public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.VW_ObjViewName", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("ForeignKeyBaseTable", "schema.ForeignKeyBaseTable", null, "{+}Foreign Key Base Table");
            spec.AddProperty("AliasFormat", "{0}${1}", null, "[*]Only apply when column name is duplicate - {0}: Table; {1}: ColumnName");

Exemple #2
        public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            // <ToDo> Specify all properties to be used in the template:
            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.ObjectView", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceView", "schema.SomeTableOrView", null, "{+}Source Table Or View");
//	...	...	spec.AddProperty("CustomPropertyName", "ExampleValue", null, "{+}Customization is necessary property description ... (Max 1024 Chars)");
//	...	...	spec.AddProperty("OptionPropertyName", "DefaultValue", null, "[*]Default can be acceptable property description ... (Max 1024 Chars)");
            // </ToDo>

Exemple #3
        public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.VW_ObjViewName", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceView", "schema.SomeTableOrView", null, "{+}Source Table Or View");
            spec.AddProperty("SelectColumns", "*", null, "[*] * or a comma-separated list of select columns - exclude the date column");
            spec.AddProperty("RangeStartDateColumn", "START_DATE", null, "{+}Time range Start Date column");
            spec.AddProperty("RangeEndDateColumn", "END_DATE", null, "{+}Time range End Date column");
            spec.AddProperty("EndDateNext", "0", null, "[*] 0: [START_DATE <= Time Range <= END_DATE]; 1: [START_DATE <= Time Range < END_DATE)");
            spec.AddProperty("EndDateNull", "NULL", null, "[*]EndDate IS NULL means CURRENT");
            spec.AddProperty("DailyView", "T4SQL.VW_ORDINAL_DATE", null, "[*]Time Series base daily source table or view");
            spec.AddProperty("DateColumn", "DATE_", null, "[*]The date column of daily source table or view");

        public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.VW_ObjViewName", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceView", "schema.SourceTableOrView", null, "{+}Source Table Or View");
            spec.AddProperty("KeyColumns", "COL1, COL2", null, "{+}The key column or a comma-separated list of key columns - exclude the date column of time point");
            spec.AddProperty("AttribColumns", "*", null, "[*] * or a comma-separated list of attribute columns");
            spec.AddProperty("DateColumn", "DATE_", null, "{+}Source date column of time point");
            spec.AddProperty("RangeStartDateColumn", "START_DATE", null, "{+}Time range Start Date column");
            spec.AddProperty("RangeEndDateColumn", "END_DATE", null, "{+}Time range End Date column");
            spec.AddProperty("EndDateNext", "0", null, "[*] 0: [START_DATE <= Time Range <= END_DATE]; 1: [START_DATE <= Time Range < END_DATE)");
            spec.AddProperty("DefaultEndDate", "2999-12-31", null, "[*]Ultimate END_DATE as the substitute of IS NULL");

        public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.VW_ObjViewName", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceView", "schema.SomeTableOrView", null, "{+}Source Table Or View");
            spec.AddProperty("KeyColumns", "COL1, COL2", null, "{+}The key column or a comma-separated list of key columns - exclude date-range columns");
            spec.AddProperty("RangeStartDateColumn", "START_DATE", null, "{+}Time range Start Date column");
            spec.AddProperty("RangeEndDateColumn", "END_DATE", null, "{+}Time range End Date column");
            spec.AddProperty("EndDateNext", "0", null, "[*] 0: [START_DATE <= Time Range <= END_DATE]; 1: [START_DATE <= Time Range < END_DATE)");
            spec.AddProperty("DefaultEndDate", "", null, "[*]Ultimate END_DATE as the substitute of IS NULL");
            spec.AddProperty("InscopeDaysColumn", "INSCOPE_DAYS", null, "[*]The total number of days between the first START_DATE and the last END_DATE");
            spec.AddProperty("CheckSumColumn", "CHECK_SUM", null, "[*]SUM total days of every Time Ranges");

Exemple #6
        public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.VW_ObjViewName", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceView", "schema.SomeTableOrView", null, "{+}Source Table Or View");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceFilter", "", null, "[*]Search conditions");
            spec.AddProperty("NonPivotedColumns", "COL1, COL2, COL3", null, "{+}Non-pivoted columns");
            spec.AddProperty("AggregateFunction", "MAX({0})", null, "[*]Aggregation function (pivot is an aggregate operation)");
            spec.AddProperty("ValueColumn", "AGG_VAL_COL", null, "{+}Column being aggregated - the value column of the PIVOT operator");
            spec.AddProperty("PivotColumn", "PIV_COL", null, "{+}Column that contains the values that will become column headers - the pivot column of the PIVOT operator (pivot_for_clause)");
            spec.AddProperty("ValueList", "[Val 1] AS VAL_COL1, [Val 2], Val3", null, "{+}List the values in the PivotColumn that will become the column names of the output table, the aggregations for each value in the pivot_in_clause will be transposed into a separate column");

