentacle.transform.rotation.z <= -0.42f && RTentacleState == TentacleState.Attack)
            RTentacleState = TentacleState.Stop;
            RTentacleNF    = Time.time + (RTentacleFR / 2.5f);
            RTentacleReady = false;

        if (LeftTentacle.transform.rotation.z >= 0.42f && LTentacleState == TentacleState.Attack)
            LTentacleState = TentacleState.Stop;
            LTentacleNF    = Time.time + (LTentacleFR / 2.5f);
            LTentacleReady = false;

        switch (tentacleState)
        case TentacleState.Stop:
            // Tentacle doesn't move. Can be at either end point
            if (right && !RTentacleReady)
                //RightTentacle.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, -55.5f));


        case TentacleState.Attack:
            if (right)
                RightTentacle.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * -Speed * 0.2f);
                LeftTentacle.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * Speed * 0.2f);

        case TentacleState.Reset:
            if (right)
                RightTentacle.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * Speed * 0.1f);
                if (RightTentacle.transform.rotation.z >= 0.0966f)
                    RTentacleState = TentacleState.Stop;
                    RTentacleReady = true;
                    RTentacleNF    = Time.time + RTentacleFR;
                LeftTentacle.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * -Speed * 0.1f);
                if (LeftTentacle.transform.rotation.z <= -0.0966f)
                    LTentacleState = TentacleState.Stop;
                    LTentacleReady = true;
                    LTentacleNF    = Time.time + LTentacleFR;
Exemple #16
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     lineRenderer  = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
     tentacleState = TentacleState.disabled;