public async Task Request()
            var project = await Repository.Projects.FindByNameOrIdOrFail(ProjectNameOrId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var runbook = await Repository.Runbooks.FindByNameOrIdOrFail(RunbookNameOrId, project).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var environments = await Repository.Environments.FindByNamesOrIdsOrFail(EnvironmentNamesOrIds).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var tenants = await RetrieveTenants();


            var payload = new RunbookRunParameters
                RunbookId               = runbook.Id,
                ProjectId               = project.Id,
                EnvironmentIds          = environments.Select(env => env.Id).ToArray(),
                RunbookSnapshotNameOrId = Snapshot,
                UseDefaultSnapshot      = UseDefaultSnapshot,
                ForcePackageDownload    = ForcePackageDownload,
                SpecificMachineIds      = IncludedMachineIds.ToArray(),
                ExcludedMachineIds      = ExcludedMachineIds.ToArray(),
                SkipActions             = StepNamesToSkip.ToArray(),
                UseGuidedFailure        = GuidedFailure,
                TenantIds               = tenants,
                TenantTagNames          = TenantTagNames.ToArray(),
                QueueTime               = RunAt,
                QueueTimeExpiry         = NoRunAfter,
                FormValues              = Variables

            RunbookRuns = await Repository.Runbooks.Run(runbook, payload);

            if (RunbookRuns.Any() && WaitForRun)
                var waiter = executionResourceWaiterFactory(Repository, ServerBaseUrl);
                await waiter.WaitForRunbookRunToComplete(
Exemple #2
        public RunRunbookCommand(
            IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory,
            IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem,
            IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory,
            ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider,
            ExecutionResourceWaiter.Factory executionResourceWaiterFactory) : base(clientFactory,
                                                                                   repositoryFactory, fileSystem, commandOutputProvider)
            this.executionResourceWaiterFactory = executionResourceWaiterFactory;
            var options = Options.For("Run Runbook");

            options.Add <string>("project=",
                                 "Name or ID of the project. This is optional if the runbook argument is an ID",
                                 v => ProjectNameOrId = v);

            options.Add <string>("runbook=",
                                 "Name or ID of the runbook. If the name is supplied, the project parameter must also be specified.",
                                 v => RunbookNameOrId = v);

            options.Add <string>("environment=",
                                 "Name or ID of the environment to run in, e.g ., 'Production' or 'Environments-1'; specify this argument multiple times to run in multiple environments.",
                                 v => EnvironmentNamesOrIds.Add(v),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <string>("snapshot=",
                                 "[Optional] Name or ID of the snapshot to run. If not supplied, the command will attempt to use the published snapshot.",
                                 v => Snapshot = v);

            options.Add <bool>("forcePackageDownload",
                               "[Optional] Whether to force downloading of already installed packages (flag, default false).",
                               v => ForcePackageDownload = true);

            options.Add <bool>("guidedFailure=",
                               "[Optional] Whether to use Guided Failure mode. (True or False. If not specified, will use default setting from environment)",
                               v => GuidedFailure = v);

            options.Add <string>("specificMachines=",
                                 "[Optional] A comma-separated list of machine names to target in the specified environment/s. If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.",
                                 v => IncludedMachineIds.AddRange(v.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                                                  .Select(m => m.Trim())),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <string>("excludeMachines=",
                                 "[Optional] A comma-separated list of machine names to exclude in the specified environment/s. If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.",
                                 v => ExcludedMachineIds.AddRange(v.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                                                  .Select(m => m.Trim())),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <string>("tenant=",
                                 "[Optional] Run a runbook on the tenant with this name or ID; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard to deploy to all tenants who are ready for this release (according to lifecycle).",
                                 v => TenantNamesOrIds.Add(v),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <string>("tenantTag=",
                                 "[Optional] Run a runbook on the tenants matching this tag; specify this argument multiple times to build a query/filter with multiple tags, just like you can in the user interface.",
                                 v => TenantTagNames.Add(v),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <string>("skip=",
                                 "[Optional] Skip a step by name",
                                 v => StepNamesToSkip.Add(v),
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <DateTimeOffset>("runAt=",
                                         "[Optional] Time at which runbook run should start (scheduled run), specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.",
                                         v => RunAt = v);

            options.Add <DateTimeOffset>("noRunAfter=",
                                         "[Optional] Time at which scheduled runbook run should expire, specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.",
                                         v => NoRunAfter = v);

            options.Add <string>("v|variable=",
                                 "[Optional] Specifies the value for a prompted variable in the format Label:Value. For JSON values, embedded quotation marks should be escaped with a backslash.",
                                 allowsMultiple: true);

            options.Add <bool>("waitForRun", "[Optional] Whether to wait synchronously for deployment to finish.",
                               v => WaitForRun = true);

            options.Add <bool>("progress", "[Optional] Show progress of the runbook run", v =>
                Progress   = true;
                WaitForRun = true;
                NoRawLog   = true;

            options.Add <TimeSpan>("runTimeout=",
                                   "[Optional] Specifies maximum time (timespan format) that the console session will wait for the runbook run to finish (default 00:10:00). This will not stop the run. Requires --waitForRun parameter to be set.",
                                   v => RunTimeout = v);

            options.Add <bool>("cancelOnTimeout",
                               "[Optional] Whether to cancel the runbook run if the run timeout is reached (flag, default false).",
                               v => CancelOnTimeout = true);

            options.Add <TimeSpan>("runCheckSleepCycle=",
                                   "[Optional] Specifies how much time (timespan format) should elapse between runbook run status checks (default 00:00:10)",
                                   v => RunCheckSleepCycle = v);

            options.Add <bool>("noRawLog",
                               "[Optional] Don't print the raw log of failed tasks",
                               v => NoRawLog = true);

            options.Add <string>("rawLogFile=", "[Optional] Redirect the raw log of failed tasks to a file",
                                 v => RawLogFile = v);