        public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.ObjectView", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceTable", "schema.SomeTable", null, "{+}Source Table");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceFilter", "", null, "[*]Search conditions");
            spec.AddProperty("KeyColumns", "Col1, Col2", null, "{+}Specifies a column or a list of columns which is supposed to be a unique key. A composite key (includes two or more columns) must be delimited by commas.");
            spec.AddProperty("OrderBy", "Col7 DESC, Col8", null, "{+}The ORDER_BY clause determines the sequence in which the rows are assigned their unique ROW_NUMBER within a specified partition.");
            spec.AddProperty("RowNumberAlias", "ROW$NUMBER", null, "{+}Specifies an alias name for returning the ROW_NUMBER");
            spec.AddProperty("CountAlias", "CNT$DUP", null, "[*]Specifies an alias name for returning the COUNT(*) within each partition");
            spec.AddProperty("RowidAlias", "ROW$ID", null, "[*]Specifies an alias name for returning the Oracle special pseudo column ROWID (Applies to Oracle only)");

        public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.VW_ObjViewName", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceView", "schema.SomeTableOrView", null, "{+}Source Table Or View");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceFilter", "", null, "[*]Search conditions");
            spec.AddProperty("SimpleGroupByColumns", "", null, "[*]Simple group by items, e.g. COL1, COL2, COL3");
            spec.AddProperty("GroupingSetsColumns", "(COL5, COL6, COL7) AS 'AGG_A', (COL4, COL5) AS 'AGG_B', () AS 'AGG_TOTAL'", null, "{+}Grouping Set List");
            spec.AddProperty("GroupingNameColumn", "AGG_TYPE", null, "[*]Return a new column for identifying the level of grouping");
            spec.AddProperty("AggregateExprs", "SUM(COL8) AS SUM_COL8, COUNT(DISTINCT COL9) AS CNT_COL9", null, "{+}Aggregate Function Expressions");

Exemple #9
        public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.VW_ObjViewName", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceView", "schema.SomeTableOrView", null, "{+}Source Table Or View");
            spec.AddProperty("KeyColumns", "COL1, COL2", null, "{+}The key column or a comma-separated list of key columns - exclude the date column of time point");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceDateColumn", "DATE_", null, "{+}Source date column of time point");
            spec.AddProperty("AttribColumns", "*", null, "[*] * or a comma-separated list of attribute columns");
            spec.AddProperty("DailyView", "T4SQL.VW_ORDINAL_DATE", null, "[*]Time Series base daily source table or view");
            spec.AddProperty("DailyDateColumn", "DATE_", null, "[*]The date column of daily source table or view");

        public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.VW_ObjViewName", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceView", "schema.SomeTableOrView", null, "{+}Source Table Or View");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceFilter", "", null, "[*]Search conditions");
            spec.AddProperty("JunctionColumns", "COL1, COL2, COL3", null, "{+}Join on columns");
            spec.AddProperty("PivotColumn", "PIV_COL", null, "{+}Column that contains the values that will become column headers");
            spec.AddProperty("MeasureColumn", "VALUE_COL", null, "{+}the value column of the PIVOT operator");
            spec.AddProperty("ValueAliasList", "'Val 1' AS VAL_1, 'Val 2' AS VAL_2, 'Val 3' AS VAL_3", null, "{+}List the values that will become the column names of the output table, each value in the list will be transposed into a separate column");

Exemple #11
        public TemplateSpec GetPropertiesSpec()
            TemplateSpec spec = new TemplateSpec();

            spec.AddProperty("ObjectView", "schema.VW_ObjViewName", null, "{+}The full name of object view");
            spec.AddProperty("SourceView", "schema.SomeTableOrView", null, "{+}Source Table Or View");
            spec.AddProperty("NonPivotedColumns", "COL1, COL2, COL3", null, "{+}Non-pivoted columns");
            spec.AddProperty("ValueColumn", "MEASURE_COL", null, "{+}Specify a name for each output column to represent the unpivoted measure values");
            spec.AddProperty("PivotColumn", "TYPE_COL", null, "{+}Specify a name for each output column that will hold descriptor values (unpivot_for_clause)");
            spec.AddProperty("UnpivotColumns", "*", null, "[*]Specify the input data columns whose names will become values in the output columns - the list of pivoted columns (not values) to be unpivoted");
