Exemple #1
        public async Task SyncSignal_StringResultError()
            // Verify that async signals must return a Task.  [ISyncSignalNotTask]
            // defines its signal as returning a string.  Registration should fail.

            var worker = await client.NewWorkerAsync();

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <WorkflowTypeException>(async() => await worker.RegisterWorkflowAsync <SyncSignalString>());

            // Verify that we're not allowd to create a workflow stub either.

            Assert.Throws <WorkflowTypeException>(() => client.NewWorkflowStub <SyncSignalString>());
Exemple #2
        public Test_Replay(TemporalFixture fixture)

            var settings = new TemporalSettings()
                Namespace              = TemporalFixture.Namespace,
                ProxyLogLevel          = TemporalTestHelper.ProxyLogLevel,
                CreateNamespace        = true,
                Debug                  = TemporalTestHelper.Debug,
                DebugPrelaunched       = TemporalTestHelper.DebugPrelaunched,
                DebugDisableHeartbeats = TemporalTestHelper.DebugDisableHeartbeats,
                ClientIdentity         = TemporalTestHelper.ClientIdentity,
                TaskQueue              = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue

            if (fixture.Start(settings, composeFile: TemporalTestHelper.TemporalStackDefinition, reconnect: true, keepRunning: TemporalTestHelper.KeepTemporalServerOpen) == TestFixtureStatus.Started)
                this.fixture = fixture;
                this.client  = fixture.Client;

                // Create a worker and register the workflow and activity
                // implementations to let Temporal know we're open for business.

                var worker = client.NewWorkerAsync().Result;

                this.fixture = fixture;
                this.client  = fixture.Client;
Exemple #3
        public Test_EndToEnd(TemporalFixture fixture, ITestOutputHelper outputHelper)

            testWriter = new TestOutputWriter(outputHelper);

            // Configure a service for activity dependency injection testing if it doesn't
            // already exist.

            if (NeonHelper.ServiceContainer.GetService <ActivityDependency>() == null)
                NeonHelper.ServiceContainer.AddSingleton(typeof(ActivityDependency), new ActivityDependency()
                    Hello = "World!"

            // Initialize the Cadence fixture.

            var settings = new TemporalSettings()
                Namespace              = TemporalFixture.Namespace,
                ProxyLogLevel          = TemporalTestHelper.ProxyLogLevel,
                CreateNamespace        = true,
                Debug                  = TemporalTestHelper.Debug,
                DebugPrelaunched       = TemporalTestHelper.DebugPrelaunched,
                DebugDisableHeartbeats = TemporalTestHelper.DebugDisableHeartbeats,
                ClientIdentity         = TemporalTestHelper.ClientIdentity,
                TaskQueue              = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue

            if (fixture.Start(settings, composeFile: TemporalTestHelper.TemporalStackDefinition, reconnect: true, keepRunning: TemporalTestHelper.KeepTemporalServerOpen) == TestFixtureStatus.Started)
                this.fixture = fixture;
                this.client  = fixture.Client;

                // Create a worker and register the workflow and activity
                // implementations to let Temporal know we're open for business.

                var worker = client.NewWorkerAsync().Result;

                this.fixture = fixture;
                this.client  = fixture.Client;
Exemple #4
        public TemporalTests(TemporalFixture fixture)

            var settings = new TemporalSettings()
                Namespace       = "test-domain",
                TaskQueue       = "test-tasks",
                ProxyLogLevel   = LogLevel.Info,
                CreateNamespace = true          // <-- this ensures that the default namespace exists

            // This starts/restarts the [nforgeio/temporal-dev] container for the first test
            // run in this class.  Subsequent tests run from the class will use the existing
            // container instance, saving time by not having to wait for Temporal and Cassandra
            // to spin up and be ready for business.
            // The [keepOpen=true] parameter tells the fixture to let the container continue running
            // after all of the tests have completed.  This is useful for examining workflow histories
            // via the Temporal UX after the tests have completed.  You can view the Temporal portal at
            //      http://localhost:8088
            // You can pass [keepOpen=false] to have the fixture remove the container after the
            // test run if you wish.

            if (fixture.Start(settings, reconnect: true, keepRunning: true) == TestFixtureStatus.Started)
                this.fixture = fixture;
                this.client  = fixture.Client;

                // Create a worker and register the workflow and activity
                // implementations to let Temporal know we're open for business.

                var worker = client.NewWorkerAsync().Result;

                this.fixture = fixture;
                this.client  = fixture.Client;
Exemple #5
        public async Task Multiple_TaskQueues()
            await SyncContext.Clear;

            // Test the scenario where there multiple clients without
            // workers that will be used to simulate apps that make calls
            // on workflows and then create multiple clients that register
            // different workflows and activities and then verify that
            // each of the workerless clients are able to execute workflows
            // and activities and that these end up being executed on the
            // correct clients.

            var clients = new List <TemporalClient>();

                // Initialize the non-worker clients.

                TemporalClient client1;
                TemporalClient client2;
                TemporalClient client3;

                TemporalSettings settings1 = fixture.Settings.Clone();
                TemporalSettings settings2 = fixture.Settings.Clone();
                TemporalSettings settings3 = fixture.Settings.Clone();

                settings1.TaskQueue = "taskqueue-1";
                settings2.TaskQueue = "taskqueue-2";
                settings3.TaskQueue = "taskqueue-3";

                clients.Add(client1 = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(fixture.Settings));
                clients.Add(client2 = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(fixture.Settings));
                clients.Add(client3 = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(fixture.Settings));

                // Initialize the worker clients.

                clients.Add(workerClient1 = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(settings1));
                clients.Add(workerClient2 = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(settings2));
                clients.Add(workerClient3 = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(settings3));

                // Initialize and start the workers.

                var worker1 = await workerClient1.NewWorkerAsync();

                await worker1.RegisterActivityAsync <ActivityWorker1>();

                await worker1.RegisterWorkflowAsync <WorkflowWorker1>();

                await worker1.StartAsync();

                var worker2 = await workerClient2.NewWorkerAsync();

                await worker2.RegisterActivityAsync <ActivityWorker2>();

                await worker2.RegisterWorkflowAsync <WorkflowWorker2>();

                await worker2.StartAsync();

                var worker3 = await workerClient3.NewWorkerAsync();

                await worker3.RegisterActivityAsync <ActivityWorker3>();

                await worker3.RegisterWorkflowAsync <WorkflowWorker3>();

                await worker3.StartAsync();

                // Execute each of the worker workflows WITHOUT the associated activities
                // from each client (both the worker and non-worker clients).

                foreach (var client in clients)
                    var stub = client.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowWorker1>();

                    Assert.True(await stub.RunAsync(testActivity: false));

                foreach (var client in clients)
                    var stub = client.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowWorker2>();

                    Assert.True(await stub.RunAsync(testActivity: false));

                foreach (var client in clients)
                    var stub = client.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowWorker3>();

                    Assert.True(await stub.RunAsync(testActivity: false));

                // Re-run the workflows calling the activities this time.

                foreach (var client in clients)
                    var stub = client.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowWorker1>();

                    Assert.True(await stub.RunAsync(testActivity: true));

                foreach (var client in clients)
                    var stub = client.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowWorker2>();

                    Assert.True(await stub.RunAsync(testActivity: true));

                foreach (var client in clients)
                    var stub = client.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowWorker3>();

                    Assert.True(await stub.RunAsync(testActivity: true));
                foreach (var client in clients)

                workerClient1 = null;
                workerClient2 = null;
                workerClient3 = null;